The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

Vegetto continued to pant lightly, his silver eyes following the developments of the field closely. His eyes lifted, watching on as Malugia addressed him specifically. His somber stare winced ever so slightly; a small pang at the cutting words spoken. Yet despite the goading, Vegetto stood silent, a deep breath being taken through his nostrils and expelled through his mouth shortly after.

The flying daggers converged within milliseconds towards the Potara fusion, and in response, Vegetto's silver fire flourished dramatically in every direction. His white gloved hands shot forward, an exaggerated and incredible output of force surging forth as his fists directly punched the flying daggers one by one head on. His immense energy covered his fists, surging forth at each impact to protect and prevent the poison from reaching his body. Yet as Vegetto roared with each strike, the moves itself resonated true with the same pattern as before: wasteful and unneccessary.

Vegetto lowered his arms once the daggers had all been parried and repelled, and his silver eyes left Malugia shortly after. He stared on and watched Berserk and Lillith took on a duel disk, his narrowed eyes furrowing a bit more.'s better than landing in her deck then whoever Coella is...

He clenched his fists slightly, his labored breathing growing more strained and taxing.

Not much longer now...I'm almost out of power...

Like Lucifer directly ignoring Malugia, so too did Vegetto pay the immense powerhouse of dark energy no mind; waiting intently for Berserk to summon her first fighter.
Victor says, "Normally I would just sick the mettle eaters and spell eaters to resolve what happing but in this case, I will just let the demon have his way. " Pointing out the group of creatures that would be able to rune Kaiba's plan. Victor says, "O and those little traps would only effect the scarecrows. I think it may be best to play along Kaiba." Victor thinks "If these kids have the kind of luck, it's best to play along with the demons plan. That and it seems entertain."
“Oh, you flattered me, Zenta. Just know that I won’t settle anything less than a 3-star Michelin restaurant.” Lucifer pondered for a moment when Coella asked about the stakes for this all-out brawl. He knew that it had to be something worth fighting for—even if they’re forced to go all out from the get-go, their emotional attachment might not be there.

“If Kaiba’s victory means we all become simple cards to feed his capitalist machine, that can motivate some people to avoid losing. But that’s terribly boring.” The angel once again smiled like a sinister beast as an idea popped into his head. “I got it!”

Spreading both arms and wings wide, the angel was extremely excited to announced of reward for the winner. “The last person standing, for both the fighter and player, will be granted a wish!”

Lilith shook when Lucifer announced his intention to grant the winner a wish. She’d clenched her fists tightly as the humanoid beasts equip both Lilith and Berserk a duel-disk. She’s usually stoic and offered very little emotion, but when the prize was a wish, excitement on her face was painfully obvious.

Daiman raised his hand. “You can grant wishes…?”

“Yes, I am an angel after all. Wishes does takes tremendous amount of energy to perform so I’d rarely offered it, and I’d rather not subject myself to Lilith’s Storytime at night again. However, I can only grant it within reason, so anything involving the mechanism of this world in its entirety is something I cannot overturn or manipulate. Anything else your heart desires is fair game though. Riches, secrets, cities, unlocking your limit breaker, or like…” He turns to Zenta. “An ultimate battle… or…” He turns to Vegetto. “Sudden death to someone they dislike. Stuff like that.”

“Wait a second, wouldn’t my interest be in danger if I were to win. If they get a wish, they could easily just dispose of me.” Kaiba asked.

“Then I guess you better start sucking up, my dear boy.” Lucifer chuckled. “Compromise, or your chance of defeating this witch goes out the window.”

“Tch…” Kaiba grunted under his breath. “This is fine. This is fine. I can turn this around…” He stares at the Witch. “Curse her luck… fate must’ve had it that she’d be saved at the last second.”

“I think that’s a reasonable prize for everyone to chase, hmm?” Lucifer asked everyone.
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Kirito is lost in thought for a while before he finally asks:

"An all out brawl? I like the sound of that, but how would this work. Do we need to become cards, or can I just attack him head on. As to my wish if I were to win, I'd just ask for Asuna back"

Kirito goes back into a thinking state waiting for a response.
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“An ultimate battle, hm? Interesting… Interesting indeed.”

Zenta chuckled to himself, the idea of having an ultimate battle fascinated him to no end, however, there were several things brewing in his head. While Lucifer claims to be able to grant almost any wish, he wanted to know the limitations. If an ultimate battle was within his limits, then perhaps Lucifer is capable of more than he claimed. Zenta had a very devious smirk form on his lips, but he quickly covered it with a cough.

“Any wish. I see… While I can guess that your limitations are few, I do ask for… clarification.” Zenta then took a step towards Lucifer. “Can you acquire certain stolen objects? Moreover, stolen by Gods? I know how much you detest upper authority, so if you have the power to take back something that was stolen, perhaps I will indulge you with my wish, Lucifer Morningstar… Although, an ultimate battle does sound… tempting.”

Zenta had a small shadow cast over his face, no doubt planning something devious; at least that is what it looked like. His tails flicked behind him with excitement as he never took his attention off Lucifer.

And once again, I can smell the potential, the mysterious power leaking from him… Such a powerful enigma! One that harbors as many secrets as me… You always manage to find a way to excite me, Lucifer Morningstar…!

Avalon tilted his head at Lucifer’s words before pausing for a moment.

“Hey, that’s not a bad idea! If Lucifer can grant almost any wish, we can use that to our advantage.”

Maybe he can help me find my little sister…

Avalon then stopped himself in mid thought before turning to Kaiba and realizing how bad it would be if he won. He quickly shook his head.

“Wait, no! I take that back! That’s a horrible idea! If Kaiba wins, we’re all doomed, Lucifer!” Avalon sighed, knowing fully well that Lucifer would not pick sides or change his mind. The duel would be one to the death, and, ultimately, to stop Kaiba.

Ugh, leave it to Lucifer to create another big friggin’ mess. Then again, that means we can all gang up on Kaiba. If people like Lucifer and Zenta become playable cards, then Kaiba might not stand a chance… Avalon turned to Kaiba, eyeing his duel disk. But he’s still got powerful cards like Bernkastel, Spina, and Superman… Lucifer and Zenta are tough, but I don’t think they’ll be able to handle all three of them at once…right?

The ninja turned to the new people in the area, like Coella, Mooli, Kirito, and Daiman. He had never seen them before.

And then we got these new folk. We don’t know their powers, abilities, or intentions. This truly is a free-for-all with a huge risk… Ugh, what a complicated problem. For now, we should focus on stopping Kaiba. Maybe if I can focus this golden chain on Kaiba’s deck, then he’ll be wide open!
Victor remarks on the fact Lucifer is offering a wish "It's a rare day indeed that a demon is offering a wish that does not involve a direct payment of a soul."

Victor says "I think that more reason for me to let what Lucifer is planning happen. Besides that, some old summoner basically resolving everything for you lot sounds kind boring as well not going to help your lot's development."
"It's Berserk-- I ain't a brick," Berserk corrected Coella with a grimaced pout before smirking over at Lilith. "Lookie here... you're actually fired up for once. I like it! Count me in then, I could use a free wish myself. Don't worry Bowlcut Guy, I wouldn't waste a perfectly good wish on you... hm, well... ah, don't worry your pretty head over it. You better worry more about making the game fun now that Lucifer's barred you from playing tricks," she threatened Kaiba playfully.

Mooli didn't say anything in response to Lucifer, simply blinking at him as he hushed her from replying. Despite the others expressing their dismay with him she couldn't help but laugh. "The rumors make all the Breakers seem super scary, but they're more fun to be around than I thought! The wishin' seals the deal for me, so add me to the card pile. Hopefully y' get good use outta me."

Berserk pointed at Kirito excitedly. "You said you're looking for someone right? If you want to see if she was here in the arena when it all went down, why don't you join in and be a card too? You look like you know how to fight well enough to have some good effects on you."
“Yes…” Lilith’s body trembled in anticipation for this battle. “I’ll make sure I obtained this victory.”

All in the while, Lucifer was pleased that most people would be on board with changing the nature of the game. “Who knows?” He humored Zenta and avoided answering his question. “You’ll just have to be the last man standing to find out, Zenta.”

“Now, I think that about covers it.” Lucifer pointed at Seto Kaiba. “I think we’re good to go.”

A sudden tremor erupted around them with Malugia’s evil aura drowning the terrain field. “Do not ignore me! Especially you Lucifer! You dare to come here and dictate—”

“Lilith. Shuffled everyone’s deck.” Lucifer asked.

Lilith claps her hands and suddenly every single card from Kaiba and Coella’s duel-disk flung into the air. Everyone on the field, including Avalon, Vegetto and Malugia instantly reverted to their card forms and joined in the shuffling.

“There. That way everyone should have an equal number of players to throw in.” Lucifer smirks. “Make things far fairer, hmm?”

Kaiba remained silent, despite the visible frustration on his face.

“Glad you agreed. Now turn us into cards so we may start this all-out brawl session!”

“Tch…” Kaiba pulled out his capture card. “Capture!”

“I hope you give it everything you got when you’re on the battlefield.” Lucifer eyed Mooli. “I am especially keeping my hopes up for you. Do not go and disappoint me now.”

A flash of light erupted from the card and absorbed everyone—leaving only the players: Kaiba, Coella, Lilith and Berserk. The capture card then released them as cards, before joining the rest in the pile in the air.

“That angel bastard…” Kaiba muttered underneath his breath. “Just who he thinks he is? And that red-hair cheery brat?! Threatening me of all things…”

“Shuffling is done.” Lilith claps once more, and an equal distribution of cards went to each player. “Master had alerted everyone of the stakes of this game and added a few more things.”

“More?!” Kaiba’s eyes widened.

“Yes…. He feels that this terrain field is a bit tacky. I am changing it to be more battle-like.” With a flick of her hand, she transformed it into a giant spinning top-shaped arena. It floats towards the air, while maintaining the purple mist that covered everything. Suddenly four pillars formed underneath each other, raising them to heights above the floating arena.

“What the…” Kaiba looks down and sees nothing but darkness underneath.

“When we arrived, I noticed that there were tons of purple mist that surrounded the area. It has the same properties as that of a barrier, but slightly different in execution. I understand that if someone were to fall through that strange purple mist, something would take them, correct?” Lilith asked Kaiba.

“Tch… yeah, I was planned on pushing Coella if her luck proved to be too effective.” Kaiba answered.

“Instead, anyone that falls out of bounds will sit out in the Bleachers. Lucifer thinks that their crisis will be far more palatable seeing that they lost the chance of a good wish.”

“That damn angel… Anything else? Do I have to kiss his ass too?”

“No, Lucifer has excellent taste of who shall kiss him.”

“….” Kaiba sighs heavily.

With a crooked smile, Lilith took position with her duel-disk shining as it activates. “Without further delay, let’s start this new refined Gladiator Duel.” She pulled out multiple cards from her hands.

“I am hardly the one who gets excited for anything… I lost simulation long ago. But for the first time in a long time, I have become intrigued. I will make sure I obtained what I want…”

Lilith wasted no time and summoned multiple people from her hand. Like lightning bolts, the cards released a massive amount of light that summoned several captured people into the newly formed battle arena.

The first one that appeared was Superman, who fell on his knees. “W-what? Where?” Clark felt like he could not breathe for days. “What is going on—” His eyes narrowed, and a sudden influx of information filled his head with everything that transpired. “A game…? Lucifer…?” He looks back and forth. “Wait, Vegetto?!” Next to Clark was Asher, Kirito, Dielec and Victor. “Huh? Who’re you guys?”

“I can still turn this around somehow.” Kaiba muttered to himself. “Once I win, I’ll just steal Lucifer’s idea anyways.” Kaiba drew cards and summoned them. Bara, Vortex-Man, Mooli, Cadye and Omegamon.

“Huh… back again.” Omegamon turned to the others next to him. “Looks like the game’s changed again.”

“I never like that guy.” Vortex-Man said. “I know that angel is up to something no good.” He noticed Clark on the other side of the arena. “Hmph…at least I can test out my strength and see how I am compared to him.”
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Once Kirito was summoned, he immediately draws his blades.

"So this is an all out brawl, right? I can just attack anyone?"

He immediately charges Kaiba's side of the playing field.
Victor says "I am Victor and I think all us were summoned by one those 4." Pointing at Kaiba, Coella, Lilith and Berserk.

Victor says "I trust you aware with the concept of summoning Kirito? to put it simply you fight anyone that was not summoned by the one that summoned you. Sence, I don't know the details of battle is it we attract whom our summoner points or is it just left to our judgment." Victor seems ready to fight.
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