The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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Raune looked over to the new person, a servant responsible for magnificent design and decoration. He adopted a different stance, more kingly and wiser, giving a small bow.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Lady Lightstep, but I’m afraid a sudden exhaustion has come over me and I need to retire to bed. If I don’t get erased from existence tomorrow, I’d love a chance to talk to you.” He stated, before vanishing without another word.
Cross sends "they think that Doom is a credible danger to the omniverse and there self." Lady Lightstep nods to Cross.
Gotenks followed the group into the mansion.

"Sick place you got here." the fusion said with a yawn. "You know hitting the hay doesn't sound like a bad idea. Today's been a long day."
"The Saiyans mostly seem to rely on their fists to solve things, but I have faith some of them are more capable than brute force..." Bernkastel and Maggie walked through a brief period of darkness before the room became lit up again. It looked like they were in a dimly lit study full of bookshelves. "It's been a while since I've touched my personal study, so this would be the best place away from prying eyes." Of course, it wasn't the same as her old home, but a replica did the trick.

"Since we're going first, we won't be dealing with any trials that require a mere physical showcasing of our abilities. I don't need to give Doom any more ammo than we already have. So instead of a fighting trial, they'll be given a different set of obstacles..." She gently placed Maggie down on the table and placed multiple novels beside her. "We're going to weave an exciting mystery that they will have to solve, and you will be my little helper." Bernkastel gently tapped her on the head where a nose would be. "Reality City will be our backdrop. I'll write it in such a way that they will have to work their mental strength quite a bit, but they can use their fists where appropriate. It should be exciting enough to keep them on their toes."
"M-Me? A helper?" Maggie sweated slightly. "E-Ehheehehe... I don't think I can match up to those muscle heads if they start to throw fists. I'm allergic to pain, y'know." 

Maggie climbed the stacks of books Bernkastel piled around her until she sat on top of them. She fixed her large red bow and swayed her feet atop the novels she sat on.

"I'll help only if you keep me away from your four-legged hairballs. I don't want them using me for a chew toy..." Maggie shuddered. 


"I'm afraid I cannot let you out of my sight, Mr. Voice..." Cuki's voice sounded more at ease now that she was meditating. "You can be quite the troublemaker at times, so I have to keep an eye on you. I don't like to do this but someone has to do it and I doubt the others will be as nice to you as I am."

Her tail only curled around Voice even more as he flailed about, but she made sure to be gentle with him. Despite all his struggle, he would be warm and cozy snuggled up in her tail. Regardless if he continued to talk and struggle, Cuki was taken deep within her meditative thoughts, ignoring all that was going on around her.
The voice raised a brow. “Don’t know why you are suddenly attached to me like this—should’ve taken the opportunity to go with the rest of the group, rather than sitting in this dump of the apartment complex.” He tried to wiggle out of her grip, but after repeated failures, the voice finally stopped attempting. 

“Besides, those guys don’t scare me; even that Raune guy isn’t all that tough.” He boasted, mainly because the man in question was not in the vicinity. “But whatever… I will just sleep… Need to rest up for the trials starting tomorrow…-just hopes everything goes well, for me.” The voice started to get comfortable and started sleeping.


After a long day of battling against Voice-Bara, the group found out that their universe is now in jeopardy of total annihilation. To make matters worse, thanks to Spina’s action, the trials staring tomorrow immediately—whether preparations and plans they have is now impossible. The absolute pressure, with literal universes, is now on their shoulders—if they fail, not only they will remained trapped in this world, their friends and families will face total erasure from existence.

The Next Day

The sun, emitting a blue hue this time around, rises over the horizon. It signals off a series of screaming crows flying toward the sky in rapid succession; their cries shriek across Reality City, causing the residents to move out and go upon their day. People flooded the streets, seemingly unaware that the trials are about to start against the powerful foe, Doctor Doom, and continue off their business.

Spina landed in front of Lich’s Mansion. “Where’s the hell is the brat? I went over the apartment, and it seems to be building right back up, at a slow pace, but she was not there. She probably could not handle the cold air last night.” Spina thought to himself. Before he reached the knob of the door, he overheard a louse thumping noise in the house.

“Shoot… don’t tell me they’re fighting already…” Spina sweated a bit, opening the door. Upon first instance, he saw a mattress thrown across the room to the main entrance of Lich’s Mansion. He looked down, squinting his eyes to see the individuals on the bed, realizing that it was Vegetto and Kassava.


Demi-Fiend came down, pressing his hands together as he walked. After walking on top of Vegetto and Kassava, the child said, in a smug tone. “I did say I was gonna kick your ass in the morning, oh, and its morning. It’s time to start get going to the trials.” He noticed Spina near the door.

“Oh, hi Spina.”

Spina squinted his eyes. “Not going to even ask what’s going on… and I don’t want any part of this…” He looked around, trying to sense Cuki’s energy. “Is Cuki around here? I couldn’t find her at her apartment complex—not even the voice was there.”
Before leavening they will hear Lady Lightstep to a maid "do clean up there rooms." The maid "yes my Lady."
Amaterasu, and the kids all arrive but Snow was nowhere to be found. In fact, it was as if he was never there at all. He had disappeared into the lowest areas of reality city to train by himself.
Cuki was in the middle of the city, untouched and unmoved by the long hours she stayed meditating. She didn't sleep but her body showed no signs of fatigue or stress. She waited patiently for the others in the group to arrive, however, she was so deep in her trance that even if they did she could not notice until the trials officially began. Not too far from where she meditated rested Doom's castle.
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