“What are you talkin’ about? I’m not a leader.” Avalon pouted before looking at Spina briefly. “I just want what’s best for the group, that’s all. We should have everyone here and support one another, right?”
Avalon stared at Lucifer, his words confusing him. He did not feel like a leader and should not be looked at one.
It’s a lot of responsibility… I couldn’t save my brothers or my sister. If I can’t help them, what hopes do I have to help the Breakers…? The ninja shook his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts that loomed over his head. No, now's not the time. Don’t think about that, Avalon.
His attention came back to reality as soon as Lucifer mentioned using the scroll to find Zenta.
“Oh! That’s right, I nearly forgot.” Avalon dug in his pocket and yanked out his scroll before zipping it open. “I managed to train for a short while with Zenta back in Rogue City, no doubt he touched the scroll at least once.”
Luckily, Avalon was right and a drawing of Zenta began to form in the scroll. It was blurry, but distinguishable. Something odd was happening to Zenta’s picture, as well as the short description the scroll had of it. It would constantly contort and morph on the scroll, occasionally showing a different person altogether. The short description of the beast would also change, particularly his name. It would occasionally add letters, mostly at the end of his name. Avalon pulled his head back, confused after seeing his scroll act funny.
“Zen…ko?” Avalon squinted at his scroll. “Why’s it actin’ all weird? C’mon, we gotta find Zenta soon. Zen-TA, not Zenko.” The ninja scolded his scroll before it returned to normal, giving out the correct information about Zenta. “There we go. Now…”
Avalon performed a single hand sign with one hand, and a tuff of smoke poofed out from his hand. Once the smoke disappeared, a tiny paper sparrow appeared.
“Think you can lead us to Zenta, lil’ guy?” Avalon asked the Sparrow. The sparrow chirped twice before flying off towards a cliff overseeing the ocean. “Looks like it picked up on Zenta. C’mon guys, let’s hurry.”
The wings of his main bird stretched and flapped as it followed the tiny bird.
As Zenta sat quietly at the edge of the cliff, his ears flicked at the fluttering of tiny wings heading his direction. There was a long moment of silence before he let out an annoyed sigh, shifting up onto his feet. As the waves crashed on the cliffside, a light, and gentle spray of water lifted and sparkled in the sun. Zenta kept his back turned, even as the Sparrow arrived. It perched on the beast’s shoulder, chirping a little song. Zenta kept his gaze towards the horizon, not batting his attention even as Avalon closed the gap between them.
Avalon landed on the ground behind Zenta, watching the Beast in a trance-like state watching the horizon. He did not know what to say, knowing that Zenta is most likely feeling down.
“Uhh, hey Zenta. You okay?” Avalon said sheepishly. He did not want to get too close to Zenta, not knowing what kind of reaction he might have.
Zenta said nothing to the ninja.
“Uhm, well, we should regroup with the others. Clark said he was going to show us around Beach City. Doesn’t that sound cool? We finally get to relax!”
Again, Zenta remained silent.
“C’mon Zenta, don’t you think we should pat ourselves on the back for beatin’ the Red King? We were great!”
“I would rather stay here,” Zenta finally spoke. “My presence will change nothing if I were to tag along.”
Avalon stared at Lucifer, his words confusing him. He did not feel like a leader and should not be looked at one.
It’s a lot of responsibility… I couldn’t save my brothers or my sister. If I can’t help them, what hopes do I have to help the Breakers…? The ninja shook his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts that loomed over his head. No, now's not the time. Don’t think about that, Avalon.
His attention came back to reality as soon as Lucifer mentioned using the scroll to find Zenta.
“Oh! That’s right, I nearly forgot.” Avalon dug in his pocket and yanked out his scroll before zipping it open. “I managed to train for a short while with Zenta back in Rogue City, no doubt he touched the scroll at least once.”
Luckily, Avalon was right and a drawing of Zenta began to form in the scroll. It was blurry, but distinguishable. Something odd was happening to Zenta’s picture, as well as the short description the scroll had of it. It would constantly contort and morph on the scroll, occasionally showing a different person altogether. The short description of the beast would also change, particularly his name. It would occasionally add letters, mostly at the end of his name. Avalon pulled his head back, confused after seeing his scroll act funny.
“Zen…ko?” Avalon squinted at his scroll. “Why’s it actin’ all weird? C’mon, we gotta find Zenta soon. Zen-TA, not Zenko.” The ninja scolded his scroll before it returned to normal, giving out the correct information about Zenta. “There we go. Now…”
Avalon performed a single hand sign with one hand, and a tuff of smoke poofed out from his hand. Once the smoke disappeared, a tiny paper sparrow appeared.
“Think you can lead us to Zenta, lil’ guy?” Avalon asked the Sparrow. The sparrow chirped twice before flying off towards a cliff overseeing the ocean. “Looks like it picked up on Zenta. C’mon guys, let’s hurry.”
The wings of his main bird stretched and flapped as it followed the tiny bird.
As Zenta sat quietly at the edge of the cliff, his ears flicked at the fluttering of tiny wings heading his direction. There was a long moment of silence before he let out an annoyed sigh, shifting up onto his feet. As the waves crashed on the cliffside, a light, and gentle spray of water lifted and sparkled in the sun. Zenta kept his back turned, even as the Sparrow arrived. It perched on the beast’s shoulder, chirping a little song. Zenta kept his gaze towards the horizon, not batting his attention even as Avalon closed the gap between them.
Avalon landed on the ground behind Zenta, watching the Beast in a trance-like state watching the horizon. He did not know what to say, knowing that Zenta is most likely feeling down.
“Uhh, hey Zenta. You okay?” Avalon said sheepishly. He did not want to get too close to Zenta, not knowing what kind of reaction he might have.
Zenta said nothing to the ninja.
“Uhm, well, we should regroup with the others. Clark said he was going to show us around Beach City. Doesn’t that sound cool? We finally get to relax!”
Again, Zenta remained silent.
“C’mon Zenta, don’t you think we should pat ourselves on the back for beatin’ the Red King? We were great!”
“I would rather stay here,” Zenta finally spoke. “My presence will change nothing if I were to tag along.”