The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

"Ouch... feathers aren't good for breaking your fall. Hope that wasn't a chicken." Mooli muttered, turning to look where they fell. "Oops, it was a person! Sorry 'bout that, it was an emergency... we're supposed to be today's challengers but it turned out the guy who owns the place had a way different thing in mind! Me and Daiman, the little guy you got there--" Mooli pointed towards the young man-- "overheard the whole thing. He used these weird cards to suck in a huge ghosty monster calling itself a god like nothing! Then he used it on everyone in the arena like they're just toys for him to use... including the Breakers." Hearing Daiman's panicked plea to contact law enforcement made her tail droop down to the floor. "They couldn't even put up a fight. All those people watching us just wanted a good show. Not be turned into cannon fodder."

Berserk was taken aback by this news. "No way, the Breakers never go down without a big fight if they had a say in it! Did you see a goofy looking purple guy zipping around the stadium? Or even a big angry muscle-head screaming and blowing stuff up?"

"No. We heard him say he caught Vegetto out in the Plaza. I don't think I saw anyone like that in the arena, so maybe he was caught outside too..." Mooli shook her head, causing Berserk's ribbons to droop in dismay before she got intensely angry.

"Grrr, I can't believe this! Why'd it happen in the first place?! We aren't wimps!"

"Something about Kaiba wanting to challenge someone named Coella. Sounded like a bet since he really wanted to beat her in a duel using the people he captured as part of it. Except none of us agreed to that-- he kidnapped everyone in the stadium to hold hostage for some kind of game."

"If the Breakers went down without a real struggle then I doubt the cops can do anything. Maybe the Agency...? It's just me and Zenny left since Lucifer doesn't fight."

"Do you have them on speed-dial or something?" Mooli seemed surprised to see Berserk speak with familiarity since the Breakers were often spoken about in a distant, negative manner.

"Nope-- I don't have a phone anymore, but they'll probably catch wind of this soon. By the time they get here though, who knows what'll happen? Lucky for you, there's still me and Zenny!"

"...Zen-E? Is that an energy drink?"

"No dummy! Zenta's my buddy-- we're the Breakers Kaiba couldn't nab! The... B team. I'll workshop that. Anyway, I'll be substitute leader for the Breakers cause Grandpa is benched!"

"Hmm... I have no idea how to tackle this but I'd like to help! I also really really need some of that prize money. Food isn't cheap here and I'm sick of eating cup ramen! Maybe if I beat up Kaiba I can shake him down for a couple G's out of pocket." Mooli turned to the rest of the former challengers. "What about you three? Dielec looks ready to go back in, but..." she glanced down towards Daiman with a concerned expression for a moment. Before saying anything to him, she wanted to hear his input first.
Souvenir Alley

“Arhm…” Daiman shivered tremendously upon looking at Zenta. In no time flat, the boy backed away so fast that it left an afterimage behind. Appearing next to Mooli, Daiman crouched while holding his head as his anxiety took over. “S-scary!”

“I prefer if we don’t alert the Detectives. Let’s see how this chaos unfolds~! I would very much like to basked it in its full glory. Besides, this could be fun.” Lucifer didn’t seem to mind Zenta using him as a cushion. “Rescuing the Breakers… lead the lay Berserk. This is the chance to demonstrate your newfound abilities. That and I’m very so curious about this game though. Wonder if he will have us have join?” Lucifer said. “Naoki often forces me to play games with him. From board games to video games. Mindless… but fun.” He paused. "Don't know how Zenta will play though. He'll instantly loses for us."

Daiman himself really didn’t want to be involved in the matter. After seeing that ghost, Kaiba turning people into cards and now they ran into the leftover Breakers… his heart was heavy with fear. But after seeing Mooli seemingly wanting to join in, he felt some kind of obligation. “We still didn’t get our fight… and I am kind of broke.” He took several deep breaths. “I’ll help too!... Besides… if I bailed now, Kaiba might go over me since I saw everything.”
Coella blinked innocently, tilting her head at Kaiba's mention of this Gladiator Duel game. This must have been something the duelist made up, but then again he's made up new games for them to play every time he wants to beat her, so this was something she was used to.

"Don't take too long Kaiba kid! I wanna get started-" The Rabbit Witch shouted with excitement before being cut off by Turles lunging toward Kaiba, looking to strike him. She moved away from the two on her broom but was amazed at the next event that transpired right in front of her eyes. Seto Kaiba had captured and turned the fighter Turles into his very own dueling card! Coella's eyes widen in shock. She remained silent as she turned to the stands, the entire stadium around them began to panic and scream to escape their fate. Not a word was uttered until Kaiba had captured the last of the audience with the exception of a few. The entire stadium was silent now.

"Oh, Kaiba kid..."

As she was forced to take her place on the stage, she looked back to Kaiba, her eyes meeting his as he presented the stakes to her. The witch remained quiet for a bit as if contemplating the bet. She finally smiled devilishly at the duelist. "You know me so well~. Those are some big, big chips you've set on the table. Of course, I accept the terms of the bet! However, I think regardless if you win or lose, you'll be in some serious trouble with those Detectives after they get word of this duel!" The witch giggled, her expression turning back to her sweet and carefree smile.

"But that's a discussion for another time! Let's get this show on the road shall we?"
The Shadow Game

“The Detectives won’t be an issue. Coella. After I finished with you, they’re my next targets now that the Breakers under my full control.” Kaiba smirks.

With all the preparation completed and the field ready to go, Kaiba snaps his fingers. A multi-sound system appeared above them, blaring out music.

“Something to set the tone,” Kaiba remarked. “Now, onto the rules of this game.”

[Gladiator Duels is very simple, that even a dimwitted buffoon can understand. Each player receives a deck of monster cards, and your task is to ensure that one player runs out of monsters. Whoever has no monsters to play in both hand and deck, loses.

When a player destroys their opponent’s monster, they will be transferred to the other player. If they are defeated again, they will be sent to the grave and won’t be used again. Barring certain exceptions of course.

Each monster has two abilities. One passive that activates anytime, and one that triggers upon reaching low health.

Each turn is a battle. You cannot summon another monster until that battle is over. You can summon multiple monsters at once per battle but be smart about it. You can lose tons of monsters that way if its backfires.”

Kaiba snaps his fingers again, and a humanoid man approaches Coella. He gave her a duel-disk on her arm with a deck of cards before disappearing.

“That’s all the rules.” Kaiba took out a card. “However, if I’m going to embarrass you, I prefer making sure you understood it completely. Let’s do a practice run.” Elegantly posing, he lifted his card in the air. “I summoned! Chance!”

The card turns extremely bright as bursts of energy shout out from it. Like a lightning bolt, it crashed against the ground, summoning Chance, the gambler who had issues with Coella. His posture was different from his usual self. His eyes were blackened, and his body language was aggressive. “Summon your monster, Coella.”
As Zenta listened to Mooli explain the situation to them, his thoughts went to the Breakers who were captured. His mind wondered at how they could save them, if at all. He stayed seated on Lucifer while Berserk suggested that they return to the stadium in order to help the other Breakers. It sounded like a good idea, yet his thoughts were on one thing.

If the enemy has Lady Bernkastel, then this might not be so simple. Her magical capabilities are not to be trifled with. . I am sure that this Kaiba-boy is aware of that. Ah… And here I was, hoping for a chance to relax. Zenta’s tails swayed slightly. However, now that they have been captured, perhaps I can… let loose and… unwind. Yes, just a tad…

“Berserk is right. We should team up in the meanwhile and return to the stadium and help the other Breakers.” Zenta said with a slight yawn, rising to his feet. He reached down and pulled Lucifer up by the back of his suit.

“I am not sure how well I will be able to play this game,” Zenta waved a hand in front of his visor to indicate he was blind to the others. “I cannot see. Perhaps one of you can guide me? I did not play many games when I was… able to see. Unless you count tag.”
Dielec was watching this, electricity crackling between her fingers.

"Both Kaiba and Coelle may have bitten off more than they can chew..." she said, "Brachi is one tough powerhouse for one, and Bara has body manipulation and regeneration... I don't know how their minds will work in this scope of play... but their bodies however..."
"Good point; we got lucky last time 'cause one of the Detectives was with us and could vouch. This time'll be way harder to explain if Kaiba's captured all his witnesses... hmm, sounds like he's using the cards to control people directly. I've never fought anyone in the Breakers that directly besides Grandpa and that's just a glimpse. But we ain't playing the card game, so we can cheat by gettin' in there and fighting ourselves right?" Berserk wondered aloud.

"Alright! Happy to have ya on board, buddy!" Mooli excitedly hooked an arm around Daiman's shoulders, though as she stood taller it was rather comical. "It was pretty hard to evade the weird light beams, so that would be our first real obstacle if they choose to try and get us out of the way again."

Berserk rubbed her chin, taking in the input of the stragglers as well as her allies. "If Zenny can see those as energy, then he can go in with me first as the distraction! I was already pretty fast before but outspeeding those'll be a breeze now. Then you guys fall in after us and go hog-wild if you want. We aren't gonna worry about a worst case scenario because you nerds are supposed to be winners-- losing's not part of any strat I draw up, I play to win! The Breakers also won't beat you up if you beat them up as a favor to get them out of those cards."

"You got it, Ribbons," Mooli saluted. "Let's stick together Daiman-- you leave the light beams up to me to worry about. Show 'em what you're made of!"

Berserk turned to Zenta. "Whaddo ya say? Let's crash the party from right above 'em mid-match!"
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Victor starts to test out current limits. Victor summons a book and starts to read it. He thinks after unsummoning the book "so low to low middle rung of demi-god. It makes since especially because getting sealed by a lesser god by the force of fate is aways annoying."

Victor thinks "I get the feeling that I entered to a group that I just seen as an extra that fine." Victor thinks of summons that can help the group in whatever there are planning.
Coella perked up, seeing that it was her turn now to summon a card. The witch noticed that Chance was now on the battlefield, only this time more dead than he already felt after losing to Coella. Poor dear, he looked so ghastly now!

After her thought however, She looked over the duel disk and tilted her head as she pulled out a card, specifically the card of Turles! The fighter who had just attacked Kaiba a few seconds prior. By the looks of her deck, she didn't seem to have much more than a few cards besides the one in her hand currently.

"I summon Turles!" She said, raising the card in the air like Seto Kaiba and watching him appear before her on the field. She wondered if he'd be just as dead-eyed as Chance.
Zenta shrugged his shoulders at Berserks suggestion. He did not mind, yet, a part of him did enjoy her method of ‘crashing the party.’ A toothy smile formed on Zenta’s face, his canines exposing wicked.

“I suppose so. Who else is going to help the Breakers? Very well, let us, ‘crash the party’, as you say, miss Berserk. I am… willing to unwind a little. A bit. A tad.

Zenta then stood next to Lucifer, his arms clasped behind his back.

“And a bit of chaos seems… fun right now.”
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