The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Panich noticed this sudden change in demeanor and made her way to Cuki as Spina and Lucifer turned their attention to Bara. 

"Hey, there's no need to be upset. Just like Spina said, as easy as it was to take it away, it can grow back just as easily. The idiot over there did it, right?" Panich gestured to Gogeta. "So you can to."
Bernkastel scoffed under her breath as she watched. Typical meathead demeanor-- all brawn and no brain for the delicate things. She scratched her head after a slightly exasperated sigh. 

"Right, yes, let us change our focus to something different before one of you decides to start throwing the other through walls or something. We've found out some new information but it's somewhat confusing to our notions about who exactly the Coin Hunter is. Apparently, Connor McKnight was already a coin by the time the Coin Hunter surfaced and went on the attack with the detectives Lucifer consulted," She announced. "It doesn't completely eliminate the possibility that he faked his own 'death' to act freely as the Coin Hunter, but ever since McKnight was hunted, his daughter is the one running the Cafe. Speaking of Hart... she isn't biologically related to McKnight whatsoever. Her behavior is... a bit erratic. As far as anyone knows, she's just as enigmatic as the Coin Hunter. But they are doubtlessly connected. It definitely throws a wrench in the Coin Hunter's identity though." Bernkastel tilted her head to the side as she recalled the information, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "How innocent is she really, I wonder? ... I wonder..."
Cross says "We know she guilty of aiding the coin hunter but not the reason of way."
Gogeta lowered his arms, inhaling deeply through his nose. His body relaxed as he let out a deep, relieved breath that sent a torrent of wind rushing through the apartment enough to shake the foundations. The transformation he was in vanished with the heavy wind that blasted through, and Gogeta straightened himself up with an awkward smile in failing to recognize the same havoc caused by his actions.

He turned his head a bit, listening in on Panich and Cuki, and broke out into a cocky smirk. Giving her a confident thumbs up, Gogeta nodded abruptly with a determined, positive expression on his face despite Panich's insult.

"Yeah! You're way stronger than me too so you can definitely grow it back!"

Gogeta blinked once, his head turning to the current conversation about the Coin Hunter, raising his right eyebrow once Cross finished his comment.

"Well, if we don't know why, let's go ask her again."
"Well if it's of any use, I crossed paths with her while I was out earlier." Panich chimed in. "She claims she knows nothing about the Coin Hunter or even if Connor McKnight were alive. Only that he was her Father and had some sort of hatred against you lot."
Cuki sniffled at the sight of her tail but seemed to narrow her eyes towards Spina and his way of handling the situation. Knowing that crying wouldn't change a thing, Cuki calmed herself down thanks to Panich and Gogeta's words. She still felt some sort of anger and hatred but there was nothing she could do now. She listened to Bernkastel and Panich as they explained the situation of Ms. Hart. Normally, she was level headed and thought things carefully before trying to rush out her ideas but thanks to her situation, she was not in the right state of mind, at least what she normally is.

"S-So we either got our information entirely wrong or Hart is lying to us..." Cuki said as she moved behind Panich since she was still completely embarrassed. "This sounds like a super mystery... But if Hart isn't related to McKnight whatsoever, then why claim herself as so?"
“It’s obvious that Hart could be hiding something and clearly giving out half-truths. We need more information, and it all points to her.” Lucifer turns to Panich when she chimed in. “You crossed paths with her? I’m surprise she didn’t book it the moment she saw you. She was pretty adamant about not liking the Breakers.”
"Well... After I made an effort to apologize for our recklessness and destruction of her cafe, she thought I seemed uncorrupted enough to share that all the Breakers do is bring gloom and doom their way. And... She mentioned something about being able to hear voices... That Connor McKnight went crazy trying to silence them." Panich's expression was more serious now. "She seemed very animated while talking, then she went dull and left. She did ask me to go along with her to talk but I decided against it. At least at the moment."

The Princess took a short silence to recall her other encounter with Avalon. "Oh yeah... There was also this weirdo who wanted to speak with me about the Coin Hunter encounter. Going on and on about some Byakko being or something. But he did relay to me some information that may be worthwhile. About how the Coin Hunter is most vulnerable while switching between coins and their abilities."
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