Bernkastel met Bara's eyes, looking anxious at first with what could go down in the next few minutes but gave her a firm nod. Once Zenta returned with Spina on his back, the Witch pulled her hand deep into her ruffled sleeve, whispering an incantation to herself.
"Come forth, what has come undone... I see in my eye..." Eyes closed, she slowly pulled her hand out with a tiny, gleaming white needle between her fingers. The thread in its eyelet was thin and weblike at first but sloely became visible to the naked eye. "Strong ligature and sinew, binding bones together to build a mighty warrior. Come, remember your form."
Flicking her wrist in the beast's direction, her needle flew out and wove its way around the others to find its target. Once it found a gash on Spina's arm, the magic needle started to stitch through and hold the open wound shut before moving to the next wound. The cracks were going to take much more effort to heal than the mauling Zenta left on him.
"The stitches should keep the cracks at bay and control the bleeding, but it won't regenerate much tissue without extra help. That's where you come in; your healing has far greater range than mine," she told Bara while hovering her hands over Spina's arm to jumpstart the healing process. "Now I'm just waiting for when Broly decides to go after us..."
"For a lughead he's pretty speedy," Berserk didn't make any move yet, although she was fairly confident Broly's abilities weren't discernibly different than what the other Saiyans can do. Now that Cayde unleashed a chain of explosives on him, she knew the Xy'pher would be on high alert for similar tricks. She noticed, however, that Broly reacted poorly to Spawn's taunting. Her eyes narrowed as she gave a mischievous smirk.
"Okay Avalon, I'm goin' in to get him offa Spawn-- might be a little crazy but it oughta help you pull the rug out from under him. Wish me luck!"
Dashing off without a second thought, Berserk swung her sword to extend outward and knock Broly upside the head.
"D'aww, what's the matter? Goku a sore spot for ya? Does that mean you can't square up with him and win? Hahaha! Looks like we outclass you since we just pummeled him into the ground the other day!" The PowerPunk cackled before yanking the sword back to its default form, quickly flying in a circle around Broly and Spawn fast enough to be a blur of afterimages with each one sporting a mocking grin. "Does that make you maaaad?" With each question Berserk taunted him with, a fist or foot lit up with red lightning would appear from the swirling mirage without warning to strike Broly directly at any angle. "Gonna cry? Throw another tantrum, maybe?"
Come on, take the bait...
"Come forth, what has come undone... I see in my eye..." Eyes closed, she slowly pulled her hand out with a tiny, gleaming white needle between her fingers. The thread in its eyelet was thin and weblike at first but sloely became visible to the naked eye. "Strong ligature and sinew, binding bones together to build a mighty warrior. Come, remember your form."
Flicking her wrist in the beast's direction, her needle flew out and wove its way around the others to find its target. Once it found a gash on Spina's arm, the magic needle started to stitch through and hold the open wound shut before moving to the next wound. The cracks were going to take much more effort to heal than the mauling Zenta left on him.
"The stitches should keep the cracks at bay and control the bleeding, but it won't regenerate much tissue without extra help. That's where you come in; your healing has far greater range than mine," she told Bara while hovering her hands over Spina's arm to jumpstart the healing process. "Now I'm just waiting for when Broly decides to go after us..."
"For a lughead he's pretty speedy," Berserk didn't make any move yet, although she was fairly confident Broly's abilities weren't discernibly different than what the other Saiyans can do. Now that Cayde unleashed a chain of explosives on him, she knew the Xy'pher would be on high alert for similar tricks. She noticed, however, that Broly reacted poorly to Spawn's taunting. Her eyes narrowed as she gave a mischievous smirk.
"Okay Avalon, I'm goin' in to get him offa Spawn-- might be a little crazy but it oughta help you pull the rug out from under him. Wish me luck!"
Dashing off without a second thought, Berserk swung her sword to extend outward and knock Broly upside the head.
"D'aww, what's the matter? Goku a sore spot for ya? Does that mean you can't square up with him and win? Hahaha! Looks like we outclass you since we just pummeled him into the ground the other day!" The PowerPunk cackled before yanking the sword back to its default form, quickly flying in a circle around Broly and Spawn fast enough to be a blur of afterimages with each one sporting a mocking grin. "Does that make you maaaad?" With each question Berserk taunted him with, a fist or foot lit up with red lightning would appear from the swirling mirage without warning to strike Broly directly at any angle. "Gonna cry? Throw another tantrum, maybe?"
Come on, take the bait...