Grimsby Falls

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"Man, the atmosphere of this place gives me the chills, as if time stood still and hell came through," Excalik said as he gripped his blade for anything that comes out. "Be on your guard for anything that happens, everyone."
"Most likely a trap coming up. I doubt she's dumb enough to leave us walking around freely like this." Excalik followed behind Vala and the Wisp. "Hey, you can sense other monsters, right? You know, the whole monsters can sense other monsters thing." Excalik asked
Gorecilia. The ominous air weight heavy on the man and caused the wounds around his face to act up, giving him the urge to scratch.
"Ohohoho~ I think that's a common misconception of us lovely monsters." Gorecilia chuckled while gently petting her snake hair. "However, my adorable girls can taste the air and give me a general idea of where an enemy may be lingering. They cannot hide when my girls are hungry~ They will lend a hand if you need it."

Gorecilia Looked around the area and took a deep breath, enjoying the atmosphere she was in.

"I certainly hope this necromancer is worth more trouble than she's giving. Weaklings don't tend to taste very good..."

"As long as you aren't distracted by any of her tricks." Vala continued to wander forward, the air around them so still, yet heavy, that the clicking of her heels on the brick ground echoed throughout the courtyard as she walked. The Wisp looked up toward the sky as the sound of howling wind blew up ahead of them. It stopped at an archway that lay across the other side of the courtyard, turning to the group with downturned eyes-- it looked concerned.​

"... What is this? Look at this." Vala called out to the others in a hiss of a whisper, pointing toward the arched gateway that would have been the passage to another portion of the manor's estate. This was not an area the group had passed through previously-- what lay ahead was completely foreign territory, and would be the only obvious place where the necromancer may be awaiting them.​

But something was off about this gate.​
An unnaturally thick fog permeated through the bars of the gate, and extended in such a way that the fog practically walled off what lay beyond from the rest of the town. The blanket of dark clouds above the gate briefly lit up with a few streaks of purple lightning coursing through them, but making no audible sound otherwise. It felt as though the fog muted anything beyond the gateway.​

Vala passed her hand through the fog, watching it catch her fingers as she pulled it away. Making a grimace at the numbingly cold sensation, she turned to look back at the others. "Yep, she's here alright. She's made this the point of no return. Whelp, who wants to help me push it open?"​
Excalik cleared his throat and wiped off the sweat that continues to form around his head. "No point of return alright..." Excalik nodded his head when Vala asked to push it open. 

"This place is making my skin shivers like crazy. I hope these "no ghost" items I bought from Magician Square a while back would prove any use..." Excalik's voice was riddled with fear. Spirits, ghosts and the like is definitely not his thing. He placed his hands on the bars, feeling the sheer cold of its iron. "This thing is freakin' cold!" He complained, pushing one of the doors of the gate to open.
"What's the matter, afraid of the dark?" Vala joked, straining to push the gates open with Excalik. The gates made a loud screeching creak that cut through the silence like a knife.

They were entering the mansion's memorial garden. The fog was trailing around the borders of the gates like a seal.
A memorial garden like this was surrounded by vast expanses flowers. At the center of the garden was a clearing that had tombstones of the family's elders who had passed on. The most distinguished tomb was the mausoleum of the late Simon Belmont.

Unlike the seemingly apparent silence from before, the creatures they encountered earlier surrounded them among the flowers. Ghoulish figures leered at them, but they did not move. Their ghostly groans echoed in whispers and many of them were reaching out towards them but remained in place.

"There's so many of them. Where were they when we cleared out the manor? Is this an ambush?" Vala questioned aloud.

"If I wanted to ambush you all, I wouldn't have let you step any further. They know what must be done." Came the voice of the necromancer, who stood up in front of the mausoleum. "Remember what I said~? I'd love to have some new toys to play with, so killing you beyond repair would be a waste! But it looks like you came to stop me." She laughed merrily, not unnerved by their presence or their threat. "A bit silly, since we are in lawless lands. And you have the allyship of a monster with you. A bit of a surprise, knowing what humans do when they see a monster like you around. I like your venomous hairstyle," She complimented Gorecilia.

"Hey, don't change the subject! What's with your obsession with death and chaotic energy anyway!?" Vala asked, making a threatening gesture with her staff.

"This again? Have you no knowledge of the magics?" For a moment, a bit of humanity flickered in the necromancer's eyes as she glanced at them with realization. "Oh... how rude of me. It seems you're simply ignorant of the workings of the world around you. Not that it's your fault; this land has been abandoned to rot away like the Old World was. You see, what I wish to achieve is something that's been brushed under the rug of time and sealed away by the Schools of Magic for centuries, waiting to be unearthed at a time like this... before the world becomes plunged into disarray again." The necromancer held up an ancient looking leather-bound book with yellowed and aged pages. "Tell me, mortals. You know of the white and black magic that Paradicans use, yes?"

"...Yeah. So?"

"Modern Black magic is based on the principles of Chaotic energy, just as White magic is based on Pure energy; life energies humans don't have unless they become infected with it by a monster... or death grants them one or the other. But humans can perform it with Neutral energy we are imbued with. But these are 'accepted' by the magicians of Paradice. Did you know that there exist entire classes of magic that branch off these two basic classes?"

Vala looked puzzled, but decided to answer on behalf of Excalik. "... No? Why?"

The necromancer wore a dry smirk on her face. "There's a reason you haven't heard of any other type. Which begs my next question: are you aware of the Moyasu Alma disease plaguing Shina Almia?" She waited for them to respond, but made no move to attack, nor did she come in any closer. It seemed like she was willing to not harm them for the moment.
Gorecilia chuckled at the compliment addressed to her lovely hair. She made sure to listen intently to what the necromancer was going on about but seemed more distracted by the pretty flowers. Upon mentioning the two types of magic all her snakes turned to face the necromancer. Being one of the few people who happens to know the leaders of both Houses, the talk seemed to make her think about how things were going on back home.

Mention of the disease made her little snakes hiss.

"Oh my, the disease..." She knew little but answered with what she knew. "I don't know much but I heard it is affecting humans and turning them into monsters. It is quite grotesque to say the least. People are not allowed to enter or leave the place unless given special orders, so I've heard. My goodness, what horrible times we live in."
Excalik blushed when Vala made a comment about him being afraid of the ghost. "I'm not scared! I just don't like spook things! Who would like this type of stuff anyway!?" Excalik was trying to come up with a witty comeback against her; however, as they stumbled upon Belmont's Tomb and a memorial garden. He looked around, weirded out from the change of environment in comparison to the last one. 

Excalik places his hand on the blade and was ready to strike at them the moment he had seen the monsters surrounding them, but the monsters did not move. "What is going on? It's like what Vala said... where were they from earlier?"  As the Necromancer appeared before them, then questioned their knowledge of magic, Exaclik stared to think, albeit confused by her words.

"Magic classes beyond "modern" Black and White Magic? Is such a thing was possible? I was told that Merlin saves Paradice by introducing those of what we know of today..." Exclaik was seemingly ignorant of the subject, but he narrowed his eyes when she spoke of Shina Ania. "It's what Gorecilia said... that's the disease that infects humans that usually kills them right? They had to regulated tourist spots for visitors and forbade them from going to certain areas in the land if I recall correctly." He turns to the Necromancer and questioned her. "So what of it then?"
The necromancer nodded. "Indeed, the beastly scourge that plagues Shina Ania is what results of a human's soul becoming engulfed in chaotic energy. So they either die or they become a beast. No cure exists for it, except to placate it by performing a Pact ritual with a monster. But every ritual involving energy has to obey some form of equivalent exchange, just as casting magic does-- so the human has to sacrifice something of value in return for this protection, and neither partner must die. The risk of bonding souls together is that should one die, the other will soon follow." The necromancer held out her arms. "And the religious fanatics of the continent uselessly waste away praying and sacrificing lambs to the slaughter to bring back a goddess from the Old World that has fallen-- futile efforts, as if waiting for a worthless deity will undo the wounds of ancient history. Paradicans live on merrily without such a worry because the denizens of Shina Ania are forbidden from leaving. But the answer to such a travesty is right there!"

"There exist ancient magics that are now forbidden; Ancient Daemonlogy, Demonic Sorcery, Olden Alchemy, and Necromancy, just to name a few. Bloodtinged Necromancy is classified as a forbidden magic by those who founded the Houses. Centuries ago, these magics have been locked away for nobody to discover them again... until now."

"Wh-what makes them so forbidden, then?"

"Because, while much of their uses can be so beneficial, it has a cost." The witch flipped the page to an illustration of a Reaper. "Death is the underlying principle to much of their castings. A soul carries immense worth, so they are sacrificed to perform complex magic and circumvents requiring the caster to die. Your typical magic requires no more cost than using your own stamina. Chaotic energy fuels the forbidden magics because their masters will draw it out from the life force of monsters around them; easiest to do just after death is accomplished-- an old technique that has long been forgotten. It's how forbidden magic was able to do many things; deal hard blows to the enemy in war, curse the enemy and their descendants forever... perhaps Plague Magic was precisely how the beastly scourge took over Shina Ania. As to why or how, remains beyond my grasp."

"Even if their uses are morally ambiguous at beat, imagine if it could be used to cure such a disease-- it could change how we live forever! The world is coming to a new era where such things are necessary if humans are ever to progress and adapt. The Cultists, too, use forbidden magic. Perhaps these magics are now forbidden because the original founders of the Houses were ashamed that humans were using them to begin with. In essence, they rewrote history by sealing away the scars of the Old World rather than to learn more about them. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. But I can't welcome the path to a new world with the limitations of Chaotic energy-- it drains quickly within the individual, but with enough darkness of the heart, it can renew itself indefinitely. So if I increase the amount of chaotic energy freely present outside the vessel, we can create infinite possibilities with what we have now! The Old World will be a mere dream of the past once we achieve it." The necromancer smiled with a maniacal glee. "To welcome the forbidden back into the world is my true wish-- and Bloodtinge Necromancy will be the conduit of the new world order. We could even cure the disease by teaching the denizens how to harness it in a way that keeps their humanity intact. Wouldn't it be grand?"

Vala gripped her staff angrily as the witch rambled on, becoming angrier with every second. "So that's what you wanted all along. Using the dead and disrespecting them like this to bring back what should have been left behind long ago, for whatever reasons they had to do it. You've gone mad with this obsession, haven't you."

"Oh? I'd hardly call it disrespect. They are going to good use rather than fading into Limbo like everyone else. Lord Belmont is a prized soul of mine, so it's an honor to be able to revive him and help me with my quest." The necromancer with half-lidded eyes looked at the group. "I take it you remain unconvinced in assisting me~?"

"I'm convinced that I want to kill you."
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