BoogaVerse Project

Well, if it's out in the middle of the ocean, but it's not undersea, it should have the Island prefix. :think:
If it is above water I agree with the Island label. But for example a place similar to the Bermuda Triangle (just a special area in the ocean), or underwater place (like Atlantica of the lil mermaid haha)
I gotcha. Then, I guess we could start by making 1 ocean type thread like that to see how it'll go. It certainly is untreaded ground!
I'm in agreement. Let's see how this goes :thumbs:
Alright! The process of editing the rules will begin! :wagh:

Firstly, I want to get started on fixing any grammatical errors in the guides. Furthermore, clarify anything that needs further explanation and/or include examples of an area thread we are looking for. You guys ready?
Alrighty! Let's get started with the BoogaVerse guide first :awesome:
Alrighty! Let me know if there's any changes :maybe:
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