The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Cross says "That is surprising coming form Spina. He wants to do that thankless gob the correct way I only tossed that hostage situation as a way to get good PR. The aggerating thing is normally after some thing like this my underlings would be able to take care of this but thanks to factors that we all know that branch's hands are tied." 

Cross says to Lucifer "I have to agree with you distaste for being forced to do the thankless task. Mostly because our group only did one indefensible act and that was Gogeta's drunken braw and what do you suspect wend two dragons fight what do you suspect will happen."
"Let's see. This box is quite large..."  Bernkastel observed Gogeta's demeanor did not change since he was very overt about his emotions. This wasn't going to be easy, but then again, none of it would be.

Bern stood over the gift box and tried giving it a bit of a shake-- even though she liked gifts, Lambdadelta was always a wild card about it. It could be a tin of aged plums for her favorite tea or a new icky trick to see if Bern would break character. But the others seemed to like theirs, so Bernkastel was thinking too much; pulling the ribbon off, she peeked inside and was surprised to see shades of pink and red. A bowl full of sweets and red bows just like the ones Lambda accessorized with. There were many candies she knew well; not because she herself had eaten them, but Lambda always hoarded them.

"Oh my... it's so cute, I can feel my molars start to decay from how sweet these treats look," she said with an amused tone and a small smile on her features. Gazing at it gave her a nostalgic sense of adoration. Placing the pink bowl on an end table, Bern tilted her head at it feeling something was missing. 

"It needs one last thing to be certainly the cutest."

Pulling a small card out of her sleeve, Bernkastel wedged in the Lambdadelta trading card atop the pile of candy and bows, stepping back to admire it like it were an offering. The witch then picked up Gogeta's smaller gift box and rustled it in a similar manner to the first, the quiet movement of the item was different and it felt very light.

"Hm... I'm a terrible guesser, but it sounds small and soft. I wonder what she put in here for you?" Bern held the present out for him to pull the ribbon off of. "I wonder if Whis got one? What does one like him like anyway... now that I think about it, he wasn't at the manor and I don't feel his presence here. What's taking him?" She seemed to be wording those questions for herself but uttered her thoughts aloud.
Throughout Bernkastel's entire mannerisms and speech, Gogeta had sat in silence. His narrowed eyes remained sharply down on the floor, the strong emotion still clearly underneath the surface. The man seemed to be retreated in; detached from the world around him in the moment. His mind clearly was not racing upon studying his facial features: the singular driven emotion he felt clearly could be seen.

Yet strangely enough, the demeanor only stayed at its current height. At its current height, a typical individual would've erupted into violence and loud yelling, like a fire growing larger and larger. Despite the nature, however, the rage burning within Gogeta was strangely stagnant; the flames burned strong, but never grew or shrank.

He sat still at the question posed about Whis, his glare still on the floor beneath his shoes.
Cuki silently glanced at Spina while she ate her leftovers. She listened to him but did not move unless the others were to go; perhaps she did not want to be alone with Spina. As she listened to the pleas and comments of the others, Cuki slowed her chewing so that she can get a better understanding and smirked when Bernkastel liked her gift. In a way, she felt proud. Nonetheless, she kept her comments to herself while she admired the cheap acting in the monster movie. From the looks of it, she seems to have an adoration to these special, and poorly acted movies.

Zenta, in the meanwhile, noticed Spina leave the apartment with little more than an acknowledgement of what the group was doing. He sighed knowing that some needed more work than others. 

"I am afraid that simply rebuilding structures and establishments will not suffice in healing the damage done to the city. The mess is quite massive," Zenta said to Brachi and Cross. "You two seem to only see the physical damage of a much larger picture." He then chuckled. "Then again, I believe you lot have much to learn."

"So what can we do, Master?" Cuki said.

"Why not start by listening to Mr. Spina?"

Cuki's expression suddenly turned dark as she sank into the sofa chair. She made a small pout as she turned to the TV. "Why?"

"Fixing your name will take more than repairs and money. We must approach this in a different view," Zenta smiled. "One must start small if they wish to accomplish bigger feats."

"I guess you have a point there..." Cuki frowned. "It's just not easy."

"Many things in life are not easy, Cuki, but we all continue to march down a path unknown to us. Mentally, we worry about the unexplained but instinctively we continue forward."

"Yeah, well... I just don't want you to get bashed on because you're part of us. I mean, you literally did nothing to deserve any of this hate yet even you get hate mail and death threats! You... you didn't do anything wrong..."

"Ohoho, I believe some people have too much time on their hands to write such detailed threats to a blind man." Cuki giggled at her Master's words. "I understand your concern but never lose track of the true problem at hand, Cuki. Besides, you are not the only one having trouble accepting this." Zenta nudged his chin in Gogeta's direction causing Cuki to look back at the Fusion. She said nothing before lowering her gaze to the floor and turning back to face her Master. 

"Ah yes, I nearly forgot!" Zenta gasped before gracefully making his way to Bernkastel and Gogeta. He bowed his head respectfully to the Lady and the Saiyan.

"Please pardon me Lady Bernkastel, but I must offer my condolences to your loss of Lady Lambdadelta. Cuki has informed me of the situation... I truly am sorry for what you had to experience these troublesome years; however, luck might have given you a piece of Lady Lambdadelta..."

Zenta was hesitant at first but he reached up to carefully remove his visor from his face. His ears flicked before lowering in shame that he had to show his face. Bernkastel was used to it but it would be a first to Gogeta. The beast lightly brushed his fingers against the pinkish-blue visor given to him by Lambdadelta, one of the few things to remain of the Witch's magic. Using the fur against his chest and arms, he cleaned and shined it as best he could before holding out the visor to Bernkastel.

"I remember Lady Lambdadelta giving me this when my old visor broke. I believe this will mean far more to you than it would to me," Zenta said as he shifted the visor slightly as to show Bernkastel her reflection. "I like to imagine every time you look at the visor, a piece of your precious Lady is looking back. Perhaps she is plotting of ways to tease you, like always, ohoho~!"

Cuki peered over from behind the sofa chair she was in, quietly watching the conversation until her Master covered his eyes with his hand. The thought of her Master being nice to Gogeta and Bernkastel seemed to leave a small sour taste in her mouth. She cleared her throat before moving up from her seat and stretching.

"I'm... going out to check on Mr. Spina, I think we all should see him when we're done here." Cuki pointed to  Lucifer. "You're a baby so you have to stay here and keep an eye on things. I don't know how useful a baby would be in helping us fix anything..."

Cuki awkwardly stared at the others before moving out to her balcony and slowly approaching Spina on the ground. She seemed to have kept her distance from him and not say anything to him. She made her presence known, at least.
Cross says "I well aware Zenta of what your getting at but there were some undeserving of the title of hero." As far Cross is concerned Ultraman was not a hero and just as bad as they were. Cross says "Do keep in mind that Ultraman was noting more than good press. He was far more culpable for damages to this region than our little group were. " One the parts of the Memory Crystal that was sent to all news originations did confirm the fact Cross did suggest to Ultraman that they go some were less populated(I do recall Cross suggesting that(or effectively that)).

Cross says "unfortunately for us like any world the concept of justice is arbitrary. I would go on and back up this point more but then I be making a strong case agencies doing what we are plaining on doing." Cross want to make shore the others know thankless the task the group is plaining on under taking is.
“That’s fine. I cannot do much in this state anyways.” Lucifer said, although he was quite delight that he will not be participating in this activity. “Although my stamina had restored, my energy is still eons away from returning back to normal. Unlike you lot, my energy pool gathers quite differently. Rest assured that I’ll protect the house of any intruders. My caretaker can handle it. Right?”

The caretaker looked down at Lucifer when being referred too and remained silent. After several minutes had passed since his questioning, she nodded. “…Right.” He looks around. “Though, I am curious of whatever happen to that tall one. The one with the blue skin, named after an alcoholic beverage?”

[Outside of the Complex]

Spina crossed his arms as he faced the ruined Reality Metropolis. “Are the others done yet? I want to get going now.” The old Saiyan spoke out, aware of Cuki’s presence but didn’t turned to face her.
Cross says "regardless we shooed get going and start getting the thankless title the correct way." Cross thinks "The irony is the group of underlings that would handled the sluff we are about to handle are full of people that had "every day" to that thankless title." Cross starts to head out.
Seeing Gogeta did not react to her, Bernkastel faced him and shared the silence, watching him with her mouth a flat line trying to figure him out. He was upset, but Bern was intrigued to see he wasn't acting on his anger. It wasn't diminishing, but it wasn't growing.

Is he... restraining himself? She questioned in surprise. That's what it looked like at any rate; he was actively set against flying into a compulsive rage and maybe that was why he wasn't reacting to much else. Before she could contemplate on something to say and take him out of such a mood, Zenta approached them.

"Oh... y-yes..." she seemed to get a little quiet at the mention of what happened, though her eyes widened somewhat when Zenta reached up to hand her the visor Lambdadelta made for him. Holding it in her palms, she felt almost unworthy to take it. But he insisted she could have them as another personal treasure. Bern gave him a little smile, though it seemed almost melancholic. "I'm sure she'd have looked forward to rigging the whole room with things to prank me if she were asked. Thank you," she curtsied a bit to return his bow before placing the visor in front of the bowl on her end table. "But now you will need something to keep the wind out of your sockets, wouldn't you?"

Bernkastel knew Zenta was rather avoidant of having to expose the upper half of his face, so he needed a replacement. "My sense of style is different than Lambda's, but you'd look good with black. Better that than having her fill your eyes with jelly beans. She has a unique humor." In her hands, she conjured up a visor similar to the one he traded in; though this one was a sleek black that just about reflected anything across its surface with no transparency. Bern placed them in his palm since he was too tall for her to reach his face.

"It sounds like we're holding something up." Turning towards Gogeta, she sighed through her nose with a bit of disdain at what she overheard from Spina earlier. Stopping robberies? It sounded boring and rather trite. Would stopping a bunch of hooligans from stealing things of material value be any more productive than rebuilding things from rubble? Actually, the idea of putting on a hard hat and doing manual labor sounded even worse. Bernkastel took a hard pass on that.

The worst part is it's a thankless job that used to go to the boring people like the police. But there probably isn't any left now that Ultraman is gone too, she thought with a sour pout on her face. After dealing with Hart, they got stuck with doing all the boring jobs. Just their luck. Still, she couldn't just leave Gogeta here alone.

"Well then, how about we leave your present to wait here for us when we come back as a reward? Restraint is both a mental and physical ability to have." Bern placed Gogeta's present on his end of the bed, putting a hand on his shoulder with a gentle smile. "You faced your first test of emotional self-restraint; even if you really wanted to, you didn't let anger control your body. That is the first step to fixing complicated problems; not acting on your feelings doesn't always mean denying them. Your next practice for restraint can be applied to helping stop those robbers Spina mentioned. I know you like to help: are you able to do so without excessive force?" Her expression changed to a serious one as she stared into Gogeta's eyes.
The words spoken around Gogeta did little to draw his attention; throughout the entirety of it all, it was clear the man had sat in the same, driven stupor that fell upon him. His entire demeanor remained exactly the same as Zenta approached, the voice and proximity even doing nothing to phase Gogeta's attention.

His body moved ever so slightly from the small hand that gripped his shoulder, yet his eyes did not move until Bernkastel posed her question. The narrowed glare slowly lifted up for the first time from the floor, meeting Bernkastel eye to eye. His dual voice alone resonated a heavy frustration stronger than even his body language, a curt word that rung out almost as a warning for the smaller witch as his only reply.

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