The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Ultraman lowered his brows and narrowed eyes upon an appearance of a young woman blocking his powerful punch as if it was nothing. In addition to that problem, she’d completely ignored him in favor of speaking to Gogeta rather than him, as if he was nothing more than an obstacle that got in her way.

“What do you think you’re doing!? Can’t you see I’m about to end these Breakers’ careers and finally make some sense in this city!?” Ultraman slapped Panich’s hand away, although he was worried that of the boiling pain in his fist when caught it. “How about you sit over there, picks some flowers and look pretty while I take care of this smug brat! Have you gotten the slightest of clue of the stakes here? And-“


Spina nodded at Cross’ comments. “Yeah, I shouldn’t be surprised, but Ultraman… he’d definitely ain’t no Saiyan. Doubt anyone would wear that ridiculous costume. Don’t worry, it won’t be long.” The old Saiyan was about to head outside but heard a voice of a woman. He went back to the window, seeing another warrior appearing in the field. “Great, another one.” Seeing that things could get ugly, he rushed out to the towards the door to the front of the apartment.
Cross says "I was not I was not referring to Urtraman I was referring to the one fighting him. He may provoked another Saiyan." pointing right at Panich.

Some more of Cross' underlings came to reinforce the wall of force to prevent more people form entering and to prevent damage.
Panich was silent for a moment, here head twisted from Gogeta's fist. Well he was no pushover, that was for sure. With a satisfying crack, her neck whipped back and turned to the kryptonian with the cape looming near and spouting nonsense. Before he could get another word out she slammed her fist into his chest with an intense glare.

"I think sitting and looking pretty is a job best suited for you. And fortunately, you won't need to pick any flowers, considering you're already a PANSY!" The princess grunted as she dug her knee into the man's face after he reeled from the fist.
"Looks like we got a new girl. Huh, guess we might need to head out anyway." Cuki said to herself. She placed the watering pail in the usual spot on her balcony and headed back indoors. She then took the cat off of her head and gently placed it on the floor. "You should return to Bernkastel kitty, I bet she's going to be curious about the new folk outside."

Cuki gently tapped the kitty's head before moving over to her jacket which was hung over the sofa. She stared intently at the symbol on the back, the symbol Zenta gave her. She said nothing and gripped her jacket tighter, her face full of confliction and emotion. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath before pulling her head back and putting on her infamous Breakers jacket. She let out a sigh before turning to Spina and Cross.

"Do you think we should check it out? Things could get ugly and we might need to step in, as usual..." Cuki said in a bored tone. "I think it would be a good idea to at least check out the two new folks, don't you?"
Once Cuki let the cat go, it meowed at her before scampering over towards Bernkastel's feet, peering up at her with its green eyes. She bent over and pet its head, standing back up as she watched it retire to her room.

Bernkastel looked out the window one last time, eyeing Gogeta and Panich as she chuckled to herself in amusement. Ultraman, she couldn't care less for, but along came this man who could've been Vegetto, and another Saiyan whose tongue was as sharp as her reflexes. After three years of monotony, there was finally something worthy of interest.

Bern was happy. Uncharacteristically happy.

"What lovely timing these two have... why, it would be rude of us to just watch!" Placing her hands on the windowsill, Bern lifted herself up onto it before jumping off, her dress billowing in the wind as she floated down onto the ground in front of the apartment. Her tail moved in a serpentine motion indicative of her curiosity.

"I kind of want to watch those two fight first. But Ultraclown is in the way..." Bernkastel's hand glowed as she moved it around in the air like she were conducting an invisible orchestra. The flower bed beside her glowed the same color before two thick plant roots shot out from the dirt and wrapped themselves around Ultraman's ankles, aiming to suspend him upside-down now that he was caught off guard by Panich. "Go sit this one out."
Meanwhile, Brachi and her clone had now entered a beam struggle as both fired an energy wave at each other, trying to get the upper hand as their waves clashed for a moment, before Brachi once more became distracted by sensing the arrival of another female Saiyan, causing the clash to end abruptly as her clone ceased the attack. Teleporting to the direction of the city, Brachi blinked as she saw Gogeta and Panich.

"Wait... Vegetto? No... that outfit and hairstyle is different..." Brachi said, moving closer to investigate, while her clone remained behind, watching.
Ultraman’s eyes widened upon another strike to his chest, hunching over from the pain. Followed by a knee to the face, he’d flung backward once again but was caught by Bernkastel’s flowers. His ankles now neatly wrapped from the flowers; he’d hung upside down in a frantic. “H-hey! Let me down! Is this how you treat challengers!?”

Spina sweated a bit from Bernkastel’s action, but he was too curious about the upcoming from the fight. “Provocation indeed…” The old Saiyan eyed at the female Saiyan alongside Gogeta, whom still concerned about his appearance. “Cuki… normally you be excited to see new people, but lately…” Spina was about to say something further but didn’t want to push it. Crossing his arms. “Guess we can watch these two dukes it out a bit, but did she says he’s a Breaker? Looks like she’s looking for us…”
Gogeta lowered his arm slowly, his attention on Panich. He kept his same disappointed frown, staring her down throughout the dispersal of Ultraman for a few seconds. His head turned a bit, noticing the others arrive. His confident smirk returned shortly after, turning his head back around to face Panich and his hands balling up into fists.

"Well well, looks like the audience got a little bigger. Since you were rude enough to interrupt a perfectly good fight, I'm sure you wouldn't mind continuing this battle in his place."

His aura flared a bit, spacing his legs in preparing to leap forward.

"Just try to put up a better fight than he did!"
An angelic woman walks to the were the fighting is happing. An servant of Cross seeing her bows and asked "Lady Lightstept its an honor for you to visit us hear to day." Lady Lightstep is one the more beloved direct subordinate of the Overlord(Cross) even among those that not declared for him yeat. Lady Lightstep says to all those that fans of hers "Don't let me distract form the this fight."

People start speaking about Lady Lightstep (Its largely positive and its not just people that work for Cross) as they watch the fight.


Cross says "I much in the same bent of Benrkastel and Lady Lightstep is hear as well."
Cuki glanced at Spina and frowned, knowing the truth in his words. She took a deep breath and tried to cheer herself up, no doubt something was bothering her. She shook her head and slapped her cheeks to get rid of her negative mood. The Saiyan turned to Spina and gave him a bright smile.

"Aww, don't worry Spina, I'm fine, honest!" Cuki said in her new tone. "We should worry more about the newcomers anyway, it looks like they aren't here to just socialize."

Cuki looked over at Ultraman and sighed while shaking her head. This was not the first time Ultraman got on their nerves and it won't be the last. 

"You're lucky Bernkastel didn't do anything worse to you," Cuki whispered to Ultraman. "Guess you weren't as annoying today so she didn't destroy you. She did seem pretty happy today! I'd pipe down if I were you, we got visitors!"

Cuki winked to Ultraman before turning her attention to Gogeta and Panich. Her curiosity spiked when she noticed Gogeta and realized he was not the Vegetto she assumed. His personality reminded her of Vegetto when they first met: obnoxious. She cleared her throat and spoke so Panich and Gogeta could hear her, taking a step towards them with her hands placed on her hips.

"You two, you said you're looking for the Breakers, right? Well... we're right here." Cuki pointed to herself, Spina, and Bernkastel. "So, mind introducing yourselves first or should we just get right to fighting? Oh, and don't worry about Ultraman over there, he's just annoying. Bernkastel has him under control."
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