The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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"Oh yes, I remember that bottle. I put it somewhere in my room before the commotion with Ultraman happened, I'll bring it out with me." Bernkastel looked up at Lucifer from the doorway, peering over her shoulder momentarily. "Even if it's take-out I'd like to actually be able to enjoy it without eating it out of a bowl like a house cat. I'll be back in a moment." With that, she pushed the door shut with her paws and trotted off to look for a gown to wear. "Hmm, what to eat... maybe not a fish tonight since it won't possibly live up to Cuki's salmon dishes with the way I like them." Bern figured she'd go for a meat that would match up with the wine, closing her eyes to begin what would be the reassembly of her human form.

There was a faint glow from under her door that occasionally flared bright enough to practically encase the frame, but then it faded out... 

"Here we go, now I'm-- ...what the hell is this..."

The hallway of her room was overcast in a shadow with complete silence for several moments. Bernkastel's door slowly opened with a loud creak and some heavy footsteps slowly thudded softly along the carpet, inching closer as people conversed among themselves. In the shadows, there revealed a pair of feline eyes that ominously glowed an iridescent color in the darkness of the silhouette standing in the unlit corridor.

"I have decided..." a low voice rang out.

Out from the hallway stepped a humanoid feline creature covered head to toe in black fur wearing a gothic gown. It stood about Bernkastel's usual height, but accompanied by the large fluffy tail and large set of ears, the 'person' had her distinct blue hair in its disheveled style with the bangs sitting just above the purple eyes. 

"I think... I'll just have roasted chicken to go with this." It had Bernkastel's voice, gripping Wordplay's wine bottle with a fluffy hand. Her voice was flat and she practically stared unblinking, but with her cat face it was impossible to tell what her expression was. "... a whole one since I haven't eaten all day," Bern said to Cross.
Cross asks writing down the orders "any special way you want the rice or just some rice Cuki, Any specific kind of dragon egg Lucifer, what style do you want that chicken bernkastle?"
Gogeta blinked, but soon opened his mouth in preparation to speak in reply to Cross. However, the fusion stopped midway, listening and turning his head towards Lucifer. He held his same, naive stare as Lucifer mentioned each cuisine due to the names being too complex for him to truly understand. Gogeta broke out into a smile, nodding his head and keeping his hands on his hips.

"Oh ok! Well if it's as good as you say it is, then I'll have what you're having!"

He then watched Bernkastel run off to fetch the wine, blankly staring at the door even through the light clearly illuminated his eyes. Gogeta's expression only changed, the curiosity growing only for a brief moment before he gasped at the sight of Bernkastel emerging in her current state. He quickly sauntered up to her, bending at the hip to examine her with a grin.

"Woah!! Is that your Super Saiyan 4 state?!"
Cuki listened to Lucifer and his sophisticated palette. When he mentioned that the Saiyans lack a wide taste palette, she knew he included her in that list. Despite being a Saiyan, Cuki certainly did not act like one (or at least denies it) but she took a lot of pride with her cooking and her wide variety of foods. She peaked her head from behind the couch, watching the Breakers make their orders. Her eyes narrowed as her jealousy grew of how Lucifer managed to taste so many things.

Saiyans like them lack the palette to taste anything, but I'm not like them! Hmph, my cooking is better than anything that kid has ever tasted. Cuki thought to herself as she glared towards Lucifer. What does he know about fine cuisine? 

"' should enjoy the delicacy of a delicious, tasting wine.' He's not even supposed to be drinking wine..." Cuki mocked Lucifer's voice silently to herself as she shifted her eyes to Cross. "Add a side of stuffed mushrooms and some seared scallops infused with butter and some herbs to my rice. Give me a side of sparkling water with a hint of lime."
"I'll be sure to prepare myself for the encounter, then." Panich nodded to Spina and the others. Her mind went back to thinking of the best way to approach the situation while the others decided their orders for dinner. She turned to the group, huffing lightly at all the suggestions being thrown around. "Whatever you decide, make it quick. Get at least two of everything for me. I've only had a light meal earlier today and my appetite is coming back!"

Among the noise though, she could have sworn she heard the mention of a few familiar names. Her head quickly whipped around to Lucifer, staring him down intensely as she pushed through the others to him. "What was that...? Goku... And Vegeta..! Repeat yourself, now!"​
"I'll take the spiciest herb seasoning they can make Cross. A little lemon and garlic too, I suppose." Bernkastel's fur stood on ends when Gogeta approached her in excitement. "Meep! I-I don't think it's like that at all since I'm not part of your freakish species. Or maybe it's analogous?" She looked at her hands, which were mostly human looking except for the little paw pads at the tips and the dense fur covering the skin. "I wonder if I'm even at a power measurable to my usual levels now that you mention it. This has never happened to me before! Of the few times I've ever been beaten back down to my cat form, I had never encountered this predicament, meep. I don't FEEL very different even if this is some kind of intermediate form. I really hope I don't wake up still looking like this, it's quite ghastly." She tugged at a whisker on her cheek. 

"Though, if it makes me look the part, maybe it's not all bad... but having a fully human form is much more to my tastes of elegance!" Bern spoke in a dignified tone as she placed the wine bottle on the counter. "Oh yes... I've wondered about this since we left the agency." She turned away from the commotion towards Gogeta. "I understand Goku and Vegeta were part of how Vegetto was created, and I presume the same is with you. Do you recognize a person by the name of Broly?" Bernkastel inquired. "They seem to be Detectives from their world, so I imagine you recognize them only as people from your own. The Broly one was quite a large fellow, he looks like he can crush a watermelon with just one hand, meep!"
Lucifer placed his fingers on his chin, think about the kind of Dragon Egg he wish to eat tonight. “Red Dragon.” He answered Cross. “I’m feeling reddish today.” He turned his head slightly, with a grin towards Cuki, who mocked him over his delicacy of cuisines. Rather than giving a response to her little comments, Lucifer simply grin, and made an expression of looking down at her when it comes to who has the superior palate.

Though, his grin faded when Panich confronted him about the names of the Detectives. “As my furry lady states, these Detectives claim to be Goku and Broly. I heard from those two that you Saiyans have the ability to fuse—hence why I sense similar auras between this one [Gogeta] and that one [Brachi]. They’re located outside of Reality Metropolis in a tall building in the middle of a desert. You can’t miss it. Why? Do you know them? Bernkastel also mentioned Veegettta as well, but apparently he died during the battle against Doom.”
Cross says to Panich "So far 2 Saiyan specials."

Cross asks Lucifer "I forgot to ask but how do you want the red dragon egg prepared and the Dragon's age group?" Still writing down what every one wants.
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