Xy'pher Panich cringed slightly as Spina's attacks landed swiftly. However, she wasn't angry, not in the slightest. As Spina grabbed a hold of her ear, her eyes widened in shock, finally stopping as she landed on the ground creating a dent in the crystal below. In this moment of pause, as the older Saiyan began falling at an alarming rate, the elite noticed a new adrenaline growing within her. She smirked with excitement, chuckling to herself as she simply waited for Spina to approach her.
Then suddenly, Walter was here and her smirk quickly turned to a scowl at his presence. Before she could respond, the leader of the Breaker crashed into the ground heel first causing a giant cloud of debris to cover the two of them. The smoke cleared after a few seconds and it was revealed that Panich had completely lifted her lower half up and above her head, her hands carrying the weight of her body with ease. Spina's kick had narrowly missed her by a few inches, causing an even bigger crater where her body had been indented. A strong glare plastered itself on her face as her eyes turned to Walter. "Shut up, Taxi. You're distracting me." She growled before her legs reached back down and wrapped around Spina's neck. The Elite lifted the Saiyan up with her legs and swung him back over her head to slam his head into the ground in front of her.
after being thrown through two large crystals Bage landed on the ground far from the others. the Detective looked up and saw the sea of Xyphers that charged him, a few of them starting to climb his body in order to subdue him. Their claws and spear arms try to pierce through his skin. Bage frantically started ripping them away, throwing Xyphers into each other, only to have more jumping toward him growling and snarling. He quickly encased himself in his bulwark armor to barrel through the crowd of crystal soldiers
I have to get back to the others...!! I have to get back to...! Bage thought to himself, desperately fighting to get back to the others. Then the image of Panich's crystalized face flashed in his mind and suddenly... He hesitated again. The Xy'pher soldiers immediately took advantage of this opening and swarmed over his armored body, they grabbed his limbs and held him down, while trying to tear the ki wall surrounding him down to go for the kill.
However the Saiyan detective couldn't bring himself to fight back, his body became tired all of a sudden. Even the little bit of Saiyan pride he had felt before was absent at this moment. What's the point... I can't protect anyone... No matter how hard I try...
The guilt began welling up in his throat as images of his failures clouded his mind. the missing people, then Spina's death, Goku, and finally Panich. He wasn't smart enough... wasn't strong enough to keep them safe. They were either gone or changed, and he felt responsible.
I can't do it... I don't deserve to fight anymore. I let this happen to her. He thought. He shut his eyes tightly as more intrusive thoughts began to manifest. One image specifically of Panich appeared, behind her both Goku and Spina.
You were too late. And now we are monsters because of YOU. The three hallucinations said in unison. Bage was paralyzed with guilt as the Xy'pher soldiers piled on top of him, beginning to tear at his skin as they slowly chipped away at his armor.
Panich lifted herself up, her foot stepping down on the top of Spina's head, "It's my execution. So let me take care of the scum how I want." the elite huffed. "Just keep rounding them up for me or go back to your perch on our King's shoulder!"
She turned her head watching Walter attack Nia and the dozens of Cayde clones. She froze a bit suddenly for a moment, her body twitching slightly before she fixated back on the Breaker's leader. "Fine. You want me to finish him?" The Saiyan Xy'pher was close to delivering another blow to the leader but soon shifted her attention to the souls that had Walter pinned. She looked around quickly, scanning for the source of these attacker ghosts.
"There you are." She set her eyes on detective Spawn, smirking once again as she grabbed Spina by the tail, ready to launch him at the hellspawn with all her might.
Then suddenly, Walter was here and her smirk quickly turned to a scowl at his presence. Before she could respond, the leader of the Breaker crashed into the ground heel first causing a giant cloud of debris to cover the two of them. The smoke cleared after a few seconds and it was revealed that Panich had completely lifted her lower half up and above her head, her hands carrying the weight of her body with ease. Spina's kick had narrowly missed her by a few inches, causing an even bigger crater where her body had been indented. A strong glare plastered itself on her face as her eyes turned to Walter. "Shut up, Taxi. You're distracting me." She growled before her legs reached back down and wrapped around Spina's neck. The Elite lifted the Saiyan up with her legs and swung him back over her head to slam his head into the ground in front of her.
after being thrown through two large crystals Bage landed on the ground far from the others. the Detective looked up and saw the sea of Xyphers that charged him, a few of them starting to climb his body in order to subdue him. Their claws and spear arms try to pierce through his skin. Bage frantically started ripping them away, throwing Xyphers into each other, only to have more jumping toward him growling and snarling. He quickly encased himself in his bulwark armor to barrel through the crowd of crystal soldiers
I have to get back to the others...!! I have to get back to...! Bage thought to himself, desperately fighting to get back to the others. Then the image of Panich's crystalized face flashed in his mind and suddenly... He hesitated again. The Xy'pher soldiers immediately took advantage of this opening and swarmed over his armored body, they grabbed his limbs and held him down, while trying to tear the ki wall surrounding him down to go for the kill.
However the Saiyan detective couldn't bring himself to fight back, his body became tired all of a sudden. Even the little bit of Saiyan pride he had felt before was absent at this moment. What's the point... I can't protect anyone... No matter how hard I try...
The guilt began welling up in his throat as images of his failures clouded his mind. the missing people, then Spina's death, Goku, and finally Panich. He wasn't smart enough... wasn't strong enough to keep them safe. They were either gone or changed, and he felt responsible.
I can't do it... I don't deserve to fight anymore. I let this happen to her. He thought. He shut his eyes tightly as more intrusive thoughts began to manifest. One image specifically of Panich appeared, behind her both Goku and Spina.
You were too late. And now we are monsters because of YOU. The three hallucinations said in unison. Bage was paralyzed with guilt as the Xy'pher soldiers piled on top of him, beginning to tear at his skin as they slowly chipped away at his armor.
Panich lifted herself up, her foot stepping down on the top of Spina's head, "It's my execution. So let me take care of the scum how I want." the elite huffed. "Just keep rounding them up for me or go back to your perch on our King's shoulder!"
She turned her head watching Walter attack Nia and the dozens of Cayde clones. She froze a bit suddenly for a moment, her body twitching slightly before she fixated back on the Breaker's leader. "Fine. You want me to finish him?" The Saiyan Xy'pher was close to delivering another blow to the leader but soon shifted her attention to the souls that had Walter pinned. She looked around quickly, scanning for the source of these attacker ghosts.
"There you are." She set her eyes on detective Spawn, smirking once again as she grabbed Spina by the tail, ready to launch him at the hellspawn with all her might.
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