DB FE: Odessen

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Oriko looked at the alcoholic beverage in front of him, the shimmer of the liquid captivating him, temptation kicking in. "Should I do it? I mean, I'm not really old enough, but on the other hand..." After all, the boy may be underage in Earth Years, but in Space, the concept of time does work differently. Perhaps he's technically many years older in Odessen years, or so he assumes they call it such.

"Ah, you know what? It can't hurt to take a small sip." He said as he grabbed the glass, completely enraptured with the thought of just tasting alcohol. Right as Oriko took the glass up to his lips, however, the sound of the door crashing open rung throughout the Cantina, a familiar face walking in with a very disappointed leer with hints of fury mixed in.

"I go away for 25 years and this is what I come to find you doing?" Maki swiped the glass from out of Oriko's hand, the drink splashing all over the cantina as a result.

"Wait, wait! It's not what it looks like! This is just, err, grape juice?" The boy backed up, noting to himself just how screwed he is. "We can talk this out, right? Right?"

"Oh no, you aren't getting away with this one, Oriko. First off, you're underage. Second off, you've been missing for 25 years. You have work to do, so drinking and getting drunk should be nowhere near the top of your to-do list. Do you even know what's happened while you were gone?" The angel let out a sigh, her balled up fist letting out a small poof of dark energy. Eager to vent her anger to prevent an incident, she pinched Oriko's cheeks, the boy whimpering in protest but acknowledging his momentary fate at the mercy of his companion.

"Anyways," Maki spoke out loud to the cantina. "Who here paid for his tab? I'd like to have a word with them.."
"Hahaha! For the republic!" Zibarica chanted with Theron, raising his drink into the air before chugging it down. 
Bage chuckled slightly, going over to see if he would help Theron up and into a seat.
"The counter is that way, your majesty." Panich pointed over toward the bar, rolling her eyes before turning back to Brachi. She rested a hand on her's offering a much more serious look.

"I know it's difficult... But you won't find any peace of mind dwelling on what could've happened to them. Just have hope, and relax a little. I'm sure they wouldn't have died that easily."
Brachi turns to Panich, nodding.

"Thanks... but please understand that I will not rest until I've found a way to undo all of this... and get back what I have lost..." Brachi said, smiling at her Saiyan friend, although a tear did slip past her right eye, a sign she was clearly relieving some pent-up emotion to a degree.
Vegetto Jr. held a small smile at Jaz's words, his arms wrapping around her back and tightly holding onto her.

"Thanks Jaz...I'm sure you will."

He raised his brow, his smile fading a bit.

"It's just...how though? If it's gonna work...then we need to figure out how. Dad...Arcann...and especially Vaylin...are on a whole different level than I am. I don't mean to insult...but...you know."

He let out a small sigh.

"It took my dad his entire life to get to where he is now, and Vaylin could probably beat him. I spent years trying to get stronger, and she just kicked my ass without much effort. So if you gotta plan that involves me training you...then you might wanna figure something else out. Seeing that I'm not exactly the best experience for any of this."


Gogeta Jr. rolled his eyes once more, letting out a heavy sigh and sipping on his drink.

"It's a miracle on its own that we survived this long with you clowns."


Beerus' glare sharpened a bit at the lack of enthusiasm to serve him, grunting in annoyance.

"Normally I'd destroy you for your insolence, but I feel rather generous today."

He turned his head slightly, his voice raising a bit.

"Whis! Get over here and fetch me this refreshing drink at-"

Beerus stopped midway, his eyes perking a bit.


His eyes turned down, his glare still strong on the floor and showing little emotion. He grunted gently through his nose, his glare turning back to Panich for a moment before begrudgingly trouting to the bar and pulling up a seat near Mioi and Gogeta Jr. He glanced around in annoyance for a moment, before turning his head to the bartender.

"Bring me your finest cocktail at once."
Jaz held on to Junior silently before giving his words some thought.

"You got a point there..." Jaz took a step back, biting her thumb slightly as she thought of a plan. "Vaylin's gotta have a weak spot somewhere. She's strong, but she's not invincible. You with her for... a while. There must have been something you noticed about her and her brother. There's gotta be someone out there that knows them better than we do, someone who's willing to talk."

Jaz continued to think until her eyes stopped at Junior's feet before meeting with his. The look in her eyes showed bewilderment as she slowly tried to form the proper words in her mouth.

"...Someone like the Dread Saiyan."

"Bah, Vegetto's the Sith Emperor. What's a few hundred dollars gonna do to 'im? Besides, look around ya', Solgaris," Kire gently swayed a finger to indicate the people around them. "Everyone here's got an opinion 'bout Vegetto, some good, some bad. If we're lucky, bartender hates him and forces him to pay, if not, it'll be on the house. Either way, we ain't payin' shit. I got a back up anyway.[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]"

Kire slid to Solaris and held his new arm before the man, it lit up showing a touch screen with several buttons and a command center that only Kire would understand.

"Voice modification on everyone in the Alliance and our enemies. Watch..." Kire pulled his wrist to his mouth and whispered something before holding his hand out. 

"Everyone drinks for free, I'll pay for the tab! If you see Kire, tell him he's awesome, smart, and handsome." The voice was exactly identical to the infamous duo-voiced fusion, Vegetto. Kire laughed before tapping his glass against Solaris's armor and chugging it down, turning his gaze to Oriko and Maki. He rolled his eyes slightly before telling Solaris to stay put. Sheesh, more drama keeps showin' its face, eh?

Kire casually walked to Maki and Oriko, overhearing Maki's claim to know who's paying the tab.

"S'cuse me, ma'am, the one paying the bill is Vegetto but I was the one who gave lil' Oriko the drink." Kire nervously laughed. "Vegetto said everyone in this cantina was over 21 of somethin', I just assumed Oriko was the legal age. Sorry 'bout that, I didn't mean t' get Oriko in any trouble."
"Miracle is putting it lightly." Kira replied to Gogeta Jr, at last taking a seat and watching the antics unfolding in the bar. In doing so she also completed the lonely hearts club of Geets Jr., Mioi, Theron, and herself. How about that.

- - - - -

"Whatever happened in the past while... I've completely forgotten in favor of new shenanigans." Solaris replied to Mioi, focusing for a moment, before looking to Maki. He quietly took a sip of his drink and just nodded to Kire on the topic of the tab, only to widen his eyes on hearing "Vegetto" speak on the intercom, followed by Kire getting up. Though Kire was leaving, Solaris stayed where he was, a bit uncomfortably, and looked to Ale.

"So, you're trained by a Destroyer?" The half-Saiyan asked.
"Sounds like it'll get fairly entertaining soon... In all fairness of legalities, though, we are only 25 Earth years behind physically. Though that is little more than 12 Martian years." Mioi said before taking hold of the large icy margarita drink she ordered, sticking a large draw into it and opening her 'mouth' just enough for her to start drinking with it. Once Beerus and Kira took their seats she propped up her head with her elbow on the bar counter to keep drinking without moving from her current sitting position. "May as well try and relax for at least a few hours. How about we do a drinking contest?" Mioi asked around with a shrug of a shoulder while she sipped. "A little competition to liven up the place while unwinding. It IS on Lord Vegetto's tab after all," she laughed lightly.
"I'll leave you to it..." Panich gave a somber smile back, took Brachi's hand and gave a firm squeeze. "Maybe spend some time with your husband right now." 

Then she took her drink and left her seat to join the others at the bar. She needed something other than negative feelings right now. 


"Hey! I'd be up for that action!" Zibarica plopped himself back onto his barstool after hearing Mioi's proposition. "Bage, Gogeta! What do ya say? You guys want in on a little drinking contest?" 

"Ahah, I'm not sure I'd get very far. I'll pass." Bage chuckled nervously, before feeling a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head to see his wife resting her elbow on his shoulder. 

"Afraid you'll end up like your friend over there, dear?" Panich smirked and pointed over at Theron. "Count me in."
Vegetto Jr. frowned in response, staring down at Jaz.

"He's been gone for a long time, Jaz. And it's definitely better that he is."


Theron laid fast asleep on top of the table he had fallen onto moments ago, snoozing loudly at the starting drinking contest. Gogeta Jr. initially perked his ears at the sound of Vegetto's voice on the intercom, but grunted in annoyance once he noticed the source. He turned his head a bit at Mioi's offer, politely shaking his head and holding up his hand in refusal.

"I won't take part, but will make sure all of you can make it back to your rooms once you're finished.

Koth grinned, instantly hoisting up his mug.

"Alright! Let's do this: hope you Outlanders are ready to get smoked by a real Zakul native. We're unmatched in the entire universe."

Beerus grunted from across the way, finally receiving his drink and scoffing lightly at the proclamation.

"Please. I would wager we should split the competition between mortal weaklings and the gods who rule them. Of course I win, but you may all battle for second place."


DB FE: The Will to Fight, Chapter 2
"Yes yes, go right ahead and sit this one out if you'd like, my Lord. I wouldn't want to hurt your pride when I win." Panich replied, chuckling to herself before taking a seat with the others. 

"Panich!" Bage blinked in confusion a bit. "I didn't think you liked stuff like this!"

Zibarica nudged Bage jokingly. "Oh don't doubt her. Panich was the champ of drinking contests in our squad back when we worked for the Frieza force. But none of those chumps were Gods or anything like that, so don't get cocky."

"It's called confidence with a hint of determination." The princess took her coctail and downed the rest before setting the glass back onto the counter. "So let's not delay."
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