Los Demonios

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Lyrik nodded to Giga and waited patiently for him to come back. While he did, he examined the area he was in and seemed a little off by how bad it seemed to look. He frowned, believing Giga's story of corruption.

"I suggest you watch your mouth, Giga." Byll said while he appeared in the same room as him, his gassy body reforming to its usual attire. "A mouth as big as yours is wide enough to absorb several chemicals without knowing."
"Why so serious?" Giga responded. "I wasn't even talking about you anyways, I was talking about those other morons that bail on me going to Hero City." 



Lightning Rider appeared. He was walking up towards the door where the leader was headed. He seen Lyrik and went up to him.

"Hey kid. You seen Giga Impact around here?"
"Giga?" Lyrik turned to the door. "He's in there. Are you one of the powerful heroes he talked about? He seemed a bit impatient while waiting for you guys..."

Lyrik did the man a favor and opened the door for him, having a high respect for him, assuming he was far more powerful than what he looked to be.


Byll growled in annoyance at Giga's comment. He kept himself hidden in the shadows.

"You seem to have a knack for failing missions, as usual..."
"Thanks, kid." Rider responded. "Yeah yeah, Giga Impact is such a control freak..." He head inside.


"Not my fault I have fools in my team." Giga Impact retorted. "Anyways, I'm heading to see the leader. Looks like I managed to captured a fool under our ranks."
"A fool bigger than you? That's quite a feat, Giga." Byll chuckled. "Who's the sap?"


Lyrik waited patiently outside, waiting for Giga to call him back in if he is needed.

"Wonder how strong that guy is..."
"Some kid who seems to be buttmad about losing to a buff musclebound guy in Port Graham. He's affiliated with the Heroes Organization, but got rouge." Giga Impact stated. 

"What!? You brought someone from the Organization, here!?" Rider came in, shouting. "What? Are you foolish!?"

"Calm down. He's a sap. He actually believe this place is the "true heroes" in the shadows. Trust me, the kid is denser than a rock." Giga Impact chuckled. "We could use him for information we couldn't do before. Maybe even captured that kid, which you and the bolts failed to do."

Rider remained silence.
Byll smirked under his mask. 

"For once you thought things out, Giga. I'm actually proud of you. Well, I think you should bring the sap in, maybe he should start getting used to our faces. Hopefully, this kid knows how to get that stupid brat in our hands. If he fails, we can just kill him, I doubt anyone would see a difference."


Lyrik let out a sigh before knocking on the door that Giga told him to wait at. 

"Hey, Giga... can I come in now?"
"Yeah, but I have to talk to the boss for a moment. You can bring him in, just don't go around and spilling the beans. Roll with the idea that we're the "good guys" until further notice." Giga Impact said before leaving to meet the boss.

"Tsk, who does he think he is, ordering me like that?" Rider seems to be annoyed. "Whatever.." He turns to the door and opened it to see Lyrik still standing there.

"Come in, we might as well introduce ourselves until Giga Impact comes back."
"T-Totally!" Lyrik said nervously. "I'm Lyrik! I'm a hero from Hero City City! I recently joined so I'm a total noob, ehehehe... I wanna get stronger so that I can one day beat that Broly guy. He... he really pounded me to the dust. Me and my friends."

Lyrik scratched the back of his head with a nervous smile.

Byll stared at the boy with narrow eyes under his mask. He kept a distance from him when he spoke.

"The name's Byll."
"You can referred to me as Lightning Rider." Rider introduced himself. "Hero City huh? Those people are total nutjobs for the most part. All they care is their image and nothing else. You're better off working with us, if you wished to get stronger, kid." 

Rider wondered if he actually bought his words.
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