The Reality Vortex: Red Reputations

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Bernkastel watched the scenes play out quietly, her eyes following the men as they wordlessly left the same way they came in. Only silence fell over her while she studied Vegetto's body language, shifting her gaze away from him when Zenta finished speaking to him. On the subject touching upon Cuki, Bern felt the instinct not to look him in the face, but her brows furrowed in evident confusion about what she was told and what she interpreted from Cuki's behaviors before she left. Zenta's reassurance and explanation held some similarities to the things Cuki wrote in her letter to Bern, which caused her gaze to soften just a bit amidst her confusion.

"That's one way of putting it. It's hard to understand..." she trailed off quietly. Even if Cuki asked Zenta to look after the Breakers, she couldn't forget the fight they had that night. Shouldn't it have been the other way around? She frowned to herself while continuing to think on that, not seeming very reassured. While the fight wasn't nearly as personal from Bern's end like with Vegetto, she still lashed out at Cuki and escalated an outburst that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Bern tried her best, but she didn't approach Cuki's reaction the best way. She would still be falling short.

Feeling her chest tighten, she lowered her head and shut her eyes, but pressed her forehead into Zenta's. "I do fear it... because failure... is undesirable. Unacceptable," she whispered in a nervous shake, keeping it low only for him to hear. Could she deal with stumbling and failing again in her endeavors? Could she accept it might be another moment of weakness others would bear witness to? Would her pride even allow that? These thoughts were distressing. Even so, given a few moments to herself after Zenta pulled away Bernkastel stared off in silence.

Berserk floated there with her arms crossed, eyeing Vegetto with a weighted caution before speaking once she deemed it safe. "Those guys probably weren't gonna be of any help anyway if they don't want to hear it, so let 'em walk. We don't gotta hold hands and sing hippie songs, but we all know we have to do something about the Red King. Also I'm hungry and could really go for lunch like Munch over here." she jabbed a thumb to Avalon next to her. "Cooler heads prevail and all that."

Bernkastel looked up at Avalon, pulled out of her thoughts and nodding once before looking over to Cayde and Vegetto expectantly. She needn't speak when her gaze said it all: was he in, or was he out?
“Bravo! Magnificent!” Lucifer praised as slowly started to clap until it sounded like a thunderous applause from the sheer speed of it. Brask and the others immediately stand down upon Vegetto’s body language, and withdrew from the room they arrived in, ending their attempted feud that would most likely either added more to the flames or added a body count. Moving forward, Lucifer approached Vegetto as their faces were mere inches from one another. In a stark contrast to that of Zenta, who tried to calm the situation and offers advice, Lucifer on the other hand was simply delighted on sewing the flames that led to a perfect spectacle to end this “quarrel”. 
As his blue eyes locked onto Vegetto’s, Lucifer’s cheeks puffed out from his grin. He had a face of a man, once again, forcing an issue on Vegetto to decide on the course of action and deal with the consequences. “We didn’t properly meet.” He spoke. “I’m Lucifer Morningstar. Please to meet your acquaintance. I hope we get along very well.” He paused for a moment before continuing. “Oh, yes, and.” Lucifer’s face turned into a wide grin. “Welcome back to the Breakers, Vegetto.” Not waiting for a reply, he passed by the Saiyan and Cayde and stood by the door where Brask and others exited. “I do wonder how we will get our fill… if people heard that, chances are, people are going to be spitting in our meals. And I don’t think we would want that… especially such dissolving in ramen.”

Lucifer turned towards the others, his smugness still ringing through. Whatever reasoning he did for broadcasting their thoughts across the city—it’s clear that his aim was accomplished. “Now, we what can we eat….” He tapped his finger on his lips.

Spina stood silently, seeing Vegetto’s language shifted from pouring out his feelings to the coldness towards his own men.  “Hmph. They survived.” He let out a small chuckle, sensing that Vegetto made a clear intention on outright killing them where they stood. Though, one thing that stood out among this conversation was the concept of self-hatred and fear of ending up in this situation. He thought about his own experience. Usually, Spina would be sympathized, but now, he’d completely dismissive of such—even his own feelings on that regard. “Are we done? If so, let’s move along.”
Bage tensed as the other rougues came rushing in, accusing Vegetto of being an traitor. And with good reason after his harsh words were broadcasted all over the city that trusted him. It was hard watching this unstable Saiyan clenching his fist with the intent to kill if one wrong word was uttered. It was hard for the detective to watch. But after they left, the group seemed to settle down a bit and brought up the topic of a meal. "Please keep in mind that its still too early for Ramen." Bage joked as the room's atmosphere shifted to one much more calm. It was a start, he thought, as long as this sort of thing wouldn't be more of a habit than it already was. 

As the others began toward the door, he turned to Gogeta. The Junior detective rested his hand on the fusion's shoulder to hault him from joining the others, making sure to adressed him quietly. "Could I speak with you for a moment? I'll try and make it brief." He said.
Vegetto stood silently, his eyes shifting to the side to stare down Zenta while the beast spoke. His stare softened, keeping a small frown while he listened on. However the words seemed to do little to phase the man: the advice itself changing the slight stare of indifference somehow still poignant yet void within the Potara fusion's eyes. He shifted his gaze, looking over the Breakers at Zenta's gesture towards them in silence.

The words rung hollow to the man; the apathetic stare falling slightly to the floor and ignoring Spina's curt attempt to end the conversation.

"You don't get it. It isn't a wound...or just...a part of me that I lost. She was everything to me...and in the end, I didn't even realize it until she was already gone. I always cherish her memory; not a day goes by where I don't remember the warmth she brought me. But today's made it clear enough that the emptiness I feel hasn't changed. I thought I had done it; this was supposed to be everything my universe wanted me to be. To use my power for good, and put aside my own selfish needs. Yet here I am...surrounded by grateful cities and a hero's reputation...feeling no wiser than when I left home. "

Vegetto glanced slightly over his shoulder, the muffled sound of sirens wailing off in the distance. The noise did little to surprise him, rather, the expression on his face indicated he heard the noise all too consistently and was familiar with it ringing out once again as he inhaled deeply through his nose before continuing.

"And when I look back to see the journey I've made...there's still no one I truly love left standing beside me."

Gogeta frowned immediately, the last revelation in Vegetto's words left a stinging sensation in his chest. He gently set Bernkastel down, having listened in mostly for Zenta's talk to her before Vegetto's retort, but his eyes lifted towards his counterpart across the way. As Bernkastel feared the final end result that led to Vegetto, so too did Gogeta listening on to Vegetto's admission. He wanted to speak; the realization of how strained their former relationship as family now had become since the time apart in the Vortex, but he remained silent while Cayde, instead, spoke up next.

"Well bud, what the guy is trying to that there's still time to change that. Just keep going...I'll help you get there, and hopefully, so will the Breakers."

Vegetto's stare remained mostly unchanged, yet his eyebrows lifted a little bit as his eyes twinkled slightly. A spark of hope, possibly, reignited, but it vanished just as quickly as it appeared. Yet as soon as Lucifer moved into his eyesight, Vegetto's eyebrows narrowed fiercely into a glare. His eyes met Lucifer's throughout the greeting, following the angel after he left while grunting in annoyance, his dual voice in a low frustrated whisper.


Cayde perked his head a bit, glancing towards the window in the room. The city could barely be viewed below, but the streets seemed to be filled with moving specks that undoubtedly were people.

"Yeah...well actually, we don't have to worry about that. Brask and the others used to do this all the time; when the boss became unruly, they'd clear the city out. Said he was too dangerous to be around...even though the people probably didn't realize why they were being evacuated until this time."

He shrugged slightly in glancing around.

"So I dunno, my ramen's out cause my favorite shopkeepers are leaving too so maybe we should have blue and blondie over here-"

Cayde jerked his thumb at Brachi.

"-cook something up for everyone like she wanted to yesterday. The shops will be empty, but one of them will have supplies for this."

Gogeta kept his frown, unwavered by the discussion and reaching into his vest pocket. He gently rummaged through the trading card deck he still hung onto of the Breakers he got at the card shop a long time ago, but stopped when he found the Kassava card at the top of the deck. He pulled it out in his left hand, preparing to walk forward to Vegetto but stopped at the hand gripping onto his left shoulder. Gogeta blinked, turning around to face Bage with a mostly confused wide eyed stare, his dual voice light.

"Ok. What is it?"
"Whelp, let's just eat something already. I'm starvin'..." Avalon said while holding out his scroll. "If no one wants to cook, I can make a dinner pop out of my scroll. Won't taste the same as home cooking but it's better than nothin'."

"At times like this, I truly miss Cuki's cooking. Ah well, I suppose I can try something new," Zenta sighed before turning his gaze to Lucifer. "I suppose you will be interested in this 'Tale of the Monster' Avalon proposes. I heard only a few rumors about it but I was always too busy with training to hear the whole thing. However, I do remember that people spoke of how... chaotic this monster was. Despite how horrible this monster was, the tales were quite interesting, to say the least."

"Oh yeah! Totally! Chances are me, Cuki and Zenta wouldn't even exist if this monster was never stopped!" Avalon shivered slightly. "But hey, if Brachi can cook some food for us, let's get goin'! I'll provide the entertainment with cool visuals. Heh, my lil' sis always told me I was good at showing the stories I tell!"

As Avalon boasted about the story, Zenta kept his arms behind his back, standing close to Lucifer. He kept his gaze forward, almost as if trying to not face Lucifer directly.

"You know more than you tell, Lucifer," He kept his voice low. "I have a few questions to ask you about Coins, their purpose, Spina's condition, and what is beyond the normal scopes of this realm. Perhaps it can be a conversation you can enjoy. After all, you will get to express your views more... vividly. At least compared to the others, I will not be so quick to judge you. Of course, I expect you to challenge my views too. Maybe it can be an insight for the both of us or the budding of a rivalry? Ohoho."

Zenta chuckled to himself, realizing that he was proposing such things to Lucifer of all people. He knew better than to get too close, especially when talking about himself. His hand reached out to pet Lilith on the head and scratch under the chin; it seemed that he was a little friendly to Lilith but even then, he knew not to trust anyone who was associated with Lucifer. He treaded on dangerous waters but there are many things he wished to know, not just for the sake of Cuki but for a purpose for his life in Reality Vortex. Why was he here and what can he do? The only one who knew the information he wanted was a man who knew how to pick at the ideas and words of others for his own amusement.

"Hey, we should tell Brachi what we want to eat. I'm sure she can make anything as long as she has the stuff, right? You got a kitchen 'round here, right Cayde?" Avalon puffed his chest in confidence. "I'm feelin' mighty good today, so I'll be brave enough to eat whatever Berserk wants to eat! I've never had 'city' food, so maybe it'll actually be good! Bring me your worse, Berserk, I can handle it! What about you, Zenta? What do you fancy?"

I have to be incredibly careful around him. Judging how easily he broadcasted Vegetto's statement, I cannot give him anything to take advantage of from my end. This will not be hard as long as I keep the conversation away from my origins. Zenta seemed lost in his thoughts that he did not overhear Avalon calling out to him while he continued to play with Lilith. But Lucifer is no fool either. There is no doubt he will certainly have his ways...

"Uhh, Zenta?"

It is when I'm not talking to him that he is most dangerous to me... And he knows it... 


Zenta's ears perked up upon hearing Avalon call his name. He shook his head to rid his mind of his thoughts and turned to face Avalon with a small look of surprise. A small smile formed on his lips as he chuckled lightheartedly.

"Forgive me, I was having too much fun petting Lilith."

"Aren't you gonna tell Brachi what you want to eat? Better let her know now before she starts cookin'."

"Ah, hmm..." The beast pondered this for a moment, unable to think of anything specific. "I am not so good with food. I will simply have whatever Lady Bernkastel decides to eat, with the usual herbal tea on the side. I trust her palette is more varied and refined than mine."

"Yeah, you don't look like the guy to have a wild side, let alone good taste. No offense."

"I will choose to ignore that statement."

"Alright then! Cayde, you know this place like the back of your hand, so where is the dining room and kitchen in this building? Oh! Also, if you don't mind, can you put some roses and candles for Berserk? Gotta make things nice if I'mma make this date special for Berserk, hehehe." He turned to the other Breakers. "Let's take this time to catch up on ol' times and just bond with each other, as friends, okay? No rivalry, no hissy-fits, no crying, and no drama. Just a, uhhh, a good time between friends, alright? Please? I just don't like it when you guys fight or cry, I heard a lot of good things about you prior to your reputation going down the toilet... I.. I believe you guys are still good deep down, you just took a wrong turn somewhere. You'll get your reputation back, I just know it."
Brachi smiled a little as she heard the others suggest that she could work up on some meals.

"You lot will be amazed with what I can cook up for you lot. If you have any wishes, just let me know and hopefully the ingredients will be there for you," Brachi said, "otherwise you'll have to take potluck." 

"Can I help?" Bara asked.

"Sure, if anyone else wants to help along as well, you're welcome." Brachi added, ready to head to the kitchen area.
"Great idea, Avalon! I can set the roses on fire and show off my sick fire-eating skills-- it's a great party trick. Hmm, but then what if I get flowers in my mouth..." Berserk said as she floated alongside him. "There's plenty of city type food to pick from, so let's not pull any uh... snacks outta that thing you got, Avalon. Pizza is the best thing to try first, you can put all kinds of toppings you want! Ooh, or maybe hot wings is your thing... what about double decker cheeseburgers?" As she suggested all sorts of food it became apparent her tastes in food were reflective of her age, which was practically junk food. "Oh wait, it's too early! Then let's just eat a buncha donuts instead!"

Bernkastel pried her eyes away from Vegetto and down to the floor, clearly brought into a somber mood by the things he said. Cayde speaking about the 'protocol' being taken and its implication that this was fairly frequent made her grimace, however. This being revealed to her just after Vegetto scolding her for being a manipulative troublemaker only further served to cripple the successful image he had tried to build in front of the Breakers. And yet that applied to even his own denizens with what Lucifer just did.

Bernkastel crossed her arms as she stared out of the window. Serves you right, she thought, but there wasn't any cathartic glee that could be taken from the situation. Vegetto seemed to be punishing himself enough by looks alone, and her own insecurities being aired out for all to hear was a costly price in itself. For the both of them, this was pitiful. She sighed from Avalon's urging them to be sociable. "Fine. But someone get Spina some damn pants before I lose any more of my appetite. It's just wrong."

"Yeah! Naked old people are gross, so fix it with your scroll. Otherwise we might puke!" Berserk ribbed Avalon before turning towards Bern. "Speaking of, what're you gonna have, Bernkastel? You gotta eat something for breakfast! It's been days, so crumpets won't do much good for your body."

"Um..." Bern was trying to guess what ingredients Rogue City seemed to have in stock. Typically she'd eat European centered food, but the overall image of the place leaned more to a forgotten world of traditions than what she was used to. "Grilled fish... with an egg on rice," she said quietly. The atmosphere this place had put her under a strange sort of mindspace but she couldn't really put her finger on it. "Any kind of fish."

Berserk didn't expect that. "That's uh... different! But maybe that'll get some color back into your face. Liven you up a bit with a good story."

The smaller girl nodded, though her expression wasn't emotive. "Sure. I like stories." She took one last glance at Gogeta and Bage before turning away to join the others, lowing her head passing by Vegetto and Spina so their eyes wouldn't meet.
Lucifer turned his head slightly towards Cayde’s direction; his face wore a grin; his eyes indicated a sense of conceit upon hearing the android’s explanation of why there will be no ramen after all. “Oh?” His tone touches on being “concern” about the masses of people leaving at once. “I cannot believe that they would be so disloyal that they will just drop everything and leave after what [Vegetto] done for them.” Raising his hand, he wipes a single tear—not an indication of sadness, but rather him being so amused that shed them. Just as quickly, the angel’s eyes narrowed towards both Cayde and Vegetto. “People aren’t born broken… they always start with a fiery passion and yearn for more until something disabuses them from those notions. And based on the sound of those footsteps, I say that your little “heroism” had an abrupt end to the passion these people held for you. I say, I praise Brask’s actions. Unless you are going to force them to go back to the city, right? I mean, you are responsible for them, right?”

Upon hearing that Brachi will volunteered to cook for everyone, Lucifer’s eyes dulled slightly, and his thoughts were interrupted. “I supposed I can teach you the various cuisines later. Chibra,” Lucifer continues to get her name wrong, “is so content on cooking, I am not opposed to it. Anything is better than ramen.” He paused for a moment, clearly not interested in Brachi’s cooking at the slightly. “But I will just have water. I prefer to not have my tongue violated by horrific tastes. Lilith on the other hand has no preference on how she eats—she’ll even eat rubbish, so yours won’t be any different.”

While Lucifer shifted his focus on the meal preparation, Spina studied Vegetto’s body language in his reaction to his own men and how he reacted now by spilling more content about himself. His eyes shifted quickly when Bernkastel ran out to of his vicinity to avoid any eye contact, but the mere reaction of her alone already give insight that the Witch, at the very core, somewhat empathized such feelings. The thought of losing someone forever that you lose a sense of self was completely alien to him. The old Saiyan was reminded of that of Cuki who expressed similar sentiments of bonds and yearn for them.

“Ridiculous.” Furrowing his eyebrows, the Saiyan walked towards Vegetto as his body language was firing off multiple signals of murderous intent. Stopping at just inches away from Vegetto’s face, Spina’s eyes stared into the fusion that shifted from scolding his men to practically falling apart in seconds. “The only thing you are showing here… is the one that became weak… is you.” Turning away, Spina headed to the others despite still being naked. “Try as you might—those memories will fade until you finally embrace what you truly are.”

Adjusting his tie, after Spina walked away. The malicious pressure was considerably stronger after hearing Vegetto’s last bits of reasonings. “Hmm…” He wondered about Spina’s state. “Although, I do believe that Spina is in need of new clothes.” Lucifer’s eyes shifted towards Zenta, who approached him regarding Avalon’s tale. Zenta’s body language perked Lucifer’s interest slightly, watching him slowly as the beast lost himself in his own thoughts. “I suppose a tale during a meal will smooth things over, until we get the real meat: finding more information regarding the Xy’phers and the Red King.” Lucifer said. “Always great to hear about one’s universes.” He had remained silent when Zenta wanted to pry more information out of him. His eyebrows lowered; eyes narrowed; his approach cause the angel to frown. “If you want to have a conversation with me, Zenta, no need to do so with hesitation.” His frown turned into a sinister smile. “However, as you said, I have a very vivid memory, and if I recall, you laid hands on me, again. So, I’d refused to give you any intel that I may have of this world.” “But. If you are so adamant about it, you need to do more to catch my attention than politeness. Find something that will catch my interest, then I might entertain you.” As Lilith coiled tightly around Lucifer’s neck as a means of protection, the angel walked away without giving him a chance to reply with a smirk remaining on his face.
Gogeta's suddenly cooperative attitude took Bage by surprise. To him, it was very unlike the fusion to seem so... innocently confused. Bage's eyes narrowed, looking down at the fusion much more serious now. A thought crossed his mind of the last time he had seen Detective Goku. He was afraid to ask this question in fear that Gogeta had done something drastic to get away from the agency. "Well, last I remember, before the Xy'phers destroyed Metropolis, Goku was taking you into custody for interfering with my investigation and nearly killing your own ex-leader."

The night before was still very fresh in the Saiyan's memory, it was almost hard to believe he survived with his life intact. He continued, crossing his arms in an almost scolding manner. "I need you to explain to me what happened before you escaped. It couldn't have been that easy to slip away from Goku. Did the Xy'phers attack the agency too?"
"Donuts..?" Avalon wondered about what kind of food they were but shrugged, trusting Berserk's taste. "Okay, donuts it is! Anywho, I think I summon a dining table here for us, no need to leave!"

Avalon silently counted the number of people in the room before nodding and throwing the scroll in the air. With a quick flash of hand signs, the man caught the scroll in his hands again and opened it. A large puff of smoke engulfed the room and when it finally settled, a circular dining table was in the center with plates and chairs for each member. Pants also mysteriously appeared on Spina.

"There we go! You guys can pick a seat! In the meanwhile, let me make the scene..."

Zenta, meanwhile, lowered his shoulders, realizing that Lucifer kept his word quite thoroughly. In a way, he regretted putting his hands on the Angel but there was nothing he can do now.

"I see. You truly are a man of your word, Lucifer," Zenta sighed. "I suppose the only thing of interest I can talk about were my days before meeting the Breakers. I was in Doom's castle and I met and spoke with many colorful characters. Superman, Air Dancer, Wordplay..." He rubbed his chin, trying to remember everyone as best he could. "Ah yes, and the new kid. I heard he had many tattoos and a blunt personality, but, I must say... he was no push-over. Demi...-something. I simply remember him as the Demon Child with the tattoos, according to Cuki." The beast shrugged as he turned his back to Lucifer, assuming he would not care. "I know him faintly, but Cuki told me everything about her experience with him. I doubt you have interests in a child though. However, if you ever wish to talk, my door will always be open, Lucifer."

Avalon was writing things down in his scroll before looking over at each Breaker. He nodded to himself as he zipped his scroll shut before placing it right in the center of the table. A light blue mist started to come from the scroll and slowly engulf the room, giving it a mystic atmosphere. Compared to the mist they were used to (Byakko), this one felt cooler and gave them a hint of tranquility. It was pleasant, to say the least. The table looked to be floating but it was an illusion that was cast over the whole room.

"Ready or not, it's showtime!" Avalon shouted before disappearing into the mist. Some of the mist in the room began to take shape into four figures that had a mix of Avalon's drawing style (like the birds) and a misty-like component. As he spoke, the scenery changed in real-time all around the Breakers, giving them a very immersive experience.

"Long, long ago, there were four Divine Beings that created our universe. The Being of Balance, the Being of Willpower, the Being of Emotion, and the Being of Knowledge. They created life and gifted the mortals with these four essential components that they can use to enrich their lives. We were free to do as we pleased since the Divine Beings gave us the will to evolve and choose our own path, good or bad. There were bad guys out there but there was always a bigger fish to squash 'em... except for one..."

The mist around then turned from blue to red, primarily for special effects. From the dark fog formed werewolf-like beings, each one more savage and bloodlust than the other. They were all incredibly tall, taller, and bulkier than any of the Breakers. Some walked on two legs while some were more comfortable on all fours. All of them had a unique hair/fur color, primarily from the dirt and blood of others, and a strong canine appearance. They all had large ears that were completely erect and only some had tails. The mist harboring these creatures rushed to the Breakers but went right through them, attacking a creature behind them, ripping it to unidentifiable shreds like a pack of wolves.

"These were known as the Zorroxes. They were nothin' but bad news... They turned planets into, quite literally, an arena of blood and amusement. No planet was safe from these savages. This was a species that had no equal thanks to the unique abilities they had. The ability to share their memories and the ability to never forget anything--ever. They were able to remember every little thing, every tiny detail, down to a T. Legend says they even remember their very past lives, down to their very first ancestor! This made them evolve faster than any other species in our universe because they would constantly learn every move, every mistake that they, and their enemies, made. They would even learn magic, martial arts, and other forms of combat by just watching it once... They would go from planet to planet, erasing every speck of life they saw for amusement. If one wave of Zorrox were exterminated by a species, the second wave would utterly dominate the planet then eat any survivors. It was unknown exactly how they spread their knowledge and memories to each other, but some rumors think it could be in their blood.  What isn't a rumor is how dangerous and powerful their eyes were..."

All the Zorroxes around the Breakers suddenly opened their four eyes in unison, eyeing each one down. All four eyes had pitch black sclera with one pair have icy blue pupils and the other pair a deep crimson.

"They all had four eyes! These eyes were like a camera, able to snap and record every little movement. They were highly intelligent creatures and they stored every minute detail in their heads and spread it to their neighbor. These eyes gave them the ability to see in the dark as well as predict movements to a certain degree! The females were particularly dangerous since they had the ability to hypnotize anyone who looked directly into all four of their eyes. But the strongest and worst of them all was their leader... His name was never recorded but he was the one that set the species on a universal-scale genocide. He even killed the newborns in his own race, only allowing the strong ones to live so they can continue to evolve even stronger. To make matters worse, they lived quite a long time, at least compared to everything they slaughtered. As they evolved, they started to learn powerful magic and other arts that made them even stronger. So strong, in fact, that they were able to kill the demi-gods in our universe; the ones responsible for transporting, judging and resting the souls of those who perished. The leader of the Zorroxes wanted to see who would be strong enough to take them on. Eventually, the leader declared war on the whole universe, saying that he would slaughter everything in his path... and he almost won."

The mist turned a mix of white, blue, red, and green as the Four Divine Beings loomed above the Breakers and the Zorrox race. One was easily recognizable as Byakko. Each Being was shrouded in their respective color of mist.

"The Four Divine Beings broke the sacred balance and went to help the mortals. The leader of the Zorroxes did everything he could to obtain power, even killing absolutely everything in sight-- even his own kind in blood lusted ecstasy. He didn't care as long as he got to fight the Divine Beings, eat their flesh, and be the one to rule all. There was a magnificent duel between them but the Divine Beings came out on top. The sole survivor of the Zorroes was the leader and the Divine Beings punished him harshly... It was known as the Divine Punishment... This species was the first and only one in our universe to receive such a punishment."

The Zorrox leader had a chain and collar around his neck, embedded and marked on his skin. He was forced to his knees as he struggled to stand.

"The Divine Beings issued a punishment of their own to the leader for his war crimes. They took his eyes and stripped him of all his power. From there, they flung him into the depths of the universe, leaving him with an unknown fate. Since then, the Divine Beings disappeared, allowing us mortals to rebuild and reshape our universe," The scene around the Breakers started to return back to normal as the mist began to disappear. Avalon stood upside down on the ceiling before dropping and landing on top of the table as he read his scroll. "News spread that the monster was arrested, put on trial, and executed by the Royal Wind. ...But there were a ton of rumors saying the monster appeared in other places before being killed only to reappear somewhere else. Like an endless cycle. I'm not sure how much I buy it tho', could be shapeshifters or other people trying to hog the glory. There's no doubt that horrible monster is dead, his death even became a holiday for the ones who held his trial. Besides, Zenta told me that our universes are long dead along with everyone in 'em, so yeah, good riddance stupid monster!"

"My, my, what a tale," Zenta said, clapping his hands in awe. "To think I knew so little of what happened to our universe! Then again, I barely had time to hear such legends due to my training and fatherhood, ohoho~"

"Yup, Pops told me the story when I was young and he heard it from his father, and so on. See, my scroll is super important and valuable. It's known as the Scroll of Truths because everything written inside is only the truth. It was blessed by Seilong himself! And just like Seilong, this scroll is unable to tell a lie! Pops said that our founder fought tooth and nail to seek justice and harmony between the many clans in my world. Legend says he was the one that unified our powers and race before we wiped ourselves out..."

"I wonder how that monster appeared in other places or why people would transform into it?" Zenta scratched his chin in thought. "Sounds silly considering what it did to us..."

"Most were just cult fanatics if you ask me," Avalon said with a scoff as he rolled his eyes. He soon hopped off the table and sighed. "Yeah but not all was peace and harmony after the monster was punished and executed. Lots of other species made war with one another for resources, land, and so on. But like all the bad, there were a lot of good things. Tons of treaties and unification between other species emerged. Slowly but surely, everything started to take back its natural balance."

"I suppose it does not matter now, considering our situation," Zenta smiled. "Then again, it is nice to have our universe's history recorded. Perhaps Cuki would enjoy listening to a story like this... or maybe not, ohoho~"
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