"What's wrong, big guy? Not so light on your feet?" Wolf girl taunted, baring her sharp teeth in a sinister grin. "Maybe I'll have that little imp for a snack!" She lunged forward for another strike.
The Death Harpy eithdrew his leg and began to use his legs to quickly zip around Allein, thrusting an arm out to strike at her other side.
Close to Arlen was the Phantom, though she didn't seem to want to do anything yet.
One of the canines was hit by the hat, unable to have moved out of the way, the razors sliced through its right eye and through its right side of the body; leaving a red line that sprayed out blood from its right side. The canine roared and thrashed as it was forced to stop its attack, its remaining eye wide open and glaring directly at Excalik. Teeth clenched tight with its lip curled back over them.
The other close by dashed to Excalik's left in order to flank its injured ally, jumping forward and lunging at him with a wide open muzzle.
The last managed to tackle Vala, forcing her to skid backwards. Though the force knocked the wind out of her she got up again and locked eyes with the beast.
"You are nothing." Her tone, for once, was filled with an emotion of hatred. "Aaaaah!" Vala shouted and swung her staff in direction of the canine, which blasted forward several rays of blue light. "You weak monsters are pathetic! As if I'll allow you to kill me!"
The blue blasts hit the canine for the most part but it forced itself out of the way, shaking it off and roaring at Vala.
I wasn't expecting something like that. I'll wait for them to try and deal with the hounds. In the meantime...
The Raven closed her eyes and wrapped her wings around her shoulders, seeming to meditate.
The Death Harpy eithdrew his leg and began to use his legs to quickly zip around Allein, thrusting an arm out to strike at her other side.
Close to Arlen was the Phantom, though she didn't seem to want to do anything yet.
One of the canines was hit by the hat, unable to have moved out of the way, the razors sliced through its right eye and through its right side of the body; leaving a red line that sprayed out blood from its right side. The canine roared and thrashed as it was forced to stop its attack, its remaining eye wide open and glaring directly at Excalik. Teeth clenched tight with its lip curled back over them.
The other close by dashed to Excalik's left in order to flank its injured ally, jumping forward and lunging at him with a wide open muzzle.
The last managed to tackle Vala, forcing her to skid backwards. Though the force knocked the wind out of her she got up again and locked eyes with the beast.
"You are nothing." Her tone, for once, was filled with an emotion of hatred. "Aaaaah!" Vala shouted and swung her staff in direction of the canine, which blasted forward several rays of blue light. "You weak monsters are pathetic! As if I'll allow you to kill me!"
The blue blasts hit the canine for the most part but it forced itself out of the way, shaking it off and roaring at Vala.
I wasn't expecting something like that. I'll wait for them to try and deal with the hounds. In the meantime...
The Raven closed her eyes and wrapped her wings around her shoulders, seeming to meditate.