Port Graham [Original]

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LoopyPanda said:
"Eh, the only one who'd be in big enough trouble would probably be Nicor at any rate." Damien snickered.

"Yeah, and I'll use you as a meat shield." Nicor retorted

"Finish your eggs! They're getting cold!" Olivia said before snagging Nicor's plate of food. "At any rate, Sir, you ought to let people know over in the cities."

"Aye, I don't have the means to travel at vast distance and offered the words of myself.. at the moment.." Dr. Shrooms said. "Though, you lots pro-"

The Diner was shaken as it an earthquake had struck the place. From afar, there was an huge explosion, a mushroom like cloud.
"Yeah, I say we get out of here. I'm not sticking around if some murderous thing is on the loose. I'd rather not touch that." Nicor stood up abruptly.

"And what if that thing follows us?! Then what are you gonna do?" Olivia objected. "I doubt we can run just because."
"I'm not really worried." says the man in the coat. His Afro sticks out the top as he slides some pancakes into a portal. ouo
LoopyPanda said:
"Yeah, I say we get out of here. I'm not sticking around if some murderous thing is on the loose. I'd rather not touch that." Nicor stood up abruptly.

"And what if that thing follows us?! Then what are you gonna do?" Olivia objected. "I doubt we can run just because."

Dr. Shrooms sweated a bit. "Shit..." He gets up and looks for an exit in the back of the diner.
"How much for the pancakes? I need some more." ouo
"If you want another plate of 'em, it'll be the same price as your first." Said the waitress, not paying mind to the other conversations.

"Not our problem anyway." Nicor muttered.

"Not to mention we've got no experience with that sort of thing. It's best we just avoid it." Damien reasoned.

Olivia puffed out her cheeks. "Tch.... fine."
Dr. Shroom exited out of the room, in attempt to leave; however, he was flew back as he opened the door, and crashed onto Nicor.
"What are these...flat pieces of hot dough~?"

A voice magically said as a pancake was seen balancing on a creature's head and tiny hands. The little thing was just about twice the size of the pancake, so it somewhat overwhelmed her.

"Such creations, like these, are not odd to consume~?"
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