The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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During Broly's reckless attack, Berserk saw the smokescreen around them move like silt following the direction of disturbance in water. A wayward attack grazed Berserk's arm at the shoulder, causing her to grab it with a pained grunt. Unable to predict where another attack will come from, she stood at Avalon's side unaware of Broly's energy spear headed right for them.

A tint of pink engulfed them before the sound of something struck it from behind her. Seeing the spear be reclaimed, the Powerpunk Girl sighed in relief before flashing Detective Bage two thumbs up as thanks. As soon as Avalon dove in with his scroll toss, Berserk disappeared into the smoke to lurk and wait.

Bernkastel, who had been keeping her attention focused on finding where the entity would come out from, stood behind Zenta and saw the large Xypher Saiyan suddenly appear and tower above even the tailed man-beast."Shit! He's fast--!" Bernkastel swore as Nia's barrier broke down.

What happened next was beyond her prediction. Rather than swing his fist at Zenta in front of her, Broly aimed it right at her. Startled, Bern took a panicked step back to try and teleport out of his range; his massive fist closed in before she fully evaporated into thin air. The smoke of her lower half rematerialized before her back hit the ground and caused her to leave a trailing crater several yards from Broly's punch.

Half of her face was bright red with an imprint from the Captain's knuckles on her swollen cheek, spitting out a mouthful of blood. Her head felt like she were underwater, which made it hard for her to stand back up. "You... lowlife..." she choked out between spatters of blood. Bernkastel prepared to retaliate until Broly threw the massive energy blast at her group. Nothing she'd cast would possibly redirect or protect them in time.

"They're too far away..." Bern opened both eyes wide in realization. The distance! I have distance! quickly exhaling, the Witch covered her ears and shut her eyes to block the chaos out. Breathing in one long, carefully measured breath, the world around her dissolved into black and time became a crawl. Her eyes shone white as the throbbing pain faded from her relaxed posture.

Hardly any deliberation was needed now that Bernkastel extended her reaction time. Arms outstretched, white spectral snakes emerged from her sleeves to wrap around the waists of Nia, Bara, Zenta and Spina like vines. The Witch pulled them toward her, flying up high enough to bring them above the reach of Broly's blast; the gravitational pressure made her expend more energy to resist it just so they'd be high enough.

Breaking her held breath finally, Bernkastel wiped her mouth off as they collectively sank back down to the ground from the growing pressure. "Just in time," she coughed before staring blankly ahead where she believed was the source of the heavy pressure.

"Spina," Bern deadpanned. "Break time is over. You better be ready to fight."
At the second Bernkastel completed her breathing technique, Berserk stopped and frowned when she saw the familiar split-second flash of black cross her vision. Again... Not much time to question it other than it meant she needed to attack quickly before something else did. Dashing off in a bright crimson beam, Berserk reappeared behind Broly.

"Hey. I didn't say our tussle was over!" Her hair ribbons wrapped around his neck and limbs to deliver a nasty surprise of plasma lightning all over his drenched crystal body.
Zenta growled under his breath when Bernkastel was hit, but could not move out in time from Broly's attack. He tensed his body, trying his best to keep Spina protected, yet, before he could move a muscle, he found himself floating with the others. His face trailed back to Bernkastel, and his expression was that of gratitude. Nia felt the mysterious pull towards Bernkastel, and she bowed her head to the Witch for saving her life. However, her attention quickly returned to the single entrance to the arena. Her eyes widen quickly, and she immediately held out her hands to form a barrier.

The cheering crowd screamed and cried now that the main event was beginning to unfold. It was so loud that the Breakers could not hear the growing stomping noises that came towards them. Just like before, Bernkastel, Zenta, Spina, and Bara would feel a growing pressure, but this time it was drastically pulling them in. Out from the entrance came charging a petite female covered in armor, ready to ram towards the group. The force was too strong for them to move away from, and her charge quickly broke through Nia's barrier like butter. The female tackled Zenta directly on his chest, sending the fox and Spina spinning wildly out of control towards the barrier surrounding the dome. Zenta spat out blood and hacked in pain as he felt Spina slam against the dome behind him. Both he and Spina slid down the barrier and fell to the floor next to Spawn and Bage.

The force behind the tackle not only sent Zenta and Spina flying, but it also flung Bernkastel, Bara, and Nia in the opposite directions even though they were not hit. The force behind it felt like being hit by an invisible train. Once the group was separated, the petite girl was no older than Avalon or Berserk and barely taller than Bernkastel! Her presence drove the crowd insane. The Xy'phers nearby Lucifer would bump and shove him, and some would even crawl over his wings to see the Dark Xy'pher.


"The star of the show is heeeere~! Me! Gravita!" The Dark Xy'pher cheered on her people. "Now I get to have fun! Who wants to see some rumble?! Who should I kill first?!"

The crowd of Xy'phers went insane once more before turning their heads and pointing their fingers at Spina.

Kill Spina! Kill Spina! Kill Spina!

"Pickin' out the weakest from the group eh?! I like it!"

"No!" Nia shouted before holding out her hand and using her psychic power to push Gravita towards the other side of the dome, away from Spina. "You will not hurt any of them!"

Gravita skidded on the floor and her back lightly bounced off the wall of the dome.

"Heehee, you're that traitor Xy'pher, huh? The King spoke a bit about you and says we should kill you on sight." Gravita cackled menacingly before walking towards Nia who instinctively placed a barrier. "You don't scare me!"

Gravita held out her hand to touch the barrier, and Nia instantly felt her barrier wrap around her and shrinking slowly. Gravita was planning to crush the Xy'pher using her own barrier against her. Smaller and smaller the barrier closed in, with Nia struggling to free herself to no avail.

"You're not as strong as you were before, huh? Pathetic!"

"Crap! We gotta help Nia..! What to do?!" Avalon panicked before quickly turning to Berserk and her electric ribbons. "Aha!"

With quick hand signs, Avalon summoned a bull-like creature and ordered it to charge towards Gravita. Without skipping a beat, he grabbed one of Berserk's ribbons, getting a shock before pointing his scroll towards the creature he summoned. The scroll began to glow a deep blow color before shifting to match Berserk's electricity in color. It charged up for a few seconds before firing out a small plasma bullet towards the paper bull, electrifying it. It ran faster and faster until it began a literal blur of plasma and struck Gravita, freeing Nia from being crushed. Avalon released Berserk's ribbon and his hair frizzed up.

"Never doin' that again..." Avalon said as his hair sizzled.

"Hey! I wasn't done killin' her, ya'know!" Gravita pouted. "Oh well, when I'm done pickin' yous one by one, I'll play with her! But anyway, I should get rid of your weakest member!"

Gravita skipped towards Spina like a child and stared at Spawn and Bage with big purple eyes.

"You're gonna move, RIGHT?"
The Hive Arena

Once the bullet had pierced through Broly's skull, Cayde's glowing eyes vanished in an instant and the fire evaporated into nothing. The android exhaled slowly, lowering his gun while he watched on in the explosive result of the Omega Blaster; bracing a bit to maintain his stance. He perked his head from side to side, however, at the impending pressure that approached alongside the growing chants from the Xy'pher audience. A serious stern stare adorned the android's face as he watched the entrance, tensing a bit until Gravita herself had entered the battlefield to the uproaring applause of her people.

Cayde dropped his shoulders with a wide eyed stare, his loud mechanical voice nearly muffled by the immense cheers of the crowd.

"You gotta be kidding?! That's Gravita?!"

The android twitched in confusion, his eyes shutting half way in frustrated dejection of the immense disappointment that he felt not so much in Gravita's appearance, but the audience's intense uproar of cheering. He turned around and flailed his arms at the crowd near him, completely oblivious to the loud "fzzt" that rung out next to him.

"Hey!! What about us?! Didn't you see our coordinated moves? Our big explosions? The bubble gum healing beam?! My Golden Gun?! THE WATER ELECTRICITY THINGY?!!"

Cayde stood nearly motionless while the crowds continued to cheer on with a clear focus that was not on him or the other Breakers, much to the android's dismay. Cayde grumbled to himself angrily as he rapidly fidgetted with his beltline, his arms trembling in anger as he struggled to replace his empty cartridge in his hand cannon while he rambled on incoherently about the lack of respect from the crowd. Eventually reloading his gun, Cayde raised the pistol and fired indiscriminately into the crowd; emptying the magazine.

"Little bastards! Who the hell cheers for little girls over death defying stunts and explosions?!"


Cayde turned his head at the sound of Vegetto's dual voice, barely nodding in reply.

"Oh hey."

The android then blinked hard once, promptly turning around once the annoyance at the crowd fully washed away from clouding his judgement.

"OH HEY! Where the hell have you been?! Where's Clark?"

Vegetto kept his eyes forward, watching the scene with Gravita still unfolding.

"He's recovering. l'll explain you have any senzus on you?"

Cayde frowned in reply, looking down towards his belt and reaching through his cartridges for pockets.

"Uh...I'm not sure. I'll check's kinda hard to have those when the city they're made in is destroyed."

Vegetto extended out his right hand towards the android while Cayde fiddled with his belt, the Potara fusion's expression visibly growing more irritated at each passing second.

"C'mon Cayde...we don't have all day!"

"I know I know! Shut up...maybe it was this one...nope....uhhh...maybe"
As Gravita entered the ring, Bage was caught off guard by her stature. His face twisted in surprise. She was the size of a child compared to half of them! It wasn't until the others being flung by the small fighter did he seem to get nervous, remembering that he couldn't underestimate this enemy by her size alone. She seemed like a powerhouse all on her own. seeing the others go flying was proof of that. He turned to Spina and Zenta as they slammed into the barrier next to he and Spawn in worry before turning back to the Dark Xy'pher and preparing h ok myself for a fight. He moved in front of both Breakers to block Gravita's path to them. He glared down at the girl's demand before answering in earnest.

"Not a chance. You'll have to get through us first." The detective clenched his fist, his ki swirling around to create another, even bigger shining Warhammer attack. "I hope you don't expect us to die so easily!"

Without any hesitation, Bage roared while throwing the ki hammer down with all his might to crush the small Xy'pher where she stood.
Bara had turned to the new arrival, the Xy'pher Gravita, but already she was narrowing her eyes towards her already. While she continued to heal Spina, she already was calculating her moves to assist the others, mentally commanding some small pieces of herself she had set up as a barrier to shrink to miniscule size so one couldn't see them with the naked eye, then have them form into fists to strike at Gravita from behind as a form of flying fists and in lieu of a hit and run tactic, wanting to make Gravita think she was in multiple places at once, constantly on the move and wanting to keep her disoriented enough for the others to tag in and attack.

It was at times like this that Bara held onto a lesson that Brachi taught her: if enemies fight with every dirty trick possible, give them a taste of their own medicine. Fight fire with fire, by any means to remove any threat the enemy poses. There was no more time to play around.
May thinks as she jumps out the way of the blast "somehow I not surprised." May takes out a pistol and starts to shoot Gravita.

May says "Nia do keep in mind that the group of idiots you're with. Were jumped in the tiger's den for largely idiotic reasons. If your able just run support Nia and let the loud ones deal with her."
"Whooooo!! I was goin' full voltage there!" Berserk cheered as she high-fived Avalon. "Makes ya feel alive don't it?! I got the idea after shocking myself while trying to dismantle a defibrillator as a kid. Way to pack a whallop dude!"

She heard the buzz of a familiar noise, turning with an excited look on her face. "Hey look, it's Mr. Vegetto! More like Late-getto, dropping in just when things pick up for us." Berserk playfully scolded. "You shoulda seen us giving ol' Broccoli a run for his money! Oh yeah! I think this girl's the one Eleki called his sister. She's the head honcho here, but apparently she's cut the network off from the Red King. So! Main thing is don't die and help us kick her ass. We gotta take this place down since they're gonna take over another city if we don't."

"Well, I see the family resemblance," Bernkastel remarked sarcastically. Despite having been flung back so violently by Gravita's tackle, her focused composure wasn't as shaken up this time around. Possibly because Broly's attack wisened her up to their strategy of being hard-hitters, but the injury to her face wasn't seemingly as painful as it was a moment before.

This one has armor on for some reason... I could try damaging it but if I get close, I won't be able to escape her gravity pull. What else to do... The witch narrowed her eyes, watching how Gravita moves and responds to attacks. But this Xy'pher seems vain and unstable. I'll just exploit that.

Avalon's bull attack gave her an idea for how to do it. Widening her stance, Bernkastel's shadow distorted beneath her until it manifested a shadow-puppet shaped like a cat. "Alright kitty. Follow my tempo," she ordered sternly... before placing her hands over her head and moving them to mimic cat ears. The feline stood on its hind legs and mimicked her dancing, a green sheen building as their movements synced up. Once it glowed brightly, Bernkastel picked the creature up and made a heel turn to see Gravita approaching Bage and Spawn.

"She likes to put on a show so let's make her fumble the performance." There was no malice in her tone but rather a detached curiosity about exploiting the Dark Xy'phers quirky personality. With Bage readying an answer for the Dark Xy'pher, Bern swung her whole body and chucked the shadowy familiar while Gravita turned her back on them in an effort to force a divide in her attention.

".... Catch," Bern said after a delayed pause.
"Speak for yourself, Berserk..." Avalon puffed out smoke from his mouth. "Electricity ain't my thing."

The ninja's attention quickly landed on Vegetto and his expression brighten. With Vegetto here, he assumed the battle will become much easier.

Now that Vegetto's here, we got everyone fightin' Gravita and Broly. This works in our favor.

Gravita pouted when Bage refused to move. Her eyes and smile widen when she saw the Warhammer, and when Bage slammed it on top of her head, a large cloud of dust and debris lifted. When it settled, she stood in the same position with the end of Bage's Warhammer being stopped by a pinkish aura that, quite literally, slurped up the energy hammer. The intense gravity pulled his energy hammer apart. It pulled Bage's Warhammer in and stretched it out so thin, that it looked like spaghetti in Bage's hands.

"Your hammer looks wimpy! My fists work a lot better! Watch!"

Finally, she outstretched her tiny hands and the surrounding crystal around them started to morph and contort into her signature pink Gravity Gauntlets. Once Bage's hammer completely disappeared, she condensed the gravity around her hands to form a fist that prevented Bage from escaping and pulled him in. Bage was pulled directly towards her gauntlet. Reeling her arm back, she launched her fist towards Bage's face, hitting him at full force and sending the Saiyan flying back.

"One more time!"

As Bage flew, he slowed down and came to a stop before rushing right back to Gravita's gauntlet from the intense gravitational pull. He flew so fast that all Gravita had to do was hold out her fist and Bage's face would slam right on it as hard as the first time.

"Ta-daa!" Gravita giggled as the crowd cheered and clapped. "Thank you! Thank you~!"

The Xy'pher bowed to her people before playfully jumping over Bage's body in order to get closer to Zenta and Spina. In her playful walk, she mimicked the Jaw's theme the closer she got to the two. She stopped, however, after being struck by Bara's Bubblegum Fists. Now her attention was set on the hit-and-run tactics of the move, and she was too slow to move out of the way or evade. With May's bullets adding on to that, Gravita held her arms up to block some damage. More and more fists and bullets slammed against her, and her annoyance was starting to show.

"UGH! So annoying! I'm being attacked by flies!" Gravita pouted before clapping her hands together. "I know how to get rid of pesky flies!"

As Bara's attack continued, Gravita slowly began to open her palms and a very tiny black and pink dot floated in the middle. It began to grow larger and larger, until any Bara Fists and bullets that came too close were instantly sucked in. The ground cracked under her feet and rubble floated around her and towards the mini black hole she formed in her hands. All of Bara's Bubblegum Fists and May's bullets that aimed to attack Gravita were sucked into the hole in an instant, and once she caught everything attacking her, she turned to the Majin and May with a wicked smirk.

"Catch!" Gravita pulled her arms back to rip and split the black hole into two smaller ones. She reeled her arm back and flung the black holes towards Bara and May like baseballs. As the black holes grew closer, it ripped apart the ground and created a giant rock boulder aimed directly at Bara and May.

"Now then, where was I? Oh yeah! Killin' Spina and the Breaker's doggy."

However, before Gravita took a step, she turned to face Bernkastel's cat and caught it hesitantly. At first, she seemed confused, but her sinister eyes widen slightly before petting the kitty and giggling. Unfortunately, the sheer amount of gravity her gauntlets contained began to rip the kitty apart with every pat she gave the cat.

"Hey, ugly!" She called to Broly. "Get your butt into gear and MOVE IT! We got Breakers to kill! Get rid of 'em! NOW! I'll handle those two!" Gravita nudged her head to Spina and Zenta. "The King's gonna be so proud of me once I bring 'im the Breakers! I wanna keep one of 'em tho'! Whoever lands a hit on me I get to keep!"
May says flatly "well fuck you too." As may evades the rocks she tosses a grenade at the blackholes. It's strange instead of the explosion one expected it somehow workers like a white hole.

May says still shooting Gravita "I gest we are going to have to kill the gravity mage Bara." May thinks "so the name was really that obvious."
Majin Bara on the other hand narrowed her eyes and simply shrunk herself quickly to move out of the way before she reformed as she heard what May said, nodding.

"You're not the only one capable of that trick, Gravita..." Bara then said as she then lifted numerous boulders herself using telekinesis before hurling them towards the Xy'pher.
However this proved to be only a cover for a more devious plan on the Majin's part, as the moment she hurled the boulders towards her, she also tagged each of them with a speck of energy that was too small to see with the naked eye, but was potent enough to make each boulder into a floating mine, so whenever Gravita would strike one to get it out of the way, it would detonate in either a fierce explosion, or a plume of smoke as if Bara had used her ability to generate steam from the holes on her body to make some of the explosive boulders into smoke grenades, intending to disorient Gravita so she and May could plan their next actions accordingly and quickly.
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