The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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[I did a massive reediting of my original post on the last page because I realized that it causes quite a confusion among where is everyone now. Please edit your post to reflect those changes, thanks!]

Demi-Fiend dug his right finger into his ears. “Haven’t seen Cuki anywhere, she probably went for a walk or something. Though, I vaguely remembered that Doctor Doom did left the coordinates on that cylinder thing… so she might’ve went off on her own.” 
“And she says we’re the numbskulls…” Spina narrowed his eyes. “I’m going to find the others and leave this mess you created to you.” He went off to find the others in their rooms. He knocked on Raune, Brachi, Bara and Gervene’s rooms. “Hey, wake up!”


The voice woke up. "Man, that was a terrible sleep... I miss having a body." The voice complained, turning to Cuki. "Huh!? Don't tell me you been doing this all night? And we're near the damn castle too! You know how weird this city gets at night right... right!?"


Doctor Doom, standing near the window of his technological advance castle, observed Cuki’s position. The girl has not moved an inch all night all. It amuses Doom in two different ways; the first thought came into mind of how dedication this warrior towards the trials. Despite the situation she is in and the lack of time to fully prepared, she still had the balls to go into this by herself; another is that he sense a bit of arrogance she display for showing up by herself without the others. 

“What a strange woman.” Doom sipped his tea slowly. 

“Guess we just have to wait for the others to show up.” He slightly turned around, speaking to a figure. “The Witch of Miracles will have her first two trials first, and then you will have your chance in the third trial. Use this as an opportunity to study their skills. Understood?” Doom gently places his cup on the stand.
Cross sends to every one that stayed at his place "In the front room there a gate way to were the trails are going to happen."  Cross opens a doorway to were Cuki was meditating.
Cuki didn't pay attention to Voice's comment and continued meditating until the others came by or until the trials began. She thought about several strategies, each revolving around the others' strengths and weaknesses. Her mind raced at thousands of ideas and strategies, each for different situations and counting for the stubborn or arrogant niches of the others.

This trial will be made by Kettles... Cuki took a slow breath. She's seen our fighting capabilities and our teamwork needs to work more. She might steer away from actual combat and pull a fast one on us. What can she be planning..? She might be testing our brains rather than our strength, knowing her, it'll be more than just a simple brain test but will the others see that? We'll just have to see... Maybe this time I can shine for once.
Having spent the night sprawled out and sleeping loudly, Vegetto and Kassava both laid out on the mattress in awkward positions. Vegetto snored audibly, sucking in air in a massive breath as Demi-Fiend's boot dug into his face, doing nothing to wake the fusion as he walked on him. The heel caught into his mouth, Vegetto's eye slowly opening with the lack of oxygen waking him up.

His eyes shot open shortly after, a blue aura exploding out from around his body as he quickly pushed Demi-Fiend off by the leg, sitting upright on the mattress without a shirt on.

"Gah!! What the hell is your-"

Vegetto's eyes widened again, his cheek caving around the fist coated in red, firey like energy slamming into his fist. Kassava's momentarily angry expression instantly vanished, covering her mouth.

"Oh...I thought you were Doom."

Vegetto caressed his cheek, grunting in annoyance. Kassava soon yelped as well, clad only in her bra and pulling up the covers, leaving only her transformed head visible as her eyes narrowed into a glare.

"What the hell is he doing in here?!"


"Good morning!!"

Whis held a warm smile, casually strolling up to Cuki and the Voice. He held onto his scepter tightly, coming to a halt at Cuki's side opposite of the Voice.

"I hope you have rested up for the big day. You look well."
Amaterasu, Sun and Moon woke up and got out of bed to get ready. Eclipse and Snow were in the city training.
Gotenks grunted as he started to wake up. He let out a loud yawn and stood up.

"Man, what's with all the noise?" the fusion complained. He put his gear on and walked out of his room.

"Guess today's the big day." he said as he went to go find the others.
"You're here rather early. I take it the others are back at the mansion?" Bernkastel's voice came from behind the trio waiting on the outskirts. She had Maggie perched on her shoulder and a large portable coffee cup in her hand-- there wasn't any change in her usual expression aside from the addition of eye bags under her dead eyes. Bern let out a quiet yawn. "Not that I take issue with that, I'll enjoy the quiet while it lasts."
The door to Raune’s door swung upon when knocked, leaving behind an immaculately cleaned room, and it being completely empty. Nothing remained of the speedster in the room, except somehow several suits and small devices of his strewn out across the room.

- - -

“Surprise.” Said a voice suddenly appearing infront of Cuki and co. It was Raune, with his hood down and wearing a pair of sunglasses, holding a cup of coffee and an empty bowl of pasta in the other. “Figured I might as well be here early as well. Now I’m going to shut up.”
“Good morning! After making such a ruckus last night, I thought it’s was a polite thing to do is drag you lots out of your beds. You know, for the trials. Don’t need to thank me though!” Demi-Fiend held his chin up high. “It’s the least I can do!” He dusted himself when Vegetto pushed him off.

“Now that you’re up, it’s time to get going! Don’t want to keep the good doctor waiting, eh?” Demi-Fiend turned his back on the two of them. “Might wanna clean yourselves up though, I’m sure no one wants to smell you, at all.” He held up his nose. “You stink!” He exaggerated before the demon jumped through the portal Lich made to trials’ location.


Spina blinked for a second. “Huh… he’s already gone.” He comment on Raune's insane speeds. He turns to Gervene, Brachi and Bara, Amaterasu, Sun and Moon. “You know the drill, let’s get going. The Lich had made a portal for us to enter.” After delivering the message, he went and saw Gotenks, patting on the pat. “We’re going this way…” Spina went downstairs, seeing the state of Vegetto and Kassava.

“You guys just waking up? Quit messing around; you guys can fondle and diddle with together after we finished this trials… hopefully.” Spina said, jumping through the portal. 

“Well?! That's the last thing I would described this situation! I was held here against my will! This girl is so damn pushy and adamant about being the first person to be here." The voice complained to Whis. "Well... it's not too bad since I got a good night sleep, but still!" 

The voice noticed the eye bags on Bernkastel, prompting him to make a comment. “Man, you look like hell. Don’t tell me you stayed up all night to figure out this thing, huh?” He chuckled. 

Demi-Fiend came out of the portal. "Thanks for the quick transportation, Cross." He looks around, noticing Doom's gigantic castle. "So, that's his place, huh? This thing is freaking huge compare to what Voice shown us."
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