The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Vegetto stood still throughout the cold warning, the words themselves only slightly better than a full on threat. The smirk lowered a bit, not in vindication or petty anger towards the disparaging viewpoint, but at the sight before him in the girl. However, the sudden shift in demeanor prompted Vegetto's eyebrows to raise in the same confusion, caught offguard entirely by the sentiment. He stood still, watching on and relaxing his expression once Cuki charged the Red Emperor alone. His silver eyes turned down slightly, however; the paracausal void of an energy signature slowly filling with the Potara fusion's normal life force.

His smirk rose slightly, the silver eyes still turned down while he spoke out to no one in particular.

"You're awake...shame. I was enjoying my freedom...but don't worry, this will be the last time. We can't live without each other...I get it now."

The Potara fusion's smirk shifted a bit, the silver eyes glancing around while he slowly let out a heavy sigh. Vegetto's expression lightened entirely at the little exchange just seconds before, watching the others struggle against the Red Emperor.

"Look at all this...isn't it exciting? The world coming undone, the fate of this reality in impossible battle! Like she said...just like the good times, before we fell apart."

The void within began to shift; the immense pressure mounting like a black hole at first. The appearance of nothing, yet the power to destroy planets and stars all the same forming as Vegetto shifted his eyes back up. The silver pupils dialed and focused in on the Red Emperor; Vegetto's genuine smirk rising slightly at the sight of the enemy delighting in his own, newfound power after breaking his limits.

"Oh, how I've missed this..."

Vegetto tensed as he clenched his fists, barring his teeth while the pressure within began to grow. Like a match igniting in a dark and decrepit room, Vegetto's internal energy spiked as the immense void within burned away while silver fire billowed upwards from underneath his feet.

Cayde stared on with both shock and confusion, floating along during the opening burst of a combo from Avalyde. He blinked with wide eyes until he was tapped, quickly shaking his head to snap back to reality and nodding with a new found determination.

"Ah...right! Don't have time to understand what we don't have time to explain. Protect the it!"

The android stared down, watching the other Breakers swarm to battle the Red Emperor and waited for an opportunity to strike. The exploding water bullets were too much of a blast to use in such close proximity, so Cayde commanded the massive dragon to crouch and lower down towards the ground, the right arm cocked and tensed. The opening he was looking for came once the Red Emperor whipped backwards slightly from Spawn's headbutt; the dragon swinging out with the right arm in a tumultous surge of wind and pressure. Smacking the Red Emperor with the gun like a bat, the dragon promptly sent the Red Emperor flying away and breaking the hellspawn's chains to prevent the Emperor from following up in a hit against Spawn.

The dragon pushed forward, looming over the Breakers and preparing for another attack with the guns now raised. Yet Cayde suddenly stopped at the intense heat and wind that seemingly burned from his side, blinking with wide eyes at the immense silver fire that scorched the ground a good half mile away.

"Woah...that's a lot of fire."

The intense silver fire greatly expanded outwards at the surge of Vegetto's roar, his silver eyes narrowing slightly while any trace of the fragile, ice crystals that momentarily replaced the fire began to incinerate. His pupils glanced all around, as if processing the sensations happening internally while he chuckled to himself. Content with the power up, the Potara fusion pulled his arms up, tightening his muscles and moving back into his original, vintage battle stance with a delighted and confident smirk behind a roar that shook the entire area with his excitement.


The ground blasted apart, Vegetto tearing into the air with a brilliant silver gleam and scorching heat unseen in the man since the fight with Doom. The gap could have been closed in the blink of an eye to the Red Emperor, but instead, Vegetto soared through the air and blasted first past Cuki, still nursing her stomach. His silver eyes flashed in meeting her stare mid flight, a cocky and confident smirk plastered on his face while he spoke to her in either a demeaning taunt, or a friendly goad.

"What's the matter?! You're not having trouble, are you?! Let's go!!"

The Potara fusion chuckled in his own excitement and thrill for the battle, blasting past Cuki and rapidly closing in on the Red Emperor. Vegetto roared as he shot his right fist forward first, slamming it into the open stomach of the Red Emperor still reeling from Spawn and Avalyde's strike.

"C'mon...mister Emperor!! I'm through listenin' to your quibbling! Hurry up and try to squash me!!"

Vegetto pulled his fist back immediately, his white gloves surging forth in a blur behind the silver fire while his fists pistoned at the Red Emperor, attempting to overwhelm with a barrage of punches.
The Red Emperor continued to boast about his newfound strength; however, he was hit right in the back of the head by May’s shovel. His head whipped in different directions by May’s strikes, the emperor took offense towards the tactics. At the final strike, the Red Emperor managed to grab the handle of the weapon. Seeing the incoming attacks from Bara, the Red Emperor swung his whole body around and tossed May away, intending to block them using her. Several energy spheres slipped around and struck him.

His eyes began to light up brightly as he began to prepare another eye beam attack. “Damn you—” Spawn had tackled him from the side, crashing against the ragged ground. He struggled to stand on his newly formed legs and noticed that Spawn’s chains wrapped around his shoulders. Before anything could be done, Spawn had pulled himself forward for a headbutt—and the Red Emperor took the head on attack.

The Red Emperor’s head whipped back. He cringed in pain as he released a pulse of psychic energy from his body to push the Detective away slightly. He grabbed onto his forehead, feeling a large crack. “You lowlifes continue to tarnish my crown…” A level of emotions can be felt from his tone; anguish and sorrow from being touched. “Damn you….!” He lifted Spawn and pulled him closer as he cocked his right hand back. Before he could throw his punch, Avalyde swooped in with a powerful tackle.

The emperor flew back, leaving behind shard pieces from his crystal body. He stopped himself in midair, but before he could do anything, a surge of pain enveloped his body. For a brief second, his vision got blurry from the impact and his body nearly went limp. Behind him was Vegetto with his fist held out. However, when the emperor looked down, Vegetto had completely punched his body in half.

“Ugh…! Ahh AHHHHHH” The Red Emperor screamed. Another emotional blow against the mighty king. “M-my Body… my precious, perfect body!”

Nia narrowed her eyes upon this revelation. “His core… it is not protected?” She thought to herself.

Red Emperor snapped out of it and roared at the Potara fusion. “Y-You think that’s enough to stop me?!” The emperor’s eyes shined brightly. “NEVER!” The scarlet aura that surrounded him began to leak out of the two halves and link back together. The King, although broken, his aura replaced his missing and broken stomach.

Once he put himself back together, the Red Emperor rushed to Vegetto and grabbed his throat, squeezing tightly as both went spiraling down towards the ground in a rapid spin. Moments prior to the impact, the Red Emperor released the Saiyan’s neck and used his psychic powers to continuously spin him further down in the ground. He whipped his head-back and fired a massive red energy downwards to the ground. Particles of red energy sprinkled from his eyes—as if they were tears.

Red Emperor panted hard and tried to compose himself. “That won’t kill him… but I can kill the others before he comes up here.”

Suddenly, the Red Emperor turned to his right, seeing Zenta easily traveling across the land by using one of Bara’s energy balls as a vehicle. Without hesitation, Zenta kicked the energy ball to the emperor and landed a swift kick on his newly formed abdomen.

“Arghh…!” The Xy’pher coughed before swiping at the beast with his arms wildly. Zenta, in such elegant movements, redirected them as if he was fighting a novice.

“Hm?” Zenta shot his palm upwards to slam against the emperor’s chest. “Powerful attacks, but…” He dodged the emperor’s attacks, before countering with another attack on the chest and pushing him back. “You fight like a beginner; like a child. Your fists are not experienced at all.” Zenta got into his infamous stance, a white aura engulfing the beast like a flame. “I see you so clearly, but can you see me…?”

In a moment’s notice, Zenta was gone from the emperor’s view.

“?!!” The Emperor barely had time to react before his chin shot up violently from Zenta slamming his palm upwards. “Vile dog…! I’ll kill you!”

As the King pulled his head back down to launch his fist at Zenta, the beast disappeared. Suddenly, he felt another powerful attack hit him right on his back, slamming him to the floor. Every time the Emperor went to launch an attack, he was too slow to lock onto Zenta. The more Zenta struck at his body, the more it chipped away. There was another hit on his body, just not from Zenta. Cuki managed to run up to the Emperor as he was trying to find Zenta, hitting him into the air. Now with both student and Master working together, the Emperor started to be overwhelmed. As Cuki and Zenta battled together, they mirrored each other’s moves perfectly and remained in sync, the scene being a beautiful display of energy wisps, motion, and palm techniques.

“Cuki, focus your strength on one singular point!” Zenta shouted. “The chest!”

“Right!” Cuki confirmed.

Cuki and Zenta both launched forward to slam against the chest of the Emperor. For a moment, his eyes shined and locked onto Cuki and Zenta, and the moment they struck him, the Emperor flew back. However, his psychic hold on the two was strong, and he managed to take the duo with him as well. From the dust and ashes, the Emperor rose, and he held a frozen Cuki and Zenta.

“You were saying?! Who needs experience when I can just squash you like a bug with my mighty mind!?” The Emperor boasted as he pulled Cuki and Zenta closer, slamming his fist directly at the two. While they flung around, the King used his psychic powers to keep bringing them back in, like a bungee. “I can see you, but can you see me?!” The Red Emperor mocked.

“Hey, focus!” Avalyde scolded Cayde by snapping his fingers. “Those two are about to get crushed, and the Red Emperor is distracted right now. Let’s seize this opportunity to rain hell on earth. Take a shot at the Red dude or your girlfriend and dog will end up as a bag o’ broken bones.”
Panich looked back at Nia, seeing the Xy’pher frozen in fear for a second before turning away and looking toward the fight. She simply stood silently and allowed Nia this time to process the Emperor’s new power up. The Xy’pher Saiyan simply crossed her arms, she smirked at the prospect of losing the battle to the royal Xy’pher. As if she would ever let that happen. He’d have to destroy her all over again in order to stop her from trying. Panich’s back simply remained turned toward Nia, waiting on her decision.

“That's what I wanted to hear, Rebel,” Finally after hearing the rebel Xy’pher apologize and ready herself for battle, Panich chuckled in response. “Don’t apologize for your initial fear. It’s not cowardice to be afraid of your foe. The fact that you stand ready to fight despite that fear shows just how strong you really are. Even the greatest of warriors tremble at what seems like an impossibly strong enemy. I, however…”

Panich smirked and turned her head back to where the battle was taking place, staring at the Emperor’s core where Nia instructed her to aim.

“Have witnessed far scarier.” Panich leaped into the sky, pulling Nia and the barrier they were encased in with her. The Xy’pher princess took off at a breakneck speed straight for the Emperor’s back as it was turned away from them.

Bage turned to Berserk, “Alright, let's go!” the Saiyan detective shouted, holding in his arms a large ki mallet, even bigger than his signature Warhammer. He leaped into the air pulling back the large hammer and preparing to strike the Emperor from the front. Doing this he hoped it would distract the royal Xy’pher from seeing Berserk's or any other attack coming from another direction.

At the same time Berserk and Bage would be executing their strategy, Panich appeared behind the Emperor, just as he had finished mocking Zenta and Cuki.

”Peekaboo.~” She said calmly before throwing her fist with a ferocious grunt at the Emperor's back.

Bage roared as he swung downward toward the powerful Xy'pher's head.
May changes her shoes in order to jump in midair in order to evade the blasts the emperor tossed her in too. She waited until they hit him and rushed back using those shoes in order to keep hitting the emperor with her shovel. May say "Nice try but did you forget were in the vertex?"

May says slamming her shovel hard on his head "this coming form an over gone crystallin lizard." This time whiting for the king to try that once more.
"Damn does this guy like to run his mouth!! Let's hurry and shut 'im up!" Berserk took hold of her damaged sword, thinking she could use it as a base for her improvised energy weapon since she hadn't attempted such a thing before. Up until that point, her sword itself was a conduit. At the moment she was blind in one eye so her aim either had to be superb or broad enough to still deal significant damage.

Berserk focused her thoughts on conjuring a large baseball bat from her energy, the wild electricity surging in all directions at first. It was a conscious effort to subdue her tendency of overloading the weapon for maximum damage, the shape of the bat gradually smoothing itself out-- a crudely molded club was a better descriptor due to the odd asymmetry her lumped-up plasma created, but for now it would do. Flying into the fray, Berserk swung the bat down on the Emperor's arm holding Vegetto captive to free him. She followed up with a two-handed swing of the club at the Emperor's front to meet Panich's forward-pushing attack.

"Throwing a tantrum now that you're all out of toys! Why don't you quit being a sore loser and give up!?"

Bernkastel groaned a weak objection in her sleep, brows furrowing as Zenta handed her off to Lilith and Lucifer. Even while drenched from the rain, Bern was too exhausted to be awakened by the commotion for longer than a few seconds. Even though she was in deep sleep, Bern's looked troubled by something: a furrowed brow here, an occasional frown or twitch of the fingers there. It was an odd and somewhat restless state for someone who was knocked out.
Spawn landed on the ground and took a second to catch his breath. Everyone had jumped on the Red Emperor, delivering devastating attacks from all sides that chipped away his crystal armor. “Just a matter of time…”

The hellspawn pulled out another massive blade from his cloak and pointed towards the Red Emperor. “I’m going for the head.” He crouched down to build just enough energy to do a big jump in the air. Once high in the sky, the Detective gripped the handle of the sword tightly as he pulled it back and aimed to strike in conjunction with Bage, Berserk and May.

A moving shadow spun around the Breakers and the Red Emperor, leaving dark spots behind. Large pillars of darkness emerged from it and quickly took the shape of snakes. Each of them opened their mouths, building up light-based energy. “Megidola!” The snakes fired lightning bolts that surge around the Breakers, avoiding hitting them to attack the Red Emperor directly. The attack themselves didn’t deliver significant damage, but rather inflicted a strange side-affect: its cause slowdown towards the Red Emperor. Providing an opening for Avaldye.

Meanwhile, Lilith, leaving behind her shadows as a defense, focused on securing both Zenta and Cuki. She pointed her fingers and covered them in a strange dark bubble upon the Red Emperor being attacked. She wipes them away from his grasp and places them on the ground.
Cayde blinked, the snapping prompting him out of his momentary daze at the display from initially Vegetto, but soon from the ensemble of an attack from the rest of the Breakers. His confusion still remained, however, briefly looking towards Avalyde with his metal eyebrows furrowed.

"My what and dog?"

He quickly shook his head however, in a bid of self awareness on the matter, shaking his hands dismissively.

"Doesn't matter...right! Think..uhhh......ummm....."

Cayde perked his head slightly, a bit of ingenuity dawning on him while he questioned the spawn directly.

"Hmm...since you're magical got some weird alien magic flowing through you. Maybe it can help me dig up some...old moves."

The android quickly spaced his legs, in tailoring Avalyde to adopt his power stance while he exhaled deeply, his bright eyes turned to the sky.


In a final swing of his arm, Cayde and Avalyde threw up their right arm together in a triumphant flair with the hand cannon pointed to the sky. At the swing, it seemed like a normal celebratory move, but the howling wind and sudden roar of what sounded like an engine igniting with fire shook the ground in a destructive ominous warning for what was to come. In a flash, Avalyde himself ignited into paracasual golden flames; the strange fire swirling with the water in glimmering harmony. Within the center of the monstrous swirl of magical energy, Cayde loudly chuckled to himself, lowering the golden gun covered in fire towards the ground and pointing it towards the Red Emperor.

"AWW YEAH! one liner time...ahem!!"

Cayde audibly cleared his throat, the triumphant boom clear in his voice in speaking in tandem with Avalyde.

"Hey, Red King! You might be an Emperor now...but we're the Dragon with the Golden Gun! Take this!!"

Without wasting a moment, Cayde promptly began pulling the trigger and fanning the pin on the back of the hand cannon, the mystical golden gun firing at full auto from the deft skill behind the quick motions. Unlike the flaming bullets from before, each single shot from the massive hand cannon held by Avalyde fired down like a world ending comet; the radiant fire and destructive energy behind each shot easily dwarfing Cayde's firepower and Vegetto's current display of strength earlier by an unmeasurable magnitude. The shots themselves threatened to vaporize anything they touched, the bullets raining down like comets soaring through the air as they threatened to end the Red Emperor.
The bombardment of attacks unleashed upon the Red Emperor were devastating. His crystal armor shattered piece by piece like glass. Once again, the Red Emperor felt a dreaded feeling that he did not enjoy—pain. His crystal head was split opened by both Spawn and May from above; his front and back could not withstand the combination between Berserk, Bage, Nia and Panich.

“I, the supreme perfect being, reduced to this state by mere humans…” The Red Emperor’s head whipped back and forth from the blows. He’d quickly tried to repel them using his strengthened psychic powers, but found his own movements slowed for it to be effective—due to the strange effects from Lilith’s attack.

I, the supreme perfect being…!”

The Red Emperor’s eyes narrowed, seeing the destructive volley of energy bullets leading to his direction. Unable to utilize his psychic abilities and move properly, the Red Emperor was engulfed by the blast, leading to a massive explosion. Crystal fragments flung everywhere as clouds of smoke came immediately afterwards. “I…!”

“Not bad,” Avalyde praised, analyzing the situation. “Still be on your guard. I sensed his limits, and it’s still growing. Who knows what kind of tricks he might pull next.”

As the clouds of smoke raged on, Zenta dusted himself a bit. He took a great deal of punishment, but it wasn’t enough to truly place that much of a burden on his body. “His strength was incredible, but it lacks not just experience, but emotions. There is no meaning there.” He turns to Cuki, showing concern for her. “Are you alright, Cuki?”

“Yes…” Cuki said coldly. “Who saved us? That wasn’t Lucifer…” She doesn’t seem to remember Lilith that much—they hardly had any interactions. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the woman.

“Lilith.” Zenta responded. “It is the first time that I see her this active in battle.” Zenta turned the direction of the violent clouds where the Red Emperor was engulfed in. His ears lowered. “He’s not down.”

“I’m aware.” Cuki’s tone was grim as her eyes shifted to the dust cloud. “I’ll make him suffer this time.” This tone and sentence caused her mentor some concern. Zenta was worried that something may happen to her but couldn’t put his finger on it.

Cuki… What happened to you?

Suddenly, the violet clouds twirled around like a fiery tornado. Emerging from the fiery smoke, came the Red King. His crystal body now shattered; his body was riddled with holes, cuts and bruises. From these wounds, scarlet psychic energy seeped through, trying to take the form of something.

“I… WILL NOT FALL!” A sudden burst of energy erupted from the King. Although his crystal body is beyond repair, he quickly ditches it like a snake shedding its skin. A new body for the Emperor emerged; a solidified body composed of pure psychic energy. He had a slender muscular build; his crown flowed from the winds, giving an illusion of him having long hair. His entire body was crimson, elegant, and a sight to behold, even more so than his diamond body. The Emperor’s body gave off a scarlet glow. The only crystal left on his body was the diamond core in the center, the one that emitted all the energy to transform him.

The Red Emperor stared at himself for a moment as the flames from the tornado continued to surge around him. He crossed his arms, tensing his muscles and let out a shout. It easily does away from the smoke, but the shockwave from his voice continued. All the Breakers within the battlefield were flung back from it, slamming against the ground. “I keep getting stronger… my power… there is no limit of my evolution.” He moved his head side-to-side, his eyes leaving behind trails of energy wisps.

That is when the Red Emperor noticed a new ability he obtained. It was limited and not extensively deep for him to pull everything, but the Red King started to laugh.

“Haha... so this is laughter! To think… I’m now able to read the minds of others, rather than just my own Xy’phers.” Red King turned to the Breakers with glee on his face. He was more expressive than before now that his face was no longer bounded by crystals.

“Y-you can read the humans’ minds?” Nia expressed her shock. “B-But how..?”

“Because I am the ultimate, superior being, that’s how! To think that I was even desperate enough of wanting to use you to defeat that creature up there.” Red King narrowed his eyes. “But just a mere glimpse of your thoughts, your memories… you are all nothing more than a hot mess! An absolute disaster!” The Red King took a single step; his psychic energy burst forward and easily changed the landscape underneath it, turning into a barren wasteland.

“Swallowed up by your own misery. So pathetic. So worthless. No wonder they died so shamelessly. Your own damn weaknesses failed them. None of you are even capable of reaching the pinnacle of minds such as I…” Red Emperor praised himself arrogantly. “Even with these new emotions… I’m quickly adapting… even when I lack experience in fighting! I’m catching up fast…” He stared at the Breakers. “Just a few words, you lot crumble like a house of cards. I may be fragile, but your egos are paper thin!”

Noticing that Vegetto was still in the crater, the Red King continued.

“And no ego is more fragil than his! That fool dares to act high and mighty when he’s nothing but a coward! Hides behind the death of his dear Kassava, when, he was glad she’s gone! She was a burden, wasn’t she? Couldn’t keep up, and now she’s dead. Now he’s free… but now he has a new burden. His brother…he’s dead as well! You Breakers will face the same fate, and all for what? So, he can be free to do what he wants?! And I’m the cruel one? At least I attempted to be civil and offer my grace to you.”

Cuki narrowed her eyes. “GeeGee is dead…?” Cuki turns to Zenta, but the latter didn’t show much reaction to the news. “How could you…”

“Oh, don’t get angry now. Didn’t you nearly choke him to death because that Witch showed a bit of friendliness to him?” Now you want to show your worries?” The Red King laughed at Cuki; it was unnatural since this was a feeling new to him. “I captured you, but you could’ve easily escaped. But you were such a sad mess that you relied on that disloyal heathen [Panich] as comfort. Yet when its finally time to show your worth to her, she died and become my pawn. You failed her, Cuki!” The Emperor smirked. “You are scared to form bonds, I wonder why… Is it because you’re scared that you’ll be replaced? Just like how Bernkastel replaced you with Gogeta? It’s that easy. The Breakers will never care about you after what you did. They never will. No one will. You are destined to be alone. Even the ‘bond’ between you and Atomic Flare will break once she finds someone more valuable than you.”

Red King turns to everyone else.

“You Breakers are nothing but a spectacle of disasters! I was clearly out of my mind to think that you are even worth being my grunts. That is the one-and only mistake I have committed.” Red King paused for a second, staring down at the Breakers with malicious intent. “But I’ll give you one thing. You managed to help me achieved my evolution… I never thought I could feel this much strength. I never knew I was capable of more, but now, I AM THE ARMY. So, thank you Breakers. You made me realize that I’m not a King. I’m not an Emperor. I’m not even a God. I am… the true form of perfection, a Creator God! I’ll grant you one thing to show my kindness. I’ll turn you into Xy’phers as a decoration. All the while you watch your loved get snuffed out, one by one, as I expand my grip on this planet.”

The Creator God glanced at Berserk and tilted his head slightly.

“I wonder how you’ll feel when I target your sisters. What are their names? Brute? Brat? Regardless, they will be nothing more than whispers in the wind.” He paused slightly and stared at his hands, making a tight fist. “No more Xy’phers, just the bodies of those who stand in my way.”

“Shut up!”

The Creator God turned to the voice that shouted at him, only to see Cuki. The words he said stabbed her mind and her consciousness. The girl stared intently at the Red King, a white fire behind her dull eyes.

“Shut your mouth! You know nothing!” Cuki shouted before pounding her fists together in a similar fashion to Avalon. “I will protect them until my last dying breath! You know nothing about me or my ambitions! I’ll show you what I’m capable of!” A silver fire erupted from under Cuki’s feet as her markings began to glow. “Byakko! Let’s do this!”

“But Cuki, what about the—”

“Shut up and bond with me, Byakko!”

Byakko stared at Cuki, and for the first time, he seemed worried. For a moment, he glanced at the Breakers and hesitated, but eventually, he listened to Cuki. The Divine Being pressed his hands together and released a long breath. Mist escaped from his lips as it began to slowly circle around Cuki. The markings all over his body started to glow in tangent to Cuki’s.

Cuki squeezed her eyes shut and focused every fiber of her being into bonding with Byakko and enter Divine State. As the mist swirled and engulfed Cuki, it started to slow down and gently cascade to the ground, as if whatever she was trying to do suddenly switched off. Cuki’s body remained still, but something was going terribly wrong. The cracks on her body started to open and chip slightly and all her veins were visible from her skin. Blue veins littered across the young girl’s body, especially her face and eyes. It was unsightly and each vein looked ready to burst. Through the cracks on her body, ears, nose, and even eyes, blood seeped out like water. A cough was heard followed by a splash of blood coming from Cuki’s mouth. She couldn’t breathe as heard by her gargled gasps of air.

Byakko’s cocky and arrogant demeanor changed as he quickly reached out to grab Cuki’s hands, trying to pull them apart. No matter how hard he tried, he could not pull them apart, but why? His face showed confusion, as if even HE did not know what was going on.

It’s happening again! I sense it again! Byakko said to himself. I sense it again, but what is it?!

Zenta turned to his student, only seeing a large amount of her energy sizzle inside of her and vent through the cracks on her body. He did not understand why Cuki’s energy was out of control, as if it was being pulled, yanked, and distorted. He was literally watching Cuki be tortured to the brink of death.

“Are you trying to… do something?” The Red Emperor spoke before breaking out in an awkward laugh. “Ahahaha! It backfired! You’re nothing but talk, aren’t you?!”

As the Red King floated towards Cuki, she was unable to move. Her entire body was paralyzed with pain, unable to control any part of herself. The youngster shook, desperately trying to separate her hands, but it was like an invisible force keeping them together. All Cuki could do was watch the Red Emperor get closer until she was lifted into the air. He gripped Cuki’s throat and slammed her against the ground. He unleashed a fury of punches towards Cuki’s defenseless body, each punch sending a shockwave across the wasteland.

“Since you want to defy me, I’ll splatter you across the field.”
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Majin Bara however was unfazed as she suddenly raised an arm high in the air, beginning to power up a massive sphere of volatile black and magenta energy... the Super Vanishing Ball, the same attack Kid Buu used once to destroy Earth.
"Cuki is right though... you cannot even COMPREHEND what we are! Mind reading is easy, but can you even understand us? Do you really think you can best us with such tricks!? I don't think so, since you don't know our pasts, our burdens, the horrors we faced... you never faced the horrors of captivity, watching those you care about being taken away, having to fight for survival for Kami knows how long... and now you claim to have the upper hand on us?! Don't make me laugh, you're just like any other villain I've faced in the past... vain, egotistical, megalomanic... and foolish!" She snarled as she began to compress the force of the large energy sphere into something smaller, and retracting it into her fist.

Once she was satisfied, she cocked her hand back and charged at full speed towards the Red King.

"There is ALWAYS some fool, who wants to rule the world! Always forcing others to do what they cannot do for themselves! And that's why..." Bara said, her fist ready, "I PRAY TO NO ONE!"

With that, Majin Bara smashed her fist into the Red King's face before he could lay another punch onto Cuki, blasting the Red King at point-blank range with the force of the Super Vanishing Ball she had just absorbed into herself, wanting to create an opening for the others to capitalize on this, save Cuki and end the reign of the Red King once and for all.
Berserk hit the ground with a thud, kicking up a dust cloud as she coughed repeatedly. On one knee, she whipped her head towards the Red Emperor with wide eyes; once again his form had morphed into something new after they destroyed the remainder of his crystal carapace. Through his taunting and mocking of the Breakers for their various grievances and mistakes, targeting their emotions, she only briefly glanced at Vegetto and Cuki during the Emperor's callouts. Her eyes fell to the floor when it was her turn, her bangs covering her face. One hand dug its fingers deep into the dirt.

It was already annoying enough hearing the Red King gloat. But this-- the things he was saying, probing all their minds just to ridicule them, erased whatever fear she had of being torn up like Spina. All their battles during the Xy'pher crisis so far, she had watched some of them put their own lives at risk multiple times. Even Spina, whose strange behavior confused her, threw his life away for them to get away from Gravita. That had to count for something, didn't it? Avalon put his life at risk again and again, now Cuki joining him after her attempt to retaliate seemingly backfiring. The Red Emperor digging into her thoughts and dangling her sisters' lives over her own head, added further fuel to the fire.

... Screw it. Time to take one for the team and stick my neck out for these lamewads!

"Blah, blah, fucking blah!! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Berserk shouted, standing up before swinging her sword's blunt side into her forehead to break out of the trance. "Who said you'd be getting to my sisters, huh!? I ain't kicked the bucket yet! This fight'll be over when I say it is, you gigawatted freak!" Blood trickled down her face, veins popping around the punk's temples as she raised a middle finger to him with a deranged grin. "FOCUS ON THE PUNK THAT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU! BERSERK PLUTONIUM! BER. SERK! MEMORIZE IT! Get a good look at my brain because all you're gonna see are the million ways I'll make you wish that moon thing turned you to powder!" Jumping in after Bara, the enraged Powerpunk flew straight in with fists raised for barehanded combat. The adrenaline combined with the rage of indignation she had felt caused her to abandon any pretense of caution. Hollering a battle cry, Berserk unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks to keep the pressure on the Emperor.
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