The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

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The Strongest
Sep 3, 2015

The Reality Vortex - Beach City

A strange world where the impossible happens. Eons ago, a celestial object called daffodil star produced three seeds into the Abyss of Darkness. By absorbing the Dark Energy around them, they would grow into Cosmic Plants and create their respective worlds. However, a war broke out between them for sole domination.

In reaction, the daffodil star produced a fourth seed, Jinaira, into the Abyss of Darkness to discourage in-fighting. However, upon completion, Jinaira didn’t participate in the war and created his own world instead, leaving the fate of those worlds to their destruction from the war.

Jinaira was more interested in creating his ideal world than some squabbles between Cosmic Plants. Since his creation was supposed to disrupt in-fighting, he was not granted the ability to create life. Thus, Jinaira designed his world to do the impossible: bring all beings from other worlds into Reality Vortex.

Thus, the birth of Reality Vortex was born. It was a world supposedly where all beings erased from existence gathered. There is no sense of time, scientific laws nor physics, no logical reasoning; it’s all a jumbled mess. It is the last destination before permanent, true death. Once someone enters Reality Vortex, they cannot leave under any circumstances regardless of battle power or ability. To drive further home, Reality Vortex is enclosed by a powerful barrier that prevents anyone from leaving the world itself. It also protects the world from the endless sea of Dark Energy; otherwise known as the Abyss of Darkness and a creature that lurks within.

Jinaira’s world was barren of life—it is exceedingly rare for anyone to be erased from existence. He’d attempted many times to forcibly will beings into this world—no matter their origin but failed each time. One day, a mysterious man appeared: Doctor Victor von Doom. He was in shock that someone appeared in this world and observed him. After days of studying the Doctor and his futile attempts to escape, Jinaira introduced himself to him. However long their conversation, upon Jinaira coming in physical contact, it overloaded the Doctor with Dark Energy and seemingly destroyed him. Displeased that his once chance to figure out what causes people to appear here, Jinaira leaves and seeks shelter at his manor.

Doom survived the encounter, and the influence of the Dark Energy invaded his mind. Unknown to Jinaira for a brief period, Doom built a machine capable of bringing beings from other worlds into Reality Vortex. Accomplishing this goal drove Doom to seek something greater: merging all worlds into one, where his rule is law.

Although time does not exist in Vortex, eventually, the Breakers formed. They were aided by a strange entity known as the Voice, a spirit guide of Reality Vortex. They were promised that if they obtain a device known as the “tools”, the Voice will help them escape Reality Vortex and return to their home universes. However, these tools were currently in the possession of Doctor Doom and must defeat him to get it. After a cruel battle that erupted between the Breakers and Doctor Doom that left half of the group permanently erased, the Breakers gave the tools to the Voice as promised. In a twist of fate, after Voice gained his physical body, double-crossed the Breakers. He was only interested in regaining his body and reclaim his place in the world—revealing to be its Creator God. He cleaned up the mess from the final battle and established a New Reality Vortex (Reality Vortex v2). Afterwards, after giving them pity points of returning two people erased from existence, force the Breakers to “clean up” the act in the world as he himself take shelter to Vortex Moon.

Now the Breakers are left with a dilemma where they cannot return to their homes, and live in a world thrown into chaos.

Coming Soon...

Premise: After the defeat of the Red King, it did not feel like an actual victory. While they discovered plentiful things throughout their journey, the one thing that throws a wrench in their progression is communication and their relationship with one another. Once again, another falling out between the Breakers and Cuki, causing the latter to leave in distress. Vegetto’s toxic nature comes and goes, and Spina had rapidly changed throughout, for the worse. Now, the Saiyan leader dashed towards Beach City with the Breakers following behind to find the truths behind Vegetto’s lie. They will encounter new characters, an ongoing tournament and a new place they will call home. However, to achieve a new home, they will have to bet their lives on a single person.

General Discussion Hub
Previous Chapters: Doom Arc - New Roads Arc - Red Reputations Arc

Reality Vortex Rules
  • The Breakers are the main characters of this story.
  • You are only allowed up to 4 characters to play at once.
  • You can have characters shift from Main Role to Supporting Role.
  • You can have a character leave for a period.
  • Nearly all rules that originated from the character's original world do not apply in Reality Vortex.
  • Death is not possible in Reality Vortex. If a character’s body is completely destroyed, they will turn into Vortex Coins.
  • Only one character has the power to erased beings—and that belongs to the Voice. If the Voice erases you, this is a permanent death.
  • Be courteous to other players; do not metagame, make your characters have extensive knowledge, etc.
Rules are subject to change in the future
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“Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Stacey, and this is my partner, Chad!”

Chad’s hand appeared in front of the camera and giving the audience a thumbs up.

“And my loyal ride, Sky!”

Chad pointed the camera to Sky, causing his anxiety to shoot up.

“Uh, um, h-hi?” Sky was shaking like a leaf and barely gave a wave.

“And we’re here because we got breaking news! After following the Breakers… we got a glimpse of their recent ventures! You know those crazy little rock people that was messing up Reflection City and turned Allure City into a wasteland? Whelp, we capture footage of its leader!”

Several footages of the Red King using his psychic powers to hold the Breakers down throughout the battle.

“We couldn’t catch most of it. Chad says that whatever was happening in that battle was causing some of our footage to fail. Worry not because I, Stacey, will explain in graphic, very detail of what went on in that battle.

“Um, I don’t think the audience wants to hear that….” Sky tried to steer Stacey away from discussing it.

“You’re right…! Sorry, I just got so into it.” Stacey turns to the camera. “Red King was defeated, and all those rock people turned back into Coins! Crazy! And the whole place is some weird, funky area where everyone becomes monochrome upon entering.” Stacey laughed. “Thanks to the Breakers, we don’t have to worry about them, though!”

After clearing her throat Stacey smiled and nodded once. “You’ll see the full report soon; hope you enjoy reading what I saw! Infamous Reporters, out!”



“You have to admit, they have the biggest guts around.” Clark had an enormous bowl of cereal in front of him. He’d still looked fragile after releasing such a devastating attack against Air Dancer.

“The Breakers?” Vortex Man raised an eyebrow. He only had a cup of coffee and a couple slices of bread.

“No, no. Well, yeah them, but those reporters. I don’t know but they intrigued me. No matter the situation, they somehow managed to record these events without fail, and usually doing it completely unscathed.” Clark seems fascinated by the infamous reporters. “What’s their secret…”

“Just eat. That attack clearly drains your strength, but also your mind.” Vortex Man cringed a bit, but he did let out a light chuckle. “Focus on getting your strength back before something weird happens.”

“You’re such a worrywart, ha-ha!” Clark took several bites of his cereal. “Don’t stress. They said that the Breakers took care of that problem, so we’re safe.”

“It’s not those Rock folks that concern me…” Vortex Man stared at the television.

Clark didn’t waste no time seeing that Vortex Man was alluring towards. “You don’t need to worry about Breakers. Especially Vegetto.” He assured the Kryptonian. “They’re good people.”

Soon after, Spina burst through Clark’s beautiful beach house. It was a decent size, neat and held quite nice view of the ocean. Yet, upon Spina’s sudden survival turned Clark’s house into disarray of destruction. Both Clark and Vortex flung from their seats and landed on their bottom.

“H-huh?” Clark was visibly confused about what had just happened; his cereal spilled all over the floor. The Kryptonian looked up at the older Saiyan. Right away, Clark noticed that Spina clearly looked different. “Spina…?” He felt a dark presence luminating from this man, leading to a series of warning signals firing in his mind.

Spina stared down at Clark. “Alive and well after all.”

“H-huh? Yeah, I’m still… kicking?”
Through the debris and dust kicked up in the wake of Spina's entrance, another figure soon landed within the confines of the house with a thunderous impact. In contrast to Spina's firm and resolute approach, Vegetto appeared exhausted and littered with scratches from the intense battle; clearly out of breath while panting. His eyes looked over the scene briefly, taking in the moment, before the clear dread of what was happening showed in his expression.

He frantically glanced over his shoulder, as if attempting to sense how close the other Breakers would be if they followed the two, before turning to Clark in his panic.

"Clark! You have to get out of here now!"
"I think you'd best quiet down for now..."

Bernkastel appeared at the edge of the giant hole Spina's entrance left in the beach house. Although she was still a bit rattled by what had transpired not long before this, her expression had gone steely. The Witch peered down the hole but remained at a distance, as though preparing for a conflict. Her voice was frigid in speaking to Vegetto, assured even further by the sight of Clark and the other Super. "... You naïve little boy."

I thought it was strange for Spina to take off for this city-- is he looking to confirm the lie's details? Well, it's not exactly inconvenient for me if I can get the story from the one with better moral fiber (Clark)... Her eyes landed on Vortex Man, prompting a mild expression of surprise before giving him a nonchalant wave and floating on down. "Excuse the mess. I think we're just here to talk?"
"The vibe of this city is totally different than the last ones we've passed through!" Berserk marveled aloud as she flew past the skyline with the others. She held onto Cayde since she figured he couldn't fly. "Bit of a bummer that our group's shrunk, but I'm sure we'll see 'em again sooner or later. Agency's got their hands full with Nia now, so I won't have to worry about getting a bill for property damage at least for a little bit. I don't have that kinda money on me, heh!" The punk's small talk ended once they had gotten closer to the house, quirking a brow in confusion.

"Hey, Supes' alive after all! Isn't that-- Oh..." Her relief quickly was replaced with apprehension, realizing the contradiction. The Powerpunk lowered Cayde to the ground and stood by awkwardly in wait of the others.
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Bara on her turn remained silent, wondering when Brachi would be done with her training. It would obviously be a long grueling one if Jize was concerned. That or she had the same trick that the Elder Kai used on Gohan to unlock his potential, causing the Majin to shake her head at that mental image, something she didn't need right now.
Once Berserk lowered Cayde to the ground, the android shifted his feet and straightened out his belt buckle. He had remained silent throughout the entire flight; having been watching the ground throughout the others' conversations in deep thought instead of chiming into the discussions. Cayde first turned his eyes onto Clark, narrowing his metal eyebrows a bit in looking towards Spina. Sensing no current threatening aura from the older Saiyan, Cayde glanced around the room with a nonchalant tone; seemingly unsurprised and unfazed at the fact that Clark was actually alive.

"This is a nice place you got yourself, Clark. Very homey."

He turned to the busted wall.

"Even with this hole here, whoever designed this wall is a true artist. Can't even see the join."

Cayde glanced ever so briefly towards Vegetto after the comment, but turned around and faced towards the group once more.

"Listen buddy; we got ourselves a bit of a case to crack here. You know how I always like to mention that I made detective in one of my past six lives...but our mutual friend seemingly forgot. Said he killed both you and Gogeta in a climatic battle."

He gestured down to Clark with his left hand.

"Which doesn't really make sense with you being alive here. to tell us what happened?"
The wings of a paper avian fluttered before Avalon hopped into the hole in the wall, landing next to Berserk. His eyes glanced directly at Superman, not surprised that he was alive. A snicker came out of his nose as he already had a feeling that Vegetto would be lying. Despite his lie, he wondered why?

He lies, then gets mad because he gets caught. I don’t get it… Old people dementia, it’s a killer.

“Whelp, it’s nice to see Superman is alive and kickin’.” Avalon let out a sigh of relief.

His attention then turned to Spina, remembering the hard slap he caught from the Saiyan. The ninja was still upset about it, yet his stare turned to an angry glare. Regardless of what he could do, Avalon kept his mouth shut, knowing that Spina could do much worse to him if he wanted to.

“Anywho, don’t mind us, Superman, we’re just… checkin’ in! I think...”
“Vegetto?! You looked awful!” Naturally, Clark was about to get up and run over to Vegetto, but Vortex Man stopped him. “What’re doing?”

“Calm down.” Vortex Man eyed at the entrance as several more members of the Breakers appeared before them. What prompted him to keep Clark at bay was Bernkastel; just like the Witch, he was surprised to see her and waved back awkwardly from impulse. Regardless of the situation, the Kryptonian figured it would be best to lessen the tension before it explodes into a possible brawl. Especially with the uncertain feeling he held towards Spina.

Clark narrowed his eyes after Cayde explained their arrival, and why Vegetto was in such a panic. Grabbing the android’s hand, the Kryptonian stood on his feet as he gave a brief glance towards the Potara fusion. “He said… that?”

“Yes…” Detective Spawn arrived at the scene. Without hesitation, the hellspawn pressed his gun against the back of Vegetto’s head. “He claims that he took both of your lives during a dispute. Clearly, that claim has some issues seeing that you’re alive. Can’t say the same for Gogeta, since the Witch has his coin. So, there’s some half-truths, and I must arrest him.”

“Vortex, Clark, what’s going on?!” A feminine voice was heard as she came around the corner. Although she was sporting shorter hair, while one side of her head was shaved off, it was no other than Hart Kimber. “I heard a loud explosion! Are we under attack—” Hart paused seeing all the Breakers at Clark’s home. What caught her eye was Bernkastel and the state of Spina. “….” She quickly turned around and left.

“Ooookay.” Spawn turns to Clark. “Unless you can clear the air, I’m taking him with me. Bage, May and our new employee, Nia, is waiting for me back at home base.”

“Spawn?! Arrest…?” Clark turned to Vegetto. The Kryptonian gave some thought on why Vegetto would lie to the Breakers. At first, he was considering continuing the lie because perhaps the Potara fusion had his reasons for doing so. Yet, the moment the hellspawn said that he’ll arrest the man—which always mean that the person arrested will get coined. And Clark wasn’t going to allow Vegetto to take the fall for anything.

“You don’t need to do that.” Clark didn’t hesitate his words. “Whatever Vegetto say he did… I’m sure he had his reasons, but they’re not the truths.” Clark turned to the Breakers, leaving no ounce of shame on his face. “I killed Gogeta. I’m not proud of it, but that’s the truth of the matter. Vegetto had nothing to do with his death. At all.”
Berserk hummed in agreement with Avalon, absentmindedly petting the paper bird while waiting out the discussion. Every once in a while she would pause in her deep thought and glance over at the ninja, looking like she wanted to ask him something before hesitating. He probably won't like me thinking about Lucifer's offer seriously... but I think I'll have to take him up on it. Besides, I have a good reason to now, and I can turn it down anyway once I hear the guy out. Staring ahead once more, she pet the avian in silence.

Bernkastel met Clark's gaze unfazed as she expected the answer, though she took a pause to glance at Gogeta's Coin in her hand. "Indeed... why kill him, yet leave this one alive?" She asked Clark, eyeing Vegetto briefly. "All I want is the truth, no details spared so my curiosity doesn't eat away at me." The Witch spotted Hart approaching, merely staring at her until the woman retreated from the scene. "Gogeta's not exactly a model citizen, but he's still my friend."
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