The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

"Well, I coulda just torpedoed my way through this wall thing, but this'll work too. We're good at taking care of coins if you died anyway!" Bersek stated with a jolly tone before entering the door herself.

"We should be okay-- Victor looks like he knows what he's doing with that magic mumbo jumbo. Here, we'll both go in at the same time!" Mooli reached down and picked up Daiman, the sight looking like a child grabbing a cat by the scruff of its fur before entering the doorway. "See? Lucky lucky~" Mooli singsonged as she placed the boy back down. Once the arena came back into view, she let out a quiet gasp.

"That guy's Kaiba-- he's the one who runs the tournaments -- and the one who turned your group into cards," She explained quietly. "From the way he talks to her I think she's one of the big-name gamblers who bets money on the competitors." This was her first real tournament entry so she knew nothing of the history with the place; only rumors passed around the waiting lobby and through the grapevine. "But this looks weird. They're going in turns? We don't fight like that at all for the real thing. This is hardly a gladiator battle like he said..."

"Hmm. I only see Veg' and Brachi, where'd the others go? Let's wait and see-- if it's really them, why haven't they done anything yet? That's not like them." Berserk wanted to observe for a few minutes to see how the card control works.
Once his personality was activated by Kaiba's input on the duel disk, Vegetto's eyes immediately widened with an involuntary gasp for air. His eyes instinctively glanced around, but soon paused at the sight of the silver aura swirling magnificently around his body once more.His arms shook and tremble; having heard the entire conversation was enough for him to realize what was going on, but his ability to resist was taken away.

His expression soon sombered, the silver eyebrows sharpening into a narrowed stare, before he suddenly shot forward in a streak of silver energy. Locking onto the Digimon as his target, Vegetto descended down after Brachi and zipped past her after she had thrown her punches at Omegamon. The dispassionate stare on Vegetto's face mimicked the intense eyes of Ultra Instinct in appearance, but lacked the usual heat and ferocity of the Potara Fusion himself.

Yet as Vegetto brandished a bright silver sword of energy encasing his left arm, the danger of his power was prevalent all the same. Vegetto did not make a sound as he gracefully swung at Omegamon, slashing back and forth at the Digimon in aggressively pressing the offense. Each swipe aimed with an unrestrained, yet dispassionate aim to kill.
Omegamon’s head whipped back from Brachi’s first strike; metallic pieces of his helmet were torn off quite easily. “That punch…” For every strike, Omegamon felt that the next could’ve been his last. The power behind Brachi was great—and cast doubt in his mind right away if he could even defend against that if he could move on his own.

Because of his natural resilience, Omegamon was still able to stand, albeit barely. “If this keeps up, one of her punches will kill me. There’s no dropping in her power… she’s putting her all in her attacks. Is that’s the consequence of this game?”

The Digimon was a bloody mess, riddled with fractured armor and bruises. His vision blurred and he was having trouble breathing. “Coella…”

Midway through Omegamon’s comments, he fell backwards when Vegetto appeared in front of him. Despite the lack of strong emotions conveyed in their attacks, the Digimon felt a sensation of fear from merely seeing Vegetto. Despite being surrounded by a beautiful, silver aura, Potara’s eyes made a clear difference that there was darkness in his heart.

The Digimon recalled a memory where Goku was in a similar position as Vegetto. Yet, Goku was smiling and offered his hand to him. The stark difference between Goku and Vegetto causes Omegamon’s heart to sink. Instinctively, driven by fear, the Digimon attempts to flee from battle.

“That Saiyan…! Argh!” Digimon felt Vegetto’s energy blade slash against his broken body. Each strike held power that was using the maximum output. After several swings, Omegamon collapsed on the ground. “Damn…” Right away, the Digimon exploded and returned into being a card. As the rule states, Omegamon transferred to Kaiba’s deck. Only Michael Myers remained on the field on Coella’s side.

“Another one down.” Kaiba smiles. “Come now, this isn’t your best right? Where’s that luck gone?” He turns to both Brachi and Vegetto. “Good work. I knew that you won’t disappoint me. I was surprised that you two didn't freaked out like the other ones. That tells me that you're use to being a puppet." Kaiba shook his head. "I like obedient dogs."


“It seems that they’re mere puppets now, and Kaiba and that young lady is their masters for this game.” Lucifer responded to Berserk. “Otherwise, this place would’ve been blown up by now.”

Daiman patted himself down and relaxed that he was fine after all. “Huh…? Why would you say that???”

“Hmm, that’s the kind of thing Breakers do?” Lucifer chuckled. “But regardless, I’ve sense that they’re real deal. Not only that, but they’re also not holding back their punches. They are constantly using their maximum output of their power.”
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Victor says as he is looking at the battle "I would say this cycle's normal rules involving death will not apply either." Victor thinks "I know these kids' luck and/or what they do so I should get ready for a fight. As long we don't fall in those random traps, I seen Kaiba used I shore we will be fine."

Victor summons some scarecrows looking creatures.
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Vegetto lowered his arm, straightening his stance into a normal posture once the Digimon had exploded. His silver pupils followed the card, watching it fly through the air shortly after being defeated with a particularly keen stare. He stood still, even throughout Kaiba's comments that normally should have elicited a rise from the Potara Fusion.

Yet despite the clear goading, Vegetto only continued his heavy breathing while he stood awaiting the next turn; the expulsion of energy used in his barrage on Omegamon a level of power that was clearly wasteful to the experienced fighter. Brachi's attacks alone had already made enough of a dent in the Digimon's defenses to warrant less of the power Vegetto used to finish the battle, but each swing and amount of energy resonating from the Spirit Sword itself was at maximum power. The silver fire burned extensively as well; swirling like a furious flame that felt devoid of the host's emotional energy.

Vegetto even kept the Spirit Sword brandished and empowered as he stood waiting for the next turn; a move that would serve no purpose other than to waste the Potara fusion's energy stores and a significant contrast to Vegetto's typical methods in combat. He continued to pant heavily, his breathing still labored while he stared down Michael Myers in anticipation for the next battle to begin.
Coella could only watch in surprise as Omegamon was destroyed and taken by Kaiba, completely caught off guard by this additional rule being added so suddenly. Her ears fell in defeat seeing one of her more powerful cards turned over to the Dueler. "Oh, that's just like you to throw in technicalities! How cheeky!" She pouted, playfully. "But if this is your attempt at getting me to pay better attention to the game then you've got it!"

The witch dug her nose into her deck to see what card could be of use against such powerful beings. Her eyes scanned over the few before landing on the creator god Malugia. Such a funny twist of irony to see that he had landed in her possession after the crushing defeat her luck had dealt him. "You won't be getting away with that so easily."

Coella giggled before placing Malugia's card down, watching his being materialize onto the field before her. "I summon Malugia and send both he and Myers to attack! Let 'em have it you two!"
Shadow Games

Kaiba’s eyes widened in surprise when Malugia materialized on the field. He makes particularly sure that Coella’s deck hardly had any significant cards that would put her in a favorable position. “Did I make a mistake?” He pondered at first, then soon rejected. Kaiba makes no mistakes. Everything done was calculated to the tiniest of details. The only logical explanation was that Coella’s luck was interfering with the game and slowly shifting to her favor.

Malugia appeared on the field in its true form he took when he attempted to murder the audience earlier. A black ball with a large hat, floating white gloves and a gigantic medallion around his neck. His puppet was subsequently sent to bush away from the battlefield. Straight away, Malugia’s evil aura radiated the terrain; instantly changing the landscape from a bountiful vegetation to a near desolate land.

“….” Malugia opened his crazed, swirly eyes and stare directly at Seto Kaiba. “How bold…” The Evil God spoke with such venom behind his words. Raising his hand and twirling his fingers and performing magic. “I’m not sure how you managed to capture me—that is an impossibility by the highest degree. I’ve studied the mortals of this realm, and none have what it takes to even come close to a power of a Creator God. I refuse that I was endangered of any kind by the hands of one without some influence of similar status.”

“Weren’t you struggling against some crusty, old man just a while ago, Mister Creator God?” Kaiba quickly retorted.

Malugia frowned as black particles gathered in his hands. “Fool, if you think I was struggling at any time…” He took great offensive to Kaiba’s snarky comments. “I’ll demonstrate how terrifying I am.”

In attempt to strike Kaiba, Malugia found himself unable to do the deed. Due to Coella’s command, the Malugia’s body was forced to cease all intentions of attacking Kaiba. “What…? I cannot control my actions…”

“How’s embarrassing.” Kaiba drew another card from his deck and smirks. He summons the card straight away, but that person disappears into the darkness. “

“How is this possible…?” Malugia narrowed his head when explanations of the rules filled his head. Courtesy by Kaiba to avoid combatants from freaking out of their situation every time they appeared on the field. Most certainly, to avoid them from constantly attacking Kaiba.

“Looks like you understand. Now, I have a game to win. I grow tired of your excessive monologue.” Kaiba eyed Coella as he no longer cares of the Creator God has to say after that. “Your luck is unpredictable as always. That’s why I need it. Can you imagine your luck under the right hands? My hands? Forget making an excessive number of profits I’ll gained, I’ll be unstoppable literally and figuratively.”


Daiman pointed out Malugia. He coward behind Mooli. “It’s that scary thing! Before Kaiba turned everyone into cards, that thing was about to slaughter everyone in the stadium!”

“Hmm, Malugia. I never thought to see him outside of Omnipotent City.” Lucifer recognized the Evil God. “It seems that he’s acting on his own though. I do not sense another Creator Gods roaming around nearby.”


Shadow Games

“Humiliating me… how bold.” Malugia’s voice reeks of anger. “Forcing me into this childish feud… my powers are beyond greater than—” His eyes trail away from Kaiba and eyed on Vegetto. The man he was looking for this entire time. “But I’ll let your transgression slide, mortal. Vegetto… this wasn’t exactly a preferrable place for us to meet, but nevertheless, it is good to finally see you.” Malugia smiles, showing off his sharp teeth. “You’re a hard man to find, but I’m glad we got to meet. When I saw you on the news, violently shouting to that pathetic creature [Spina]… I knew you were the right person. That toxicity… just excellent for me to rebuild my evil prowess so I can maintain this body permanently.”

Feeling the sensation of battle commanded by Coella forcing his body to act without his input, Malugia continued. “I am seeking a body that is perfectly built to maintain my constant evil pressure, and you are the perfect candidate. That toxic energy you’re constantly spilling…. I can sense it, but that’s just the surface. But truly attracted me to you is the dark heart you’re carrying. A dark heart that should’ve allowed you to destroy those Breakers and force them to their heel where they belong. It is etched in your soul, there’s a warrior that wants to bring out but can’t because of an ill-advised moral compass. Rest assures, you’ll have no need for concern once I take over.”

The battlefield started to change once again—mountain ranges, forests, floodings appeared. “After I become victorious in these silly games, your body is mines for the taking. You should be honored for accepting such a role.” The evil god turns to Myers. “You. Go fight that lifeform [Brachi]. I’ll make quick work with Vegetto.” With a flick of a finger, Malugia pulled up pellets of rocks from the ground and flung them into the air. “Daggers of Evil.” Turning the pellets into swift blades and encasing them with “strange evil magic”, all headed to Vegetto in all directions. They were quite nimble, making it quite difficult to dodge for the average person. The daggers left trails of darkness in their wake, causing anything that exposes to it to rot away quite significantly.

Michael Myers jumped from rock to rock and headed straight for Brachi. Able to freely move thanks to Coella’s command, the masked man flashed his dagger with his right hand, while grabbing Brachi’s neck with his left.

“Tch. Thought I was going to be put to sleep for all this monologue! Johnny, standby. Vegetto and Brachi—fight them off and destroy them!” Kaiba commanded. He was concerned that Coella had a Creator God, but the man is still confident. “I’ll end Coella on this turn and claim victory.” He muttered to himself. “I know a perfect way to destroy your blatant luck. Avalon, use your special ability to paralyze her deck!” Once again, Kaiba showcases a detail that he [willingly] did not explain.


“Hmm, I think I’ve seen enough.” Lucifer observed. “I say we should partake in this game.” He stated with intentions to join the game. “Seeing an actual Creator God appeared… oh, I don’t want to miss an opportunity to poke some fun at them.”

Lucifer turned to the others. “I say we allowed ourselves to become cards for Coella. It seems that she’s struggling out there since Kaiba is changing the rules as he seems fit. Besides, who knows what weird things that Kaiba created with this… strange game? My magic might not even work.”

“Wouldn’t it be easier to, you know, save them?” Daiman asked.

“But that’s not fun.’ Lucifer smirks. “Zenta, don’t you want to take another shot at Vegetto for insulting your student? Berserk, this is your chance to show off your newfound powers. I’m curious to see how your body adjusts to the changes in real time. Don’t want to test your limits on Avalon? Spina…?”

“What…?” Daiman was dumbfounded. “Even if we could join… I hardly doubt we can just waltz right in???”

“Oh, sweet child. I used to have a disciple that forces games on Lilith and I, and there’s one thing I learned. There’s always a surprise fighter in these kind of games.”
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Victor asks, "Did I just get randomly drafted in this group?" Victor says "I think it's one those one that only wend one of them losses is wend we will be able to harm the winner. If you have any way to pre battle prep, I will do that." Victor thinks "I wonder if fate is don messing with this old man."

Victor says pointing right at the decks of both Kaiba’s and Coella's "I think everyone but us are turned in those cards. Worst case if destroying those cards don't simply free them, they will only get coined. Odds are good once the cards and/or the tools they are using are destroyed the person shood be freed."
Brachi was initially caught off guard by having her neck grabbed, but she had seen the dagger, at which she responded by opening her mouth and firing a wave of energy straight from it towards Myers in response, which would have predictable results due to being it at full power.

Dielec on her turn was ready to act herself as she got eager to jump into the fight and save both Brachi and Bara as well as any of the others. Why were they being subjected to such a game against their will in the first place?!
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