Roak used her dagger to block the sword swings. "You sound confident, little runt." She said; even if she was struggling to defend herself, she managed to show off an arrogant smirk.
We aren't alone; so I'll be directing the others to aid you.
Soon enough, monsters appeared into the same hall. Some formed from the darkness, others simply crashing in.
"Having a hard time there, Roak? Thought you were stronger than that!" Grunted a Death Harpy, having made his way indoors from outside as the storming rain made its way in from the hold in one of the windows. "Madam said you needed help with some pests."
"One of them is not human..." Hissed a Hollow Phantom.
"Stop talking and help me out already!" Roak threw the sealed Dagger and it glowed an eerie red; her allies got a temporary ability boost.
"Not human eh? Whatever. The less intruders there are, the better. Once we finish them all off we can continue with our plan to overthrow the humans." The harpy said haughtily, phasing in to where Allein and Roak were fighting.
"Hollow, take care of the human. I'll handle this one." A purple aura glowed from his black feathers.
(By this time, the two groups should already rejoin, leaving Vala and Excalik to have their fight scene.

"Shaking already? Then this will be easy." A sound of flapping wings was heard, the lights turning on to reveal a woman with red eyes and raven wings, perched on one of the ceiling boards holding the lights up. Several blue wisps of fire rotated around her, only making the Wisp whimper louder.
"I suppose you're responsible for Lord Belmont going missing." Vala narrowed her eyes up at the woman. She thrust out her glowing staff at her threateningly. "We're here to exterminate you and all the other monsters causing this destruction."
"It isn't just me. I'm sure your friends are facing some of my allies. I wouldn't be confident that they're alive." The raven woman stated. "On orders, I won't allow you to go any further than this floor. So prepare to die." The flames grew larger.