The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

Bernkastel was preoccupied with gripping the umbrella, so she was unable to keep Asher at arm's length from her personal space as she preferred. Still, the usual aggressive resistance wasn't there with her despite the stiffness of her body language exhibiting discomfort from Asher being so close. Bern paused to look into the lad's eyes for a moment, then glancing away; she was unable, or perhaps refused, to look him in the eye directly for very long.

"He is... extraordinarily patient with me. Even though he has good reason not to--" Spina's irritated demeanor cut off her quiet reply. "It's fine, Spina. He's not bothering you if I'm the one talking to him. Not that I'm good with kids..."

Bernkastel tilted her head at his off-handed sentence, not sure what he was referring to exactly yet still compelled to answer to it. Looking ahead at the arena with him, she nodded with a small smile. "Sure. However high that mountain is, we'll scale it together." When he placed his hand on her head, she gazed up at him expectantly. "Hm? Something's..." seeing her own breath form in the air, she grasped tight onto Asher's arm sensing an oncoming disturbance. "What the-!? The hat, it's-- absorbing people's souls?!" The Witch yelped in surprise when she and Spina collapsed to the floor, pinned down under an impossibly strong pressure. "I can't move... what the hell is up with that demon hat?!"

I can't so much as lift a finger-- I can't calm down enough to even try Clear Mind! Bernkastel struggled to breathe evenly on the ground, undable to see anything higher than the floor.
The Souvenir Alley

Berserk's ragged breathing continued until she was able to fully stand up on her own. Her whole front was blood-red, but she stared at the men with vivid amber-colored irises, and even though her hair wasn't any more wild-looking than before it looked like she was struck by lightning-- or something like it. Framing her face and neck were fractal patterns tracing down her limbs and tapering off. The darkness cast by the alley let it give off a neon glow akin to her red plasma-bolts. In the center of her chest where Lucifer pierced her was no longer a gaping wound but a pitch-black scarring where the markings looked particularly bright; like a twisted sun and its rays.

"Demi-Berserk? Aw, Berserk-Fiend sounds way cooler-- whoa... huh. That's weird." Berserk was taken by surprise at the strange echo of her own voice. Lucifer's question gave her pause. "Funny you mention that... It was all I could think about just now."

To get stronger was too vague, even if she'd been motivated to surpass her sister Brute. After Brute, Berserk couldn't forsee anything past that obstacle. She wasn't currently under any oppressive force either like before.

"Being at the top of the food chain would get boring if there was nobody left to fight. Sure, I'd always have a challenge but there's never anything fun left to do when you beat every boss in a game. You're left all alone. I don't want something that boring. You remember how the Red King seemed to just level up more and more the longer we pummeled him? I want that but with everybody, not just me. Push everyone to evolve something new in themselves-- variety is the spice of life! 'Cream of the crop' is just a misnomer when the rest gets culled to make the field look pretty. Whether I win or lose, me and the other guy bring something new next time so there's no pattern to anything. That's the never-ending fun I want."

Tournament Plaza

Mooli sternly glared up at Kaiba, unshaken by their eavesdropping. Only briefly glancing at his hand drawing the blank cards did she break the silence. "I see... omigosh LOOK! Over there, it's the Blue Devil Gogeta!" Feigning a shocked expression, Mooli urgently jabbed a finger at something in the distance over Kaiba's shoulder.

Swiftly, she placed a hand on Daiman's shoulder while raising two fingers to her forehead. "See ya," Mooli stated as the two's silhouettes fizzled out of sight...

Subsequently reappearing smack-dab in the middle of the arena. She glanced around like a deer in headlights before sweating in realization. "Uh... oops...." her cheeks flushed red.
Victor thinks as he stops " How I faced gods greater than this brat, gods of sealing and gods of gravity as well. Then way am I not able to move?"

Victor realizes something and thinks "I should not consternate on that and start fighting that." Victor starts to use his magical force and force of will struggle to free himself form whatever Malugia did.
Even as Dielec herself was unable to move, she stared in the direction of Malugia.

"Fools like you... need to learn... what it means... to accept a loss... and be... a good sport about it!" she thought, focusing to summon a lightning strike onto Malugia's position, or that something else would happen that would throw Malugia off and make him stop his unwarranted assault on everyone.
Asher’s eyes darted to the occasional spear that fell from the sky. He silently listened to Spina and Bernkastel and the information gathered on Creator Gods. His thoughts immediately went to Byakko and the other Divine Beings of his universe. However, something was telling him that the Divine Beings of his world were not the same type of beings Bernkastel spoke about.

Well, maybe the Divine Beings are these Creator Gods? They literally created… my universe. Asher’s rainbow eyes shined slightly, almost as if something was telling him otherwise. The way this cat girl is speaking, it’s as if these ‘Creator Gods’ are on a higher platform than the Divine Beings. …Above a God?

Before Asher had time to ask a question, he felt a powerful pull towards the ground. He immediately slammed face first to the ground as Malugia used his powers to affect the entire audience. He could barely move a finger, yet he tried with all his might to get back on his feet to no avail.

“Ugh…! W-What’s that hat doing now…?!” Asher growled. “Is he planning to wipe us all out?!”

Zenta silently kept his attention on Demi-Berserk, saying nothing as she and Lucifer exchanged words. As Demi-Berserk spoke her reason for becoming such a fiend, the hairs on Zenta’s body rose on end. The way she spoke of being on the top is boring and lonely, always wishing to find a challenge, and being able to break the limits placed on a person made Zenta feel almost nostalgic. Every word the came from her mouth gave him goosebumps. It was almost like he knew very well what she was talking about.

The beast then straightened himself out and took a step back from Demi-Berserk to stand next to Lucifer. He seemed happy that she was alive and kicking.

“I am glad to see you still remain with us, Berserk. It would have been quite awkward to explain to Avalon what happened to you.” Zenta chuckled. “I can also sense a newfound energy inside you… You are much stronger than before…”

Eventually, the beast's voice trailed off, his mind being distracted by something. Zenta, to Demi-Berserk and Lucifer, was quiet for several minutes, his entire expression mute. He was deep in thought, as if remembering something that was triggered by Demi-Berserk's words.

“Being at the very top of the food chain…” Zenta said to no one in particular, his voice a mere whisper. “It does get boring sometimes…”

After moments had passed, there was no sign of Vegetto anywhere. Losing his patience, Malugia approached the Breakers among the audience. His evil aura was leaking from his unstable body; the evilness he collected from the audience was not enough to sustain his true form.

“No show…” Malugia raised one of his floating hands and snapped his fingers. The gravity intensified, forcing both Victor, Dielec and everyone else further into the ground. “That girl’s heart was evil, but her body is no longer suitable for my conquest. Vegetto fits the perfect criteria. And to think I let that chance slip away, that was my foolish mistake. I’ll drag him out, one way or another.” He turned to Cadye and lifted him up from his seat. “I heard about your little adventures. You lost quite a reputation for your prowess. But as I demonstrated… none of you are no match of a Creator God. Struggle as you want as I tear all you apart.”

“…Fuck you.” Spina scorned despite his position and showing no concern to that of Cayde. “Find that jackass yourself if you want him so bad. Then I can beat the shit out of both of you at the same time.”

“Violent one, one? Let me replace that with fear.” Before Malugia began, his attention turned away from the Breakers to the newly appeared Mooli and Daiman in the arena below him. “The last two fighters…?” He said, still holding pressure on the audience.

“Wh-what?” It didn’t take long for Daiman to notice that something was off. “What’s going on here?” He looks up and sees a giant ball of black with a sinister face. Immediately, he jumped into Mooli’s arms, screaming. “What’s the heck is that!”

“Cease.” Malugia uttered a word. A heavy toll weighs down on Mooli and Daiman’s bodies, freezing their movements where they stand. After observing them and sensing so concept of “evil” from them, the evil god remembered. “Ah, the two that went out for supper. To think you come back here… surely you must’ve realized my gracious aura…? No matter… I will not spare you in the slaughter.”

“Slaughter? No, I don’t think so.”

Malugia turned away from the two, thinking that perhaps Vegetto had finally shown himself. However, a wave of disappointment was immediate that it was nothing more than a man. “And you are?”

“Some called me Kazuki when I’m running my shop, but as president of these tournaments, you’ll refer me as Seto Kaiba.” Kaiba arrived at the arena. He took a quite glance, eyeing Mooli and Daiman. “So that’s where you were… You caught me by surprise to disappear like that. Figure it was some teleportation ability. Still, that was a good distraction.”

Malugia floated down towards Kaiba. “You’re the one that orchestrated this foolish activity? Perhaps if I rip you apart, will Vegetto appeared then?”

Kaiba furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re looking for Vegetto? I already have him.”


Pulling out the Vegetto card, Kaiba presented to the Evil God. “Managed to capture him at the right moment. He’ll make a fine possession for my deck.”

Malugia sees the Vegetto card, sensing his energy. “I’ll be taking that, human.”

Kaiba smirks the moment Malugia tries to cast a spell. “Trap card, activated. Capture.”

Underneath Malugia, a bright light illuminated the area. “What?!” Malugia was seemingly confused about what was happening. In one second, Malugia was seconds away of killing everyone. At the next, as the light subsided, he turned into a card with his image imprinted on the front. The gravity pressure that weighs down everyone had instantly disappeared, and Mooli and Daiman were able to move freely again.

Kaiba picked up the card and added it to his deck. “A Creator God card… excellent.” He turns to the rest of the audience. “That was close. It would be a real PR disaster if those nosey reporters get a sniff of a bloodbath here. Is everyone alright?”


Spina pulled himself up and dusted himself. “What power…” He thought about the Creator God—if that was just a fraction, then it will be extremely difficult for him to pick a fight with someone that held that title right now. He eyed Kaiba, remembering him back at Reality Metropolis at the Card Maker Shop. “What kind of technique did that bastard do to turn him into a card?”


The Souvenir Alley

Lucifer smiles at Berserk suggesting the name Berserk-Fiend. “That is fine as well.” He paused for a moment. Berserk’s Reason was nostalgic to the angel. “Had this been my world, such Reason can shape the very fabric of natural laws. Pushing evolution further and further… but leaving no one behind.” His eyes locked onto Berserk. “That is a wonderful Reason.”

The angel turns to Zenta reminiscing about after hearing Berserk’s core beliefs. “You know. Such is contrary to one of my incarnations’ beliefs. A view where one destroys the weak and strength is valuable. Either you’re born strong, or you’re born weak—the latter means immediate death. Such a narrow-minded view, I say. I’ll see interested to see how you will take this power once you achieved Limit Break.”

The angel’s ears perked. “You know… we been sitting here for quite some time, but I haven’t heard a single soul. Not even the sounds of slurping or munching those sugar foods invaded my ears.”
Victor quickly to the point that no one noticed any thing stopped constating once he noticed that Malugia "I know this feeling it now makes since how I got restricted so much. I gest "density" really wanted that Kaiba kid to get a summon."

Victor says in a matter-of-fact tone "outside taking those that are passed out evil Malugia did restively little Kaiba. Hopely it was restively a minor amount and/or its a its recoverable state." Victor is fine despite what Malugia did to him.
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“That’s good. Last thing I need is some maniac hurting the merchandise.” Kaiba responded to Victor. “I’ll be sure to compensate you and the others later.” He shifted his attention to both Mooli and Daiman. “Now, where were we…”

“Did I hear that right? He mentioned capturing Vegetto?” Turles was taken aback that Kaiba was able to capture someone that claimed such the highest status of power. He looked around and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. But he claimed that he already captured Vegetto. "Something about this feels off."

The announcer, no longer pinned to the floor, rushed to Kaiba in a panic. “I’m so sorry for how things turned out! That guy was crazy!” He explained. “Please don’t fire me! This is the only thing I am good at... and if I lose this job, my cousin is going to dragged me back to the RNN!”

“Relax. I’m not firing anyone. Too valuable for me.” Kaiba said. “Is Coella still at her little spot? How’s her streak going?”

“…Yeah? I think she’s on her longest running streak yet if I recall…” The announcer explained.

Kaiba smirks and turns to the gambling room right above the spectator arena. “Good.” He turns to the audience. “Welcome patrons. As you are all aware, my name is Seto Kaiba, president of these tournaments. We pride ourselves in ensuring that people from all different worlds can showcase their talents against the best. Unfortunately, unforeseen events like that can happened… but rest assure. I won’t let anyone cause harm to you.”

There was a slight pause as Kaiba turned to Coella before turning back to the audience once more. “With that said, I must announce the end of this tournament for my board to review some safety aspects and precautions.”

There was widespread groaning, confusion and concerns across the stadium.

Omegamon, being a regular at the tournaments, was certainly not pleased with that announcement. He rushed over to Kaiba. “End? But we haven’t reached the finale yet, and you took care of that threat.”

“Don’t be so alarmed, Omegamon. With that thing appearing out of nowhere, and that famous group appearing… things have changed. Besides, I am still hosting one last battle that’ll be sure to be a hit with everyone. They all will be front and center for it.”

Omegamon shook his head in confusion. “What?”

Kaiba raised his arm and pointed at the gambling room. “Coella! I am very impressed that you continued winning at this tournament. It seems that no matter what happens, you never, ever lose. But things have changed for the better for me. With the Breakers’ arrival, my victory is imminent. Thereby, I challenge you to a duel!” A sudden barrier appeared around the stadium, trapping everyone inside.

“What is that bastard talking about?” Spina stood up after seeing the barrier appear around them. “Who the fuck is Coella?”
Victor says "That good." Victor thinks "lest hope he is not planning any wordplay with that statement."

Victor thinks "science I know fate is mussing about for now any clever ways out for now are locked out. I should get ready to fight once more lest hope fate has not locked me out form summoning." Victor says "for now we may be suck playing this game of Kaiba's.
"Ehehe, you flatter me! But it's nice that my genius is appreciated now and then. Sounds like even Zenny is on the same page," Berserk crossed her arms with a satisfied look on her face-- despite her distaste of 'grown-ups' she seemed to have taken a liking to Zenta and Lucifer over time. "Knowing Avalon, he'd fly into a rage if somethin' bad happened... even though it'd be my fault I ended up in that position. But geez, you should've given me a second before you were gonna do that! You can't stick your hand into a girl's chest like that without asking!" She scolded Lucifer. "Ugh, it was HORRIBLE! I never wanna feel the air touching my organs ever again! Yuck! I'll get you back one of these days."

"...But come to think of it, it really is quiet. Do ya hear anything with those fluffy ears, Zenny?"
"Ugh..." Bernkastel groaned, rubbing her face that had gone numb after the small group was pinned to the ground. Overhearing Kaiba's voice stream over the crowd once Malugia was dealt with, the Witch narrowed her eyes. "Is this really the same guy? What's his deal, dragging us into his business like that... I won't have any part in--" the barrier enveloping the arena cut her off mid-sentence. If he's using some sort of magic to pull all this off I doubt I can get us out of here. How'd he manage to capture Vegetto? Not even at his weakest would he lose to a mere shopkeeper-- what happened?

"Not familiar to me, but it sounds like a fight," Bernkastel replied begrudgingly, glancing back at Asher. "Just our luck, getting dragged into other people's business. If we're stuck in here, then the others can't get to us from the outside... wait--" her eyes widened in grim realization. "The Supers, Avalon-- they haven't returned either. What if Kaiba 'caught' them the same way he did Vegetto?" She wasn't sure about Zenta or Berserk & Lucifer, but the longer this went on, the more Bernkastel suspected the possibility. Were they being hunted with the enemy front and center?

"None of this is making sense."

Mooli scowled, grunting to stand up with Daiman still in her arms once the pressure let up. She remained silent through Kaiba's speech, though her stare intensified behind the glint of her glasses as she held tight onto Daiman. It wouldn't hurt him, but mainly it was a precaution since she couldn't guess Kaiba's next move. "Why do I get the feeling that we're not being asked to do this next part... So, this is what you were up to with your creepy goons earlier?"
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