The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Spina was taken aback by Cuki’s sudden heated rant, before flinging herself towards Gogeta, beating him savagely. For three years, the Cuki they interacted with was not her but instead this entity that rest within her body. He didn’t know. He didn’t know who Byakko was and yet, he couldn’t even tell the difference in Cuki’s behavior during that time. “Friends?” That thought was apparent when he was in deep thought once more.

Everything happen too damn for him to process this. The old Saiyan turned to Lucifer once more, who still continue with his devilish smile. The small angel opened his mouth and utter words that only he, as Bernkastel latched onto Cuki to stop her from beating Gogeta, could understood.

Eyes sharpened, Spina went over to Gogeta, Bernkastel and Cuki, attempting to break up the fight. He grabbed onto Cuki’s stomach in the bid to try to pull her away from Gogeta. “Calm down! Are you out of your damn mind!?” Spina shouted. “Killing him ain’t gonna change a damn thing!”
Cross thinks "I gest the fact I rarely was around the apartment over the past 3 years did not help." Cross has been active with his own originations.

Cross says its hard to tell if he impressed or sarcastic "I gest you were holding back in the Hart fight Byakko, You can count me surprised that your were capable of doing some thing like playing that." It was not the odd behavior with Cuki that he noticed it was logical to assume it be a lot harder than simple Cuki showing up like little had happened.

Cross asks "emotions are rarely logical Spina."
Cuki was pulled away by Spina and struggled to free herself but her wounds and other extremities made it hard for her to escape his grip. The Saiyan would cough constantly and be out of breath due to her weak body but it was not enough to get her to try and smack Gogeta. She tried to scratch at Spina in a futile attempt to free herself, her ravaged state putting herself in more harm. 

"My, I did not think Bernkastel would be so quick to save her little toy. You sure care a lot about him, huh?" Byakko said curiously. "Down to the point where you'd attack your own teammate? How interesting..."

"Yeah, because she doesn't care about anything except her own entertainment!" Cuki snarled as she flailed around harder in Spina's arms. "The only reason we got caught in Hart's mess was because of YOU! You let it happen! You let it spiral out of control! And now, when Hart has us by our necks, you want to act like a hero?! You risked more to protect that piece of garbage than the rest of us! You think that because my Master is back, everything you did means nothing?! You little..!"

Cuki managed to shove herself free from Spina's grasp and dash towards Bernkastel and Gogeta with her fist in the air. She attempted to hit Kitty Bernkastel but felt someone grab on to her wrist; when she looked up, she saw her Master standing behind her and holding her back from hitting Bernkastel or Gogeta.

"Cuki, that is enough. I will not watch you abuse the others," Zenta said as he yanked Cuki away from the two. "I understand you are upset, but you are in no condition to be throwing fists, you can barely even breathe."

Cuki paused, realizing the truth to his words and noticed how hard she struggled to simply breathe. She glared towards Bernkastel and Gogeta then back to her Master before slowly nodding to the furry beast. Zenta released her wrist and Cuki moved away from the group to catch her breath. Byakko watched silently the entire ordeal, taking in the fumes of his pipe and puffing out sparkling white smoke. He felt Zenta's gaze on him and he furrowed his brow, approaching the beast, circling him. He eyed him down with a disgusting leer before casually floating on his misty cloud next to him.

"Don't think I can't sense your hostility, Zenta. You think I did this?"

"I believe you played a part," Zenta said unmoving.

"He didn't..." Cuki said, finally calm enough to not attack anyone. "But he sure as hell made me see how much friendships truly matter in this group. They don't mean a damn thing!" The girl kept stuck close to her Master as she occasionally gasped for air. "I thought the adventures we had meant something to you guys. I thought that if I helped you guys return home... you would remember it."

"You should have seen how much love and faith she had in you Breakers..." Byakko began. "Poor little Cuki came here and spent years looking and wandering all alone in a world unfamiliar to her without any recollection of who she is. Only until she met you guys did she finally have memories to cherish. She absolutely treasured you and the wonderful feeling of acceptance you gave her. It was truly wholesome! Cuki did not want to lose that and go back into the spiral of isolation again."

"I was getting so comfortable living here with you guys, I... I didn't want you to go." Cuki spoke out, her tone a little softer. "That's why I tried to make everything as home-like as possible. Everything you guys wanted, I tried my hardest to make sure you got it. All this so you guys wouldn't want to leave."

"You see, during the Doom fight, poor Cuki was being torn apart knowing she was going to have to depart with you soon. Deep down, she wanted Doom to succeed with his poorly thought-out plan if it meant staying with you." Byakko frowned. "Although I told her not to blindly trust those who seek personal gratification, she has a level of trust in you Breakers that astonished me. You are all she knows, literally." 

"I thought the adventures we had together meant something to you guys but they didn't! I thought I left an impact on you guys somehow, that maybe... just maybe, you guys would return to your universes and talk about the good times we all had! I thought I would be a memorable friend to you guys..! I thought I was worth something after everything I did! But no!" Cuki coughed violently again before cleaning her mouth. "I watched for three years as none of you were able to tell me apart from Byakko... Some of the bastards even SAW him! The way he spoke, his personality, even his cooking for heaven's sake!"

"It's true~ I even made a game to see how much I can get away with before any of you noticed." Byakko chuckled. "And from the looks of it, you practically know me better than Cuki. My, my, what a turn of events. I'm afraid you never meant that much to them at all if they didn't even notice how spotless you were after the Doom fight. They never questioned how you ended up with no wounds or permanent injuries. Nothing."

Cuki stared at her arms, seeing all the cracks that lined her body as a result of the extensive damage on her body. 

"I fought so hard so you guys can be happy, despite me not wanting you guys to leave... It tore me apart..." Cuki shivered before whimpering. "Now look at me... horribly scarred and not one of you noticed..."
Cross says still using the same tone was hard to tell if cross was impressed or sarcastic "Funny you called that a game. It was rigged form the start and that surprising coming form you Byakko I thought you would love a worthy challenge."

Cross says kindly to Ciku "I should made time over these 3 years you." Cross was rarely in her apartment.
Spina cringed his pain when Cuki scratched her. The Old Saiyan seen the bombarded of rages hurled towards them, with Byakko adding onto the fire. In the situation, Spina needed to be understanding of Cuki’s predicament and de-escalation the situation. 

Yet, Spina spat at the ground after clearing his throat. “What kind of nonsense are you saying?! You should be yelling at him instead of us—for making you suffer for three god damn years. He’s stole your body and took control of your independent actions. How are we supposed to know anything otherwise?” The old Saiyan attempted to remember aside from that one point during the Doom Arc. However, he did recall seeing a slight irregularly of Cuki’s energy during his rampage in the training room. He shook his head because he thought was hidden power. “And any time I tried to ask or confront you, you said you were fine!”

The old Saiyan became slightly angered when the Cuki attempted to use their fight against Doctor Doom to save their universes from destruction as leverage. “We hardly even know each other at that point, so of course would prioritize the chance to return home than worrying about staying with you--we have friends in our worlds too that we want to saved.. We have lives at that time. At least I would.” Spina pointed his finger at Cuki. “If anything, the fact that you chose to leave us in the damn dark and let this muck run around to do as he pleases, you are just as guilty of “not considered” friends, you damn brat!”

Lucifer continued to munch down on the series of lollipops, waiting for the others to see how they react. His devilish smile eyed on the others, waiting to see how they can calm the situation.
Gogeta hacked heavily, rubbing his throat and sitting upright on the couch for a few moments as Cuki spoke. He sat through the younger Saiyan's explanation of the situation and struggled in the simple action of recovering from the damage done. He panted lightly, shaking his head, but instead of the usual aloof demeanor in thanking Bernkastel for sticking up for him, Gogeta's eyes instantly narrowed into a heavy scowl, starting to push himself up with Bernkastel in his lap.

"Hey!! I saved your life!! Hart was about to kill you but I jumped in and stopped her from blowing your face off!"

He grunted, the rage clearly mounting in an uncharacteristic change of the mood the fusion normally displayed; Gogeta shifting around the couch and yelling loudly.

"Yeah, you did such a great job protecting Hart and Ultraman from me! Saving the people we were supposed to be fighting, yeah, what a great friend you are! You care about how Hart sees you more than people trying to help you!"

Gogeta grimaced, nearly yelping at the sudden crystal orb that smacked down on the top of his head. He rubbed his temple through his spiky hair, Whis' familiar staff held out like a barrier in front of Gogeta's chest. The taller angel sighed heavily, his narrowed eyes lifting towards Byakko then down to Cuki.

"Let's all calm down here some more, and dissect this situation."

Whis nodded curtly towards Spina.

"As Spina made a point on: you played a risky game with this manipulative spirit, betting the Breakers would recognize you and see the change. Yet, the game was rigged from the start: how can we possibly discern you from this Byakko fellow when none of us even truly realized he was his own entity?"

Whis shifted his narrowed eyes towards Byakko, his tone still flat.

"As for you, you knew very well this game was even further rigged by the simple fact that you understand Cuki better than any of us. You have lived within her for longer than she has known us, and while you may have slipped hints, you still had enough knowledge to put on an effective display enough to fool us. Poor cooking is a sin...but not a definable trait of body snatching."

He kept his staff raised, seeing Gogeta just as heated in preparing to continue the skirmish in his own petty anger.

"Perhaps we have failed you, Cuki, in not understanding your personality well enough or understanding whatever this spirit inside you truly is. But I agree with Spina entirely on this: if you're willing to let this spirit twist words and make you believe we do not care about you, then perhaps you aren't deserving of these friendships."

Whis' eyes immediately shifted to Lucifer, the cold stare clear in analyzing the small child like devil. However, the taller angel slowly lifted his lips into a warm smile, before shifting his soft gaze back to Cuki.
"What... Is happening...?" Panich mumbled to herself as the Breakers shouted at one another. She was confused while blame continuously shifted from one person to another. But then she noticed Lucifer sitting contently like a little rat sitting in a garbage heap. She glared at him and watched his face light up like it did when he had fooled her before. The little leech.
Bernkastel narrowed her eyes towards Cuki, occasionally glaring suspiciously towards Byakko as well. She couldn't trust that disgustingly saccharine tone of condescension, his supposed worrying over her felt so superficial. Just the way he looked at Zenta clued her in that he wasn't benevolent. Even so, Bern couldn't tell how much of Cuki's emotions had been warped by the influence of this being. Or maybe he took advantage of her at her most unstable. Either way he was slick.

"All I hear is 'me, me, me'. In fact, you seem more upset that fulfilling everyone's needs before your own didn't stop people's yearning for the old life they had. Even though it turned out to be a lie, the very idea any of us would choose to go home threatened you... You did your best to make the best substitution for 'home' there is, therefore nobody has any reason to leave. Is that what you're insinuating?" Her eyes narrowed in an accusatory manner, her tone growing increasingly frustrated. "That's just as selfish as anyone wanting to go home, isn't it?"

"Not that it matters. You got what you wanted; everyone suffering the same way you did, with nowhere to look but backwards-- it felt good watching us all rot away into shells of our former selves for 3 whole years, didn't it? I bet it did." Bernkastel's muzzle contorted into a Cheshire smile but it looked forced; probably because she knew the answer wasn't going to be an objection. "If you hate just looking at me, then the chance to do what Hart and Goku didn't is right before you-- I'm just an ordinary cat. But we all know nothing will change." With her face reverting back to a cold glare from Gogeta's lap, her eyes were just purple slits from narrowing so much.

"Seeing as the Breakers ruined everything for you, then why don't you ask our old friend, the runaway Vegetto?" She asked in a tauntingly gentle tone of voice. "You heard the stories, he's living a cozy happy life just fine without us... the little ingrate. Why don't you take your brain parasite and go far away if you're so sick of it? We're apparently too stupid to know who the real you is, so what is stopping you?"
Brachi simply crossed her arms as she watched all the drama going on, getting quite agitated herself. Eventually she just walked towards the room she and Bara were going to stay at for the moment.

"Where are you going?" Bara asked, blinking.

"I just want to be alone for a bit. I've had more than enough of all this drama and I just want to have a bit of rest to sort things out, not just for myself," Brachi said, before turning to both Cuki and Byakko, "your hospitality was quite appreciated, Cuki... heck, had we found a way to restore our universes within those three years, I would have invited you to come over to my place for a stay in kind, perhaps even offer you a home there. But now with all this new information with all the manipulation and all that, without any of us having the proper information to distinguish you from the other, who exactly is betraying who?"

She then walked towards her room, clearly disgusted with it all.

"If any one of you wishes to chat with me, I'll be in my room. I need some time to think of where to go from here on. Even you can come over for a chat if you wish, Panich." Brachi said, before she was gone, with Majin Bara darting on behind her, worried about her bestie.
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