Panich continued to watch the absolute parade in front of her, tapping her foot almost impatiently. Her eyes widened, though at the sight of Whis. She was almost tempted to question him about this whole Vortex thing but with how the angel's presence commanded everyone's attention, she decided against it.
Come to think of it... They seemed very invested in their conversation of what to do with the Breakers. A possible opening presenting itself? As the princess had that thought, she was suddenly off, disappearing from sight a good distance away before taking off like a rocket in meer seconds. A large gust of wind blew up debris and gravel, blew in the groups face after her take off.
Perfect exit. She smirked to herself.
Come to think of it... They seemed very invested in their conversation of what to do with the Breakers. A possible opening presenting itself? As the princess had that thought, she was suddenly off, disappearing from sight a good distance away before taking off like a rocket in meer seconds. A large gust of wind blew up debris and gravel, blew in the groups face after her take off.
Perfect exit. She smirked to herself.