Gorecilia slid back a few feet and seemed annoyed at the mess and struggle this battle was taking in. She knew she had to pick up the pace or her work would literally go up in flames. The snakes would extend a few feet to snap and bite away at any debris flung at Gorecilia or her web work. The spider lady glanced over to the large beast as she listened to Vala.
"I certainly do not like to run but I suppose you have a point." Gorecilia nodded in agreement with Vala. "I'm almost done with a lasso we can use to pull Simon off." The large monster skittered over to Vala as she hastily worked on a very strong but flexible and somewhat sticky lasso. "We must make haste ma'am, if this Simon catches us I believe we might be in for a world of hurt. Perhaps after this lasso I should continue working on a net to tangle that putrid beast of his..."
"I certainly do not like to run but I suppose you have a point." Gorecilia nodded in agreement with Vala. "I'm almost done with a lasso we can use to pull Simon off." The large monster skittered over to Vala as she hastily worked on a very strong but flexible and somewhat sticky lasso. "We must make haste ma'am, if this Simon catches us I believe we might be in for a world of hurt. Perhaps after this lasso I should continue working on a net to tangle that putrid beast of his..."