Masamune+ Anime and Game Reviews


Nov 24, 2015
------------>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <--------------

Love Hina 


Type: Comedy, Harem, Romance

Rating: 8.5 out of 10 (ends abruptly, but can be finished threw the manga. this is a review on the anime though  )

Released: April 19, 2000 – September 27, 2000

Episodes: 25 + Christmas/Spring specials + Love Hina Again (3 eps.)

*The series has proved popular around the world, both commercially and critically. In Japan, the manga sold over 6 million copies,and over 1 million anime DVDs were sold. The English release of the manga has been reprinted many times. Both the anime and manga received several industry awards in Japan and North America.
**Two novelizations of Love Hina, written by two anime series screenwriters, were also released in Japan by Kodansha. Both novels were later released in North America and the United Kingdom by Tokyopop.

I always enjoy a good love story every now and then, and this anime did a good job while being funny at the same time 
 I really felt bad for the main character because he got beat up so much and got put into the worst positions at the wrong times. This anime was actually very popular all around instead of just Japan, so that is what got me to watch it. i really like the drawing stile and this is to be expected from Shonen. the turtles always made me laugh and Kaolla Su was my favorite character next to Mutsume Otohime. there is not much else for me to say except that i liked the anime and give me some slack for making a review at 2 in the morning.

The story is a Shonen comedy that takes place in the Kanagawa Prefecture, and centers on Keitaro Urashima and his attempts to fulfill a childhood promise that he made with a girl to enter Tokyo University together. However, he has forgotten the name of the girl he made the promise to and hopes to be accepted into Tokyo University in order to find her. Despite failing the entrance exam twice, he becomes manager of the family owned girls dorm Hinata House and must balance his new responsibilities with his attempts to pass the university entrance exam. At Hinata House, Keitaro meets Naru Narusegawa, who is also studying to enter Tokyo university. Naru ranked first in the whole of Japan on the practice exams, and Keitaro convinces her to help him study. Keitaro accidentally reads a small section of Naru's diary and as the two grow closer through their studies, Keitaro becomes increasingly convinced that Naru may be the girl he made the promise with.

Keitaro Urashima: the main character of the series, a second-year Ronin studying to enter Tokyo University (sometimes known as "Todai"). As a child, the young Keitaro made a promise with a girl, based on a story the children overheard that two people who love each other will live "happily ever after" if they enter 'Todai' . Keitaro is set on gaining entrance to Todai to fulfil the promise he made to his childhood friend, even though he cannot properly remember either her name or her face.

Naru Narusegawa: the second protagonist of the series. She is 17 years old, just about to graduate from high school, and a resident of the Hinata Inn. She is very intelligent, having placed top in the nation in the college practice entrance exams at their cram school. She is popular, beautiful but constantly tries to hide this as she studies to gain entrance to Todai. However, she has an extremely fiery temper and a tendency to inflict violent physical punishment (most usually on Keitaro).

Mutsumi Otohime: a very sweet, gentle, frail, anemic, clumsy and softly-spoken 20 year old girl. Naru and Keitaro first encounter her while while taking some time off for a brief vacation after Keitaro fails his Todai entrance exam for a third successive timew, just like Mutsumi.

Shinobu Maehara: a 13-year-old schoolgirl who, after a bad start with Keitaro, develops a crush on him. Shinobu is a boarder at the Hinata Inn, in room 201.

Motoko Aoyama: is an intense 15-year old school girl, who practices the martial art of Kendo, as well as being a member of the Shinmeryuu sword school (which is also referred to in Akamatsu's later work Mahou Sensei Negima, as the school of the character Setsuna). Motoko is a resident at the Hinata Inn, living in room 302. she also has a fear of turtles.

Kaolla Su: is a 14-year old foreign transfer student. She is also a boarder at the Hinata Inn, in room 301.

Mitsune Konno: also known as Kitsune, which means "fox" in Japanese, is a 19-year old freelance writer (who never seems to write anything). She is frequently drunk and seems to enjoy teasing Keitaro at every opportunity. Kitsune is also a boarder at the Hinata Inn, in room 205.

Music: "Sakura Saku" I LOVE THIS SONG! i is a lot different from other anime songs i have heard. its very cheerful and energetic. i always tilt my head left and right when i hear the song because it is catchy. (link at the bottom)

Conclusion: a very funny and entertaining love story anime that is worth a view.



------------>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <--------------

Soul Eater

Type: Funny, Action, Supernatural 

Rating: 8 out of 10 (for not going with the manga )

Released: April 7, 2008 – March 30, 2009

Episodes: 51

I really enjoyed this anime except for one exception, they did not got by the manga towards the ending of the anime, which would have been a lot more exciting because the manga is still running and they completely changed what happens in the anime. I that is my only gripe about it. I guess you can look at it as an alternate ending, oh well, im reviewing the anime, not the manga. 
I like the animation they used for Soul eater because it has a Halloween feel to it. (witches, pumpkins, ect.) The animation itself is smooth and very artistic with the backgrounds and the characters themselves. i made a drawing of this anime using the symbols of a few of the characters as well. 

In a town that surrounds a school called the Shinigami Weapon Meister Vocational School, but it is easier to call it "Shibusen" lol. oddly enough, the place is located in Nevada, USA and is referred to as Death City. The story is based on three main characters that are meisters trying to become a Shinigami. Whats even more awesome is that the god of death is the head honcho of the place but he isn't as intimidating as he used to be in his old days. (you will see his past lol) It is a school for training Weapons(people who can morph into weapons for the meisters to use) and the human wielders of those weapons, the Meisters.(the ones trying to become Shinigamis) The ultimate goal of the students with their weapons is to have their weapons defeat and eat the souls of 99 evil human soul and 1 witch soul. By doing this, they will gain a crap load of power and be given the ability to be used by the shinigami. I wont go into too much detail on why the school was made, but ill just say that it is trying to keep something crazy out. As the anime begins, Maka and Soul are trying to take a witch down because they finished off their 99th soul. The main characters are Maka(main character), Soul(second main character), Death the Kid, Patti Thompson, Liz Thomson, Black*Star, and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa.

Maka Albarn: She is the main character and also the the brains of the group. She seems calm, but she get very upset when angered. She may be the weakest out of the three, but she focuses on the enemys weaknesses and exploits them. Her weapon is Soul. 

Soul Eater Evans' (Soul): Maka's Weapon. He transforms into a death scythe and like to act cool, which he doesn't do very well lol. He plays the piano, which plays into the anime later on in the episodes. He had a brother that played the flute. (i think i forgot) He also argues with Maka a lot.

Death the Kid (Kid): He gets some rep points for being the son of the shinigami......yeah i know. I cannot explain on how much his life revolves around perfect symmetry. If both sides of something are not the same, how will get sick to his stomach and try everything in his power, even putting his life at risk to fix it. What makes him depressed at times is that his hair has 3 white stripes on one side of his head and makes him the victim of his own obsessive compulsive disorder. He also has a cool flying skateboard ("back to the future" reference) His weapons are Liz and Patty, which usually have to snap him out of his depression spells lol. 

Liz and Patty Thompson: Kid's weapons. They transform into handguns. They where both picked up by Kid when he went to Brooklyn when they where relative criminals. Liz is the older sister and the serious one. (somewhat) Patty acts childish and always laughs when they are in a bad situation. When Kid is not around, they can use each other as weapons and can switch back and forth to dodge attacks.

Black*Star: Hes a ninja so he gets automatic points. He is the last of his Star clan, and always wants to be the best at everything, even trying to surpass god. He is about as stealthy as naruto and is always yelling, but when he is in a fight, he is the strongest out of the three. He has the ability to use his soul wavelength in hand-to-hand combat as well. His partner Tsubaki always tries to calm him down when he is showing off. 

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: Black*Stars Weapon. She has multiple forms of ninja weapons, such as the giant throwing star, the hand scythes attached to a chain, smock bomb, hand knife, and (my favorite ) the masamune (but they call it the "Demon Blade" in the show. Tsubaki has a brother that will be met later on on the anime. 

Pretty much every song used in the anime is good. im just gonna tell ya 4 of them. 
+Resonance by T.M. Revolution+ is the first opening song used and it is a very awesome song with a lot of bass to it. i still listen to it.

Bakusou Yume Uta by Diggy-Mo' is also an awesome song. It has a kinda rap feeling to it, but it switches to pop music later on in the song and it sounds cool.

Strength by Abingdon Boys School is the last ending song in the series and it sets the mood perfectly. its like a depressing pop song that gives a sense of suspense.

Paper Moon by Tommy Heavenly6 If you do not have this song in your anime song list, i suggest you do that now because you will be listening to it for a while. It is a extremely awesome pop song that has an amazing electric guitar and a beautiful singer. The official music video mimics "the wizard of Oz"  just get the song cause i cannot explain it well enough. 

Conclusion: This is a very good anime and i recommend anyone to watch it, but i highly implore people to read the manga as well because the anime strays away from the original ending and right now, the manga is still going and is 5 times better then the animes ending. Watch it. Enjoy it. 
------------>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <--------------

King of Thorn
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Type: Action, Survival Horror

Released: May 1st, 2010

Director: Kazuyoshi Katayama

My Rating: 9/10

Length: 109 Minutes

My Thoughts: 
This was a pretty amazing movie, reminded me of The Fog movie by Stephen King or something written by H.P. Lovecraft. i actually got creeped out by the thing in the elevator and i loved the animation and just the story overall as it made references to the story of Sleeping Beauty. I also liked the english dubbing in this which is rare for me. Its really worth your time if you check this movie or the manga out. 

The series is about a group of people who are put in suspended animation to escape a mysterious plague that turns people to stone, and upon waking there appears to be only eight survivors in a world run wild—including a teenager, Kasumi, and British, Marco Owen. The survivors soon discover that the entire ruin is filled with strange, dinosaur-like creatures and other monstrous aberrations of nature. Thinking that a great amount of time passed since their arrival on the island, soon the survivors discover not only that their sleep was indeed too short to label such dramatic changes as natural occurrence, but also that the situation in and of itself is far greater than they could imagine.


Kasumi Ishiki: The main protagonist of the story, which for most part is told by her point of view. One of the 160 people around the world lucky (or rich) enough to be chosen as potential cure testbeds for the Medusa virus, she left the world leaving behind herself her twin sister Shizuku, who was also victim of the virus, though until the end encouraged Kasumi to accept such an opportunity and be cured.

Marco Owen: A fearsome-looking man with a muscular frame and many intimidating tattoos all over his body, he is the male main character of the series.

The plot tells the story of the other characters throughout the movie so i dont want to spoil anything by giving out the other characters names

the music was pretty good, the main theme had a fantasy, opera-like sound to it 

There's a good amount of gore in this but id ask you to overlook it to see this movie. I highly recommend it and its got a really good plot twist towards the ending. an amazing movie, and i might try reading the manga as well.
------------>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <--------------
 a poorly rated review?! dont worry, i can promise you will agree with me 

Space Thunder Kids
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Type: Mech, Action, Terrible, Military 

Released: not sure, im guessing somewhere in the 1980s

Director: Derivative Korean animated film

My Rating: 0.5 out of 10 BUT! if you do not take this anime seriously and think of it as a joke, then the rating is 7 out of 10 for the "so bad its good" rating level

Length: 84 minutes 28 seconds......WAY too long 

My Thoughts: 
Why.....why did I have to be curious enough to watch this? why would someone make this? where the people who made this honestly serious about this, or where they trying to make a quick buck? Oh, you see the picture I put up; looks cool doesnt it? its a shame that NOTHING ON THE COVER OF THE ANIME DVD SHOWS UP IN THE MOVIE!. not even joking. They rip off of so many animes and shows like transformers, tron, Sakan-oh, Gundam, and some other old mech animes and whatnot. You also wont believe how many times they reuse clips. i saw one of the clips used 8 times in the movie....8 Times! I'm betting if you cut out all the reused clips and put the movie back together, you would have only half an hour of movie time, which is still too long for this movie. I was in tears laughing at how terrible this movie is and im still surprised i made it threw the whole thing. Its actually several other anime movies thrown together like "Defenders of Space" and "Protectors of Universe". lets just go ahead and go to the plot.

There is some evil guy trying to rule the world and its up to kids in mech suits to take them down---you know....theres not really a plot at one point, they are fighting in a war, another time they are fighting aliens, then they fight a hologram of godzilla....i didn't stutter....a hologram of Godzilla...THEY EVEN RIP OFF OF TRON! thats pretty much it on the plot. heres what it says on the back of the DVD:
"The Dark Empire is determined to conquer the Universe and get rid of anyone who acts against it. The Space Thunder Kids, made up of three valiant youths, are responsible for patrolling space and obstructing the invasion of the Dark Army.
Doctor Sparta, a scientist, is pursued by the Dark Army after the devastation of his planet. He flees to the Earth and meets Doctor Rhodes, who develops advanced weapons for the Guardian Army.
The Dark Army bombards the Earth aggressively and kidnaps Dr. Sparta and Rhodes. The Space Thunder Kids come to the rescue with the fighter robots, and together with the aid of the Guardian Army, the Successfully save the two scientists and shatter the Dark Empire."


just poorly edited music....nothing special at all. sounds like it was recorded with 1970s equipment, which it most likely was. 

If your an anime fan, there are few words that describe how terrible this movie is. You know what? Here is a youtube clip of just a handful of what you can expect from this failed abomination. You can actually download the movie strait from Wikipedia if you feel like torturing yourself or your friends. 

[size=medium]i dare you to waste your time watching this. i showed it to my friends and they where mad that i even used their laptop to play it on the T.V. 
 its that bad. Go watch it now and tell me i'm wrong. im actually being nice giving it a 0.5 rating instead of a negative number just because those people had some courage to put this out on DVD. Who green lighted this?! Before i finish this anime review, i have to ask you....

[align=center]what the hell is this thing?!

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heres a list of what the anime ripped off of:

  • Mazinger 7
  • Sakan-Oh
  • Raideen
  • Getter Robo G
  • Space Cruiser Yamato
  • Gundam
  • Denziman
  • Tron
  • Transformers
  • Captain Harlock.
Side Note: the creepy kid thing picture and the rip-off list was used from another review on another site. everything else besides the information about the movie and the cover pic is my work.
This anime was one of my favorites when I got into the more fantasy/horror (ish) genres! Still is. 

I disliked the ending too since it felt like a bit of a copout for a final finisher to defeat the Kishin. If it got renewed to continue the series, I would've rooted for it to follow the manga now that it's finished. Though we got Soul Eater NOT instead. Which I might look through since I've read the first 2 volumes already.

If only they wrapped it up differently then the ending wouldn't feel like a half-empty glass of milk.
Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!!

Zombie Loan

Alternate Name: Zonbi Rōn

Type: Action, Comedy, Supernatural, Romance

Rating: 7.9 out of 10

Released: July 3, 2007 – September 11, 2007

Episodes: 11 (there are actually 13)

**if you want to see more of this really short series, you will have to read the manga because there is not going to be any more episodes made for some reason, which is sad because they left a big opening at the ending of the last episode showing that there should be more episodes. 

I really like the story of this anime, but i wish they made more episodes because i wanted to see more. The idea of fighting monsters for a loan company to stay alive in my views was very creative.

Michiru Kita is When a person is marked to die, a gray ring appears, which darkens over time. Once the ring turns completely black, the person dies. Chika Akasuki and Shito Tachibana, two boys in her class, both have black rings around their necks, but to her surprise, they are not yet dead. It is revealed that after a tragic accident that was supposed to kill them both, the two boys made a deal with a secret loan office called the Zombie-Loan. In return for keeping them alive, the two have to hunt zombies for the loan office. When Michiru gets involved with them, she finds that her life has just become more complicated.

Michiru Kita: Michiru possesses Shinigami Eyes, which allows her to see a ring on a person's neck, indicating their impending death. However, she has hated her gift ever since she saw dark rings around her parents' necks, who died in an accident after the rings turned jet black. She wears glasses that can subdue her gift, allowing her to live her life normally. Although, since the death of her parents, she has felt a numb complacency with life, living it out, but having no will to achieve anything or even care if she dies or not, an attitude which disgusts Shito. As the manga continues Michiru develops the will to live and become stronger to protect her friends.

Chika Akatsuki: Chika is linked with Shito by a spiritual chain, which cannot be seen by normal people. This chain allows them to switch their right hands with each other; due to the terms of their contract, their real right hands, which they both lost in the accident, were switched when they were revived by the Zombie-Loan. With Shito's right hand, which is actually Chika's original right hand, Chika has the ability to generate a katana possessing Shinigami abilities. With the katana, Chika is able to perform spiritual memorials for zombies they defeat. Though often seen with a short temper, Chika has a genuine care for those he defeats and often performs their memorial with great sympathy. Though they have free will and emotions, both Chika and Shito are still considered zombies, so their ultimate goal is to regain their lives once again.

Shito Tachibana: Due to his looks and attitude, he is seen as an idol by the female students, though he seems to not care. He is generally a much more approachable person than Chika, but certain situations and people cause him to act cold and indifferent; when Michiru first told him that she had no real will to live, he told her how disgusted that made him feel, going on to say that he believes she does not deserve the right to live.

Shito is linked with Chika by a spiritual chain. When he attaches Chika's right hand, or rather his own original right hand, he can generate a 9½ inch Ruger Super Redhawk revolver, which has the power to harm zombies with its spiritual bullets using his own ectoplasm


OP: i really like the guitar on this song but cant say the same about the singer. Its still a good song.
Ōkami no Nodo (Wolfs Throat) by The Birthday--


[size=medium]ED: i like this song a lot better then the OP its a pop-rock song with a smooth voiced singer. 

Chein Ringu (Chain Ring) by Mucc--

[size=medium]Conclusion: Its a pretty decent anime that i wish picked up because i want to see more of it. Give it a watch when you got some free time. 
It was an interesting anime but yeah, the fact that I heard the anime was different from the manga just speak that it was going to be rather anti-climatic. I think that serves the problem that never made an adaption of an anime that's still currently going on or at least, just do an arc this year and wait a while until the mangaka finished it's works. FMA was one of the few rare ones where I thought the ending being different from that of the manga was actually favorable in my opinion.

Great review, I'll check out the Soul Eater manga when I have the chance. :thumbs:
>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Alternate Name: "Heaven-Piercing Gurren Lagann" or just "Gurren Lagann"

Type: Adventure, Comedy-Drama, Mecha, Action, Epic 

Rating: 10 out of 10

Released: April 1, 2007 – September 30, 2007

Episodes: 27 episodes and 2 movies
Movie 1: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Gurren-hen
Movie 2: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Lagann-hen

* The Director is Hiroyuki Imaishi, the same person that helped make the anime "Fooly Cooly" 
**The anime received an Excellence Prize at the 2007 Japan Media Arts Festival, and Imaishi himself received an individual award at the twelfth Animation Kobe Festival. 
***In 2008, the anime received both "best television production" and "best character design" from the Tokyo International Anime Fair.

All i can say is wow.....this anime is amazing! It just that the story line is so well written and the the action scenes are so epic with the motivational speeches and huge explosions. When i was watching, I would keep having chills go up my spine because i was really getting into it and did not want to stop the show. I'm serious, the only time i got this excited for an anime was when i watched DBZ and that's saying something considering DBZ is a classic. This anime is defiantly in my top 5 anime. I didn't watch it earlier because i wasn't a fan of Mech anime, but i watched Code Geass and that got me to watch this and i am so glad I did. I cant think of a reason why people would not like this anime except that the robots get ridiculously gigantic. No joke, the robots get so big, that they start throwing galaxies at each other. With that out of the way, ON TO THE REVIEW!! 

Gurren Lagann takes place in a fictional future in which human beings have been forced under Earth's surface and live in isolated subterranean civilizations. These "villages" have no contact with the surface world or other villages. Because frequent earthquakes damage infrastructure, the villages must constantly extend deeper into the earth—individuals relegated to this task are known as "Diggers".
Giha Village is the home of Simon, a fourteen-year-old digger who was orphaned when his parents were killed in an earthquake. Although Simon is respected by the village elders as the best of the diggers, he is ostracized by his peers. Simon discovers a special drill key deep in the ground and is soon recruited by an eccentric fellow orphan named Kamina into his group "Team Gurren ". Kamina dreams of the surface world, which he once visited as a child, though he had to return home as he was too young to survive there.
After a failed attempt at reaching the surface, Kamina is jailed by the village elder. Simon resumes digging, only to discover "a big face" deep in his tunnel. As he excitedly fetches Kamina to show him the discovery, Simon is also caught by the village elder. Fortuitously, Kamina's punishment is interrupted by the collapse of the ceiling over Giha Village, as an enormous mecha falls into the cavern. A girl named Yoko appears and tries to repel the machine with a large rifle. Simon takes Kamina and Yoko to the "big face" he found earlier and discovers that the small drill key can be used to activate it. Named "Lagann", he uses it to destroy the invading mecha and effectively break through to the surface.
Once on the surface, Simon and Kamina discover there are more large mechas known as "Gunmen" (piloted by "Beastmen") that terrorize the surface dwellers during the day. Simon and Kamina help Yoko and her village destroy three more Gunmen of which Kamina takes one for himself, naming it "Gurren" (meaning "crimson lotus"). Eventually, Simon and Kamina decide to embark on a journey to end the constant struggle between the Beastmen and humans, and are initially accompanied by Yoko and Leeron, a mechanic from Yoko's village. As they head out to find the headquarters of the Beastmen's Human Eradication Army, the group encounters various Beastmen warriors including the vicious beastman Viral.

Simon: Simon is a fourteen year-old digger from Giha village. Although he is initially looked down upon because of it, Simon excels at drilling through the ground, and the drill quickly becomes his trademark symbol. Prior to the time-skip, Simon is mostly depicted as merely following Kamina's lead and often acting as a counter-balance to Kamina's impulsiveness, due to being very timid and weak.
Kamina: Kamina is a young man from Giha Village who dreams of leaving the village and go to the surface, which he saw as a child. Ultimately, he can be summed up as "arrogant". He is very passionate about his goals, expressing his wishes through energetic speeches which seem to affect all those who hear them. Kamina believes that with his manliness and honor, he can do anything he feels like, saying such quotes as "Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!" and "Who the hell do you think I am?!".

Yoko Littner: Yoko is a young woman from Giha's neighboring village of Ritona. She had been tracking the Gunmen, which subsequently crashed through the surface and into Giha. She wields an extensive arsenal of weapons and has substantial experience fighting the enemy. She uses her outstanding soldiering skills and wise counsel to advance the war of liberation. She wears short shorts and a bikini top: as she states in episode 5, she avoids clothing which restricts her movement in combat situations. Due to her looks, several characters are instantly attracted to her including Simon and Kamina. She loves children and has a dream to become an elementary school teacher.

OP1: (Sorairo Days) : A catchy song that really catches the feeling of the anime. It gets better the further you go threw the anime. I dont think I skipped threw the opening because of the song.

ED3:  Libera Me From Hell (ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH!!) : After watching this anime, this song WILL be stuck in your head. I would annoy my brother because i kept saying "Row Row Fight the Powah!" when we where playing video games.

Conclusion: WATCH IT NOW!!!!!! i can't make myself any clearer.
------------>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <--------------

Shakugan No Shana


Type: action, drama, love story, funny

Alternate Name: "Shana of the Burning Eyes" (also know just as just "Shana")​

Rating: 8 out of 10​

Released: October 6, 2005 and March 23, 2006​

Episodes: Season 1----24 Season 2----24 Season 3----24​

I really enjoyed this anime for how it was animated and how smoothly the story plays out. there is next to no blood in it, so no worries for people who judge an anime threw that agenda. The anime is pretty much a drama anime with action thrown into it to keep you entertained from start to finish. the way they end most of the episodes makes you want to find out what happens next as in a lot of animes.
It starts out with a kid named Yuji Sakai who goes threw an average life every like everyone else and he thinks that nothing amazing is going to happen to him. Well, as he makes his way home from school one day, he notices that time has stopped and everyone is standing in place and like anybody else, it freaks him out. and as he looks around, people begun to be turning into blue flames all around him as a huge doll-like monster devours all the flames in sight. As he is attacked, a girl wielding a sword and having flaming eyes and hair comes to rescue him. When the girl finishes off the monster, she begins to leave while calling herself a "flame Haze" that hunts the "Denizens of the Crimson Realm" and the "Rinne" they send to do their bidding.
After this has happened, Yuji notices a blue flame in his chest. Here comes the big plot switch. The "flame Haze tells him that the "real" yuji died a while ago, and that the yuji he is now, is called a "Torch," also known as a replacement for humans who have been erased. And like a torch, they die out after short periods of time. Yuji, somehow, is not very fazed by this and calls the Flame Haze "Shana", named after the blade she wields. He also realizes that the time stop area is known as the "Fuzetsu" and he has the ability to move around it because.......I don't want to spoil anything and I'm going to far into the story so your gonna have to watch the show to get more info. Plus I want you to get the same feeling i got when you find out what happens, so its for a good cause lol.
I was a little confused when it first started out, but i just kept watching it and it began to give information little-by-little to where i understood it better so give it some time. Most Animes can be determined how good they are by watching it up to at least the 5th episode. The more you watch this anime, the more you get drawn in by the story plot and "melon buns" 

Yuji Sakai: This guy is the main character. He is an average student that finds out he is already dead and will die soon if he does not find a way to prevent it. He helps the "flame haze" out during the anime while continually going to school.

Shana A.K.A. Flame-Haired Burning-Eye Hunter: She is the second main character that changes Yujis life. She is strict, towards people and her job as a "Flame Haze" but as the story continues, she starts to change (sorta like in the play "taming of the shrew"-Shakespeare) She also loves Melon Buns and when she says "shut up!" she always says it 3 times at once for some strange reason.

Alastor A.K.A. Flame of Heavens: The pendant that Shana carries around that talks to her. That all the info i can give to you right now without spoiling anything.

Margery Daw: another female Flame Haze with a drinking habit. She has a mean, but funny attitude and she is strict when she has to be. She conjures up magic threw the book she carries.

Marcosias A.K.A. Claw and Fangs of Violation: The book that Margery Daw carries around. Again, i cannot give out any more info then that with out spoiling anything.

Kazumi Yoshida: The girl at school who has a secret crush on Yuji and is to shy to tell him. Her role becomes more important threw out the anime.

Music: The opening music is amazing as well as the second season. I have the second season song called "JOINT" by Mami Kawada.
Conclusion: This is a really good anime and i recommend it to pretty much anyone because it gives off enough action and enough drama to keep the majority of anime watchers entertained threw the whole show.
------------>Extra information and details are referenced from Wikipedia and pictures are from Google, however, the review is completely original and is described threw my thoughts and views on the anime. Obviously, im not going to have every anime characters japanese name in every anime i've watched memorized, so thats why i look to Wiki for info. When finished reading, please post your thoughts on my work and what you thought about the anime if you have or haven't watched it. If you do not post, please tell others about these reviews i work on, because i make these for this site alone and i like to get feedback as motivation to keep making these reviews. I plan to make many more in the future. I have watched a huge variety of anime from gory, to drama, from funny, to action. There will be an anime review for every ones tastes. With that out of the way, lets get to the review!! <--------------

Code Geass


Type: Drama, Mecha, Alternate History, Science Fantasy, Action

Rating: 10 out of 10


Season 1: October 5, 2006 – July 28, 2007 
Season 2: April 6, 2008 – September 28, 2008


 Season 1: 25
Code Geass R2 Season 2: 25
Total: 50 

Extra: **Reportedly, Bandai Visual shipped over one million DVD and Blu-ray discs related to the Code Geass franchise by November 2008, placing it among the most popular contemporary anime series in both Japan and North America 
**The series is also slated to be adapted into a series of video games, developed for the Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable and PlayStation 2 platforms, which was published by Namco Bandai Games. The official website for the first Nintendo DS game launched on July 16, 2007, with the game being released a few months later on October 25.
**At the sixth annual Tokyo Anime Awards held at the 2007 Tokyo International Anime Fair, Code Geass won the best TV anime series award. In noted Japanese anime magazine Animage's 29th Annual Anime Grand Prix, Code Geass won the most popular series award, with Lelouch Lamperouge also being chosen as the most popular male character and "Colors" being chosen as the most popular song. In the 30th Annual Anime Grand Prix, Lelouch won first place again and C.C. was voted most popular female character. At the first Seiyū Awards held in 2007, Jun Fukuyama won the award for best actor in a leading role for his performance as Lelouch Lamperouge in the series, while Ami Koshimizu won the award for best actress in a supporting role for her performance as Kallen Stadtfeld.

I had to see this because of all the hype it was getting and i am very glad i did. It reminds me so much of Death Note (will review later) with robots added to it lol. I found countless similarities. 
1. Lelouch and Light both obtain a special power
2. They both are Rebels 
3. They both have female partners that have the same type of power
4. They both have a rival that has opposite views on what they are doing
5. Both of their rivals go to the school to spy on them 
6. They both have code names, Kira and Zero
7. They both are very intelligent 
8. They both use the power of the people

They both die at an angle (one dies on the stairs, the other on a ramp)

They both kill their dad

See? but any way, this anime is amazing and the way they fight can be compared to a chess game. The shock factor when something bad/good happens is threw the roof on this anime; they let you know and they know how give you that little chill up your spine when the tide of battle turns, or someone important dies. There are several characters and every one plays a very important roll, so no one is left out and you get a feel for each one. There are not flash-back episodes, and when they do show one, its not long and dragged out like you see in anime like naruto and bleach. The fight scenes are amazing and well drawn. you'll be on the edge of your chair on this anime when you watch it. and i also like how they sponsor Pizza Hut threw the whole anime. ON TO THE REVIEW!!!!!!!
(this was copy pasted because it is almost exactly the same thing i was gonna say, and there is not much i could have added on to. ) 
"The series is set after Japan's conquest by the Holy Britannian Empire on August 10, 2010, a.t.b. with their powerful new robot weapons, the Knightmare Frames, stripping Japan and its citizens of all rights and freedoms and renaming the country Area 11. The titular Lelouch is a Britannian prince who gave up his right to the throne after his mother was murdered, and has vowed to destroy his father, the Emperor, and Britannia. He gains an ability through the mysterious power of the Geass, becoming the leader of the resistance movement to fulfill his two wishes: to seek revenge for his mother and to construct a world in which his beloved sister Nunnally can live happily."

Lelouch Lamperouge: the main character of the anime. 17-year-old student at Ashford Academy. Hes good at chess lol. His true identity is "Lelouch vi Britannia", the exiled son of the Emperor of Britannia and the late Empress Marianne, forced to flee to Japan after his mother's assassination. when he is caught in a fight with the britannians the the elevens, he get the "power of the geass" from a girl and uses that and his secret identity "Zero" to rebel against the Britannians. 

Suzaku Kururugi: Lelouch's childhood friend and son of Japan's last prime minister, Genbu Kururugi. Suzaku is in the service of the Britannia Army as a soldier and chosen to test an experimental new model of Knightmare Frame, the Lancelot. Throughout the series, Suzaku shows a belief that achieving results by wrong or illegal methods is meaningless, setting up a rivalry with Zero.

C.C.: A mysterious green-haired girl who establishes a contract with Lelouch on the condition that he grant her one wish, passively overseeing Lelouch's missions and occasionally helping them succeed to ensure he does not die. She also loves pizza!

Nunnally Lamperouge: Lelouch's younger innocent sister, wheelchair-bound and blind from her mother's brutal assassination. Lelouch originally got involved with the war because he wanted to create a pleasant world for Nunnally.

Kallen Stadtfeld: A Britannian-Japanese who believes herself to be a Japanese person at heart and prefers her birth name, Kallen Kouzuki, over that of her father's prestigious family. She maintains the image of a frail, outstanding student at Ashford Academy, all the while being a member of the Japanese resistance movement and one of Zero's most devoted followers.


OP 1: Flow by colors i like this song because the mood is smooth and the chorus is spirit lifting lol


OP 2: Jinn by Kaidoku Funou i really like the guitar in this song. it reminds me of the anime opening "zombie-loan". the girls voice is nice too 


[size=medium]OP 3: Hitomi no Tsubasa by Access this one is my favorite because it is a mix of techno, trance, and rock. the chorus is smooth going and it feels like a dream.


Conclusion: Sad, Exciting, Awesome, and very good. i highly recommend you watch this if you have not already. I am glad they brought something that reminds me of deathnote because i like how the characters think and this anime grabs your emotions and spins them around threw the whole show. i might even watch it again! I am not a fan of mech animes, but this show made me love them and i am thinking about watching gundam wing seeings how i have not watched it yet. watch it!!!!
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