The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Cross thinks "I can't fault Goku for following orders no matter how vile they were. Its funny how under informed he is about my holdings." Cross says "I will agree with Whis as well."

Cross says to Blanch "Do keep in mind that kind of what my aid workers are doing."

Cross says to Pinch "Don't bother trying to brake them."
Detective Goku remained silent as he listen to each of the Breakers offering their points and arguments for him to reconsidered. Points that he can’t disagree with right-away, especially when Whis brought up his actions that lead to the events of the Tournament of Power. At that moment, had Detective Goku argued, he would be placed in a bind where he’s forced to admit that he changed as a result and made up his actions. Whilst he’d forced to agree on the possibility that the Breakers can changed as well without retorting to double-standard on himself.

The detective lowered his head to think for a few moments, after majority of them declared to vouched for them, even after the negative stigma will dramatically shaped their lives from now on. He’d turn to Spina, seeing if he’ll make a comment.

“The Breakers haven’t done much in these three years, and we haven’t done much activity nor exploration about this world either. But that’ll change. I’ll take charge of the group rather than Bernkastel, and they will follow my lead. I can ensue you, Kakarot, this will never happen again. Even you know that even the evilest of foes can mend their ways. I don’t think I need to bring up your actions where you put your belief in someone who doesn’t deserve it.”

Lucifer frown when the Breakers are expressing themselves so obstinately to saved Bernkastel and Gogeta. In his mind, this goes against the anarchical mindset that the Breakers had—something that truly concerned him.

The detective turned to both Gogeta and Bernkastel. After hearing everyone’s thoughts, he released his firm grasp on the duo, dropping on them on the ground abruptly. “Fine.” Detective Goku said. “I’ll accept the pleas for reconsideration. You two should consider yourself lucky that you have “friends” willingly deal with the baggage you placed upon them.” After adjusting his glasses, he’d returned his hands into his pocket. “Don’t waste their kindness with more of your foolish actions and make them regret vouching for you.”

Spina took a deep breath. “….Thanks.”

“No need.” Detective Goku said walked away from the group. “If you can truly change, then so do.” However, the detective stopped, standing near Whis. “But.
Brachi and Bara remained silent, wanting to know what Detective Goku had to say with that 'but', noting that there was a serious condition coming up in terms of their promise to change for the better, especially concerning Gogeta and Bernkastel.
Gogeta huffed as he collapsed onto the floor, the small movement enough to daze him given how much damage he had sustained in the fight. He rubbed his arms, caressing them with a heavy, childish grimace while Whis remained still. The taller angel kept his same, warm smile across his face at the affirmations, and once Detective Goku stopped in front of him, he turned his eyes down to the man.

Whis waited silently, his gaze expectantly waiting for Detective Goku to issue his terms.
After being dropped onto the floor, Bernkastel let out a little yowl before shaking her head and body. She looked between Detective Goku and Whis while stretching her neck to relax it from behind held so long. 

Is it not enough to be wading through the muck that is now my name alone? She thought with a huff, though considering the atmosphere she didn't say anything. Wait... does this mean I'm going to be babysat too?! How much more do I have to be humiliated and be dragged through mud! Bern crossed her paws over her chest in dismay. I don't believe this!
Cross thinks "True I not explored as much I would have liked but I been active speeding various business I own." As the book he held vanished.

Cross says "So now for the internal issues with the Breakers." 

Cross pulls on the chines moving Pinch closer and says "she is one them."
“But?” Spina narrowed his eyes.

“I’ll be watching keeping a careful eye on you, Breakers. You avoided punishment for now, sure, but in the future….” The Detective turned around and raised his right foot and slammed against the ground. The force behind it was staggering; as his foot pressed firmly against the ground, he’d drag it back slightly, but the powerful resulted the entire earth underneath the Breakers being pulled towards his direction.

The woman tipped over and fell on her behind as she held onto Lucifer. Lucifer rubbed his head. “Ouch…”

Spina narrowed his eyes as he tried to maintain his balance. It happen so fast that the gap between the Breakers and Detective was practically gone. The old Saiyan looked up, seeing the Detective’s face nears his own. Despite wearing black glasses, Spina felt some strangeness in his eyes—something different.

“If I find anything, any kind of incident that ties back to you in some way. I’m going to haul you in. Any resistance will be met with appropriate force—be advised, I’m not the type who likes to prolong a battle. I will break you down quickly and efficiency. I won’t accept any more negotiation from that point, and I won’t hesitate to track you people down if I have too if you tried to run. So I urge you to seriously think of your actions from now on; the moment you screw up, and you realized the situation you are in, you might as well end your own life right then and there. At least you don’t have to suffer the utter humiliation in my wake. Or wait—and I’ll do it for you.” Detective Goku turned to Whis for a second, before turning back to the Breakers. “Don’t make me regret my decision.”

The Detective Goku stood straight up and walked backwards, his body broken down atomically, then completely vanishing in thin air.

Spina sweated a bit after Detective Goku effectively told them that the Breakers were now on his “list”. He’d turned around, seeing that the Detective have split the earth practically, making a giant canyon that makes it impossible for one to jump over the other side without flight. “His energy spike up for a second, that’s a lot of damn power he has… Those eyes…” Spina muttered to himself, before taking a deep breath. “We barely scrape on by."
Cross says unaffected by goku's sudden departure "we only avoided a pointless fight Spina." All coins were gathered and/or handed off to the goblins.
Panich rolled her eyes as Detective Goku took his leave. She grunted softly as Cross yanked at the chains binding her arms to her body, to bring her closer to the group. She gave an icy glare to the sorcerer.

"Piss off, you bag of bones. I'm pretty sure it's obvious I'm not one of you anymore."
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