The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

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“What are you talkin’ about? I’m not a leader.” Avalon pouted before looking at Spina briefly. “I just want what’s best for the group, that’s all. We should have everyone here and support one another, right?”

Avalon stared at Lucifer, his words confusing him. He did not feel like a leader and should not be looked at one.

It’s a lot of responsibility… I couldn’t save my brothers or my sister. If I can’t help them, what hopes do I have to help the Breakers…? The ninja shook his head, trying to get rid of those thoughts that loomed over his head. No, now's not the time. Don’t think about that, Avalon.

His attention came back to reality as soon as Lucifer mentioned using the scroll to find Zenta.

“Oh! That’s right, I nearly forgot.” Avalon dug in his pocket and yanked out his scroll before zipping it open. “I managed to train for a short while with Zenta back in Rogue City, no doubt he touched the scroll at least once.”

Luckily, Avalon was right and a drawing of Zenta began to form in the scroll. It was blurry, but distinguishable. Something odd was happening to Zenta’s picture, as well as the short description the scroll had of it. It would constantly contort and morph on the scroll, occasionally showing a different person altogether. The short description of the beast would also change, particularly his name. It would occasionally add letters, mostly at the end of his name. Avalon pulled his head back, confused after seeing his scroll act funny.

“Zen…ko?” Avalon squinted at his scroll. “Why’s it actin’ all weird? C’mon, we gotta find Zenta soon. Zen-TA, not Zenko.” The ninja scolded his scroll before it returned to normal, giving out the correct information about Zenta. “There we go. Now…”

Avalon performed a single hand sign with one hand, and a tuff of smoke poofed out from his hand. Once the smoke disappeared, a tiny paper sparrow appeared.

“Think you can lead us to Zenta, lil’ guy?” Avalon asked the Sparrow. The sparrow chirped twice before flying off towards a cliff overseeing the ocean. “Looks like it picked up on Zenta. C’mon guys, let’s hurry.”

The wings of his main bird stretched and flapped as it followed the tiny bird.

As Zenta sat quietly at the edge of the cliff, his ears flicked at the fluttering of tiny wings heading his direction. There was a long moment of silence before he let out an annoyed sigh, shifting up onto his feet. As the waves crashed on the cliffside, a light, and gentle spray of water lifted and sparkled in the sun. Zenta kept his back turned, even as the Sparrow arrived. It perched on the beast’s shoulder, chirping a little song. Zenta kept his gaze towards the horizon, not batting his attention even as Avalon closed the gap between them.

Avalon landed on the ground behind Zenta, watching the Beast in a trance-like state watching the horizon. He did not know what to say, knowing that Zenta is most likely feeling down.

“Uhh, hey Zenta. You okay?” Avalon said sheepishly. He did not want to get too close to Zenta, not knowing what kind of reaction he might have.

Zenta said nothing to the ninja.

“Uhm, well, we should regroup with the others. Clark said he was going to show us around Beach City. Doesn’t that sound cool? We finally get to relax!”

Again, Zenta remained silent.

“C’mon Zenta, don’t you think we should pat ourselves on the back for beatin’ the Red King? We were great!”

“I would rather stay here,” Zenta finally spoke. “My presence will change nothing if I were to tag along.”
"...Let's just say I was expecting way bigger trouble," Berserk rubbed her neck. After Avalon took his leave, she leaned in close to Lucifer so her voice was low and secretive. "Say, I've been thinkin' about that Magatama-thingy- Is it still on the table? I wanna know a little more about it while we're able to talk alone."

"Sorry for the delay, I was having a bit of a deliberation with the supers," Bernkastel called out from the exit of Clark's house. "However long this peace remains, I thought it'd be wise to let Clark take us around the city," she told Spina from the bottom of the cliff he stood on. "A nice change of pace, wouldn't you agree? Maybe you didn't have it in mind but I think this will benefit the whole group while their minds clear up-- besides, it would be a shame if something interesting came along while you're off elsewhere."

"... I just want to see everyone smile and be merry for a bit. That's all," the Witch added before she took off close behind Avalon.


"Come now, what would staying here do? Become a perch for the gulls?" Bernkastel replied as she walked up behind the two on the ocean perch. Unlike Zenta, she sat on the rock with her back turned to the sea so she had a clear sight of his face. She studied him closely before breaking the resistant silence once more.

"... Being silent also changes nothing. If you don't say what's on your mind, I'll start splashing seawater on you and rub sand into your fur," Bern joked bluntly. "Even if I magically guess, I can do nothing if you don't speak."
“Yeah, Bernkastel’s right.” Avalon added. “Ain’t no shame in lettin’ us know what’s buggin’ you.”

“Nothing in particular is bothering me.” Zenta said. “I just wish to be alone.”

As Bernkastel stood before him, the beast’s face didn’t change and was very hard to decipher as he spoke to Avalon. He did not have a mean tone towards Avalon, but it was a little unsettling. Only until she joked about getting his fur dirty did he chuckle softly. The tone was still gloomy despite his laugh.

“I rather my fur be spared from your wrath, Lady Bernkastel.” Zenta smiled before he paused to let out a long, defeated sigh. “But I suppose I cannot hide anything from you…”

The beast sat back down, letting his head drop and his shoulders slump. Finally, his emotions were more visible and his actions clearer. His ears lowered to be flat on his head, and his body language showed his grief.

“I wonder, if I made the right choice…” Zenta said to no one in particular.

“With Cuki?” Avalon questioned. “Don’t beat yourself up, Zenta! Cuki’s super tough, I bet she can handle anythin’ after the whole Red King incident!”

“It is not her strength I worry about, but what she is not telling me…” Zenta’s face contorted, showing a hint of worry. “I feel as if I lost Cuki to an invisible current, and as she cried out for help, I simply stood there…” Finally, Zenta’s frown formed. A deep frown. “She is all I had left yet, I continue to lose the ones I care for, so perhaps it is best I stay here…”

Avalon frowned before glancing at Bernkastel.

“That’s not true, what about Bernkastel? You told her that she’s precious to you. Doesn’t that count for somethin’?”

There was a pause before Zenta spoke up, his voice defeated.

“I am simply a servant to her will. Whether she chooses to see value in someone like me is a decision only she can make.”
Outside of Clark’s Home

After Avalon’s departure, Lucifer wondered about his next move. There were several avenues that the angel could partake in. Avalon has consistently been adamant on pushing himself into the frontrunner of the group. Zenta had disappeared; undoubtedly feeling despair behind his choices. Bernkastel has demonstrated an explosive growth in both power and personality recently; even Vegetto’s toxicity no longer holds significant influence over her.

“Quite a delicacy,” Lucifer was quite excited to see how the end of these roads would unfold. Before he could decide, his attention shifted to Berserk when she approached him. “Ah,” the angel smiles with glee. “It’s always on the table.”

He wonders why Berserk whispered to him; her tone felt cautious compared to her usual self. It didn’t take long that Berserk to be concerned about what others would think of her. “Worry not, Berserk. Your concerns are unmerited; nothing should stop you from seeking new avenues of strength.” Lucifer placed his hand on Berserk’s shoulder. “You don’t owe them anything, especially Avalon. You’re here for the sole purpose of defeating Ultraman, right?” The angel’s eyes trails away from her to the arrival of Bernkastel, Clark and Vortex Man. “He’d managed to defeat Bernkastel and Gogeta at their peak. You’re strong, but you hit your limit. I can ensure that your limits will crumble as you ascend, and you will accomplish that goal.”

Lucifer jumped off the rock and stood up straight after some light stretches. “If you’re serious, then I’ll happily obliged about its process. Once everyone is here and these Supers give a tour guide of this city, we shall take a little walk together on our own.”


Spina didn’t respond to Bernkastel. Instead, he turned his head slightly and stared her down with wild eyes. After Bernkastel left with Avalon to seek out Zenta, Vortex Man approached the old Saiyan after seeing him refusing to follow her and the others.

“You’re not going? That Witch seems… concern about you. I don’t know who this Zenta is, but based on what I heard, he seems to be in a dark place.” Vortex Man was a bit weirded out from Bernkastel’s explanation on wanting people to smile. “You should help out your friend—"

“If Zenta cannot pull himself together, then he can disappear.” Spina’s tone was harsh and straight to the point. “He, like that bastard Vegetto and Gogeta, is just another person infatuated with Bernkastel. I’m sure he’ll recover the moment she says something to him like a pathetic dog.” The old Saiyan jumped from the boulder, landing in front of Vortex Man.

Vortex Man didn’t move when Spina stood in front of him. The Kryptonian stared into the old Saiyan’s eyes. The same eyes filled with determination that Hart once had. “And what makes you stand out?”

Spina tilted his head slightly, accompanied by a frown. “I see her as her. An equal. A rival. A mountain to climb. Mutual respect. Nothing more. Nothing less.” After a slight pause, the old Saiyan spoke once more. “Ultraman, right? You defeated Bernkastel at her peak. That makes you a worthy opponent. I wonder how I fare against you.”

Vortex Man remind silent. He didn’t put his defenses up since he didn’t feel any malicious intent from the Saiyan. However, his body was sending alerts to disengage from the conversation.

“Something to look forward to the future, then.” Spina turned away and jumped back on the boulder and sat down. “Once everyone’s here, then we go.”

Vortex Man took a long breath. “This is going to be a long tour…” His body was still shaken up due to feeling a dark presence. He couldn’t explain it, aside from feeling it before from Hart in the past. The Kryptonian, after wiping the sweat off his forehead, turned to the others, seeing Lucifer, Berserk and Bara.

“Is this everyone? Clark went off to see if he could help Bernkastel and that other guy find your friend. They’ll be back soon.”

Zenta’s Location

Clark arrived at the scene, seeing Avalon, Bernkastel and Zenta talking to each other. He didn’t know anything of them that well, apart from Zenta. Even then, it was based on what little interaction they had back they were working for Doctor Doom.

“Don’t mean to eavesdrop, but…” The Kryptonian stared at Zenta with sympathetic eyes. He indicated that he heard everything due to his super hearing. “I’m sure your student is in the dark place but have faith in her. She’ll crawl out whatever darkness she’s thrown in.”
Throughout the exchange, Vegetto stood silent and apprehensive. His narrowed eyes bore into Bernkastel as she spoke, the entire offer of peace ineffective at deterring his suspicion. Irrational in behavior, but something still urged him to stand still and avoid interjecting during the conversation. Only when addressed did Vegetto turn his head back to Clark, listening intently to the Kryptonian. As Clark spoke, Vegetto slowly relaxed; his intentions laid out bringing about some calm since Clark laid out his understanding of the motive. Vegetto looked on with a solemn stare for a moment; Clark's admission of feeling stronger for taking responsibility of the situation slowly bringing about a relevant issue within his own mind.

Sighing lightly, Vegetto soon shook his head, and kept a small frown when he spoke.

"Alright...but if anyone tries to hurt you for it, I won't sit back. I can't lose any more friends."

Vegetto paused, glancing to the side slightly.

"And well...I guess I owe him one too."

"Lord knows you already owe me several."

Cayde's pointed and half sarcastic, half annoyed tone cut through the air as he stepped past the two in his way towards the exit.

"C'mon, let's get a move on fellas. No better time for community service like the present, I always say."

Following after Vortex Man and Clark, Cayde kept his attention forward while Vegetto paused for a moment, glancing back into the hut before walking after the group.

Joining up with the group standing outside, Cayde watched on as Avalon and Bernkastel took off to find Zenta. Yet as they flew off, he perked his head slightly at the small discussion he heard from Lucifer and Berserk, turning his head towards the two. He frowned immediately at the angel's confirmation of an offer to instruct Berserk, and briefly glanced over his shoulder as Vegetto emerged from the hut. Cayde quickly glanced between Vegetto and the two as they spoke about the potential training; realizing the potential danger of Vegetto snapping at the prospect of a Breaker following down Demi-Fiend's path.

Cayde quickly walked past the group and kept his back towards the team, his voice low but fake jovial in his delivery.

"Planning a walk for some good food, eh?"

Cayde kept his voice loud enough for Vegetto to subtlety hear, intentionally standing in between the line of sight between Lucifer and Vegetto with his large glowing eyes staring Lucifer down.

"You know, I'm sure we can find a ramen stand around here; a good one that's privately owned. No preservatives, just good ole fashioned strained, quality noodles!"

Cayde's eyes immediately dropped into a half deadpanned stare as soon as he felt Vegetto's attention turn away from the three; his mechanical voice lower in addressing Berserk and Lucifer.

"Look, I'm not trying to tell you guys what to do...but can you at least be a little quieter about it?"

Cayde turned his eyes to Lucifer slowly, narrowing them.

"Last I heard, the Breakers weren't too found of your old student. Maybe the news of you having another one won't go so well with them...let alone the hothead over there."
Zenta barely reacted upon hearing Clark’s voice. Although much of the people around him sympathized with him, it did little to change his approach to how he saw Cuki. They did not know Cuki like he did, and even the slightest change in her tone, Zenta can easily pick up.

“Clark’s right. It seems rough now, but Cuki will push through. After all, she’s your student, so I’m super confident that Cuki will be fine!” Avalon said proudly. “Besides, she’s also got Byakko to help her out!”

Zenta’s mind trailed to what Cuki said back during the fight, drowning out the warm advances of the others.

I hear voices… I hear the voices of those who have died… Chaos and mayhem unfold all around me… I can’t control it. … People die…all around me...

“Why…?” Zenta said softly, his hand balling into a fist. “Why is it her…? Why is Cuki the one to go through all of this?!”

Even tho’ I can’t remember anything from our universe, I’m happy where I am! The Breakers will warm up in due time, I’m sure of it, so don’t be too hard on them, Master. One day, we’ll start a whole new family here, in Vortex. A family where we got all sorts of unique fighters and personalities. Some of us will clash, but that strengthens those bonds, huh? We’ll go on adventures and get into crazy scenarios. Haha! Doesn’t that sound wonderful, Master?

“Her smile is gone… her laugh is dead. I… I hardly recognized my own student.” Zenta’s voice grieved. “All she wanted was someone by her side… and I let her down…”
"The old god seems about as helpless to the situation as Cuki. With the way she looked I doubt he's been able to do much." Bernkastel admonished Avalon and Clark's optimism. The Witch glanced back at Zenta, studying him closely as she considered his remarks on the matter. "It isn't your fault. There's a lot we don't know about this thing happening to her; especially if you can't fight what you can't see." She was silent for a few moments. "Don't be so hard on yourself Zenta, you couldn't have known. Not everyone is lucky to have a Master like you." Bernkastel's eyes looked sullen for a moment before she straightened up, placing her hand over Zenta's. "Cuki seemed afraid to put anyone in harm's way of whatever's chasing her. You could always leave and look for her, but I don't think she could forgive herself if it got to you... I can spare her from that pain by keeping you and the others safe. We might be able to find some clues together. But in the end, it's your choice. I just don't want anyone else to die if I can help it."

Clark's House

"Well yeah, I did say I had my sights on Ultraman," Berserk replied, "I like fighting grown-ups but the Fun Factor is a big part of what I do, and--" she paused mid-sentence with a small startle hearing Cayde approach them. "Oh, haha, y'caught us red-handed!"

Her voice went back to its quieter volume. "It's not that I owe them an explanation or something! I'd just rather not get talked out of it. Think of it like this, Cayde-- oh hey surprise, I got a cool upgrade, tada-" Berserk whispered with a pair of jazz hands. "It can't go wrong that bad. I mean, the Breakers seem pretty okay with me. Besides..." she fidgeted with one of the ribbons in her hair, glancing between the angel and the android. "I have my reasons. Even though I'm a superhuman I'm an average schmuck compared to them and the Red King proved how outclassed I am. I've always been the brains-- I wanna get strong enough that the fights are hard but still fun. The last thing I want to be is dead weight OR a scaredy cat." The Powerpunk grossed her arms with a scowl. "Anyone with half a brain ought to get that; if they can't, they can go suck eggs."
As Bernkastel spoke to him, it did little to cheer him up. Although the others meant well, his tie to Cuki was too strong. Upon mentioning leaving to find Cuki, Zenta’s ears perked up, as if catching his interest. For a moment, he was silent, even after Bernkastel finished. His head turned to the ocean as his hand rose to gently remove the visor to trace a crack with his fingers. Bernkastel could see the pain and sorrow in those empty eyes of his. His eye sockets seemed endless, much to the mystery of the beast. The beast was worried, and it showed. Eventually, he cleaned the visor, rising to his feet as he did so. As Avalon caught a glimpse of the beast without his visor, he took a step back.

“Holy--!” He quickly clapped a hand over his mouth, stopping himself from saying more.

“It is alright, Avalon…” Zenta said, carefully cleaning his empty sockets. “It shocks people from time to time.” The beast then took a few steps forward, thinking about what Bernkastel said.

“Maybe leaving the Breakers to find Cuki is a good idea… I can finally own up to my faults. Perhaps… Cuki will forgive me if I accompany her…” Zenta had a brief smile. “I find myself asking why I was brought back from our fight with Doom… Ever since, I have had no purpose. It was a waste.” The beast chuckled slightly. “Perhaps I should search for Cuki... I am sorry to have burden you with this… confrontation.”

Zenta began to walk away in his usual grace, turning his back to the group. As he walked, his stride got slower and slower until he came to a stop. The wind blew against his tails, swaying them majestically. His face contorted to show the emotion of sorrow.

Treasure every moment, Master…

A long sigh was heard as Zenta gripped the visor tightly before softening his grasp. He placed his visor back on his face, securing it in place before turning back to the trio.

“Yet… I still believe I can find a purpose here, with the Breakers…” Zenta smiled, but it was shallow. “So I will remain here…with you.”

For once, Bernkastel, Avalon, and Clark got an understanding of how Zenta feels, shedding a small ray of light on the mysterious beast. A tiny window to see deep into the confines of his complex mind…

A lonesome beast with no purpose and hatred for himself.

“Forgive me for this… distraction I caused. We should head back…” Zenta sighed.

“Zenta…” Avalon frowned. He did not want to push it any further. He knew that Zenta was depressed, but he had no idea this is how Zenta feels. “Hey, Bernkastel said she’ll protect you, right? She cares about you, so don’t feel like you have no purpose. Hell, I’ll protect you too! That’s what friends are for, right?”

“…” Zenta lowered his head. “…Right.”

“Alright! We should take Zenta somewhere to lift his spirits! Do you know of a place, Clark?”
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