The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

"Oh? What's this?" Coella turned toward the window to get a better view of Malugia throwing a tantrum and demanding for someone named Vegetto. Vegetto? OH! The witch was a bit surprised to hear that the Breakers were here at the tournament. Maybe they would be participating! Ugh, but that meant that Melugia was ruining the fun just as it was getting good! Coella glanced down below the creator god, and low and behold, there were a couple of the Breakers sitting front and center.

"Hmm, sore losers always know how to kill the mood." She sighed, crossing her arms as she watched Melugia threaten the crowd. Her ears suddenly perked up however as Seto Kaiba revealed himself and confronted Melugia, "About time, all these death threats are bad for morale, Kaiba kid."

She giggled to herself and watched the duelist address the crowd, raising an eyebrow as he looked toward the VIP box and eyeing her through the window. Coella's eyes widened slightly as he pointed at her and challenged her to a duel. the witch hesitated for a moment. Her? The luckiest being in the Vortex? The one whose powers just rivaled and beat a creator god? His victory was imminent?? What a funny proposition! She was now grinning from ear to ear, giggling uncontrollably. Kaiba kid must have been feeling really lucky today! This was an opportunity she wouldn't miss for the world.

Without another moment to waste, Coella jumped up onto her broom and burst through the glass, riding down into the middle of the stage for all the hostages to see.


Coella laughed happily, twirling around in the air. "And here I thought you were planning on banning me for winning your little game so much! Turns out you're not such a sore loser, after all, Kaiba kid! You certainly sound like you're feeling lucky!"

The witch smiled eagerly, "So we're playing your little card game right? How will we play it this time? If we're betting credits then I'm all in!"
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Seto Kaiba watched as Coella descended from the VIP room. His demeanor was not deterred by the lady’s upbeat attitude. “I won’t disgrace myself by banning you from participating. I rather defeat you instead—that is much more satisfactory.”

Adjusting his dual disk, Kaiba replaced the deck with a new set of blank cards into the main slot. “We won’t be playing just some old-fashion card game.” He indicated that this wasn’t their first time Kaiba had challenged Coella. “Rather, I designed a brand-new game. Something to level out the playing field. Let’s call it… Gladiator Duels.”

“Players will have a deck of cards with various monsters, each with unique abilities. They will battle it out until one becomes a victor. First one to run out of monsters to fight, loses.” Kaiba smirks, “We’ll discuss the terms, but I have to make some last minutes preparations for this duel to be functional.”

“Tch. I didn’t join this tournament to find nutjobs.” Turles thought to himself. After hearing what Victor said, the Saiyan spoke out. “This sounds like personal beef between you two—where’s the fun we’re getting? No one wants to watch you two throwing cards at each other.”

“Watching? I said that all of you are front and center of this game. You should be honored for participating in my first ever Gladiator Duels. I’ll make sure that fans will collect your cards. Especially the hollow ones.”

Turles narrowed his eyes. “Collect—” He paused, realizing that Kaiba was intending on turning everyone into cards. Seeing Vegetto Card and now Malugia, the Saiyan piece together that the barrier was not just for show. It was trapping them from escaping whatever trick Kaiba did. “You little bastard. You got lucky with that floating ball, but I’m know what you’re up too. I won’t be your little plaything, you got that?” With haste, Turles dashed forward with the full intent of hitting Kaiba. “Drop dead, loser!”

“Trap activated: Capture.” Kaiba utters those words. A bright light engulfed the area for a few seconds. As the light subsided, Turles became a card. “An Saiyan who obtained the power of evil… interesting trivia.”

The announcer stepped back in fear, while Omegamon stepped forward with his blade drawn. “What is this nonsense?!”

Seto Kaiba turns to Omegamon. “Hmm? Oh, a prized card is talking.

Omegamon leaped forward. Hoping to be faster than Kaiba could react, his sword shined brilliantly. But in mere seconds, the Digimon was turned into a card within an instant.

“To answer your question, Mooli. Indeed, I was assessing the value of people if I should add them to my deck for this battle. Though, to think the Breakers will show up here of all places. Now I can defeat Coella, and the giant woman who granted me this power will award me handsomely.” As the audience went silent after hearing the plans, Kaiba raised his hand in the air. “Now, time to collect, then we shall proceed our game.”

The audience immediately started screaming and squirming around to find a way to escape.

“Tch…” Spina didn’t show too much concern for Vegetto, the Supers, Avalon and the others. If they were captured easily, then, in his mind, they were too weak to have faith in one another. “As if I would be trapped nor controlled.” Spina gathered power in his right hand. “I’m blasting this place sky-high.”

“Wait. Let’s see where’s this goes.” Brutality spoke to him.


“Magic Activation: Mass Capture!” Kaiba shouted. Multiple trails of light spiral out of the card, attacking everyone in the audience. It attacks Spina straight away; the old Saiyan tried to resist. “You… can’t pulled me…!” However, resistance was futile. Within seconds, the Saiyan was entirely engulfed and pulled into the card. Pillars of light rain down, attacking everything and sucking them into cards. Bernkastel, Aster, Cadye, Bara and Brachi were struck by the light soon after Spina.

“This is crazy!” Daiman panicked. “We have to get out of here!”
Even as they were struck by the mysterious light, both Brachi and Bara still tried to resist vehemently.

"What the heck is this!?" Brachi asked.

"A magic different from mine?" Bara asked, blinking.

Dielec on the other hand watched this in shock, even as Omegamon and others were captured as well. In a bolt of lightning she teleported to where Kaiba was.

"What is the meaning of this!?" She demanded.
Victor says in a matter-of-fact tone shaking his head "I get the since that fate is going to force us to play his little game regardless, if we wish to or not. At this point we need to play his game until one of us can best him and save us all. We can save those he has all reedy captured baring one notable exception."

Victor thinks "it's best to get that fact out there already. I know using the term fate may trigger some but its best way i know how to describe what happened."
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“Man, you Breakers are a magnet for freaks and trouble…!” Asher said in a loud whisper before turning to Kaiba and Coella. “What the hell?”

Asher listened to everything Kaiba said, growing more confused as he spoke about duels and cards. The youngster barely understood the conflict. What he did understand was that Kaibe trapped everyone in the stadium with the intent to capture them and turn them into cards.

“Turn us into… cards?!”

Before Asher could comprehend what Kaibe meant, he saw Turles and Omegamon get turned to cards right before his eyes. His face was full of shock and anger as he quickly reached into his ear, pulling out a very small Ruyi Bang. It quickly extended in his palm as Asher stood in front of Bernkastel.

Asher watched as Kaiba activated a trap that took in Spina.

“Gwah! Old man!”

But before Asher could react, he found that the light began to pull on him as well. Asher tried his best to fight back and struggle against the pull, but, eventually, the light engulfed the youngster entirely, and pulled him into a card.

Zenta heard Berserk’s voice, his ears raising slightly as if on cue. He turned his head to face the direction of the stadium. Berserk was right, it was oddly quiet when there should be a tournament going on. As Zenta focused on the stadium, his ears quickly twitched, perking up entirely. He heard the audience screaming.

“The audience… they are screaming in terror.” Zenta said casually. “I suspect it might be Vegetto acting up again… We should head back regardless.”
Bernkastel watched one of the encircling beams of light strike Spina with wide eyes, frozen in place with her eyes transfixed on him getting pulled into the card. She stood shellshocked, unmoving even with Asher stepping forward to protect them both. The screams around them seemed so far away yet the ringing in her ears grew louder from her heart pounding. The witch had gone pale, a deja vu flashing in front of her eyes and for the brief moment Spina was captured, Lambdadelta switched places where he was. With a gaping hole blasted into her chest by a death beam.

The uncanny familiarity of it made her psyche launch into self-preservation, urging her to escape any method possible. Bernkastel couldn't act on the urge, let alone process what the gut feeling was due to the shock. She felt herself being pulled in and tried grabbing onto something, anything in a bid to get out of the light's reach. "No! I won't go, I won't! Let go of me!" The Witch was sucked into the card regardless, leaving behind scratch marks on the stadium seat cushions and railings left behind.

Mooli bit her lip watching the beam strike everybody around them, her brows furrowed deeply. "I know, I know!" She was clearly distraught with having to abandon so many innocent bystanders. But she knew nothing could be done from inside Kaiba's card. Mooli pulled the steeliest face she could muster. "Saving some's better than none! No time to explain, so we're--" she stretched one hand to grasp Dielec's clothing. Then getting into a strange flamingo-like stance, poked Victor's ankle with the tip of her shoe. "Getting outta here!" Mooli exclaimed before awkwardly craning her neck to tap her forehead so they could escape.
Tournament Stands

Berserk sighed at the implication of Vegetto causing a scene. "Wonder what set him off this time... I bet his Super buddies probably went off on him again and everyone in the stadium thought we came there to cause trouble." As of late the usual insitgators had zero interest in aggravating the Potara Fusion, but if she remembered Gogeta's rampage correctly, it wouldn't surprise her if Vegetto tried a similar scheme to get even with Spina or Bernkastel. The latter was constantly irritable since they'd returned while the other was hard to read-- bored? Sad? Berserk wasn't able to tell.
"Well, I guess we ought to hurry on over..." she had taken off but the crimson stream of her flight seemed to stop and u-turn back to Zenta and Lucifer. "Hey, there's a big lid on the stadium now? Can't see anything in it."

Kaiba held out a finger as a way for hushing Dielec. “Be quiet. Can’t you hear it? The sounds of my victory?” As pillars of light gathered more people from the stadium, several of them were heading to both Mooli and Daiman. However, due to Mooli’s quick thinking by teleporting out of there with few others she could grab, the pillars missed their target.

Moments after the lights subsided and the stadium emptied out, Kaiba held a confident posture. His face was beaming with smugness. “Few managed to escape, but that’s fine. I don’t need them to determine my win over you Coella.”

The single card that absorbed everyone split into multiples as a deck. “There. Preparations are now complete.” There wasn’t a single soul in the stadium or outside, aside from the ones that escaped. “Now, as I was saying… Yes. Gladiator Duels”

Snapping his fingers, the stadium ring they were standing on transformed into a terrain-like field, forcing both Kaiba and Coella on opposite sides. “Unlike your little bets, we will be betting some high-risk awards that I’m sure that’ll pique your interest. A penalty game, or a Shadow Game if you will. If you managed to win, I will resign my position as President of the Tournaments and hand over the reigns to you. But if I win… You will become a card worthy of my collection. Forever my pawn, fit to serve the greatest player of all games.”

Kaiba grinned. “If you agree to those terms, then I’ll explain the rules of this game. So, what will you say?”


The Souvenir Alley

“I suppose we should check it out. I’m curious to see the look on Avalon and Vegetto’s face seeing your transformation, Berserk-Fiend.” Lucifer chuckled. “And if those are the screams of pure terror, then I must bear witness such. Seeing the panic just fills me up with so much joy.” After Berserk dashed off, only for her to turn back and report the news, the angel was surprised by her speed. “Barrier…? Seems like someone cast it to prevent people from breaking out. But why? I’m sure Vegetto isn’t the type to do that; he’d rather do something more dramatic. Maybe a crazed fighter getting to ahead of themselves?”

Daiman suddenly fell from the sky, landing onto Lucifer’s arms. “Huh?!”

Lucifer raised a brow. “Hmm? Where’d you come from—” Victor, Dielec and Molli crashed on top of the angel, pinning him against the ground. “Oof…”

“Ouch…” Daiman narrowed his eyes and stood up. “Uh, UH! You guys made it out too?! Hurry, we need to call someone! Like, the Police! Or the Detectives! Something bad happened over there! Kaiba just appeared and turned everyone into a card!”
Zenta tilted his head as he heard Demi-Berserk mention that there was a barrier of some sorts over the stadium. He knew not what it could mean, but at the same time, he suspected that this might not be Vegetto’s doing. As he listened to the screams die out from the stadium, he managed to overhear Kaiba’s voice faintly.

Kaiba? Gladiator duels? What are those? And who is Coella…?

Zenta frowned, trying to make sense of it. As he was about to inform Demi-Berserk and Lucifer with the information he heard, Daiman suddenly fell from the sky into Lucifer’s arms. His face remained neutral as the others, Mooli, Dielec, and Victor all piled on top of Lucifer. A faint chuckle escaped his toothy grin.

“Ah, more surprises.” Zenta said, as he listened to Daiman panic and tried to tell them what happened. He easily picked up Dielec, Mooli, and Victor, gently placing them to the side as he took a seat on top of Lucifer, looming over Daiman and, unintentionally, giving him a toothy smile.

“Now, now… Care to explain what happened in the stadium?” Zenta smirked, placing his hand on top of Daiman’s head.
Victor says as he gets up "If you mean just before teleportation then the arena of the collosum over there." Victor points at the collosum. Victor goes on " It seems for some reason Kaiba chose to make us play some kind of game before we appeared here."

Victor thinks "I get the since despite being able to under normal circumstances, I will not be able to bypass this hole song and dance. I gest this is my role in this."
Dielec merely grunted as she was tossed on top of the angel, getting up and dusting herself off, her eyes narrowing towards the direction of Kaiba, one hand beginning to have sparks of electricity within the palm.
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