Los Demonios

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Lyrik felt cold and very nervous when he was finally before the boss of the new group he had befriended. He bowed his head respectfully to the man and noticed how dark the area was. He was going to question is before the man asked him a question.

"Errm... I'm just a C-Rank." Lyrik said in a low voice. "I want to be strong enough to help protect my friends Red and Orso.."
"So, you're fresh blood in the organization. How interesting." The man turned to Giga Impact. "And you're saying that he may be useful in obtaining the child?" 

"Yes... if we can rely on him, rescuing Nicori will be a simple breeze..." Giga Impact responded.

The man smirked. He turned his sight onto Lyrik. "What are you abilities, boy?"
"I.. I--erm, I use music to influence my movement. My body is very flexible and can contort slightly if needed." Lyrik nodded his head. "I've heard a lot about this kid. The others said that he needs to be saved from some sort of.. One-Eyed monster."
"Music.. I'm very impressed." The man stated. "Yes... the boy is very important. It is essential to complete this mission before chaos rained down.." Man coughed a bit. "Come closer, boy."
Lyrik hesitated but he walked closer to the man. He looked very nervous, thinking that the man might pull something on him but thought he'd risk it if he ever wanted to get stronger.
As Lyrik move closer to the man, his face became more revealing. His eyes were blackened, body was riddled with wrinkles. His back was connected through several tubes, pumping tons and tons of liquid onto his back every time he took a breath. He reached for Lyrik and pulled him closer so their eyes meet.

"So, you wished to find the pursuit of power in order to become stronger? Is that what you want, boy?" The man asked.
"I do... I want to be stronger so that I can help protect Orso and Red..." Lyrik said shyly but he then grew confidence in his voice knowing his determination to help his friends.

"And when I get stronger, I want to get back at that mean green-haired muscle guy. Gosh he was a freak..."
"Then I can grant you that desire." The man touched Lyrik's nose, and an sudden burst of energy radiated throughout his body.
"W-Wha?!" Lyrik started to glow and he felt the power surge through his body. He stared at his hands and touched his body, trying to see if everything was okay. He stared at the man and took a step back.

"W-What happened?"
"I have temporarily provided an power boost that surge within your body. Your abilities will sky-rocket beyond levels unimaginable." The man said. "However, if you are able to succeed this mission, I will allow you to keep the power, permanently." The man smirked. "Surely, this would be music to your ears, I presume?"
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