The Reality Vortex: Doom Saga

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"It's not as though I was expecting to accomodate another handful of nitwits, but you know how it is. The vortex is a strange force, and all that hogwash. Though I did get some interesting... results today." Bernkastel handwaved at the hologram flippantly. "Surely a courtesy reminder isn't all you came here for? At least, it was important enough for you to interrupt dinner over." She had an idea it was likely about the trials, but wasn't sure about what aspect of it.
Whis blinked, still holding his bowl in hand and lightly slurping on the noodles while he glanced around. He stared up at the hologram, his expressionless face remaining while he continued to eat throughout the discussion.

Vegetto stood with his eyes narrowed, glancing towards Bernkastel while she spoke. He suddenly broke out into a confident, cocky smirk, placing his hands on his hips.

"Whatever it is, make it quick. It's not like your trials really matter anymore, now that I have enough power to take those tools by force."
Doom chuckle at Vegetto’s remark. “Your confidence is quite admirable after suffering a miserable defeat from one of my bolt and bots. Let’s see if you can keep such demeanor for tomorrow.” 

 “Tomorrow?” Spina raised a brow towards Doom’s last sentence. “What’s happening tomorrow?”

“Why, the trials of course.” Doom answered. “I had a felt of a miracle that brought out an interest of pushing the set date of the trials to start immediately tomorrow. You surely have enough time to do preparations any who—considering your group massively expanded, even require a few gods among your ranks as well from what I seen… well, almost godly status.”

The voice, still spinning around the now holographic Doom, caught wind of Doom’s statement. “H-hey! You said we have two weeks to prepared! You can’t just change the date at any moment’s notice!” He places his tiny hands over his mouth, seemingly about to vomit. "Can someone get me out of here!?" 

“Ah, the voice of Reality Vortex…” Doom said. “In such a dreadful manner you got caught up in but fitting after you shamelessly broken into my domain.” He turns to the rest of the group. “However, despite of your foolishness to extract data, I still hold the ace in the hole of this bet—even the Witch of Miracles will have to accept these terms; you fools are in no position to make any demands. Besides, considering Vegetto’s confidence of taking the tools by himself, I say you’re quite ready if you can make a boast statement like that.”

Spina gritted his teeth, realizing that he technically did asked the Witch of Miracles to force Doom to give up the tools, but it seemingly did have an effect after all, but not the results he wanted.
The lich thinks showing no reaction "Its cute that Doom thinks he holds all the Cards. I wonder if the Voice will recall that those "tools" of his are soul bound? There forth Doom has to grant the reminder of the two weeks."
Raune found himself floating in the wreckage of the home, alongside the Voice, for a few different reasons. One was that if the Voice could get caught up in it, so could he. Two, he was still holding onto Stormruler, still implanted into the building. And for three, the metal in his suit also helped. With a small blast from his sword however, he launched himself, and grabbing the Voice on the way since it was his own fault the Voice was in such a predicament, and then landed on ground. While stumbling and disorientated, his training from his home world protected him from being as badly affected as the Voice, and thus looked very drunk. He actually took on the spitting image and swaying of his great uncle for a moment, black hair with red eyes, holding a sword and barely clutching onto it, and more or less in constant movement.

The words that came out of his mouth however, were not as refined as his uncle's drunken speech. It was pure gibberish, pointed up at Doom, but so small and so non-sensible that nothing of sense came of it. After going on a small tirade, he fell onto the ground, and seemed quite content to lay there. Also, like his great uncle.
Gotenks was happily eating his ramen until the explosion caused his bowl to fall over and land on the floor.

"So much for a decent meal. I haven't eaten ramen in years..." he sighed.

He stared at the hologram of Doom.

"What are you gonna make us do, go on a scavenger hunt?" he chuckled.
"Oh, my..." Cuki frowned at Doom's remark. "Tomorrow? The trails start tomorrow? How's that fair?! Some of us just got here and you expect us to solve your shenanigans by tomorrow?" Her shoulders slumped. "Oh man... I don't think I can get humiliated any further, right?" Cuki tried to plead with Doom. "Mr. Doom, can't you give us more time? Some of us are still incompetent." 

Besides, no one here is capable of fighting Doom. Vegetto keeps running his mouth and he's going to get us in huge trouble... Cuki pinched the bridge of her nose. Kettles secured our fate, no surprise. I only hope that all these Say-Yams can put aside their differences and work together instead of following the newest hair trend...


"Oh, nice one Kitty!" Maggie whined, gently yanking at Bern's hair. "You set them up for failure! Don't think you can work your magic to give them a fighting chance? Well... you do work with miracles, so maybe you got something up your sleeve? ...Preferably not a cat."
"I'm thinking, I'm thinking..." Bernkastel whispered to Maggie. She bit her thumb nail in nervous agitation. She hadn't expected anything to come out of the miracle she tried to grant Spina. Isn't this just great, I managed to make something out of that stupid attempt... And it's not like I can take back whatever miracle I managed to make come true out of that screwed-up wish either! Now wasn't the time to lose her cool either. She cleared her throat. Perhaps it's because he hasn't been able to analyze the newcomers yet that he doesn't want to waste any time taking shots in the dark at them...

"Yes, Doom, you're right. I did try to make you come out earlier than we agreed upon. I'm in no position to revert anything in regards of the trial's timings because of it..." She admitted. "You sound like you're ready, so there's no need to continue training. But, since I am making two of the trials myself, it's only fair I insist we begin with my trials first." Going first should be enough to help give them a fighting chance to bring out the miracle of victory, but it all fell on her shoulders for the time being.
The Voice was dizzy, grabbing his face repeatedly each time he had an urge to puke. “D-don’t ever do that again! You’ll re-“ The voice places his hands over his mouth once more as the sensation returned.

He looks up at the holographic Doom. “As if we’ll listen—“ The voice reacted that Bernkastel accepted the change of conditions. “Wait! He cannot do anything with the tools! It’s effectively useless!”

“Wrong.” Doom interrupted. “The tools are quite simple to break in. Even a monkey can managed to figure out how to access it. Knowing your condition, the Witch of Miracles is smart to accept the changes—without the tools, you are, as you said, effectively useless.” \
The voice had no comeback against this—mainly because he was sick to his stomach to think efficiently now. Considering Bernkastel had accepted the deal, it was a moot point.

He turns to the Lich, then to Raune, who was unable to catch anything he sprouted, and then finally, Gotenks. “We did agreed the first two trials will be handled by her, and I’m sure she will have something cook up in order to present yourself worthy enough to even lick the boot of Doom.” Doom stated, acknowledging Bernkastel’s plea.

Spina snorted. “You’re acting pretty high and mighty right now. Don’t think just because you're going to destroy our worlds doesn't mean squat!”

“I’m not. I don’t need to act high and mighty—because I know the outcome of these trials will be in my favor.” Doom said. “The superiority of Doom cannot be fathom, but of course, considering your own arrogance is a common trait among your lineage, it might be difficult to understand.” Doom paused for a moment—a slight confusion came from the way his eyes reacted to Spina’s comment about the destruction of worlds. Quickly, he turned to face the old Saiyan. “Yes… if you couldn’t stop me, perhaps you and the rest of your pathetic worlds don’t deserve an inch of grace, but rather, full on destruction…” Doom said. 

He turns to Bernkastel once more. “It’s settled then. I shall await for you on the outskirts of Reality City… tomorrow morning. You can use any area of this realm of your choosing for the first two trials. Don’t fail to impress Doom.” He boasted. Before anyone can uttered a statement, the hologram disappeared and all the debris surrounding the cylinder fell to the ground. The apartment complex is, once again, in ruins.

The Cylinder opened up once again, revealing the coordinates of where they are supposed to meet. It reveals that Doom's Castle is located on the edge of Reality City.


“W-well…” Spina tried to lighten up the mood after Doom disappeared. “That was quite unfortunate.”

"Yeah, you basically cause your friends to get destroy faster." Demi-Fiend slurped up more ramen. "Talk about a major Oops."
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