The Reality Vortex: Shadow Games

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“Yes,” Lucifer took the last sips of wine. “Berserk needs a capable mentor for her powers, and none of you have the qualities to match that.” The angel’s eyes narrowed at Avalon’s phrasing of the question. “Be not afraid, child. She’ll be in excellent care under my watch. Take your worries to something more productive.”

He places the glass down on the table and stares at Avalon. “Like improving yourself. All of you survived these squabbles, but when a real challenge nears, your current selves is simply not enough.” Lucifer places his finger on his lips; his cold, blue eyes locked onto the ninja with seriousness in his tone. “If a battle were to spark now, are you able to lend a fighting hand? You hardly did with Clark, and he was actively slowing down just to protect you from Zenta’s bout during that tournament. Nor with the rest of the Breakers when they were forced in my little test. All except for one, failed to pass that test as you, someone gunning for a leadership role, slept.”

Lucifer wasn’t being harsh on Avalon, rather, pointing him to see the bigger picture. “But rest assures, I’m sure that by the time we’ve returned, all of you will actually experience growth.” He stood up from his chair and spread out his wings for a light stretch. “Say your goodbyes. I’ll shall be waiting by the door for our departure.” The angel left without giving Avalon a chance to respond. Rather, it was something for him, and the rest of the Breakers, to think about.
Victor thinks as he eats "I guess this cycle is a bit odd I should at least of hearing people meeting different versions of themselves after all. This may actually be a short cycle no wonder I not heard of any real dangers' forces heck form what I heard after their leader recovered form a stint of insanity even the one force that entered left only keeping the minor investments around." Victor shrugs as he thinks of that.

Victor stops eating to asks Lucifer "Form what little I have seen dos your little group work best without a defined leader? " Victor starts eating waiting for a response.
"Indeed. It's a little embarrassing to admit how big a gap there is between me and the likes of them at the moment," Bernkastel referred to Clark, Zenta, and Lucifer. "I've stuck around for a while with Spina, but it isn't until recently we've decided to be proper friends. Even so, I guess we've always been a bit of a package deal. He's quite grumpy these days but I think it's charming how different he is getting to fight him up close. Combat really can be fun in the right circumstances... I feel bad that I used to make fun of them for enjoying it so much."

"You flatter me-- it was a lucky day for you to see all that on my end. I don't think I've been actually trying since... a long time ago. Clark was really pushing my abilities but I think Spina really brought it out of me. I haven't had a particularly strong motivation to be serious lately; even in dangerous situations, I'm pushed to do more, but it just feels tedious and forceful. With Spina, I don't have to try harder, it just comes naturally to mind what to throw next. It's such an alien feeling to me that I can't put it simply at all. But it's nice to not be looked as an old hag." Even the mental load of Clear Mind became light as a feather for her. Bernkastel fidgeted with her tail and looked away at the end of her thoughts. She didn't immediately respond to Asher's comment about Cuki, as if sifting through different things in her mind at the moment. "... Yes. I think so too," she said with a distant gaze.

And how much of a fool I was for not seeing it.

Bern looked over at Zenta fiddling with the food, using that to change the subject for the lull in conversation. "Not a fan, I take it? Surely there's something here to your liking Zenta." She reached over and took the dish, which was an odd choice considering she preferred more fanciful dishes with cooked fish. "It's been a long time since I've had meat like this. I don't miss it, but it feels a little nostalgic. Let's see..." The witch instinctively reached for the raw meat with a bare hand, pausing to grab a nearby set of utensils and 'properly' pick up the piece out of the bowl. Bern took her time to chew it delicately before taking a napkin and wiping her mouth, no sense of delight nor disgust anywhere in her features. "Hm. The texture isn't nearly as unpleasant as the other form, but it leaves much to be desired in terms of flavor. Let's find something better to go with the rice. You can't subsist off just tea you know."

Mooli stifled a giggle while Cayde drew out the scene with Vegetto, nodding in agreement as she waited for the outcome. Either the fusion would give up or stubbornly bend to their antics in favor of adhering to her instructions. She made an exaggerated expression suprise and pointed at Vegetto in response to his quietly uttered gratitude.

"I don't believe it! Twice in one day!? We might make it through the first 24 hours after all!!!" She hooked an arm around Cayde's shoulders while they celebrated. "You better keep your word when that time comes! We might have a real project on our hands with this one and I'm gonna need some extra backup to get 'er done! Okiedokie then--" Mooli turned back to Vegetto and gestured to an empty seat at the table next to Clark. "Keep it up and the week'll be over in no time! Now get some grub and dig in with us before it's all gone!"

Berserk's ribbons drooped and she fiddled with them in silent melancholy while Lucifer spoke with Avalon.

"I'll be okay, really! I got these tattoos cause Lucifer said I was fit for a... what'd he call it again? A demi-fiend? I dunno what all that means but I still feel like the same old me." Berserk looked sad at the thought of having to depart, but she was most upset about having to leave without Avalon. The two of them got along the best and had gone through a lot together when dealing with the Xypher Crisis. "Besides... He has a point, Avalon. Even now I couldn't do anything to help you at all. The only reason I even won the tournament was because I was lucky enough to have Daiman on the team... I still have no clue how he was able to get past Bern and Grandpa. They're the strongest ones! And then there was the test... even if we all wanted to there's no way we could win if an enemy as strong as Lucifer wanted to really get serious. I hate feeling powerless and I feel it the longer I stick around... the only reason we aren't dead is because something lucky happens when we really need it to. But what if our luck runs out one day and not even Bernie can get us out of it?" Berserk asked. "I don't wanna be dead weight or get someone killed just because I didn't know what to do. You don't have to try and be their leader, y'know? Grandpa is already grumpy about us being around, he'd rather die kicking and screaming than hand that over to anyone else." The powerpunk lit up and gestured towards herself. "Ooh! Maybe you can come with me? Lucifer knows a lot of stuff so maybe he can help you learn more about yourself? Even if he says no, we could still hang out."
Vegetto immediately glared at Mooli and Cayde, his eyebrow twitching again at the sight of their enjoyment at his expense. Yet once Mooli offered the seat next to Clark, his expression softened slightly; a subconscious response at the welcoming gesture, despite his desire to maintain the sour mood of his pride being wounded by the teasing.

Despite it all, however, Vegetto moved and walked to the seat offered, soon pulling out the chair from the table and taking a seat next to Clark in the feast. His eyes lifted a bit, and although his own wrath had slightly built against the teasing, he watched on while Cayde and Mooli celebrated, the android elated as he threw up finger guns.

"You got it!"

Vegetto shook his head, a small chuckle escaping his lips as he brushed off their silliness finally and sat comfortably in his seat. His eyes lifted, first finding Clark and seeing his friend consume the crunchy noodles with such warmth and love. He turned next, watching the more composed Zenta and Bernkastel discuss the palette calmly to each other as a stark contrast to Mooli and Cayde's goofy antics, no doubt overshadowing but not offending the quiet and shy Daiman next to them. And as the others seated around the table quietly enjoyed their meal, Vegetto glanced down for a moment, inwardly reflecting on that small sense of longing that rose up a bit.

Vegetto soon turned his head, however, and quelled that feeling as he picked up on Lucifer and Berserk departing. He glanced over to Avalon, listening quietly to the objection and the offer Berserk made. The Potara fusion prepared to speak, to advise that Avalon should let Berserk go on her own and trust she could handle herself. Yet at the thought, Vegetto paused, knowing he was in no position to give advice and likely would not earn even consideration from Avalon or Berserk. As well, the last time he proudly, confidently and wrongly believed that one could handle the situation on their own without aid, Spina nearly died within the confines of Vegetto's own city.

Vegetto held his tongue, turning away from the conversation and glancing around. The older Saiyan filled his thoughts next, the gradual and direct animosity towards the entire group concerning Vegetto now. Only within the one moment of the tournament, did Spina appear like his old self when the team had formed to stop Doctor Doom. Vegetto knew all too well the immense sense of validation and purpose he felt when facing an opponent he respected, and he glanced towards Bernkastel too; both having shown a connection that breathed life into them even for just a fleeting moment. But that moment had passed, and with Spina's current absence and Bernkastel's poised and emotionless mask returning, Vegetto thought more on the problem brewing beneath the surface.

Vegetto turned his gaze around, narrowing his eyebrows when Spina was no where in sight.

"Has anyone seen Spina?"
Avalon frowned upon listening to Lucifer. He could not deny his words nor argue. His thoughts ran back to the fight between the various fights with the Elite Xy’phers, the Red King, then with Zenta. He felt his shoulders slump in defeat as he realized that he hardly did anything to help Clark. He desperately wanted to, but it felt as if he had a deep harbored fear and hate of Zenta, one that he didn’t quite understand.

Avalon clenched his hands into fists. In a way, he felt useless. Berserk’s words rang through his head, making him think a million thoughts.

I hate feeling powerless…

Avalon, in a way, felt the same way, but unlike Berserk, he cannot simply get as strong as she will. For a moment, he stared at his hands, contemplating Berserk’s offer of joining her and sticking together. Something internally told him not to do it, being very wary of Lucifer. While Lucifer was not a direct threat, per say, something within Avalon told him to stay away from him.

Berserk’s words brought him back to reality, and, for the first time in a while, he laughed, genuinely being at ease with Berserk.

“Nah, I can’t let Lucifer talk about me like that, right? I’ll show him by shaping myself up.” Avalon gestured to himself in a similar fashion as Berserk. “I don’t want you to think I’m some lame nerd. I’ll shape up that you’ll hardly recognize me! The next time we meet, I’ll knock your socks off!”

Avalon said with confidence, albeit still sad. He wanted to give Berserk a smile before she left. His eyes widen as he quickly dug into his leg pouch and pulled out a kunai from his arsenal.

“Here, keep this so you can remember that dorky ninja you bullied.” Avalon laughed, ruffling Berserk’s hair. “Now get out of here, you rascal. Remember to brush your teeth and try not to cause too much trouble, okay?”

Zenta watched silently as Bernkastel ate the raw meat, a part of him wanting a bite, but he restrained himself. He listened to Bernkastel remind him he cannot simply live off tea and rice alone, so he made a subtle smile, agreeing with the Witch.

“Perhaps my diet of rice and tea can change with your… guidance, my Lady. I have never been picky.”

“Grandpa, you should totally try my plate!” Asher said, lifting his vegetarian meal towards the fox. Zenta politely declined.

“No, my little warrior, I prefer you eat your meal and regain your strength. How else will you fight your rivals?”

“Oh yeah!” Asher nodded before looking between Zenta and Bernkastel. “You must really like Bern… Bernkas… Bah, I’ll call you Kettles.”

“She is a friend, not a love interest. Thanks to her, I have a nice visor to cover up my… unsightly deformity.” Zenta said, clearing his throat. “But perhaps you and Lady Bernkastel can help me with my food palette? It is rather lackluster…”
Berserk chuckled as she took the kunai into her hands. "That's just like you, isn't it? The same goes for me! Let's totally have a match when we meet back up! I'd hate to leave you emptyhanded, so here--" she trailed off thinking of a memento to leave him in exchange. "Red goes good with purple!" Using his kunai, Berserk grasped one of her hair ribbons and cut a small piece off before handing it to him. "It's long enough to be a good luck charm for anything ya want!" Despite her smile and easygoing tone, she glanced at the ninja once more with hesitance to leave. Suddenly, she hopped close to Avalon to give him a hug. "Don't die while I'm gone, y'hear? Or else I'll come over and put your Coin in a jar of pickle juice and shake it every time I get mad," she said quietly over his shoulder before pulling away and giving him one last smile.

"I got my fill from the concession stand snacks, so I'll head out now. See you guys later." Berserk gave the group a wave, her smile fading away slightly as she turned and floated her way to Lucifer. "Kay, where're we headed to first?"

"Bye-bye for now," Bernkastel waved back casually. "As for food, we could start with something easy like soups or the like... I'm not particularly skilled with nutrition though." The Witch glanced up at Vegetto's question and noticed Spina still hadn't returned from wherever he skulked off to.

"Does he normally do that?" Mooli asked between bites of food.

"Somewhat. It's unlike him to wander off too far though, especially in a place we aren't familiar. I could go look for him before it gets dark?" Bern asked.

Mooli glanced back at Vegetto expectantly, silently wondering what his response would be.
Avalon blinked as Berserk hugged him, feeling a wave of warmth. He smiled softly to himself as he watched Berserk run off to Lucifer. Deep down, he didn't want her to go, but he couldn't stop the Powerpunk from getting stronger. In an odd way, he felt proud, watching her tap into a potential he didn't even know she had.

"Heh, yeah... I'll be alright." Avalon said to himself, acknowledging Berserk's quib. He stared at the ribbon piece Berserk gifted him, clutching it tightly in his hand. Just be careful out there, Berserk. This world is not without its surprises...

"Soup? Hm. Ah, yes, flavored water with added protein. Perhaps that will be a wonderful addition to my white rice and tea." Zenta's ears perked up upon hearing Lucifer saying he would depart. His head quickly shot to the angel, and he cleared his throat before standing up. "Please pardon me for a moment, Lady Bernkastel, I believe I must say goodbye to our... fallen angel."

Zenta gently gave Bernkastel a pat on her shoulder before making his way to Lucifer. He didn't have his typical battle hungry aura, but rather, an innate curiosity. The fox smiled as he leaned against the wall next to Lucifer, his arms crossing over his chest.

"Leaving so soon, Lucifer Morningstar? We haven't even had dinner yet... I'll even let you indulge me in your finer cuisine." Zenta snickered softly, his voice low and nearly a purr.

Asher scooted closer to Bernkastel, turning to see Zenta talking with Lucifer. He had never seen his grandfather so infatuated with someone, but even he knew his grandfather was a bit mysterious. Still, he believed Zenta could easily handle himself.

"Hey, Kettles, check out grandpa." Asher whispered mischievously. "What a fox! ...No pun intended. Bah, that Lucifer dude is no good for Grandpa, I don't know why he's tryin' to play with that bully."
“You’ll see when we get there.” Lucifer spoke to Berserk. However, his attention shifted when he noticed Zenta approaching him in a causal manner. With a quick wit, the angel shot down their “supposed” plan for a date. “After that disastrous display at the tournament? I’ll be out before the appetizer.” Lucifer’s tone was straight to the point and harsh. “I expected better, Zenta.”
"Did you? Well, you fought everyone but me, yes? You did not get an accurate representation of my strength, Lucifer Morningstar..."

Zenta's tone matched Lucifer, being low and harsh.

"If you wish to see my strength and capability, then let us fight before you leave. I assure you, you will leave satisfied, Lucifer Morningstar..."
“No need, I already knew the full capabilities of your strength some time ago.” Lucifer’s interest in Zenta was fleeing by the moment; his eyes indicate that he was bored of this conversation. “Please don’t tarnish what little interest I have to you by suggesting a pointless bout.” His eyes were as sharp as daggers, staring into the beast with his cold, blue eyes even though the latter was blind. “Had you passed the test, this would’ve been a different conversation, but you didn’t. You’re not ready. Only Spina is truly capable to reach such so far.”
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