Zenta held his frown upon Cuki leaving before turning to see the situation of the others within the group. Spina dictating orders, Bernkastel failing to handle things properly for years, and Gogeta creating a new mess for the group to deal with. Everyone else either added to the fire or became fuel for it. He was silent and carefully listened to what every Breaker had to say. The good and the bad, the ugly and the sad, he took a very special mental note of what each Breaker said. While each of them had their beliefs, he knew that if given some time to rest and think, perhaps their views might change. They all went through hardships, so he knew he had to deal with Cuki first.
The beast sighed softly before tapping his foot on the ground to gather the remaining Breaker's attention. He cleared his throat before placing his hands behind his back.
"Please excuse me for interrupting but I am afraid I must depart for now. However, before I leave, I wish to say a final piece in hopes that it lingers with you," Zenta's frown turned to a small smile. "I apologize on Cuki's behalf as well as take full responsibility for her actions done to some of you," He gazed silently at towards Gogeta. "But please know that this is not how Cuki truly acts... While you may be confused as to who -- or what -- Cuki is, please do not harbor ill-feelings towards her. She is not as experienced or strong as the rest of you and often times may not understand the bigger picture. I believe she looked up to all of you, and yes, even you, Mr. Gogeta and Lady Bernkastel. Cuki is a gentle soul and she could never truly hate someone as much as she claims. She is far too kind, even for her own good."
Zenta's smile grew wider as a shine of hope for the others.
"While I do not support her violent tantrums, vulgar word choice, and the decisions she made, she will ease out of that mindset in due time. What you all need is a moment to reflect on yourselves as well as on each other. Do not take this experience as something to be sorrowful over, but see it through to strengthen your bonds with one another and discover who you wish to be."
The tall beast nodded to the Breakers, trying to leave them with a little bit of positivity.
"I must depart after Cuki and catch up on what I have missed as well as give her a stern talking. And here I thought I would enjoy a nice cup of tea with my friend Whis. Ah well, another time I suppose!" Zenta chuckled. "But anywho, I hope you all rest well and regain your strength Breakers. You are free to return to Cuki's living establishment, though, I suppose it will be a new experience for me. After all, I was a coin the entire time, ohoho!"
Zenta bowed his head to the group before trailing off towards the door and opened it. He stopped one last time and spoke up with his back still facing the Breakers.
"And do not worry about Byakko. He has a personal vendetta towards me but rest assured he will not confuse you any longer. His energy is something I can identify easily, so I can tell if he returns. He is a man of his word, that much I can say, and he will leave Cuki alone from now on except when he needs to protect her." Zenta's ears flatten slightly. "Please do not let his actions reflect who Cuki is..."
With his final words, the beast closed the door behind him and left the area, no doubt following Cuki's trail.
The beast sighed softly before tapping his foot on the ground to gather the remaining Breaker's attention. He cleared his throat before placing his hands behind his back.
"Please excuse me for interrupting but I am afraid I must depart for now. However, before I leave, I wish to say a final piece in hopes that it lingers with you," Zenta's frown turned to a small smile. "I apologize on Cuki's behalf as well as take full responsibility for her actions done to some of you," He gazed silently at towards Gogeta. "But please know that this is not how Cuki truly acts... While you may be confused as to who -- or what -- Cuki is, please do not harbor ill-feelings towards her. She is not as experienced or strong as the rest of you and often times may not understand the bigger picture. I believe she looked up to all of you, and yes, even you, Mr. Gogeta and Lady Bernkastel. Cuki is a gentle soul and she could never truly hate someone as much as she claims. She is far too kind, even for her own good."
Zenta's smile grew wider as a shine of hope for the others.
"While I do not support her violent tantrums, vulgar word choice, and the decisions she made, she will ease out of that mindset in due time. What you all need is a moment to reflect on yourselves as well as on each other. Do not take this experience as something to be sorrowful over, but see it through to strengthen your bonds with one another and discover who you wish to be."
The tall beast nodded to the Breakers, trying to leave them with a little bit of positivity.
"I must depart after Cuki and catch up on what I have missed as well as give her a stern talking. And here I thought I would enjoy a nice cup of tea with my friend Whis. Ah well, another time I suppose!" Zenta chuckled. "But anywho, I hope you all rest well and regain your strength Breakers. You are free to return to Cuki's living establishment, though, I suppose it will be a new experience for me. After all, I was a coin the entire time, ohoho!"
Zenta bowed his head to the group before trailing off towards the door and opened it. He stopped one last time and spoke up with his back still facing the Breakers.
"And do not worry about Byakko. He has a personal vendetta towards me but rest assured he will not confuse you any longer. His energy is something I can identify easily, so I can tell if he returns. He is a man of his word, that much I can say, and he will leave Cuki alone from now on except when he needs to protect her." Zenta's ears flatten slightly. "Please do not let his actions reflect who Cuki is..."
With his final words, the beast closed the door behind him and left the area, no doubt following Cuki's trail.