As Cuki listened intently to everyone belittle her and her feelings. Her eyes shifted from Breaker to Breaker, each one of them telling her things she did not want to hear in her situation. The weight of the words piled up on her shoulders and her situation went from bad to worse. Her eyes darted wildly across the room, almost as if looking for an answer but she was pushed into a corner for something she didn't even understand herself. She gripped harder on her ears and lowered herself to the ground, trying her best to cope with all the jabs she received. At that moment, she had memories of all the good times she had with the Breakers and shook her head. The laughter, the bonds, everything shattered before her very eyes and replaced with the new image of the Breakers, the ones hounding her down for something she had no control over, no power.
"And suddenly I am labeled as a villain, how predictable..." Byakko sighed before rolling his shoulders. "Hmph, I did absolutely nothing to sway Cuki's emotions, not like I can anyway. She saw everything through her own eyes, all she did was take a back seat. Think of it as switching roles with me. I see and hear everything Cuki does normally, that is how I've come to know you lot. All I did was warn her because I do not want anyone to harm her. However, I can argue this all I want, you mortals have already made up your minds."
Byakko looked up towards the ceiling while letting releasing more glittered fumes from his pipe.
"Your words stab deep into Cuki despite the fact she had no control. You belittle her, shame her, kick her at her most vulnerable. While I agree Cuki should not pile her mistakes and beliefs on you, I'm not so heartless as to call her a brat or compare her to other failures in your group." Byakko eyed Spina and Bernkastel respectively. "I thought the villains were the ones who suffer, not the victims? Ah well, mortals have messed up beliefs anyway... I know my words come out as sharp to ignorant beings, but believe me, I know the intention behind them."
Byakko glanced down at Cuki who was trembling and mumbling to herself. He frowned at her situation. Zenta approached his student which caused the former to look away in disgust. The Beast placed a hand on Cuki's shoulder as he overheard her rambling.
"I was trapped in my own head... I couldn't do anything...! It's not my fault...!" Cuki whimpered to herself. "I trusted you..! I trusted all of you..!"
Finally, Cuki lifted her head and pointed towards everyone, her cheeks puffed and wet with tears. Despite how mad she wanted to look, her entire body shook. Whatever she was about to say, she wanted to hold back, but her anger took the best of her.
"I couldn't do anything! It's... It's not my fault I wasn't strong enough, damnit! But you guys keep pinning this on me! Saying it's my fault! I was trapped! Fucking trapped! I couldn't do anything! I didn't want you guys to suffer..! I just wanted you guys to see the mistake you made..! Was I mad? Well, yeah..! But I..! And you--! I just didn't-- and I couldn't..! Gwaaah!!!"
Cuki pulled at her ears then at her hair until she violently ripped off entire handfuls of hair. The pressure of her mistakes, as well as her feelings, the words of the others, Byakko, even Whis, all piled on her so much that she ultimately and finally snapped. Cuki paused before turning to face the others, tears rolling down her eyes but the eyes had a broken look on them. Her mind was full of hysteria from the many factors she endured.
"I thought that since everyone from our universes are gone, we can spend time with each other... but you're right. I'm a brat, a traitor, a weak loser who can't even fight back against a force I don't even understand in my own body..." Cuki said chuckling to herself, pushing some of her hair back. "Yeah, a stupid little girl who doesn't understand what the grown-ups are talking about. Heh, yeah... I don't deserve you guys at all, I'm the problem here. I'm a selfish little shit that will be nothing more than a speck from here on out... yeah... I get it now. No such things as miracles, no such thing as bonds, friendships... nothing. I see it now, I see how much of a fool I was."
"Cuki... Do not say things you will regret later on." Zenta warned. "The others do not---"
"You think you saved me, Gogeta? You made everything WORSE!" Cuki hissed. "And yet Kettles defends everything you do! Our name is ruined because of you! She's probably still mad that Mr. Vegetto left and couldn't control him. Hmph, you must be an easier target for her anyway, being so stupid and all. Once she's done with you, she'll toss you out, so just prepare for that."
Cuki turned to Bernkastel.
"And despite knowing me longer, you attack me to save an idiot that is going to run you through hell. He could have easily beaten me down in my current state, but yeah, run to his rescue. You've known me for far longer yet you defend this man you've only known for about a week. You were cruel and twisted but I still really liked you despite all that when most people wouldn't."
Cuki glared towards Spina.
"And then there's you, Mr. Spina. Yeah, calling me a brat sure makes this entire scenario look good on your part, huh? You're the oldest but you act like a child when it comes to comfort people. Everything with you is just making sure others feel stupid around you, huh? Let them know how insignificant they are! But it's all my fault, huh Mr. Spina? It's my fault I couldn't control an unstoppable power. And here I thought that Kai-girl you rambled about showed you the meaning of mercy. Well, you let her down. Is that my fault too, Mr. Spina?"
"And suddenly I am labeled as a villain, how predictable..." Byakko sighed before rolling his shoulders. "Hmph, I did absolutely nothing to sway Cuki's emotions, not like I can anyway. She saw everything through her own eyes, all she did was take a back seat. Think of it as switching roles with me. I see and hear everything Cuki does normally, that is how I've come to know you lot. All I did was warn her because I do not want anyone to harm her. However, I can argue this all I want, you mortals have already made up your minds."
Byakko looked up towards the ceiling while letting releasing more glittered fumes from his pipe.
"Your words stab deep into Cuki despite the fact she had no control. You belittle her, shame her, kick her at her most vulnerable. While I agree Cuki should not pile her mistakes and beliefs on you, I'm not so heartless as to call her a brat or compare her to other failures in your group." Byakko eyed Spina and Bernkastel respectively. "I thought the villains were the ones who suffer, not the victims? Ah well, mortals have messed up beliefs anyway... I know my words come out as sharp to ignorant beings, but believe me, I know the intention behind them."
Byakko glanced down at Cuki who was trembling and mumbling to herself. He frowned at her situation. Zenta approached his student which caused the former to look away in disgust. The Beast placed a hand on Cuki's shoulder as he overheard her rambling.
"I was trapped in my own head... I couldn't do anything...! It's not my fault...!" Cuki whimpered to herself. "I trusted you..! I trusted all of you..!"
Finally, Cuki lifted her head and pointed towards everyone, her cheeks puffed and wet with tears. Despite how mad she wanted to look, her entire body shook. Whatever she was about to say, she wanted to hold back, but her anger took the best of her.
"I couldn't do anything! It's... It's not my fault I wasn't strong enough, damnit! But you guys keep pinning this on me! Saying it's my fault! I was trapped! Fucking trapped! I couldn't do anything! I didn't want you guys to suffer..! I just wanted you guys to see the mistake you made..! Was I mad? Well, yeah..! But I..! And you--! I just didn't-- and I couldn't..! Gwaaah!!!"
Cuki pulled at her ears then at her hair until she violently ripped off entire handfuls of hair. The pressure of her mistakes, as well as her feelings, the words of the others, Byakko, even Whis, all piled on her so much that she ultimately and finally snapped. Cuki paused before turning to face the others, tears rolling down her eyes but the eyes had a broken look on them. Her mind was full of hysteria from the many factors she endured.
"I thought that since everyone from our universes are gone, we can spend time with each other... but you're right. I'm a brat, a traitor, a weak loser who can't even fight back against a force I don't even understand in my own body..." Cuki said chuckling to herself, pushing some of her hair back. "Yeah, a stupid little girl who doesn't understand what the grown-ups are talking about. Heh, yeah... I don't deserve you guys at all, I'm the problem here. I'm a selfish little shit that will be nothing more than a speck from here on out... yeah... I get it now. No such things as miracles, no such thing as bonds, friendships... nothing. I see it now, I see how much of a fool I was."
"Cuki... Do not say things you will regret later on." Zenta warned. "The others do not---"
"You think you saved me, Gogeta? You made everything WORSE!" Cuki hissed. "And yet Kettles defends everything you do! Our name is ruined because of you! She's probably still mad that Mr. Vegetto left and couldn't control him. Hmph, you must be an easier target for her anyway, being so stupid and all. Once she's done with you, she'll toss you out, so just prepare for that."
Cuki turned to Bernkastel.
"And despite knowing me longer, you attack me to save an idiot that is going to run you through hell. He could have easily beaten me down in my current state, but yeah, run to his rescue. You've known me for far longer yet you defend this man you've only known for about a week. You were cruel and twisted but I still really liked you despite all that when most people wouldn't."
Cuki glared towards Spina.
"And then there's you, Mr. Spina. Yeah, calling me a brat sure makes this entire scenario look good on your part, huh? You're the oldest but you act like a child when it comes to comfort people. Everything with you is just making sure others feel stupid around you, huh? Let them know how insignificant they are! But it's all my fault, huh Mr. Spina? It's my fault I couldn't control an unstoppable power. And here I thought that Kai-girl you rambled about showed you the meaning of mercy. Well, you let her down. Is that my fault too, Mr. Spina?"