The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bernkastel met Bara's eyes, looking anxious at first with what could go down in the next few minutes but gave her a firm nod. Once Zenta returned with Spina on his back, the Witch pulled her hand deep into her ruffled sleeve, whispering an incantation to herself.

"Come forth, what has come undone... I see in my eye..." Eyes closed, she slowly pulled her hand out with a tiny, gleaming white needle between her fingers. The thread in its eyelet was thin and weblike at first but sloely became visible to the naked eye. "Strong ligature and sinew, binding bones together to build a mighty warrior. Come, remember your form."

Flicking her wrist in the beast's direction, her needle flew out and wove its way around the others to find its target. Once it found a gash on Spina's arm, the magic needle started to stitch through and hold the open wound shut before moving to the next wound. The cracks were going to take much more effort to heal than the mauling Zenta left on him.

"The stitches should keep the cracks at bay and control the bleeding, but it won't regenerate much tissue without extra help. That's where you come in; your healing has far greater range than mine," she told Bara while hovering her hands over Spina's arm to jumpstart the healing process. "Now I'm just waiting for when Broly decides to go after us..."


"For a lughead he's pretty speedy," Berserk didn't make any move yet, although she was fairly confident Broly's abilities weren't discernibly different than what the other Saiyans can do. Now that Cayde unleashed a chain of explosives on him, she knew the Xy'pher would be on high alert for similar tricks. She noticed, however, that Broly reacted poorly to Spawn's taunting. Her eyes narrowed as she gave a mischievous smirk.

"Okay Avalon, I'm goin' in to get him offa Spawn-- might be a little crazy but it oughta help you pull the rug out from under him. Wish me luck!"

Dashing off without a second thought, Berserk swung her sword to extend outward and knock Broly upside the head.

"D'aww, what's the matter? Goku a sore spot for ya? Does that mean you can't square up with him and win? Hahaha! Looks like we outclass you since we just pummeled him into the ground the other day!" The PowerPunk cackled before yanking the sword back to its default form, quickly flying in a circle around Broly and Spawn fast enough to be a blur of afterimages with each one sporting a mocking grin. "Does that make you maaaad?" With each question Berserk taunted him with, a fist or foot lit up with red lightning would appear from the swirling mirage without warning to strike Broly directly at any angle. "Gonna cry? Throw another tantrum, maybe?"

Come on, take the bait...
Bara on her turn simply pointed her head tentacle towards Spina and fired her healing beam onto him, doing what she can to assist in healing Spina as best as she could. At the same moment she also detached pieces of herself and sent them swirling around her and Bernkastel after 'solidifying' them as a form of a crude barrier meant to intercept any stray blast that could be sent their way as long as the others kept Broly occupied.
May thinks as she evades any blasts as well takes out the shield to block those, she can't block "just in case" as she takes out a couple orbs as she makes shore that the brakers have the room to fight Broly with the other xy'phers form interfearing.

May thinks "I should take in to account that king may added a bit more self-privation to Broly." May has killed Broly a number of times wend he attempted to fight her.
The Hive Arena

Detective Spawn managed to block the Xy’pher’s mighty blows, but his body was getting further embedded into the ground. “I knew Broly was strong, but this is crazy. As if without his memories, his strength was more or less in check. Now…”

“What’s wrong?! Don’t tell me you’ve given up already!” Broly cocked his right hand back as a twirl of green energy clumped together in the center of his palm. Before striking him, he was struck on the head once again, this time by Berserk.

Catching his full attention, Broly ignored the Detective and focus on tracking down the Powerpunk, who spun around him so fast that she left behind afterimages. He was being attacked from all directions, dealing heavy blows against his crystal body that more fragmented pieces came flying off. To add insult to injury, Berserk was taunting him by using Goku as the main topic, adding onto Broly’s seething mind.

“Arghh!!!” Broly shouted as a burst of energy erupted out of his body, sending hundreds of destructive blasts across the arena like rain. Suddenly the scenery had change; from a cool atmosphere to more diluted one void of vivid colors. He arched forward and dashed as his aura blaze around him like lightning. In that moment, Broly timed his attack to catch Berserk by crashing onto her. Both of them burrowed against the ground as the roaring applause of Xy’phers muffled the sounds of explosions.

“Little worm….!!!!” Broly grabbed Berserk by the throat and lifted her off the ground. “Die!!” He punched the Powerpunk in the stomach before slamming her against the ground. “Die hard, will you!?” Green aura burst from his right hand before coming down to a singular point, launching it towards Berserk as it grew exponentially into a large blast.


“I’m…” Spina grunted as the healing process had started. “Fine… let me down… already…. I … I can take him.” Thanks to the combination of Bernkastel and Bara, his body was slowly healing, although at a slower rate than usual. At least, Spina was able to open his eyes as he seen the battle unfolding in front of him. “I’m tired…”
The Hive Arena
"You can't!" Bernkastel's insistent tone came out harsher than she intended. A pause followed, looking almost fearful as several of Broly's energy blasts narrowly missed them to explode across the arena. The eruption of sounds around them didn't deter her gaze on Spina until she hunched her shoulders together with downcast eyes. "I know what'll happen if I let you... just like when you went alone to fight Gogeta."

Her voice was shaky, the vivid memory of Gogeta's conflict with Spina and his death that had followed. She didn't believe Lucifer that Spina had died since he never reverted to a Coin, but after Guardian showed what really was brewing behind the scenes, she felt like a fool for mistaking the risk of the situation.

"Besides, look around you. These bastards want a show out of us; if we're entertaining enough, we will be given acknowledgement-- that's how the King thinks of even his own subjects. Don't waste what you've recovered on the first round; we're gonna take down that Dark Xy'pher together and get Cuki's coin." Steeling herself against the tense atmosphere around them, Bern tried to steer his Saiyan's pride elsewhere. "So just rest for a little while longer, okay? If you want a truly worthy battle, the one running this place is your target. Then the King."

. . .

As Berserk didn't need air to breathe, her expression was one of surprise rather than fear, looking like she was getting a laugh out of provoking him. "Heh... Got-em," she managed to squeeze out before Broly landed a swift punch into her stomach. The force of it made her body practically bend around his massive fist, hacking up quite a bit of blood before an impact with the ground made her skid several feet to a stop.

"Ow... that's gonna leave a mark..." she rolled over onto her belly, the sword still grasped tightly by one arm tucked under her body. Spitting out more blood, Berserk glanced up at the sight of a blinding green light. It was gaining momentum along with size, looking like a small moon was closing in. Her eyes were wide, yet she couldn't get up and fly out of the way with its mass.

Instead, she gave a grin of blood-tinged teeth before laughing to herself. Berserk swung back her arm to let the sword extend its reach to eight feet, each segment glowing bright red. With a grunt the Powerpunk Girl pulled the sword upwards just in time to slam into Broly's energy blast; slab by slab, the sword unleashed a bright red web of lightning as it dug into the green orb. The edge jutting out of the last segment finished slicing Broly's attack clean in two. With two green-tinged explosions into the bench section billowing out behind her, she stared him down with glowing eyes and a mean grin twisting otherwise cute features.

"That all ya got, meathead?"
The Hive Arena

Propping himself up to his feet, Cayde smiled widely at Spawn's backhanded compliment; the android proudly placing his hands on his hips.

"Aww! That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me-"

The android suddenly yelped, caught offguard by the berserker Saiyan grasping onto his head and slamming him into the ground. Cayde's body whipped around under Broly's grip as he collided through the ground, his mechanical voice strained and barely ringing out over the terrain slamming into him.

"Ackk!...Broly...we...argh....were....ackkk...having a moment!"

The android went flying once he was tossed towards Bage, but gracefully flipped through the air. Cayde managed to right himself midflight enough to land feet first on Bage's chest, an uneasy grin on his face.


Using the detective as a springboard, Cayde launched forward back towards Broly in a new flight; the gunslinger confidently pulling his hand cannon from its holster with a confident smirk at the sight of the small energy blast flying his way. Just a small blast? Easy to deflect and-

The energy sphere suddenly expanding out as large as it did immediately washed away Cayde's confident expression, and the android flailed in a panicked frenzy as he flew directly towards the massive blast.

"Oh shit no no no no!"

The intense explosion erupted with the android disappearing inside, the massive smoke cloud hanging over the arena. After a second, Cayde flopped down into the ground and slid to a halt with a heavy groan; little trails of smoke billowing up from the slightly ripped cape and hood he wore.

"Unngh...yep....that hurt..."

Cayde shook his head from side to side like a wild dog, rolling his shoulders and groaning as he stood up. His eyes briefly scanned the immediate fight, seeing Spawn fending off Broly as best he could and in realizing he was no longer being pursued, Cayde turned around and faced towards the audience. He threw up his arms, waving the potentially bored and disinterested crowd of Xy'phers on with a boisterous tone.

"Are you not entertained?!"

The android didn't wait for a reply, chuckling to himself.

"Ah...I love my job."

Cayde sighed to himself contently, his eyes watching the battle once again. The Breakers shielding Bernkastel and Spina were doing their job well, while Berserk had just entered the fray and taunted Broly into fighting her. He exhaled deeply as he flipped his hand cannon up, the magazine cartridge in the center flipping open.

If the little one is keeping him busy, then I can wind up this move. It'll take a minute...maybe they'll already have finished him...or maybe I'll miss...but what the hell, why not get a little practice in.

Cayde fiddled with the cartridge, and one by one, metal bullet casings dropped down onto the floor. Bouncing around on their own, the entire cartridge was emptied until only one remained in the chamber, and Cayde promptly flipped the magazine back into the gun as he pointed the weapon forward; lining up the iron sights onto the moving target of Broly.

"Just let me get that one...perfect...shot."

Standing completely still, Cayde stood with his arm outstretched and the gun pointed forward in following the fight. At first, nothing seemed to be happening; just the android standing there and aiming the hand cannon. But after a few seconds, smoke slowly billowed up from the barrel of the gun itself and a familiar heat emitted from around the android while his arm's shaking began to steady.

The eyes staring down through the iron sights narrowed slightly, sharpening in a laser, unmoving focus on the target. The gun moved on its own with the hand, following Broly as he weaved from side to side, battling with the Powerpunk. Yet the Saiyan Berserker came to a halt and erupted into a tumultuous scream; even more blasts of energy blasted outward in every direction. The blasts rained down and slammed into everything in an indiscriminate rampage.

A stray green blast struck down perfectly into Cayde in his stance. Yet even as explosions erupted all around where he stood, the energy that slammed into the android strangely vanished like water vaporizing into the air. Blast after blast struck into Cayde, but the android stood completely still with an intense glare trained on the fighters across the way. The mechanical eyes narrowed only slightly, a golden gleam encasing his pupils.

In a sudden flourish of a familiar heat and fire, Cayde's gun ignited with fire around the metal. However instead of the steely silver that the pressure normally radiated, a golden gleam radiated in a brilliant flash of energy now swirling around the android. Particles of golden energy spiraled up from underneath the android's boots; the firey aura encasing his body entirely.

The growing heat and pressure only mounted further and further, Cayde's outstretched arm completely still without any shaking. The gun and hand moved in perfect sync with Broly's movements in slamming Berserk into the ground; almost predicting the movement before Broly even made them. The ominous whirl of fire continued to billow outward as Cayde's finger began to curl, inching closer to the trigger.

The Snowy Mountains of Rogue City

Vegetto kept his brace throughout the threatening display, clenching his teeth and shutting his eyes tightly in hopes of bracing against the incoming attack. Yet once the energy diminished into nothing, Vegetto blinked with wide eyes, turning his gaze towards Vortex Man.

He slowly rose to his feet, keeping the narrowed glare trained on Vortex Man even through the proclamation that he meant no harm to Clark. The Potara fusion looked over Vortex Man, recalling the entire debacle Gogeta and Ultraman once had and realizing the level of distaste this Kryptonian must have for his brother.

At the final question posed, Vegetto kept his glare strong, his dual voice curt.

"You didn't know him like I did. Believe it or not, we actually care about our friends."

Vegetto glanced down towards Clark, his expression softening a bit.

"We just...forgot what it means to fight for someone else for a long time."
Avalon watched in awe as Spawn and Broly went toe-to-toe against each other, followed by Bage's massive attack on Broly. Cayde impressed him as well, and thanks to the dazzling display with his explosives, there was smoke and dust rising up. Berserk's taunting and belittling of Broly gave him an idea, and he noticed how Broly reacted to taunting. Thanks to the smoke caused from Cayde's attack, Avalon quickly tossed down the smoke balls he held to nearly engulf the entire dome with smoke.

The Xy'pher crowd watching the fight began to boo, the smoke clouding their vision of the fight.

"If my hypothesis is correct, Xy'phers can't sense energy..." Avalon said to himself as he performed hand signs, summoning several clones of himself. "If they can't sense energy, then Broly won't know the difference between a clone and the real thing..."

The clones that were created quickly scattered all over the place and performed hand signs to turn into Berserk. As the smoke began to disappear, there were numerous Berserk-Clones all over the arena, each one taunting Xy'pher-Broly one by one.

"Is that all you got?!"

"You gonna cry some more?"

"Hahaha! Goku punched waaaay harder than you!"

"You're such a loser!"

"You look like an overcooked celery stick, dweeb!"

Meanwhile, the real Avalon hid in the remaining smoke next to Berserk. He leaned closer to Berserk's ear.

"I got an idea, and I'm gonna need some of your strength, Berserk." Avalon whispered. "My clone is gonna distract Broly while we sneak around and catch him off guard."

Near Bernkastel, Zenta, Spina, and Bara, the group felt a growing gravitational pull to the walls of the dome. Only these four felt the growing force. It grew stronger and stronger as the seconds went by. Zenta grunted under the growing pressure, standing firm near Bernkastel and Bara. His grip on Spina tighten.

"Something is coming..."

Nia was entirely blinded by the smoke, unable to see or sense the Breakers anywhere. She was able to feel the growing force of gravity and her eyes widen slightly, it being strongest by Bara, Bernkastel, Zenta, and Spina. She quickly floated her way towards the group and held her hands out in front of her. She seemed desperate and confused as to where the enemy might strike, thanks to the smoke covering her vision.

"There is a Xy'pher coming! A powerful one! Brace yourselves!"

Outside the dome, the Xy'pher crowd stopped boo'ing and began to chatter between each other. It grew louder and louder until it sounded like a cheer. The Xy'phers stomped their feet and clapped their hands. Eventually, the cheer started to sound like a name.

Gravita! Gravita! Gravita!
Bage hopped back from his attack on Xy'pher Broly to allow detective Spawn a turn to keep him from recovering. He only watched, preparing to strike again as Broly rose again, reaching for Cayde and flinging him around like a doll before launching the android his way at an alarming speed. Bage braced himself, a small shield appearing on his chest as Cayde's feet made contact. He turned looking ahead of them and then back at the android apologizing for using him as a springboard.

"Cayde wait...!" He tried to warn, but then Cayde was off, causing him to skid back slightly and watch as he slammed face first into Broly's oncoming ki blast. Bage shut his eyes at the impact, bracing himself for the explosion as it took both he and Cayde into its detonation. Afterward, he watched the android try and rile up the Xy'pher audience. He sighed and facepalmed before getting back into the fray himself, leaving Cayde to figure out whatever he was fiddling with.

As Berserk and Avalon kept the Xy'pher's attention, Bage came to detective Spawn's aid in the crater Broly had created using his body. Bage grabbed hold of Spawn's arm and lifted him out of the human-shaped indent. "Hey, you okay? The others have got his attention for now. We've all gotta overwhelm him if we want to finish this-" Bage explained, before he stopped to hear the Xy'pher audience stomping and chanting.

"Gravita...?" He turned back to Spawn. "Could that be...?
May says "It means that more this hive elite might be coming. We shood get remove Broly quicker before this Gravita comes." May starts to shoot at Broly to limit his movements.

May thinks as she gets a combat knife reedy "just in case I need a backup weapon."
The Hive Arena

“What?” Xy’pher Broly was taken aback at Berserk’s power, cutting his attack in half with ease. As the smoke of the explosions continues to cloud the arena, Broly balled his fists so tight, it nearly shattered his hands. “You’re more than scum, huh?” His energy rose in response to his anger. “I’ll make you eat those words, punk!”

Aura around the Saiyan berserker flourished like wild flames as he rushed in, solely focusing on the Powerpunk, and ignoring everything else. However, the emergence of multiple Berserks running around forced him to stop. He turned side-to-side as each Berserk Clone hurled insults at him, mocking at very direction.

“Think you can stall your death with tricks!?” Broly roared, punching one of the clones with precise force. It exploded on impact and covered the Xy’pher’s hand with water. “Huh?!” He swung his leg, kicking another. Once again, it exploded and splashed water all over him. It felt like no matter how many times he destroyed them; it appears to be more Berserk Clones. He was struck in the back by May’s gun multiple times, shattering through his crystal body. Unable to sense energy proper, he was unable to detect anyone’s whereabouts.

Nearly drench in water and riddled with wounds, Broly groaned as his energy spike dramatically in the endless stream of Berserk clones still around. “No matter how many worms you throw at me, your death will come!” Letting out a mighty roar, he remained stationary as he made an indication to transform. The aura bubbled around the Xy’pher, unleashing around round of energy blasts throughout the arena once more.


“I’m fine,” Spawn brushed off the dirt from his attire. Of course, he noticed the Xy’phers chanting a name. “May’s right. We need to put him down before whatever that thing arrives.” The Detective didn’t want to have two people, with unpredictable nature, to fight against. “He’s trying to transform, but he’s wide opened. Don’t waste this chance. You go high, I’ll go low.” Spawn dashed forward, seeing Cayde locking onto Broly with such precision.


Spina’s eyes widened when Bernkastel stood firm in her position. The witch was right to go straight for the old Saiyan’s pride of a challenge to cool him off for just a moment. “Hmph…” His eyes softened as his body, finally but slowly getting healed. The wounds were closing, then disappearing from sight. “Fine… but you owe me that much. The next one… better be a decent fight.”

Snowy Mountains of Rogue City

Vortex Man didn’t make an immediate response to Vegetto’s comment. Taking a moment to think about his answer; he had a hard time believing such. Gogeta for obvious reasons, but Vegetto was another case altogether. “You did try to risk your life to save Kal-El. I supposed that counts for something.” He rubbed a chin a little bit, before turning to Clark. “You vouch for him?”

Clark nodded once without hesitation. “Everyone deserved a second chance to self-reflect on their mistakes, and right the wrongs. I know I need too.” His eyes sharpened. “Give him the opportunity.”

Vortex Man turned to Vegetto. “Kal-El always go soft after he gets super serious. But I won’t pursue you if he thinks you can turn this around.” He paused for a moment. “I was in a similar mindset as well. Leave Kal-El to me, so I can properly heal him. Go find your “friends” if you still have them.”
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