“That’s my understanding as well.” Lucifer added on what Bernkastel and Cross said. “The way Hart carries herself is troubling. I wouldn’t put it past her that she is the Coin Hunter.”
“And what’s stopping you from assuming that she is?” Spina asked.
“You can sense energy, right? The Coin Hunter’s energy is far too great—even someone that is hiding or suppressing their energy, it’s not even the same signature at all. So the next best thing is that she’s in cahoots with the Coin Hunter. And judging what Panich says about her dislike of the Breakers, I think she had an interest of working with them.” Lucifer said. “We just need to know why, and as Bernkastel said, I think Panich should approach her. I’m curious about those voices…” The small angel looks at Bara and Brachi. “Your friend only just arrived. It’ll be absolutely weird for some stranger to pop up and address her about that. Plus, isn’t she just a kid… or something?” Lucifer was a bit confused about Bara’s biology.
“I see…” Spina’s eyes drifted away. “Something we did must’ve caused her to become angry at us. The rest are usually the typical challengers that want to test our skills. Yet, Hart doesn’t seem interested to fight us.”
Lucifer nodded. “But a meal does sound delicious. I’m sure we can have more information about Hart tomorrow. Perhaps, we should visit Detective Goku and Broly and get more information? Assuming they aren’t falling out about that, huh, Detective Veegetta’s death?” Lucifer attempted to say Vegeta’s name correctly but had an emphasized on the “E”. “After all, seeing how we all went through some kind of adventure today, we can all sit down and enjoy a high-class meal, rather than simply all steaks.
The angel pointed his finger at Gogeta. “Eating nothing but meat? Where’s your palate? I recommended we all get an order of raw Back Cod Brûlée, a delicious rare Ribeye, and a delicious risotto. And for the side, a delicious Dragon eggs to help end this meal with a satisfying conclusion.” Lucifer stated. “You Saiyans are strong physically but lack the taste of high-class cuisines.” He raised his finger. “Oh and delicious wine that I picked up from Wordplay’s bar. I been dying to try it out.” He turns to Bernkastel. “Even in that state, you should enjoy the delicacy of a delicious, tasting wine. Powerful flavors, and packs quite a punch.” The small angel praise, despite still having the appearance as a child.
“Just get me whatever.” Spina said, turning to Bara. “Well, nice to see you back. Excuse me.” The old Saiyan left the room and headed outside without an response from the others, “I’ll be outside. Don’t bother me unless it’s important…”
Spina headed to his garden, and stare at the vegetation. He was seemingly lost in thought as his clenched his fist. “Damn it…!”
At night, Ultraman exited the hospital and waving his goodbyes to all the nursing staff. Carrying the letter Hart left to him, he travel to the other side of the city, heading back to the McKnight Café—where his humiliating defeat took place. He looked around, seeing the damage of their battle still fresh. “Where are you Hart?” He shouted. The streets were empty—strangely Normally, there will be people still working on the construction, yet not a single soul lurks around here.
Ultraman went inside the café, seeing that the building is still in complete ruins. “Hart? I got your letter. Mind explain what you mean about this?” He shouted, hoping for a response.
His ears perked up at the sounds of footsteps behind him. By instinct, Ultraman turned around, with his guard up. “Who’s there!?” His eyes narrowed, the figure was wearing armor with a rainbow mask and rainbow armor. “You finally came, Ultra-fool.”
“You know me?” Ultraman took on a battle stance.
“Who hasn’t?” Coin Hunter responded. “It’s not that hard when you constantly picking fights with the Breakers at every opportunity you get.” They took several steps closer. “I have been busy, very busy.”
Ultraman took a step back. “….Where’s Hart?”
The Coin Hunter stopped in their tracks. “Hart… yes… that girl is quite fond of you… Too much of fond of you.”
“…What are you---” Ultraman’s eyes widened as Coin Hunter instantly appeared in front of him, the latter attempting to grab his face.