Bage pondered the appearance of the Xy'pher elite. As Zenta had pointed out, this one was completely different from the one they faced in Metropolis city. He made a mental note of the description before adressing the plan suggested.
"Then we won't send any Breakers. At least not all of them. If we want to go through with this plan and do it right, then a couple of us will sneak into the city first and notify the news of what our goal is. As much as I agree Lucifer is... Unique at times, he's right. The whole point in this is to not only lure the Xy'phers out, but get you in good graces with the vortex citizens." Bage chimed in after Brachi. "Plus letting them know ahead of time would possibly even allow us to evacuate as much of the city as we could before the plan is able to be initiated. Less citizens in danger, the more trust you build."
Bage scanned around the room at the others examining all of them.
"Since Spawn needs to rest... I can go along with May, Vegetto and Avalon. Vegetto can perform instant transmission, and if they agree to evacuate to a save location, he can bring them back here temporarily and Avalon hasn't been a Breaker for very long so he may be a bit more trustworthy in the long run. Which would mean the rest of you will be on standby until we give you the okay. If we must have any of the true Breakers come along for the negotiation, I would suggest Zenta. His calm and respectful demenor could help ease any reservations about your group. How does that sound?"
"Then we won't send any Breakers. At least not all of them. If we want to go through with this plan and do it right, then a couple of us will sneak into the city first and notify the news of what our goal is. As much as I agree Lucifer is... Unique at times, he's right. The whole point in this is to not only lure the Xy'phers out, but get you in good graces with the vortex citizens." Bage chimed in after Brachi. "Plus letting them know ahead of time would possibly even allow us to evacuate as much of the city as we could before the plan is able to be initiated. Less citizens in danger, the more trust you build."
Bage scanned around the room at the others examining all of them.
"Since Spawn needs to rest... I can go along with May, Vegetto and Avalon. Vegetto can perform instant transmission, and if they agree to evacuate to a save location, he can bring them back here temporarily and Avalon hasn't been a Breaker for very long so he may be a bit more trustworthy in the long run. Which would mean the rest of you will be on standby until we give you the okay. If we must have any of the true Breakers come along for the negotiation, I would suggest Zenta. His calm and respectful demenor could help ease any reservations about your group. How does that sound?"