Z's Drawings

Dread Mist IS HERE.

I was working on this piece for a while now (probably a week or so...) and I am only half proud of it. I tried to challenge myself and draw Red Mist in her usual shenanigans but I kept getting distracted by a lot of things, mostly family issues. I personally love the colors of KABS and her hair. I made a huge mistake with her hair (you can tell in the linework) but it ended up turning out great, so I kept it in the final layers. I tried to keep it as close as 'Dread' colors as I could but I guess it came out okay. 

Very disappointed to say that I did not shade this one either because I had several problems with the base colors. Either I was doing something wrong or luck was not on my side...

Without spoiling much (not that this whole pic spoils a lot already...) This is Mist when she acquires Dread Energy. How she acquires it, well... time tells all stories. The sketches on the top right show her progression from normal to mad to absolute insanity. However, Red Mist isn't all crazy, she does think and make plans accordingly. That's what makes her so terrifying. She's crazy, smart, AND aware of it. Fully aware. Fully aware of all her actions.

I have provided a blank one for those who want to color it with their own colors. I tend to use these drawings as a reference when I need them. 

Dread Saiyan/Dread Energy is the idea of @"Vegetto".​

Hope you all enjoy.​


I did not color these drawings. I used an app Shine gave me to give them a different color. It gives me an idea of the shading so that's something. Plus, I think these colors look amazing. Not exactly the right color pallet but I think it's great. I did NOT color these, I cannot stress this enough.


It's certainly an interesting recolor via the app. Though I do have to say I prefer the original Vyrus color scheme, as that seemed extremely classic horror design, while this is more sepia stylized, as if some sort of lucid dream horror movie.

Dunno what to comment on the Dread Mist recolor, other than it seems, good. It's hard to describe.
I made a sketch of Helga. Some ideas might change and some might stay. I'll leave this here for reference in the future should the time arises. Even if it doesn't, I still really like how I drew this since robots are not my specialty. I have yet to add any details to it, so it looks plain and boring, however, I think I kinda like the simplistic design of it. The leg came out weird because I was running out of space.  :wagh:

Oooo I especially like the look of that Vyrus guy! The way his face is melted gives me life. he also reminds me of an oc of mine that has a messed up face as well~  :teehee:
Okay, I'm gonna drop two drawings! BEHOLD! One super pure and one not so pure. 


So the girl on the left is his wife, his bae, his one true love, Evelyn Nicestone. The little cupcake in the middle is the joy in his life, his daughter, Jaz Rebbel! I drew this because I thought about some alternate universe where Kire actually got the future he desired. All he ever wanted was to be with Evelyn and have a family with her. Sadly, in the universe he lives in, he is unable to have children naturally and lost his beloved Evelyn. However, Evelyn begged him to never return to what he was before, not after he worked so hard to changed himself. Kire vowed to keep her promise, no matter how hard life got. When Jaz was 'born' he knew exactly what to fight for.

This picture literally represents all Kire ever wanted in life.

Did I cry? Absolutely.


Okay, this one looks kinda similar to the Helga drawing above, I know. I was practicing my profile views since I have a major problem drawing them, especially the head. I don't have much context for this drawing other than it's obviously still in sketch mode. I'll darken it later on and probably test some textures I found very interesting in the program I use. I want to add a background but I don't know what to do, and even if I did, I don't think I'm capable of drawing it since I still have no knowledge on how to draw backgrounds. Besides, I suck with perspective. We'll see where this drawing goes.

Don't ask me who the head belongs to, I don't know. It's just a random alien. I think Red Mist played a bit too rough tho'.
Nice pair of drawings. Evelyn and Kire is definitely a cute couple! 

The Playing Tag drawing draws my attention a bit more, mainly because of how you were able to sketch out the skeleton of the pose. It's simple, but not too out there (meaning, it's not overly complicated). I thin you might want to reduce the length of the neck just a little bit and you'll have a perfect pose for a future, possible colored drawing!
Grey Star said:
Unrelated to any critique, but Jaz looks like a smaller, dirtier version of her mother in “Never Change.” I blame Kire’s dirty style.

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS POST?! GREEEEEEEEEEEY!!! My little butter knife isn't dirty! 

But you're right, Kire's been living in the streets and a 'thug.' He's got a lot of issues on his mind and some blood on his hands. So yes, he's quite the dirty boi.

@"ShineCero": As for you, thanks for the advice. I kinda already inked it and I am too scared to edit it to make her neck shorter. I'll be sure to keep that thought in mind tho'.
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