"A gem like that is definitely rare. We're just a normal shop but you could ask the Brotherhood or Sisterhood if they know about it. From what that thing told Lady Okawa, they're groups of mages that probably know of artifacts like that more than we would. Though I'm sure you're aware it would copy the weakness of whatever power you choose to mimic." Lilith said. "I would be careful of what to mimic if I were you."
"Well I still have to move around the shop, so you ought to get comfortable if you don't mind that." Okawa sighed. "Hmm..." she looked over to watch Lilith and the girl converse.
"Well I still have to move around the shop, so you ought to get comfortable if you don't mind that." Okawa sighed. "Hmm..." she looked over to watch Lilith and the girl converse.