The Arcane Apothecary

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"Thank you~! Z will be most pleased~" The Z-Clone clapped her hands. "Your supply will arrive as soon as we find the leader of the Brotherhood~ I suppose you have not seen him~?"
"Well, no. Considering I also didn't know there's a Brotherhood..." Okawa scratched her head. "What's the difference?"
"I believe each place has its own specialties~" Z-Clone nodded before moving to the top of Okawa's head and sitting down easily. "Shine has been missing for months and poor Z has been troubled with so much work lately thanks to his absence~ I'm sure you will hold off for a while until then, yes~? If you know any information about Shine, please inform us as soon as possible~"

Z-Clone held out her hand and a piece of paper exited her sleeve. It grew in size before landing on the counter in front of Okawa. The paper rolled open and showed a picture of the leader of the Brotherhood, Shine.

"This is what he looks like~"
The girl looked at lilith and said "Do you happen to know where i could find Mirror Gems at? The magical kind."
Okawa scratched her head, digging into her memory. "I opened the shop back up only recently, but... I don't believe I have seen him on my travels."

"Mirror Gems? You'd have easier luck looking for a Dragon's jewel hoard than a shop like this." Said Lilith. "We don't sell jewels, much less of something of such a name."
She nodded "Thanks anyway." She thought to herself, but she spoke allowed on accident "Darn. That means ill have to find a different means for turning super then."
"Ah, no worries Lady Okawa~" Z-Clone said. "We will find Shine eventually~ Please, if you have any information, let us know~ As a matter of fact, since you have a contract with the lovely Sisterhood...~" Z-Clone stood before Okawa and bowed her head. "I shall be the messenger to the Sisterhood should anything befall this place~"
Selene said "Mirror Gems have the ability to copy one's powers or copy an object with powers, only working once. I can't get stronger if I dont find them. I am trying to keep my family safe." What she didn't tell them was that she also needed them to keep her powers as they only last for a small amount of time before becoming useless.
"Now, if you don't mind, Lady Okawa...~" Z-Clone floated in the air and landed gently and effortlessly on Okawa's head. She laid on her belly and her eyes began to dim somewhat.

"I wish to nap upon your head~" Z-Clone Echoed. "Lilith's larger head is not present at the moment~"
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