Grimsby Falls

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Excalik gritted his teeth. "You want us to assist you? You have some mighty balls to ask for assistance for spilling such nonsense!" His blade has been drawn out. "Using the dead to pursue your twisted dreams? You're no different than those people that pushed this land back to the stone age! Forbidden magic? The Cults? Ancient Magic? Even if we were to take your words as the truth, you're simply putting the world in danger!" 

The banded man turns to the young magician. "Vala! She'd lost her damn mind! Let's trash this devil!"
The necromancer chuckled before shutting her book. "Then, this is the end. Witness me unravel the path for a new world!” The necromancer raised her arms into the sky with a sneer and a shockwave of mysterious energy radiated from her. In response to the energy wave hitting them, the ghouls and monsters surrounding the cemetery all decimated into dust-- light that appeared to be souls all converged at a point in the sky. Then, a large purple magic circle formed high in the clouds, the symbols reflected on the ground by the light. The circle glowed blindingly bright and from it descended an ancient Wyvern that appears to have been resurrected with ancient arcane; its bones are visible in certain parts, but overall its scales are obsidian-black and armor is covering the majority of its head and body. Purple rings written in an ancient rune language adorn the beast. On the Wyvern’s back sat a humanoid figure of light that was slowly forming into a being-- a man who was clearly resurrected from the dead. It was none other than the late Simon Belmont, brought back to his prime thanks to the necromancer’s Bloodtinge Magic.

"If you want to stop me so badly, looks like you’ll have to go through my new friends first~!” The witch rose high into the air as the Wyvern landed on the cemetery clearing, letting out a ferocious roar.

"" title=""

Powers: The Wyvern is capable of flight and blasting powerful  magical blasts from its mouth, but is not capable of using fire. Its abilities from when it was alive are boosted by the ancient runes bound to it. Capable of using its claws and tail as a form of attack. Smaller in size than a typical dragon, but fairly large. Armor protects its rotting body parts from physical damage. Its behavior however, is dictated by Simon. Particularly vulnerable to damage around the torso, sides, and portions of the wings. 

Simon Belmont is a renowned beast slayer, coined The Vampire Killer, gifted with his powerful whip that was kept by his successors as an artifact. The whip is particularly effective against monsters. Rides the Wyvern's back to give it commands. Has no resistances or armor. Cannot perform magic; combat is purely physical, but he will not leave the Wyvern's back unless forced.

Psychology: The Resurrected lack the sentience they originally had in life. They operate by pure instinct on Nadine's orders. No exploitable qualities in personality. Attack patterns are methodical, however.

Rules of Engagement:
  • Autowounding is not allowed. Autohits against the Wyvern are allowed, but autowounding will vary.
  • Chain combo attacks can be carried out by players acting in accordance with each other, but single-player chains are not allowed (2-hit solo combos are allowed).
  • The bosses will act together unless one is killed before the other. If one is killed, the other will fight the players independently of the necromancer.
  • The necromancer is not open to attacking at this stage.

Chance of Victory: 60%
Excalik began to sweat as if a waterfall came down on his body. "We're fucked." He bluntly said. His arms were shaking as he couldn't hold the blade properly. "How the heck we're going to fight off that thing!?"
"Oh my, I believe it is about time we get our hands dirty. Oh, I detest fighting but I suppose we have no choice in the matter..." Gorecilia wasn't the best fighter around but her slaps can deal heavy damage if she manages to get off a good hit. Her snakes were usually the ones who did all the work. The snakes all rose up and were poised to strike.

"Very well then, I believe we should end this fight as soon as possible, imagine what an ugly creature like this will do if it manages to ravage more populated areas. Everyone would die from stench alone..."

She didn't wait for a response while she reached her hand back to pull on some silk coming from a special gland on her thorax. Her eyes shifted to Excalik and a chuckle purred by her lips. The situation was dire but she still looked at it very lightheartedly knowing fully well she could die.
"Hey! Get ahold of yourself!" Vala shouted, roughly pulling at Excalik's clothes, looking very afraid herself. "I'm scared too, but if we run away, everyone here is going to die! There is no Heroes Organization here to help deal with this, so it's up to us, got it!? Now, focus and fight for your life! Get on the Spider and hitch a ride if you have to! You've got the stuff the nuns gave you, so let's put them to good use and whoop this fake dragon's ass!" She took out the whip she had grabbed earlier. "Just avoid getting hit... luckily this thing is big but slow. So you and Medusa have a better chance of landing a hit on the old man compared to me. Keep your eyes peeled for openings."

The Wyvern stepped forward and fired a warning shot at the group consisting of a purple energy shot, which Vala blocked by casting a shield barrier to block it. It spread its wings wide, indicating it was going to attempt launching into the sky for an aerial attack.

"Like now, preferably now!!"
Yelysa and Allein both shot forwards and struck at the wings of the Wyvern, hoping to hit it with enough force to break them.
While the others stalled for a scrap of time, Gorecilia made quick work of her special silk to create a rope and net in hopes to tangle or capture the Wyvern for an easier battle but she doubt it would be as such. Her snake-hair hissed in anticipation for the next move of Wyvern or the late Simon but they currently acted like another hair of eyes for her while she focused on making traps.

"I suppose you all should find a weak spot on that ugly creature." Gorecilia said without looking away from her silk. "I will try to lend you all a hand by making ropes and nets to snare that creature. Besides, I think it likes the smell of fear."
Excalik clears his throat and nodded to Vala, seeing in fear in her eyes as well, yet she was able to keep her composure, despite being front of an ancient dragon and the undead warrior. "It's up to us.. to s-stop her from plunging this world into chaos." 

Fear still radiate his body, but he would become even scarier if he screws this up and less the necromancer has her way. Taking Vala's advice to heart and listening to Gorecilia's words about preparing a net, Excalik seeks an opportunity to strike when the Wyvern revealed it's blade, charging up of it seems an upcoming attack in the skies. He reached into his bag with all the items he picked up back then, grabbing a bottle. 

"Bottle?" Excalik thought to himself, remembering the full name. "Ah, right! The Bottle of Holy Fire! If I use this, it can damage his wings and leave severe burns." Excalik thought to himself. He dashed around the garden, jumping over the tombstones to get a good angle of the dreaded beast and fling the bottle towards its side.
The sisters were able to land hits due to how slow the Wyvern moved, but its scales were so tough that their attacks only left marks-- however, Excalik's throw was timed well enough that Simon used his whip to lash at the bottle. Unexpectedly, the bottle burst and lit the beast's right wing aflame for several seconds. 

The Wyvern let out a screech and turned before making a broad sweep with its wings, effectively launching the girls backwards several yards into the flower beds with the force of a battering ram. Without allowing them time to react from this, it swung its large tail to create distance; the circles on its body glowed purple before sending out hoops of dark energy cascading out in an arc toward the group. The flames went out from these movements, but left the right wing noticeably charred as it lost its scaly sheen.

The gust of wind generated from its massive wings sent Vala skidding back several feet, forcing her to use her staff as a grounding tool in order to remain standing. A hex hoop barely missed her. "Damn, that thing is a powerhouse! Try and see if it has any blind spots, I'll try to distract its rider." She turns to Gorecilia as another hoop zooms by. "We'll need to approach it from behind while Excalik and the others are fighting if we want a clear shot of Simon. He's got a good eye, but it's only muscle memory from the looks of it."
Exaclik placed his hands over his ears in reaction to Wyvern's screeched and ducked under to avoid being hit by its large tail. "The damn oversized lizard easily sweep away the flames, but its right wing is still charred..." Excalik noticed. "If I can just damage his wing enough, he won't be able to fly away in the air." Excalik turned slightly to the right, noticing a skull from one of the tombs that was dugged by from the powerful wings, causing him to instantly jumped off the ground. "Ah!"

As he continue to sweat and regain his composure after a brief moment. He turns to the winged beast. "That rider will pose a problem! Luckliy the bottle exploded based on impact, but we can't get close if the Rider will strike if we attack the beast!" Excalik went around the anicent dragon, seeing if he could spot an opening to attack his right wing again, drawing out the beast whip he took from the items.
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