When Bernkastel knocked on the door, there was a muffled voice on the other side and the scratching of someone moving a chair. Light footsteps approached the door until several the metallic clicks of a lock were heard. The door handle jiggled but the door itself did not budge. The locks were fiddled with again and when attempting to open the door, it did not budge. They heard several attempts before hearing a sigh of defeat on the other side. Suddenly, the door ripped open from the locks and eventually, torn off the hinge. Once the door was removed from its frame, the smell was completely overwhelming. Cuki's apartment was no doubt the source.
Easily and effortlessly holding the door overhead was the familiar tall and fluffy beast the gang grew to know. Zenta frowned seeing that he had to rip the door apart but being blind doesn't help him identify locks. His minor pout turned to a look of delight upon seeing the Breakers return.
"Ah, Breakers, what a pleasant surprise!" Zenta said wagging his tails. "Please, come in!"
Zenta leaned the busted door on the wall and moved himself to the side to allow the Breakers inside. He bowed his head humbly. The inside of Cuki's apartment had all the windows open and several portable fans that seemed to try to ventilate the area from the terrible reek. Several scented candles were lit in order to help rid the disgusting smell. The dining room had large splotches of red and blue paint and it looked as if something erupted on the dining table where they all ate. The ceiling, floor, walls, everything in the dining area (and part of the living room) was covered in a horrible clash of paint. Parts of the wall appeared to have smudges on them, evidence of someone trying to clean it off but failing. Other parts of the wall had a fresh new coat of paint that matched the rest of the home, indicating that someone was painting over the mess.
Near the sofa were multiple containers that held hundreds of letters addressed to the Breakers from the citizens of Metropolis.
"Cuki is washing off in the restroom, she will attend us shortly. Please, take a seat and make yourselves at home!"
Easily and effortlessly holding the door overhead was the familiar tall and fluffy beast the gang grew to know. Zenta frowned seeing that he had to rip the door apart but being blind doesn't help him identify locks. His minor pout turned to a look of delight upon seeing the Breakers return.
"Ah, Breakers, what a pleasant surprise!" Zenta said wagging his tails. "Please, come in!"
Zenta leaned the busted door on the wall and moved himself to the side to allow the Breakers inside. He bowed his head humbly. The inside of Cuki's apartment had all the windows open and several portable fans that seemed to try to ventilate the area from the terrible reek. Several scented candles were lit in order to help rid the disgusting smell. The dining room had large splotches of red and blue paint and it looked as if something erupted on the dining table where they all ate. The ceiling, floor, walls, everything in the dining area (and part of the living room) was covered in a horrible clash of paint. Parts of the wall appeared to have smudges on them, evidence of someone trying to clean it off but failing. Other parts of the wall had a fresh new coat of paint that matched the rest of the home, indicating that someone was painting over the mess.
Near the sofa were multiple containers that held hundreds of letters addressed to the Breakers from the citizens of Metropolis.
"Cuki is washing off in the restroom, she will attend us shortly. Please, take a seat and make yourselves at home!"