The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

“Revenge? Please, I am above such simple antics.” Zenta chuckled as Lucifer spoke to him.

As Lucifer entered the area, he also felt a powerful magical energy, this time not belonging to Bernkastel. His gaze then trailed over to Coella and Kaiba, his head tilting slightly at the two duelists. They were entirely unfamiliar to him, so he decided to ignore them and focus on Vegetto, Brachi, and now, Avalon. With light steps, he stood next to Lucifer, trying to get an understanding of what was happening.

“Perhaps we should wait before we destroy any of the cards,” Zenta addressed Victor. “Some of the Breakers would remain coins for quite a while if we destroy them now.”

Avalon was summoned to the field, his eyes wide with confusion. He tried to gather where he was before noticing Coella and Kaiba. While he did not recognize Coella, he saw Kaiba and his face instantly went to rage.

“Y-You! You turned Vegetto and Clark into cards! Why did you—!”

Before Avalon had a chance to finish his statement, his body quickly turned to Coella and began to move on its own. Upon Kaiba ordering him to paralyze Coella’s deck, Avalon whipped out his scroll and began to perform some hand signs. The scroll began to shake and stir as it began to glow with an odd energy. Finally, a golden chain made of divine energy fired from Avalon’s scroll and wrapped around Coella’s arm and duel disk, preventing her from summoning cards or moving her arm. He held on to the scroll tightly, preventing Coella from moving.

“Gah! I-I’m sorry, ma’am! I can’t control my body!”

As Zenta paid attention to the actions of Vegetto, Brachi, and Avalon, his body instantly tensed upon seeing the golden chain coming from Avalon’s scroll. His body instantly tensed, and his hands clenched into shaking fists. For a moment, there was a low growl that came from his mouth, his teeth exposed in an animalistic rage. However, as quickly as his expression changed, it returned to normal, back to neutral.

“It seems that this Coella person might lose. Hm. I wonder what might happen to the Breakers in Kaiba’s deck if Coella loses?” Zenta clasped his arms behind his back, a slight grin on his face. “Forever under the control of Kaiba or sold off as souvenirs? What do you think, Lucifer Morningstar?”
“Why are you encouraging him?!” Daiman felt like he was talking to two weridos that overlooked the obvious problem. “Victor is the only one making sense here! If we destroyed the cards, we could—”

“Ssssh.” Lucifer placed his fingers on Daiman’s lips. “Don’t ruin the fun. Now, observe~” Lilith suddenly appeared and bowed to the rest of the group. “Lilith, be a dear and escort us to that young lady [Coella]. Dissect this game and allow us to join. I wish to have some fun and unwind a bit.”

“Yes.” Lilith nodded. Without hesitation, Lilith scanned the area in a few seconds. “Done. Please come with me. I have analyzed a way for you to join in.”


Shadow Games

Coella’s deck was paralyzed thanks to Avalon’s skill, preventing her from drawing anymore cards. If Malugia and Myers were to be defeated, and she’s unable to summon anymore monsters, it’ll be considered a loss.

Myers was sent flying back from Brachi’s attack. He took heavy damage that nearly put the masked man on death’s door. He tumbled back multiple times before crashing onto a nearby rock. The destructive power behind Brachi was brutal—and it effectively one-shotted him. He exploded, turning into a card and went to Kaiba’s deck.

“Even with your luck of getting a creator god…, I’ll obtain my victory.” Kaiba clenched his fists so tight that it bled. With Myers out of the picture, it was up to Vegetto to secure his victory. ““Hmm…?” His eyes narrowed upon seeing a strange woman approaching Coella from behind.
Victor thinks as he summons mettle eaters and large moths "Unless fate is completely unreasonable than mettle eaters and these talisman eating moths should be able to deal with those strange devices or resolve those cards if they come in contact with them long enough. If i lucky
I can have the moths eat the spells binding the summoned them self's."

Victor starts to summon other creatures that they will need for fighting after he summons a good number of mettle eaters and large moths.
"Hey." Berserk loomed over Daiman from her hovering in the air, glowering down at him with a glint in her irises. "Any one of you touches those cards the wrong way and I'll make you my target practice next. What are ya, chicken? You gonna turn yourself back into an egg, Chicken Little?" she taunted as the boy cowered. "These are my friends; I don't need them to be embarrassed getting their hides saved by spineless wimps like you. What if it was your friends up there, would you try it?" Berserk questioned rhetorically. "If that Kaiba guy's gonna turn you into a card anyway, I might as well make you go first onto that arena and see what happens... but then that Coella girl'd lose even faster!"

Mooli rubbed her chin as though seriously pondering Berserk's bullying, though she didn't seem to immediately object. "Hmm... that would be pretty bad. I can't let you guys go and destroy the cards either-- well, it's okay if the other ones get destroyed but Vegetto's from MY world! This might be a big breakthrough for me." she gave Daiman and Victor her best pleading puppy-dog eyes she could muster.

"... Don't tell me. You're not thinking of taking her side, are you?" Berserk asked Lucifer when Lilith returned. "I don't trust either of these weirdos to give back our cards! Can I just be player 3 instead?" Despite her clear objection, she could be convinced to assist the gambler Witch provided the right reasoning.
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Coella cringed as Avalon paralyzed her deck, the paralzysis cauing her hands to feeling like pins and needles so she couldn't summon any more of her cards. Even with the pain and certainty that she was likely to lose this already unfair game, she smiled regardless. "The right hands, you say? So calculating, as always. If my Lady ordained it so, I have no complaints about becoming your servant. I certainly seem to be in quite the bind-"

The Witch's ears swiveled behind her as she heard the bickering of the unaccounted group slowly approaching her. She turned back to face the 8 of them, confused but also pleasantly surprised.

"Why, hello there, who might you all be?" The seriousness of this decisive moment had been overshadowed but Coella's curiosity.
Kirito, realizing that Asuna has returned, seeks out her. She said she went to the stadium to watch a few matches. Curious, he starts looking for her and realized that everyone in the stadium was gone. There was no one around. He then spotted a strange group enter the tournmanet stadium and follows them. Maybe they know where Asuna is?

He approaches the group and introduces himself.

"Hello, my name is Kirito, have you guys by chance seen a blond girl around?"
“Stragglers?” Kaiba noticed a bunch of people coming in all nonchalant. “That is impossible… the Shadow World forbade anyone from entering this domain—” He took one look at Lilith and Lucifer and narrowed his eyes. “Of course… those two. How the hell I’ve missed those two upon my capture?!”

As the battle continues to rage on between Malugia and Vegetto, Lucifer’s ears perked up immediately when Mooli also object of cards being destroyed. His eyes widened and his expression changed. He had the most sinister smile he had ever shown during his time with the Breakers.

“I-I’m sorry?!” Daiman landed on his bottom when Berserk berated him. “I just thought that there’s an easier way to do this?” He tried to explain himself, but it seems that they had full intent of joining this game rather than saving them. After Mooli pleaded that this person was from her world, he didn’t fight it anymore. “O-okay…”

When Kirito approached the group, Daiman was surprised that there was another person that survived Kaiba’s card capture. “Huh…? That doesn’t really… narrow things down, but if you’re looking for her here…” He pointed to Kaiba across the field. “He may have her trapped inside of a card.”


Lilith bowed to Coella. “I am Lilith, a servant to Master Lucifer. We managed to escape the vicinity of Seto Kaiba’s capture technology, and we’re in the position to assist you.” She explained. “I’ve analyzed and studied the magic mechanisms behind this Shadow World, so I’m here to play backup—”

“No.” Lucifer stopped Lilith from explaining any further.


“Berserk just gave me a better idea.” Lucifer laughed devilishly. “While it would be absolutely amusing to relay the fate of our lives into the hands of some stranger… the idea of having multiple players instead is far more chaotic!”

The angel turns to Mooli and suddenly approached her, giving her zero personal space. “Not every day do we see someone from Vegetto’s world. I wonder if you’re a buffoon like him or someone decent. Oooh, I wonder if that clown will freak if he sees you! Perhaps you are his friend? Long-lost relative? Secret lover? The possibilities are endlessly!” He places his fingers on Mooli’s lips to prevent her from revealing any relations she had with him. “We just have to wait and see!”

Lucifer then approached Coella. “Miss Coella, we were here to assist you, but I’ve changed my mind. Instead, I propose we change this back and forth into a more chaotic and fun game. A real, fulfilling tournament!” He narrowed his eyes. “I propose we do a four-way style Gladiator Duels. Four players with a deck to see who will come out on top.”

Kaiba raised a brow. “Huh?! You can’t just waltz in here and start demanding anything. I am in control of this Shadow Game! Guards, cease them!” When the humanoid, blank like monsters appeared, they were instantly stopped in their tracks.

“Boring!” Lucifer retorted, simply snapping his fingers, and causing them to disperse. “Naoki always says that this type of one-to-one duel is incredibly boring! Mindless back and forth and overcomplication of spells and rules. Who honestly has time for that? Let’s simplify it… an all-out-brawl, but with more players thrown into the mix. Now that’s entertainment!” He turns to Berserk and Lilith. “You two will be player 3 and player 4. Kaiba, please give them a duel-disk so they can properly join.”

“Giving me orders?” Kaiba narrowed his eyes. “You need to know your place, pixie. You guys are nothing more than mere products to boost my eventual ambitions. You have no rights to make any decision—”

“I could just kill you by rearranging your body parts and make it into a water foundation as a decor for our game.” Lucifer threatened Kaiba.

“Tch…” Kaiba held onto his capture device. But suddenly a female voice appeared in his head.

“Don’t. I want to see how this goes. This could be a good study on their abilities. I want to be especially prepared when Vegetto and his lackeys eventually come and find me, hehe.”

Kaiba nodded his head. “Fine… we’ll change it up then.” He raised his hand and paused the game currently on-going. “Give those two a duel-disk.”

Malugia turns and spotted Lucifer right away. “You…!”

“Good!” Lucifer turns to the rest of the group, ignoring Malugia. “Great news, everyone. We are now able to join the game without issues. This time, it’ll be more chaotic, but fair. I’ll make sure of that. All of us will become cards, and Lilith will rearrange all the cards so that each player will have a respectable number of monsters to play. No cheap tactics. No strange rules. Just an all-out brawl. Any objections?”

Daiman raised his hand.

“None. Berserk and Lilith. Take your place on the platform. Coella, my apologies for barging in, but I cannot sit idly by while a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity suddenly presents itself like this. I do hope that you enjoy our time, though!”
Zenta glanced at the new person who entered the arena but did not seem very interested in him. Even if he could help the man, there was little he could do. His attention was entirely focused on Lucifer and his plan. The entire time, he said nothing, not objecting once, as he seemed to be entirely on board with Lucifer’s chaotic playing field. In a way, he was happy to finally have some chance to fight, even if it was not life or death.

“An all-out brawl? I must say, your little wicked mind is quite… fun.” Zenta said with a toothy grin. “I think it is a better option than just waiting for one winner. …Remind me to buy you dinner some time, Lucifer Morningstar…”

Zenta chuckled as he was beginning to get excited about this fight, his attention focused on Lucifer.

Avalon stared at Lucifer and Lilith before noticing Zenta, Berserk, and a couple of new faces. His eyes widened upon hearing Lucifer’s idea, and he shook his head, not liking it one bit. For a moment, his eyes landed on Berserk and her new appearance, but he paid no mind, at least for now.

“Damnit Lucifer! What are you planning now?! Why couldn’t you just save us?!”
"So much for being an angel..." Dielec grumbled, "why can't things go just right for once without some bloke making a mess out of things so that we're finally making some bloody progress?! It's as if you lot only care about your own entertainment rather than trying to solve the crisis I've heard of..."
Coella tilted her head slightly as Lucifer interrupted Lilith to explain his idea for a new much more complex and chaotic free-for-all. Despite her confusion, however, she was still excited to see this game change into something a little more interesting.

"Oh, it's no issue at all... Mr. Morningstar, was it? I, for one, think a free-for-all will make for an absolutely fantastic spectacle! We must seize this moment while we have it!" Coella smiled brightly, "besides, your timing was impeccable. I was on the verge of becoming a lowly little card myself!"

The witch then brought a single finger to her chin, thinking intensely after the mentioning of cards.

"Oh but that reminds me. Now that the tournament has changed to a four player battle, does that mean the stakes change, as well? The reward for Kaiba kid's victory was that I would become one of his battle cards. Does that mean Bricker and Lily will suffer the same fate? And what of the others if they come out the victor? What will they receive if they win?"
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