The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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"Indeed; trust does require actions to support those words from both parties. I will believe your words that your efforts shall be yours and yours alone." Bernkastel's tone was the usual flat kind, but she seemed satisfied Cuki knew she violated their trust to some degree through allowing Byakko possession of her body. Zenta's words about him assuaged some of her concern about it, and Cuki seemed to be truly herself; it wasn't a clean slate but it would be the closest they'd all get to giving each other second chances. However, Bern wouldn't let herself be made a fool a second time-- she intended to keep a close eye out while they'd sort through the mess of the outside world. "It is only fair we return the effort in kind as equivalence. Plus, I would not turn down a gift."

She glanced over at Spina's brash entrance, lifting her eyebrows a bit. "Well, dear leader, you certainly took your time with the scenic route. The floor's all yours." Her eyes narrowed slightly, looking at him expectantly as to what he would choose to do, before fully facing Gogeta, noting his clear look of disdain. Letting out a silent sigh through her nose, she patted his hand gently.

"I'm sure you're still understandably upset over being attacked... forgiveness need not be immediate as Cuki said, but I would prefer you try to coexist without bursting into violence. Let us think of the gifts as peace offerings," Bernkastel reasoned in a gentle voice, tugging his hand gently to get him to follow her to their presents. "Peace must come before the possibility of friendship, no? We'll learn about that endeavor as we go. Come, let's see what awaits in ours-- I'll even open mine with you."
“Pranksters…” Spina observed the area of the mess caused by the pranksters. “Surprised they didn’t steal anything.” He turned his head slightly, seeing the multiple locks, broken, on the door. “Guess they couldn’t since the apartment was sealed off during the week.”
He turns to Bernkastel, his expression didn’t waver once when she pressed him with a question about going the long way, rather than teleporting with them.

“Indeed. You missed the part where everyone start hugging and kissing with forgiveness.” Lucifer said. “And this young one even gave everyone presents—well, mostly everyone—as a way to start clean.” The small angel noted that he didn’t get any sort of gifts, but he didn’t take it personally.

Spina frowned at the mention of gifts, though, he did see that there was some consensus of a “solution” being made during his brief absent. “I see. Glad you lot came on terms with each other.” He turned his head towards Cuki, their eyes locking to one another, but did not utter a single word. “As long that’s done, then we can move on.”

Lucifer smile. “Oh? Isn’t there something you want to say or add onto it?” 

“None. It’s unnecessary.” Spina said as he turned around, showing indication that he wasn't all that interested in the gifts, and facing the messy wall. "When we get back, this place needs to be clean."
Gogeta’s eyes slowly turned down towards Bernkastel while she spoke. The heated nature of his aura diminished ever so slightly at the very beginning of her reasoning clearly because of his affection for Bernkastel, but the metaphorical flame did little more to retreat as Bernkastel explained the idea of seeing the idea of peace through.

His scowl was strong, and despite the clear conflict on his expression, it was clear Gogeta’s only concern in the matter was avoid taking his anger out on Bernkastel than actually mending any bridges over the argument. His dual voice came out curt and gruff; almost a warning in his delivery.


Gogeta allowed his arm to be pulled by Bernkastel, following after her as the two entered their room. He had barely glanced around, plopping down on the edge of the bed and sitting with his arms in his laps. The present did little to draw Gogeta’s interest; the fusion sat mostly with his eyes staring down at the floor.
Cuki flinched when Bara hugged her, and an awkward smile formed on her face. Moments later, she gently shoved Bara from her before clearing her throat and glanced at the others before moving to the moving to the kitchen. 

“Ehehe… no problem, Bara… Uhm, why don’t I heat up some leftovers?”

It was at this point where a hidden side to her friendly nature appeared. Although she forgave them and genuinely wanted to move on, it was obvious that she still had an issue with being too close to them. It was the way she protected herself from getting too attached or setting her hopes too high. She wanted to trust them but had too many reasons why she shouldn’t. Her struggle was obvious, but she tried to swallow her pride for the future of the group.

As Bernkastel took Gogeta away, a small wave of resentment consumed her. Gogeta's angered expression made her narrow her own eyes, copying his own. She appeared jealous that someone like him would harbor Bernkastel's friendship better than someone who has known her longer. She scoffed under her breath, looking away and biting her tongue before she said anything unnecessary. 

Just give yourself space… Cuki thought. Baby steps…

Cuki took a deep breath before opening the fridge and pulling out some leftover food of various kind. She placed it in the microwave which was odd considering how much she loved to cook. Once the appliance beeped, the young girl pulled out a small container of leftover rice and beef before moving to the sofa chair in the living room and turning on the TV for anyone to view. From there, Cuki seemed to blank out from whatever the others were doing and let them do as they pleased. The news appeared with the usual belittlement of the Breakers and their actions. Once again, they showed the destructive acts of both Bernkastel and Gogeta as they fought Ultraman. People came forth in tears describing how they lost loved ones or are unable to find them. Others came forth to curse the name of the Breakers and so on.

(Interviews from people who left the city)
“I lost my husband because of those Breakers! I can’t even find his coin thanks to the destruction!” One woman spoke. “I have no home! I have no money! I lost everything to them..!”

“They abuse their powers and bully the weaker folks around them! I say we recruit people to scare them out of our city!” Another civilian spoke. “Make Reality Metropolis great again and kick those Breakers out!”

“It’s going to take billions, maybe trillions, to fix all these buildings, roads, and public spaces. Years of hard work and dedication ruined in just one day… How will we ever recover?”

As the people continue to protest, Cuki watched in silence, the expression on her face more stoic than before. She heard it all before, from both others and her own mouth. She seemed indifferent but desperately wanted to do something to fix it. It pained her knowing that even those who did not do anything will be labeled an enemy simply by association, like her Master. Zenta, on the other hand, did not seem to mind about those speaking ill of him; in fact, he thought they had too much time on their hands to be making fun of people given the situation of the city.

“In other news, reports of the missing children have come up empty. Any links to the Breakers have been—”

Cuki flipped through the channels until stopping on a movie that depicted a large dinosaur-like monster fighting other creatures of its size while destroying a city. She giggled at how cheap it looked but seemed to lift her spirits.

Zenta began to pluck small specks of dirt off his glorious tails. He mostly remained quiet, mostly because he was not one to speak a lot. As everyone meddled around and did their business, he turned to Spina, seemingly catching on to what he said earlier. “You mentioned something interesting about ‘returning back’, Mr. Spina. Is there something you wish to share with us?”
Cross says thinks "the irony is they condemn us. odds are it will be one my corporations that will fix this and odds are far cheaper than they think. The slow rate of finding coins and people are slowed because my aid groups are being harried. The only gripe they shooed have is how long it will take. 

Cross says "do we actually become the monsters they claim us to be or do we "raze" above that and do the opposite of that? so far I got the since we most us want to do the latter."
"You know, if I had the right resources with me, I could at least try to make some stuff to make structures much more durable." Brachi said, having overheard what was on TV.

"Are you so sure about that?" Bara asked innocently after Cuki had gently pushed her off.

"Just give me a good source of Kelbonite to process or a formula that allows me to work on sheets of transparent aluminum. After all, transparent aluminum is far more durable than plexiglass," Brachi said, "think about it; with plexiglass, you need a 6 inch thick sheet of plexiglass measuring 60 x 10 feet in order to make it withstand the pressure of 18,000 cubic feet of water for example, but a sheet of transparent aluminum can withstand the same amount of pressure while it's only ONE inch thick."

Bara blinked at that. 

"And you believe that will help?" She asked.

"Why do you think the windows of Capsule Corp and several of my other homes have transparent aluminum for windows? Thanks to the Anomaly Worlds we discovered back then in our universe, we've had plenty of new minerals that helped in improving construction for one. Duranium is another such mineral which is extremely strong, and has been used in hull construction of some of our facilities and starships, and there's also dilithium which we've been utilizing as a power source as well."
Cross says to Brachi "if we want to rebuild its not the lack of resources nor lack of knowledge its more people are slowing down the process. Do keep in mind any aid or repair worker may have deal with some one that thinks commenting a war came is justice (detective Goku) and that not counting the normal people slowing that process down as well. The time table is TBA but its so far looking to be quite some time."
"Just trying my part to help..." Brachi said to Cross, thinking over what would be the best course of action.

"If I could, I could use my Transfiguration Beam to help too," Bara said, "I can use it to heal others, so why not structures?"
Cross says "I know but the question is more what is our part? I hate to toss it out there but instead of the most thankless task(Hero) being forced on us by fate we proactively do that thankless task for a change."

Cross says "If that situation is not resolved by now that may be a good starting job. It should be quick and ease for us to resolve it if we take on that task the correct way."

Cross says "if your healing beam can work as a mending beam as well I still suggest what I tossing out there, Bara."
“Ooh, this is getting spicy.” Lucifer smirk when Gogeta’s delivery on his response to Bernkastel’s suggestion for peace. Judging the fusion’s body language, and his silence on the entire matter as several attempt to mend sometimes, Lucifer figured that it is only a matter of time before the anger reached boiling point again. He’d turned his sight towards the television, before Cuki changed the channel to another programming, to see the various reports by the citizens who’d lost their homes and headed elsewhere. In that instance, after listening the suggestion springing back and forth between Cross and Brachi, he’d couldn’t help by laugh at these matters.

“Do my ears deceive me?” Lucifer rubbed his chin. “You two seems to be intensely kneed on bringing Detective Goku out as soon as possible. Rebuilding the city isn’t our concern at this point, and that won’t bring people back to the city, I’m afraid. We are still here, and that's an issue.” 
Spina crossed his arms. “We’re not doing any of that. We’re not rebuilding. We’re not constructing. None. We’re doing something different.” The old Saiyan turned to Zenta, who prompted him a question. “There was a reason why I took the long route than teleportation. I saw a couple of people looting several abandoned places on my way back and making more of the mess than usual, hence why I assumed they got to this place as well. If we’re going to rebuild our reputation, we need to do it in way that contrary to view that “Breakers are destructive”. Whatever presents you want to open, do so, but after that, we’re heading off to Metropolis and deal with them. It’s a start of something different. That is our part for now.” Without addressing anything else, or receiving any other suggestions, Spina headed outside to wait for them. It seems that he'd attempting to avoid any conversation with Cuki as hard as he can.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes, smirking after Spina made a decision for the group as leader. Though, he was left disappointed that Spina is actively avoiding any formal conversation about his part. At least Gogeta is showing some formal hint of anger, while Spina was difficult to read due to the lack of emotions shown. “Didn't even look at his own presents..." Lucifer's shoulders bounced. "Well, that's essentially hero’s work, huh.” Lucifer described Spina’s description of what they are going to do. “Spina seems to be firmer now, but hero’s work… blah.” He voiced his disgusted.
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