The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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“Well, aren’t you going to do something?” Byakko asked Cuki.

“…” Cuki didn’t respond much to Byakko’s comment. Avalon’s sudden transformation was strikingly like hers. If anything, the way Avalon moved so brilliantly, and in control, that she couldn’t help but feel envy towards him. With the destructive presence of the creature above, she felt like she couldn’t move at all.

“If you have time to pout, then you have time to fight.” Byakko somewhat understood Cuki’s feelings. He feels a dark presence weighing down his shoulders by the creature above. Whether or not the illusion was real, its mere appearance shook everyone here. Yet, somehow, Avalon managed to push himself forward. Byakko studied the ninja carefully. “Seilong… even though you are feeling the same way I’ve felt, you still somehow push yourself to move your student and yourself forward.”

Byakko smirked with beaming confidence. “I suppose Avalon is faring better than you makes sense. He does have Seilong after all…”

“Byakko.” Cuki snapped back.


“Shut up.” Cuki slapped her cheeks to snapped out of it. Despite the weighing down presence, she was determined to not be left behind. She clapped her hands together and from her feet, a burst of white energy shot out. The tips of her hair started to turn white and dissolve into particles made of pure energy. Cuki turns to Byakko with a serious expression on her face. “Spear.”

“Gladly. Unlike him, I can push you even further. Your determination is second to none!” Byakko’s icy blue eyes shined with glee as he praised Cuki.

Byakko gently cupped Cuki’s hand in his own, and, in a bright flash of light, an enormous spear-sword floated above her hand. Its handle was a white color while the blade was a reflective silver. On the bladed end were markings and near its base was the maw of a tiger, where the blade came out. Cuki gripped onto the handle and swung the blade with grace.

As the Leviathans fell, Cuki sliced through each of them with ease, causing a cloud of smoke to engulf the area around them. Seeing that Walter is taken out, Cuki sought to take out Panich, feeling responsible for her state. She rushed towards her in breakneck speeds; easily closing the gap between Panich and herself, but just enough that Panich wouldn’t immediately attack her.

Once Cuki was at a reasonable distance, the grip on her spear-sword tightened, readied to launch it at her fallen friend. “Forgive me—”

Just before Cuki tossed the spear, Bage hugged Panich and stopped her movements. As Bage and Panich embraced one another, the latter seemingly returned her senses strangely enough, Cuki lowered her spear. Bage wasn’t in danger, and it seems that Panich was back to herself, but there is still sadness in her eyes.

Zenta caught up to Cuki, seeing the Red King attempting to fight off the creature. “Cuki…” He’d sensed Byakko nearby, scoffing at him before focusing his attention on his student. “Are you alright?” He knew the answer of that question, but wanted to see if Cuki will be honest with him.

“…. Yes.” Cuki said coldly.

“…I see.” Zenta thought as much.

“Take over the Xy’phers?” Nia questioned May. “No… I can’t control them, sadly.”

Nia bit her lip as she watched the creature loom over them, sending a chilling sensation down her back. However, as she thought about even if she could take over the Xy’phers, the Leviathans started to rain down on the battlefield, taking down a majority of all the Xy’phers. Even if she could take over, it would be difficult.

“If you have anything to help me out, I can try to form a connection between the few remaining Xy’phers. I need something that can boost my psychic powers for a while. I can’t promise it’ll work, but we have to try!”

As the King continued to fight against the mysterious creature, he failed to notice Spina rush towards him. Once Spina was close enough, the King’s face turned to the Saiyan and lifted am arm towards him, as if to stop him. Every time the King laid his gaze on anyone, any attacks would prove useless, and being at such close range would prove deadly to Spina.

But not today.

A loud shattering noise came from the moment Spina’s fist slammed against the King’s face. The magnificent diamond crown on the King’s head shattered to bits as his head and body flung backwards from the hit. The King was unable to understand what had just happened. For the first time, the King felt pain. Physical pain. It surged through his body and caused him and his robe to twitch violently. He tried to take his composure again but felt the powerful punch to his gut from Vegetto, causing him to heave over his fist in pain. Once again, he did not understand the new feeling as he slid off Vegetto’s fist. Finally, his back felt Cayde’s bullets, and that caused him to go limp for a second, falling straight to the ground.

Before he hit the ground, Cuki and Zenta appeared in front and behind him. Cuki tossed her spear into the air, and her hands started to glow identically to Zenta’s. Both of them started to slam their palms against the King’s body, creating massive shockwaves at each impact. They mirrored each other’s moves perfectly in an elegance dance until Cuki slipped behind the King, slamming her palm against his lower back to fling him up towards Zenta. The Beast reeled his hands back and shot both out towards the King’s chest, but never touched him. There was a moment of pause there were hundreds of shockwaves that came from behind the King followed by a massive one that shattered the crystal earth beneath them. Finally, the spear Cuki threw earlier shot back down, stabbing the King right on the shoulder and pinning him to the ground.

The King rested in the crater, not moving an inch, no doubt from both shock and pain. His senses were all over the place and he could not tell what was overcoming his body. All the King could do was stare at the moon until Avalon and his Water Dragon came into view. All it did was raise an arm and point it directly at the King, which allowed several Leviathans to fall and cover and consume the Red King.

What is happening to me…? The King thought to himself I am the great King of the Xy’pher army. I am… untouchable. This sensation… what is it? I am the Great Conqueror of the universe… No one has been able to stop me, so why are these humans able to cause me distress…? No… No…! NO. I am the greatest creature to ever live! I am the strongest esper known in the universe! I am… I am…!!!

There was an explosion after the Leviathans piled up on the Red King, covering the entire area with smoke. His energy signature was gone, unable to be sensed. The few remaining Xy’phers stood in shock as their King disappeared beneath the mass of Leviathans. Everything was still and the King was gone.

“I… I don’t feel him anymore.” Nia whispered. “His presences is gone!”
Cayde braced against the torrent of wind and smoke that engulfed him in the final strike against the Red King, disappearing for a few moments in the intense chaos. As the wind died down, however, the android slowly straightened himself out and stepped forward, an edge of tenseness still present in his movements. Nia's proclamation prompted his head to turn, and upon looking back at the crater one last time, Cayde exhaled a large sigh while his bright blue eyes glanced around, the man quietly walking over to the gathered team that was present and dusting his gloved hands.

"Looks like we're all done and dusted here, kiddos. Ramen's on me!"

Vegetto's silver eyes followed the Red King as he fell towards the ground, having prepared to follow after and resume the assault. Yet once Cuki and Zenta rushed the King, Vegetto relaxed his tense arms; the silver pupils watching on while the Red King was engulfed in a massive explosion of smoke and wind. The Potara fusion barely moved as his gi and hair ruffled violently against the winds, the gleam of silver still shining through the darkness left in the wake of the smoke and explosive corrosion.

Once the Red King was gone from view, Vegetto briefly paused at the glance on the ground before slowly turning his eyes out to the horizon. His eyebrows furrowed, and like a curious mind exploring a strange land for the first time, he reached up slowly and swiped at his aura with his left hand. The crystal-like ice that swirled around him faded at the command, the entire aura dissipating away while Vegetto floated forward a few meters; speaking outwards to no one in particular.

"The wind feels...familiar, yet different without him."

Exhaling deeply, the steely glow of silver from his pupils resonated brightly, Vegetto's stare forward without a target to focus on.

"But finally...I have a moment of peace."
May says handing a circlit with a blue stone in the center "This is a Psy-amplifer this should give you plenty of abilty to do what i ask. Just put it on your head." May thinks "Good thing I made note it was one the idioms that my base sold before being my base." May asks "so once Nia has the Xy'phers what do we do with them?"

May says "Can someone confirm the king is dead?" May thinks "I gest I will be asked to restore this place." She takes out orbs in order to search the doom's castle and assess it.
Once the violet stream of wind and smoke subsided, the creature hovering above them started to become transparent. The heavy pressure from its presence alone fades; the dark sky disappears, returning to normal. To any outsider, Bernkastel remained in the air, unmoving. Her facial expressions were dull; almost blank.

“Congratulations, little one. You somewhat managed to perform your first illusion without issues. They couldn’t not tell whether its real or not… brilliantly done.” Guardian appeared in front of her, towering over her. She placed her right index finger on Bernkastel’s lips and looked directly at her eyes. “Half already gone.” She nods once, gently brushing away the Witch’s hair to check something. “I was half expected for you to hesitate—not everyone is willing to forgo a chunk of their emotions.” She was looking for something, but after moments of searching, she stopped. Whatever she was looking for, she couldn’t find.

“I’ll have to alter my approach since this is the first time someone made it this far.” Guardian pondered. “We’ll deal with this in the future.” She looks at the illusion of the creature disappearing. “Making an illusion that elaborate, especially for a first timer, takes a large toll on your body. You won’t be able to move for a while. Use the time to properly rest. Until next time, little one.” Guardian vanished from Bernkastel’s sight.

The illusion of the creature fades away until there is not a single trace of it left. Immediately, a sudden jolt of force whipped around the Witch’s body. All her energy simply vanished due to the effects of using Clear Mind to create such a masterful illusion. Gravity became heavier for her, forcing her to the ground from the sky, followed by a sudden urge to vomit increased rapidly.


“Thank you,” Spawn expressed gratitude to Bara. He noticed the sky-blue sky; no longer red nor red. The creature was done, and the Red King, at least implied by Nia, is thoroughly defeated. No longer under that constant dark presence from the creature, his body relaxed and took a deep breath. The cloak was still taking its time coming out; however.

“That… was an illusion?”


“An illusion….” Lilith said, relieved. “I couldn’t tell… my senses were…”

“Manipulated? Warped?” Who knows.” Lucifer wiped the sweat from his forehead. “If a mere illusion can put all of us at a loss, imagine the actual thing.” The angel recalled that the King had its mind took over the instantly he attempts to escape this world.

“And Bernkastel?”

“I don’t know what kind of ability she displays to perform something that bypass our senses of reality and fiction.” Lucifer said. “A truly frightening ability.” Taking a deep breath, he’d turned to the crater where the Red King fell in. “Nevertheless, that provided the Breakers the opportunity to strike. Even that ninja boy transformed, although it is quite a shame I didn’t have a chance to enjoy every aspect of Avalon nearly perishing earlier. Next time.” He adjusted his suit and dusted off any excess dirt that accumulated from the Red King’s fall. “Heh… it seems that Red King experienced something new… pain. And like that, he folds like a house of cards.” The angel stared towards the crater covered in thick smoke. “What will you do, now?” He questioned, pondering if this was truly the end of the Red King.


Detective Spawn jumped off the dragon. “You did good, kid. Thought you were a bit of a try hard. Reminds me of a certain someone back in my world. But you did good.” Straight away, the hellspawn noticed the embrace shared between Bage and Panich.


“I’ve met her. Somewhere in my memories, she was… a friend.” Detective Goku held a mug of black coffee, taking small sips. “Sister of Vegeta… This world is all kinds of crazy.”

“Why did you lie?” Spawn said. “Could’ve spare her some heartache.”

“… because eventually, I will feel nothing.” Goku responded. “Better to stop it now before then. I’ll eventually inform Bage once he gets back. Assuming I still maintain these emotions that long. Maybe I’ll have enough to at least do a proper apology.”


The hellspawn felt sympathetic that Bage was thrown into chaos. With the death of Goku, his secret mission of tracking down Bernkastel, Zenta and Lucifer, the connections with Valeria, and the investigation of the Red King scenario; it can become a burden. Seeing Panich at such a state… its no wonder that Bage felt like he couldn’t go on. But somehow, the Saiyan Detective managed to pull through and go after her. It’s only fair to let Bage cherish this moment a little longer.

Spawn placed his hand on Nia’s shoulders. “Are you sure the Red King’s dead? He doesn’t have a transformation or hidden power, right?”


A sudden jolt of power brushes past Vegetto, followed by Spina speeding through. Pushing the fusion aside, the old Saiyan, back to his base form, landed on the edge of the crater. Moments passed, and the Red King didn’t rise at all, much to the Saiyan’s disappointment. “All talk, then. Few punches and you’re down for the count.”

“Another debt down. Just a little more…”

Spina did a few stretches to get a feel for them after the psychic hold force their bodies to bend in places it shouldn’t have. His tail swayed back and forth; his muscles tightened greatly. He stares into the blue sky, seeing that it was an illusion done by Bernkastel. His eyes narrowed at the Witch with desire of battle. “Soon.”

He lowered his head, staring at the crater once more. Spina spoke more loudly for anyone to hear. “Pathetic. I have no uses for those who’s stuck in stagnation.”
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"There shouldn't even be any question what to do with 'em, May," Berserk finally spoke up after the creature in the sky disappeared. It was the first time since her nightmare that she experienced such bone-chilling fear at the sight of a monster. The illusion was so real that she couldn't will herself to move or even budge under the pressure it exerted over them; it made her feel utterly helpless that she could do nothing for Avalon. Berserk still looked pale and clammy, though her expression was now replaced with simmering rage as her eyes began to glow. "I think now's as good a time as any to wipe out the stragglers now that the link is gone. I doubt they're good for anything otherwise so let's crush 'em. It'll only take me a few seconds once Nia gets ahold of the survivors."

"It's not like I wanted to get rid of them... but recently they've begun to manifest and... exacerbate the situation," Bernkastel replied to Guardian, her eyes softening slightly. "Failure is unacceptable... not an option at this point. I can't hesitate just because some feelings get in the way. But now that I have Clear Mind, I can easily control things to sway as the need fits. Not just for my own agenda, it's all for the greater good of the team; the strife that had its chokehold on us will be no more so long as I use this. The price is a pittance for the results I'm getting," she declared confidently. Her parting words came as the illusion dissolved before them. "...I'll have questions for you next time we meet. Later."

Then came the sudden jolt through Bernkastel's body, as if lightning struck all of her nerves at once. Her once collected expression wiped away as her eyes widened, taken aback by the suden sensation. Was she being attacked? No-- in a millisecond, she found herself back in reality. The bright blue sky the first thing she saw as every ounce of energy left her body. Then came the pull of gravity practically throwing her down towards the ground.

"Wha--" her eyes widened even further seeing the ground get closer and closer-- nevermind the explosions and chaos going on below. She barely could process what was happening to herself. Flailing her arms weakly, Bernkastel failed to float or regain her footing as she normally could. "Agh-- my... my head!" Flinching her eyes shut, she recoiled and gripped her head. Her body broke out in a cold sweat through the splitting headache, her vision filling itself with stars. Unable and unaware, the Witch landed on the ground with no move to break her fall. Groaning in pain, Bern rolled to her side to push herself into a kneeling position on all fours. Her pallid face drained itself of whatever color left before she tried to cover her mouth with a hand-- dark blood seeped through her fingers, heaving it up as the puddles on the ground were stained in red splatters. It even dripped out of her nose, the iron scent nauseating Bernkastel even more. This must be the compensation-- not good... I can't move... at all... it hurts just to breathe...
Breathless, she glanced at the plumes of smoke and making a hurried assessment of the current situation. Berserk floated over, grimacing in mild disgust from the sight.

"You're finally back-- but whoa. You uh, look like shit," said the Powerpunk, helping Bern sit up to a more comfortable position. After giving Bernkastel a rundown of the battle, she patted the Witch on the back. "But it's all over now, yeah? Nia said so, she can't feel the King's presence anymore! He got folded like paper-- we just have to finish cleaning house and this'll all be behind us."

Bernkastel shook her head in disagreement. Seeing the Breakers near the smoking crater evoked a terrible flashback to the Doom battle. Doom let them think they won and struck after their guard was down. "Back..." Her voice was hoarse and barely audible. "Get... back!" Since she couldn't go back into Clear Mind due to the exhaustion, Bernkastel was evidently suspicious and tried calling out to them. Berserk glanced back at the others with confusion, shrugging at a loss for what to say. "Wh-what for? C'mon now, you're makin' me nervous here, Bernie..."
Panich held tight onto Bage’s shirt, if she were able, she’d be crying. After all this time, he was finally in her arms. She feared letting go as if he would be taken away from her. Bage on the other hand was in disbelief, as if this were some cruel trick being played on him before his demise. He was silent for a few seconds before lightly embracing the crystalized Saiyan in his own arms. The world was quiet. There wasn’t any more battling around them. The Vortex was quiet.

”Is it really you…?” He asked, “You’re not trying to trick me…?”

Panich let out a tired chuckle, loosening her hold on her sweetheart to look up and into his eyes. “of course it is. At least now.”

The detective was completely welling with emotions. It was Panich. HIS Panich. A sense of relief washed over him as he relaxed into her hold. He wrapped his arms tightly around Panich's Xy'pher body. It was almost like a dream, but she was here, right in front of him. And soon before he knew it, all his worries, all his fears came pouring out in tears. “PANICH! I've missed you more than you could ever imagine! I thought I'd never get to hold you again! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry I took so long to find you…! I felt so terrible when I saw you like that! You were hurt! You were turned into this and I-”

“Hey, hey!” Panich stopped the big lug in his tracks before continuing. “It's just like you to worry so much. Don’t blame yourself, you’re not responsible for this.” It warmed her heart to see how much he cared for her. The Xy’pher Saiyan simply wiped away his tears with her thumb. Bage went silent for a second, his skin feeling cold at the crystal finger on his cheek.

“Right… There’s just so much I wanna say... I really missed you.” He spoke up again, taking her hard, cold hands in his own. Panich frowned slightly, as she couldn’t feel the touch.

”How were you able to find this place…?” Panich asked, but she seemed to perk up at the thought of something. “Did Cuki bring you?! Is she here?”

“Oh right, actually, she and the rest of your old team helped me,” Bage answered, turning toward where the others had blown up the king. “We should probably meet up with them.”

Panich grimaced slightly, her mind taking her back to her Breaker betrayal, she seemed reluctant but nodded in agreement if only to follow him and see Cuki. “I suppose.”

"Don't look so discouraged, they came all this way didn't they?" Bage tried to reassure before rising to his feet and holding out his hand to take hers. Panich gave a small smile before reaching up and grabbing Bage's hand.

"I guess your right. Let's go." She replied.
Majin Bara relaxed for a moment, but overhearing Bernkastel's words, she cautiously stepped back from the crater that was ahead, her guard raised up.
"These villains need to learn that when they're defeated, just stop trying to still upend things..." she muttered, "It's getting a bit of a cliché to see them still trying to make any victory costly for us when it already has cost us this much; when they're down, they need to STAY down and AT LEAST face their defeat with SOME level of dignity and honor."
May says "My vote is to save those that coins were crystals if they want to go back to befor they were xy'pherd but in a unity since those naturally accruing xy'phers I think could be useful in restoring doom castle." May taps her foot to indicate that they should be near if not in doom castle. May says "That is if Nia's mind can hadal being the over mind for this group."

May says "You all can take my thought under advisement and a bit of optimum." May thinks "I gest I should start mapping doom castle see what needs fixing. I wonder how extensive the damages are add to the fact we may have to deal with a hostile A.I."
Is this truly it? Have I been bested by the mortals? Did these mortals defeat the ultimate lifeform..? Did they defeat… The Red King, the strongest Esper in the whole universe? The perfect lifeform..?

Although he was in a crater, the Red King could still see the illusion before him. He remained frozen in fear, however, once the illusion started to fade away, his mind began to try to fill in the gaps.

What..? An illusion? The King paused to himself. Did these lower lifeforms… trick ME? Did they make a mockery out of ME?! They dare touch me, then mock ME?!

The ground around the King started to rumble before grinding itself into dust. All around the Red King was a scarlet aura that started to burn away the debris crushing him. His usually vacant eyes, for the first time, changed shape, showing rage. The aura burned away at a boulder that had cracked the front part of his face, almost giving him a mouth. The energy seeped through this jagged scowl like a wisp, and his new mouth hissed with the intense heat he was releasing.

No! NO! I will not let these mortals turn me into a fool! NO!

An illusion..? Zenta thought as his ‘vision’ of the mysterious creature faded, returning everything to black. Was it Lady Bernkastel’s doing? Only she could wield that type of magical power… but how was it so real? It was like the Lady in the Dress… or was that Bernkastel’s magic too…?

So that thing in the sky was an illusion the whole time
? Cuki pondered. It felt so real… but what was that thing? As soon as I saw it, everything got… cold.

“Cuki,” Zenta said as he landed softly next to her. “Nia said that the King has perished.” The beast sounded excited, mostly because he finally got to see his student again. His tails were wagging with joy. “Come, let us regroup and—"

“So that’s it?” Cuki spat. “Hmph. What a waste of time.”

“Tell me about it… Oh well.” Byakko sighed exaggeratedly. “Kinda boring if you ask me.”

“Now that he’s dead, we should get going.”

“Hold on, Cuki.” Zenta said, placing a hand on his student’s shoulder. “You just got here, at least catch up on what the rest of the Breakers are doing.” His shoulders slumped slightly at the state of his student. “Besides, I missed you.”

“I… I…” There was a small pause for Cuki. Her dead and vacant expression changed, and a tiny smile formed. Her cold personal warmed up slightly as she gazed at her Master. A weight was lifted from her shoulders with his words. “I missed you too, Master. I missed all of you…”

“I can’t sense him anymore,” Nia replied to Spawn. “And no, he doesn’t have any transformations. His frail body took a thrashing, so I doubt there is anything left of him.” She started to clap her hands, proclaiming the Breakers victory. “The Red King is dead! His reign of terror will vanish like his legacy! The Breakers are the Heroes of this world!”

As Nia looked around the battlefield, something caught her eye. Very few Xy’phers remained, spread sparsely throughout the entire land. Some were wounded, and some were rising to her feet, but there were still Xy’phers. Nia continued to look, almost as if waiting for something to happen but never did. The clapping stopped, as did her cheering; her expression slowly went from happy to anxious. She started to shake slightly.

“They aren’t disappearing…” Nia said softly. “The Xy’phers… they aren’t disappearing. Why aren’t they disappearing?!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Cuki stared at Nia.

“All Xy’phers usually disappear once the King is dead. I-It’s supposed to happen! It’s coded into all of us!”

Fissures began to shift the ground around the Breakers as a red, glittering aura seeped through the cracks. “Breakers! The King! He’s—"

Before Nia could finish her warning, a violent explosion came from the crater. Scarlet energy flew into the sky, turning it entirely red, making the field a reddish hue. Fissures started to form and lift the ground apart. A shining red orb flew into the sky, taking Spina with it. Within the orb was the Broken Red King as he held Spina by his shirt with his arm-robe.

“Pathetic am I?!” The King shouted. “You dare speak to me as if I am beneath YOU?! I am your superior! I am your lord!”

Suddenly, Spina’s arms and legs broke at the same time, but he was unable to scream due to the King grabbing his face and inching closer.


The King’s eyes shined brightly, blinding Spina. To Spina, all he felt was a numbness from the middle of his chest to his feet. To the Breakers, however, they saw his entire body torn in half by the Red King, creating a waterfall of blood. In order to taunt Spina in his final moments, The King laughed as he held the other half of Spina’s body in front of him.

“You’re all talk. Just a few twists and turns, and you’re already down for the count.” The Red King mocked what Spina said to him. “Pathetic!


STATUS: The Red Emperor is constantly evolving now that he's broken his limits!

The two halves of Spina flung away from each other as the King gazed directly towards the Breakers, particularly at Bernkastel. A loud rumbling came from in front of them as the King began to lift the entire crystallized Doom castle. Doom’s moving castle continued to float in the air until it was above the King and covered the Vortex Moon from view.

“You Breakers truly are fascinating! This surge of power, I have broken my own limits! I am above flaws! The true pinnacle, the image, of perfection! I AM REBORN, BREAKERS!” The King laughed before flinging Doom’s massive castle towards the Breakers. “I will conquer every corner of this pathetic world! If you won’t bow to me, then I’ll force you!”

As the castle flew at high speeds to the Breakers, the dragon Avalon was inside slammed its hands against the castle, trying to slow it down. However, before Avalon’s dragon could do much to deter the castle, the Red King flew by the Dragon’s side and used his robe-fingers to mimic the act of slicing. Not even a moment later, the scarlet energy that came from the King’s body manifested itself by the dragon’s neck and followed the King’s motion. In one clean slice, the dragon had been decapitated. The body went limp before falling on top of the Breakers as a very heavy rain. The head, however, stayed intact, and Avalon was seen bleeding from his side as he writhed from pain, even in his state.

“I am no longer the Red King! I am the Red Emperor!!!”
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