Grimsby Falls

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Allein said "I really hate using my real special attack, it leaves me insanely tired afterwards." She poured every ounce of her energy into the attack as multiple magic circles appeared and blasted the vampire.
"A real fool if I ever heard one." Roak laughed bitterly. "Oh well. It doesn't matter. You'll be easy pickings later." Her exhaustion wouldn't allow her to move out of all the blasts, so she ended up being stuck and thrown across the large room, falling limp. It didn't matter in the end since the magic she cast would just boost the abilities of the monsters nearby. 

"Using all that on a little underling. I thought demons were supposed to be smarter than that." Whispered the Phantom. 

"Another one steps up to be destroyed in the end." A werewolf girl also had followed the energy lapse from Roak's casting and had made her way in, picking her teeth with her clawed fingers boredly. Her yellow eyes glinted with amusement. "No wonder Roak got her ass kicked. She wouldn't stand up well with a demon."
Allein panted, "Dang it, i cant continue at the moment."
LoopyPanda said:
"Shaking already? Then this will be easy." A sound of flapping wings was heard, the lights turning on to reveal a woman with red eyes and raven wings, perched on one of the ceiling boards holding the lights up. Several blue wisps of fire rotated around her, only making the Wisp whimper louder.

"I suppose you're responsible for Lord Belmont going missing." Vala narrowed her eyes up at the woman. She thrust out her glowing staff at her threateningly. "We're here to exterminate you and all the other monsters causing this destruction."

"It isn't just me. I'm sure your friends are facing some of my allies. I wouldn't be confident that they're alive." The raven woman stated. "On orders, I won't allow you to go any further than this floor. So prepare to die." The flames grew larger.

Excalik noticed the other wisps around the woman, turning to the wisp that followed them. "Looks like this little guy is afraid of her.. can't blame it." Excalik took a stance in a fighting pose - although he was still riddle with nervousness. "Guess asking nicely to let us through and tell us the location of Lord Belmont is out of the question. Hard way it is.. I wouldn't worry about our allies, I'm sure they can handle themselves, at least the way they presented themselves earlier.." Excalik thought, turns to the wisp. "You better hid, little one."
"Let's see how you swing that oversized meat tenderizer, big man!" The Wolfgirl charged forward at increased speed thanks to Roak's spell, stopping in Gold's proximity to punch the floor, which split the wood apart and sent out shockwave pulses.

Roak, who had used up all her magic energy, reduced to ashes.

"Guess I'll be finishing off what Roak started then!" The Death Harpy threw a kick towards Allein's midsection. 


The Raven woman said nothing in response, simply spreading her wings and allowing the flames to form three large four-legged canines with flaming manes. "Charge and kill them." She ordered. 

They lept off from her platform and onto the floor, letting out ghastly roars. 

"Be ready to strike them." Vala began spinning her staff in preparation of a spell, the Wisp whining before reluctantly ducking between one of the bookshelves to hide, but was able to watch them from its spot. As she spun it, the staff began to glow a bright blue. "Lunar Gatekeeper, release your seal! Cast your power of the Lunar Dance unto me!"
Allein, too tired to defend herself, took the hit and slid back. Her wounds catching up to her, she coughed some blood up.
LoopyPanda said:
The Raven woman said nothing in response, simply spreading her wings and allowing the flames to form three large four-legged canines with flaming manes. "Charge and kill them." She ordered. 

They lept off from her platform and onto the floor, letting out ghastly roars. 

"Be ready to strike them." Vala began spinning her staff in preparation of a spell, the Wisp whining before reluctantly ducking between one of the bookshelves to hide, but was able to watch them from its spot. As she spun it, the staff began to glow a bright blue. "Lunar Gatekeeper, release your seal! Cast your power of the Lunar Dance unto me!"

"Right!" Excalik said in response. He tipped his hat first before lifting it from his head. He pull his arm by and toss it towards one of the large canines. The force of the throw that Excalik did -- was amplified by a ability that allows him to toss things at extreme speeds-- with his hat, it sported blades around the edges in attempt to cut it down to pieces. "Never let the enemy strike first.."  He thought in his head.
"If heavy armor burdens you, allow me to even the odds..~" Z-Clone began to whip up a spell to help aid Gold's heavy armor. Her spell would allow Gold to move at faster speeds for only for a limited amount of time. Her magic was running low and she panted at how tired she was.

"Please give me a second to gather up the energy, Sir Gold~!"
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