The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Cross says "Hart may be using the Coin hunter as revenge on those that were in the eye of the storm and/or hostage station." If the Coin Hunter went after any Cross people he would went after the Coin Hunter before now.
“The Coin Hunter is vulnerable when switching between the coins?” Spina finally comment. “A delay in switching, so someone close enough can take advantage of that. Someone fast.”  

“More importantly, we confirmed more coins that are on Coin Hunter’s possession. Spawn, Angel and Battler, and supposedly, Connor McKnight.” Lucifer said. “But Hart went out of her way and informed Panich about this. I supposed that she’s more willingly to tell someone that isn’t really affiliated with the group than one of us? Cross is right. It is possible that Hart is using the Coin Hunter someway. The connections cannot be understated here.”

“Spawn…? Battler….? Angel…? Never heard of them. But we might as well just go out and find her then?” Spina said. “We got conflicting information. If she knows something about it, we don’t need to wait 2 weeks. We can nib it in the bud right now.”

“Now?” Lucifer looks at the window and noticing the blue sky turning to a shader shade of orange. “Well, I supposed that could be a good idea, but I don’t think she’s willingly going to spill any beans if we all go. The only one she said it was Panich since she views her as “uncorrupted.”
Cuki's ears perked when she mentioned Byakko and some unknown person who happened to meet her. She never heard of the name Avalon before but thought nothing of it. She assumed they meant someone else or were just messing with Panich.

"Byakko, eh? What's he want with him?" Cuki deadpanned. "I think he just heard that name and is spewing it out like he knows him."

Cuki lowered her gaze to the floor and pondered the thought about someone knowing who Byakko is but quickly distracted herself with the issue of Hart, McKnight, and the Coin Hunter. 

More coins? I had a feeling... He had a ton of Coins that had powers I've never seen before so it makes sense for him to have more unique ones. What is he planning to do with all these coins..?

"Yeah, we can't go barging in. Based on what Panich said... she should go check it out on her own time. In the meanwhile, we should try to figure out the whole story by the information given by Bernkastel and Panich."
"The detectives said Hart came to them in the past about being attacked by some troublemakers, but didn't find evidence suggesting she actually was attacked... not even an 'energy signature' was able to be picked up. They had no definitive proof, but the wounds they saw on her were seemingly self-inflicted. Combined with what Panich encountered of her, I'm starting to think she's a total loon," Bernkastel muttered. "What's more, I haven't any recollection to anyone specific besides Ultraman who sort of has it out for us. Then again, we aren't particularly well liked to begin with, nya-ha-ha," she stopped mid-sentence with a laugh. "If Panich's the only one she particularly sees as worthy of the information, it would be best only she attempt approaching that woman. All of us appearing at once can cause a very bad commotion."

Bern hopped down onto the floor, looking up at Panich. "Just remember to only believe what's in front of you, if you still plan to stick around. There is only so much truth you can see with words alone so do use your best judgement tomorrow." She advised before slinking off to her room, peeking her head out of the doorframe with her paw on the door. "Now... should we order takeout for the night? We're all on empty stomachs, so think on that while I go powder my nose."
Cross says "true but we can't rule out they were not self inflected."

Cross asks "so what do you all want to order?" Cross says "it seems that you all may need different sleeping arrangements for the night." Pointing out the condition of the apartment and slightly offering one his(Cross') own places.
Gogeta rubbed his chin throughout the explanation, attempting to contribute to the discussion at hand. However, at the mere mention of food, his entire motivation to continue and help went out the window with an excited grin, his mouth clearly salivating and clapping his hands together in excitement.

"Ooo! Let's order some juicy steak!! Whichever place can give us all of theirs!"

Gogeta paused, turning his head slightly to Cross and his expression growing serious while rubbing his chin and his eyes turning down.

"Wait, if they know about us Breakers, then they probably know Saiyans eat a lot. So they might spit in our food if they figure out it's us. Hmm."

His eyes widened, snapping his fingers at the idea that formed in his head.

"I know! How about we only order 'mostly all of the steak'? That'll make it so they don't figure out we're planning to eat all of it!"

Gogeta kept his grin, winking with his right eye at Cross and proudly placing his hands on his hips.

Cross says as a pin and paper appears in his hands "That way were ordering form one the places I own and I trust that this fact was not lost on rest of you. Gogeta how do you want well done and its cut." Cross starts writing requests and says to every one "order any thing you want."
(super late post i know :fan: )

Cuki frowned slightly when the group decided they were going to order take out. Even if she wanted to, she could not cook without her tail. Her ears flatten atop her head as she scratched her arm nervously, feeling useless. Today was certainly not her day and she did not feel up to have a huge meal as she normally did or participate with the others in the usual group meal. 

"Errm... I'm not so hungry..." Cuki said in a low voice. "I'll just have a bowl of rice... Kinda lost my appetite after today. Uhh, please excuse me for a moment."

Cuki slipped into her room and a few short moments later, she emerged with her usual outfit on. Her face was still a little red from the slip earlier but she would get over it eventually. With the embarrassing moment, the missing tail, and part of her apartment blown to bits, she certainly did not have high spirits. She parted from the group and sat by the sofa, allowing them to talk and plan for whatever they need. She said nothing to the group and gazed at the floor, most likely deep in thought.

Well, it can't get any worse than this, right..?  Cuki slumped on the sofa and let out a defeated sigh. Better not get my hopes up...
“That’s my understanding as well.” Lucifer added on what Bernkastel and Cross said. “The way Hart carries herself is troubling. I wouldn’t put it past her that she is the Coin Hunter.”

“And what’s stopping you from assuming that she is?” Spina asked.

“You can sense energy, right? The Coin Hunter’s energy is far too great—even someone that is hiding or suppressing their energy, it’s not even the same signature at all. So the next best thing is that she’s in cahoots with the Coin Hunter. And judging what Panich says about her dislike of the Breakers, I think she had an interest of working with them.” Lucifer said. “We just need to know why, and as Bernkastel said, I think Panich should approach her. I’m curious about those voices…” The small angel looks at Bara and Brachi. “Your friend only just arrived. It’ll be absolutely weird for some stranger to pop up and address her about that. Plus, isn’t she just a kid… or something?” Lucifer was a bit confused about Bara’s biology. 

“I see…” Spina’s eyes drifted away. “Something we did must’ve caused her to become angry at us. The rest are usually the typical challengers that want to test our skills. Yet, Hart doesn’t seem interested to fight us.” 

Lucifer nodded. “But a meal does sound delicious. I’m sure we can have more information about Hart tomorrow. Perhaps, we should visit Detective Goku and Broly and get more information? Assuming they aren’t falling out about that, huh, Detective Veegetta’s death?” Lucifer attempted to say Vegeta’s name correctly but had an emphasized on the “E”. “After all, seeing how we all went through some kind of adventure today, we can all sit down and enjoy a high-class meal, rather than simply all steaks.

The angel pointed his finger at Gogeta. “Eating nothing but meat? Where’s your palate? I recommended we all get an order of raw Back Cod Brûlée, a delicious rare Ribeye, and a delicious risotto. And for the side, a delicious Dragon eggs to help end this meal with a satisfying conclusion.” Lucifer stated. “You Saiyans are strong physically but lack the taste of high-class cuisines.” He raised his finger. “Oh and delicious wine that I picked up from Wordplay’s bar. I been dying to try it out.” He turns to Bernkastel. “Even in that state, you should enjoy the delicacy of a delicious, tasting wine. Powerful flavors, and packs quite a punch.” The small angel praise, despite still having the appearance as a child.

“Just get me whatever.” Spina said, turning to Bara. “Well, nice to see you back. Excuse me.” The old Saiyan left the room and headed outside without an response from the others, “I’ll be outside. Don’t bother me unless it’s important…” 


Spina headed to his garden, and stare at the vegetation. He was seemingly lost in thought as his clenched his fist. “Damn it…!”

At night, Ultraman exited the hospital and waving his goodbyes to all the nursing staff. Carrying the letter Hart left to him, he travel to the other side of the city, heading back to the McKnight Café—where his humiliating defeat took place. He looked around, seeing the damage of their battle still fresh. “Where are you Hart?” He shouted. The streets were empty—strangely Normally, there will be people still working on the construction, yet not a single soul lurks around here.

Ultraman went inside the café, seeing that the building is still in complete ruins. “Hart? I got your letter. Mind explain what you mean about this?” He shouted, hoping for a response.

His ears perked up at the sounds of footsteps behind him. By instinct, Ultraman turned around, with his guard up. “Who’s there!?” His eyes narrowed, the figure was wearing armor with a rainbow mask and rainbow armor. “You finally came, Ultra-fool.”

“You know me?” Ultraman took on a battle stance.

“Who hasn’t?” Coin Hunter responded. “It’s not that hard when you constantly picking fights with the Breakers at every opportunity you get.” They took several steps closer. “I have been busy, very busy.”

Ultraman took a step back. “….Where’s Hart?”

The Coin Hunter stopped in their tracks. “Hart… yes… that girl is quite fond of you… Too much of fond of you.”

“…What are you---” Ultraman’s eyes widened as Coin Hunter instantly appeared in front of him, the latter attempting to grab his face.
Brachi and Majin Bara remained silent for a moment as they watched the entire conversation going on.

"I really wish I had the Martians here right now; they could use their technology to aid us in our search and whatnot... or at least any of my other friends, so we could broaden our search, or at least have them help in getting the information we need. If it wasn't for that Doom guy..." Brachi said, sighing deeply, "We even had an alliance with defected members of the Frieza Force..."
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