The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Reality Metropolis

Gogeta’s punch embedded on Ultraman’s chest. Being constricted and unable to properly defend himself, he took the brute force of the attack head-on. His own energy felt like needles shredding down his own body—until Ultraman’s back exploded behind as consequence. 

As rainbow energy flare around, the debris of the remaining building airborne shattered into dozens of pieces as the Kryptonian fell down towards the ground. The impact, despite efforts done by Cross’ workers assisting people—the entire city was completely and utterly devastated. In the scorching heat, Ultraman’s eyes darted back and forth as he sees Reality Metropolis into a complete wasteland and engulfed by flames; and the people unable to be saved nor evacuated, had perished.

“You….” Ultraman uttered underneath his breath.


Stacey’s eyes widened of what she had witnessed, Chad, on the other than became irritated at the sight. “What side? Are you seriously trying to justify this? I don’t give a damn about the Breakers, but that man is a danger. You can make any excuses you want.” Chad turned towards them. “Gogeta and Bernkastel are extremists that have no regard to life. And the Breakers that continue to be associated with him are in complicit.” 

Chad grabbed Stacey’s arm gently. “We have to go before we become the next target.”

“….” Stacy paused before nodding. “….Yes. Excuse us.” Both Stacey and Chad ran off to another direction, away from the destroyed city.

Cuki’s Apartment

In reality, when Dark Energy is present, the effects of healing and restoring stamina is null and void. However, it wasn’t that Spina was critically injured. Instead, Spina went into deep thought as his head was buried in the dirt.

“What in the world have we accomplished here?”

This was Spina’s thought of the matter. For the past 3 years, it felt like they were just simply waiting for death. No interest in battling, no interest in doing any productive. Did Doctor Doom truly put a damper on their motivation, confidence, and morale? Perhaps that is why Cuki has been off, nor Bernkastel being more willingly to let Gogeta slide for his mistakes.

"What kind of world would you want for innocent souls that end up here? Would you watch them fall into the preying hands of a selfish god over and over, or would you guide them towards a life far more liberating than that?”

Bernkastel’s thought ringed his head when she said that to him. Spina realized that they were nowhere near that sentiment.

Spina placed his arm against the ground and pull himself up off the ground. “We’re doing things my way.” The old Saiyan uttered under his breath, clenching his fist.

Suddenly, with one swift of his arm, Spina deflected Brachi’s energy blast to another direction, as he appeared in front of the Panich. “Stop trying to get to her, Brachi.” Spina scolded as he turned his head slightly to face Brachi, Cross and Bara. “Your attempts to break her isn’t working; she isn’t a friend, and you aren’t here to make such.” Spina stared down at Panich, seeing the Dark energy crackled around her body. “I’ll be taking things from here. Go off to the Valley of Black Crystals and recused Cuki and Lucifer. Get Bernkastel first... you can sense that fool's [Gogeta's] energy along the way. Don't bother arguing into saying. Go.” He clenched his fists tightly. "Let's the true battle of Saiyans commence." 
Cuki's apartment

Cross says "Ok and I not dispelling the spell that going to back you up."

Cross says to Branch and Bara "Just tell me wend you two want to be teleported to our first stop." Cross seems ready to teleport them.

near the battlefield

The Woman says "Do keep in mind your hero is partly to blame for some the deaths." She went back to work and says "Gest that needs to be repoted." The woman says giving orders to some other units "Units 4 and 6 take over for unit 5 that just got wiped. Bring in the reserves of unit 10 and 11."

The man says "you may need to combine unit 3 with 4." She nods and dos as the man suggested.
Cuki's eyes shot open in anger upon hearing Hart blame her for the actions of a few. She got furious and glared towards Hart with pure hatred in her icy blue eyes. Her teeth were bared as she defended herself against Hart.

"Don't you dare lump me with them! I have done nothing wrong to you or the people of this city! I've tried my best to help you! I cannot control the actions of all the Breakers! They won't listen to me!" Cuki spat while slowly rising to her feet. Hart's statement really struck a nerve with her. "I saved you and Ultraman from the very monster destroying the city right now, yet you imprison me?! I stopped Gogeta from destroying the entire city in a drunken stupor three nights ago when everyone was defenseless, yet you talk down to me?! You capture me?! You belittle ME?!"

Cuki walked as close as she could to the Black crystals without touching them, heeding Lucifer's warning about them. She picked up a nearby rock and throw it as hard as she could towards Hart knowing it would not do a thing. Her eyes were full of fury but she had tears rolling down her cheeks. Was it frustration or was Cuki hiding deeper feelings?

"You think I like what they're doing?! You think I haven't spoken to them about this? Tried to change their views? They are stubborn, Hart... They only listen to fists and power. Words mean nothing to them... But I listen and heard every complaint in this city, and trust me, I wanted to change the Breakers." Cuki's rage slowly subsided, albeit slightly. "Sometimes I wish they would suffer the consequences and disappear... Sometimes I wish they'd get a taste of their own medicine... But only the stubborn ones, the ones with no sense of respect... Gogeta, Bernkastel, Brachi, Panich, even Spina... I wish you teach them a lesson, yet you waste your time and torture me..."

Cuki got even closer to the Black Crystals, trying her best to eye down Hart from the army surrounding her. She seemed to have no regard for her safety but she made sure not to touch the Crystals. This seemed personal for Cuki. As the little Saiyan calmed herself down, her voice got low and intimidating as she managed to peer through some of the Crystals to stare directly into Hart's eyes. Her gaze was piercing right through the lady, unblinking. Behind that eye was nothing but pure paroxysm.

"You plan to turn me to a coin and plunge the very city into destruction, dragging innocent lives into the mix so you can feel a sense of satisfaction. How truly disgusting you are, little Hart... Your plan is only to benefit you." Cuki paused before leaning in even closer to the Crystals, her face mere inches from touching them while she leered down at Hart with her icy gaze. Her voice changed as well, sounding like a mix of cuki's voice and a man. "...You are no better than the Breakers..."
Brachi and Majin Bara teleported to Cross' side with Brachi using Instant Transmission.

"Take us there now, Spina can deal with that traitor." Brachi said.

"Are you sure?" Bara asked.

"I'm sure Spina has something up his sleeve," Brachi replied, "Panich should have known better."
Reality Metropolis

As the fires billowed up from the damage left in the wake of their battle, Gogeta slowly descended down to the ground after Ultraman. He panted lightly, the blue and golden energy behind the fire dissipating away in an instant; taking the blue fur and extensive power with it in Gogeta's reversion to his normal form. The fusion audibly panted heavily from the intense battle, his arms at his sides.

He stood a few feet in front of Ultraman; the Metamoran jacket ruffling in the breeze of the scorching wind that bustled through from the wreckage, and his blue sash flowing to his side in the wind. Gogeta's narrowed eyes locked onto Ultraman for a moment, the scene of the destruction behind him to give an ominous shadow to the man while he thought to himself.

I should hold back...the Breakers want me to heal the image. All that rage and belief; it'd take so much time and effort to undo it. I know I shouldn't but...he came so far...and I wanna see more of it. I can make him want to fight me forever...

Gogeta's lips slowly rose into a cocky smirk, his narrowed glare trained on Ultraman and the dual voice loudly ringing out over the destruction.

"All of this...because you failed to stop me. You should've fought me seriously from the start; maybe then, people wouldn't have had to die."

He slowly turned on his heel, walking a couple of steps away, before glancing over his shoulder with a strong glare.

"Stay down...hero. Mercy doesn't come by often."

Gogeta turned his head back up, rising up into the air slowly and glancing around the area.

Now where is she?
Cuki’s Apartment

Panich was nearly at the throats of the other again before Spina appeared before her. She glared intensely as he let her prey get away from her, but refocused her mind on the older Saiyan. After all, taking out the strongest Breaker would be a crucial part of the mission. "I figured you wouldn't be down for the count so easily. You're not weak like the others." She scoffed, placing a had on her hip as her piercing eyes stared down Spina. "Yes, let's have a spectacular fight before your inevitable defeat."

Without another moment of hesitation, Panich was above Spina, the large arms she created forming a closed fist hammer and bringing it down on top of the older Saiyan's head.
Reality Metropolis

What remained of the skyscraper and rubble disintegrated away in the wake of Gogeta's devastating attack, leaving a now-unconscious Bernkastel buried in a pile of ash and gravel. She breathed shallowly, unaware of what went on above her as she blacked out.

Did we... win...?

She 'awoke' in a dimly-lit room on a large and soft bed with sweets littering the bedsheets. Someone had been eating haphazardly and left snacks around carelessly.

"Aww, is it over already?! We were just getting warmed up! Why is it always ugly musclebound freaks trying to beat up my Bern?! That should've been ME using you like a battering ram! Booo!" Called out a shrill female voice. It caused her to look over and see there was a blonde girl dressed in pink laying down on her stomach, eating handfuls of popcorn looking at what seemed like a projection of the fight.

"... Lambda? What are you doing here? ...Am I dead?" Bernkastel asked.

Lambdadelta turned her head and answered casually, plopping down beside the witch. "Nah. You passed out after getting whalloped. It was fun to watch while it lasted though, I never thought I'd ever see a witch fight without magic! What were you thinking going up against a guy like that, you dumb kid?!" She scolded. Even though this was just a dream, the resemblance to the real Lambda was uncanny.

Bernkastel was unable to meet her gaze directly. "At first, I was just testing him, but when I got the results I wanted, it made me start wanting to see if... I could change too. I wanted proof that my resolve wasn't weak. But I lost anyway."

Lambdadelta continued eating popcorn placidly as Bernkastel spoke to her. "Yeah, I know all that since I'm living rent-free inside your head. But that isn't what I'm here for." Lambda picked up a jellybean and tossed it into her mouth. "You think you didn't change. I'm here to talk about that."

"I lost even though I fought all I could. There's no next world I can try again with... if I'm turned into a coin, then the power of miracles goes to her and it would all be over--"

"So you've given up because you won't get a 'reset'?" Lambdadelta frowned at her sternly. "Everyone else understands that they only have one world, and regardless of how immortality works here, they'll fight to achieve whatever it is they desire in this life."

"But unlike them, I don't have anyone or anything to fight for. You're gone and nothing I do will change that."

"...Can you say it in *red* that you absolutely can't bring me back?"

"... No. It doesn't work like that."

"If you have not arrived at the truth, then stop talking in absolutes before me." Lambda said sternly. "Whis is working himself to the bone trying to help you get me back. Probably because he knows that you guys aren't living very fulfilling lives. Why do you think he showed himself today?"

"..." Bern scratched her cheek in uncertainty.

"It isn't selfish for people to want to bring back their loved ones. But if you find other things to fight for on the way, then you don't have to rely on one wish to achieve happiness. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Lambdadelta asked. "You want to understand how to have a heart again in exchange for showing Gogeta a new mindset that can grant him new heights. Maybe that was enough for Whis to continue his search of that truth for you. You'll have your hands full carrying responsibility for Gogeta and the weight from granting the first wish so that will be the reward of your efforts. But I want you to promise me something."


"I want you to keep fighting for their future and yours no matter what. If the truth denies your wish, keep on the path to understanding what it means to have a heart. Cruelty doesn't always have to be the answer for your pain." Lambdadelta smiled. "You don't have to be a hero or a villain. Just be you."

"... I promise. Lambda?"


"Why did you get erased instead of me?"

"I can't answer that since I'm not really her. Ask me when I come back to you." Lambdadelta smiled. "My parting advice is that you've got a long road ahead of you. Maybe pain is better than numbness if it means your mind won't think you're still trapped in that loop pf delusions." She got off of the bed and Bernkastel watched her walk away into the shadows of the room, her figure being swallowed by the inky darkness as her voice echoed.

"You're leaving?" Bernkastel reached out an arm limply beckoning her to stay.

"I'll be free from that hell for a while now, so you should worry about yourself more now that I'm gone. Start having faith in people again-- the past can't be rewritten in this world, but the future is infinite as long as you believe you can get them there. It isn't easy being Dante's Virgil but I got pretty far with you, so be your own miracle, Bern, and the rest will come easy. You won't need my certainty to do it... be the best damn wild-card miracle there is. Even if it means you'll have to crush the illusions people twisted into their truths."

Bernkastel groaned quietly in her sleep. "Lambda..." the shreds of her dress skirt ruffled like a lonely flag in the wind.
Cuki’s Apartment 

Spina turned his head to the right slightly. “That’s fine, Cross. Now go, and tread carefully. We still don’t know the capabilities of other Vortex Coins in their possession.” His eyes sharpened when Panich dashed forward, leaping overhead with a powerful strike. Smiling due to the anticipation of a battle, Spina took the attack head-on, with cracks beneath him to showcase the strength Panich had displayed. Yet, Spina immediately went for a counterattack, throwing a right hook against the Princess’ stomach, making the cracks beneath them more apparent.

The shockwave from both of their punches flung all debris from the apartment complex outward. The power of two Super Saiyan 4s clashing—Spina realized this was the first, actual time he fought a true, pure Saiyan. Spina pulled back his right punch from the initial hit and quickly kick her away to create distance between them.

“I’ll hold nothing back. Better ensure that resolve of yours is stronger than mines.” Spina boasted as blue energy formed into a left arm on his body. He extended both of his arms forward, pulled them behind his back, then made a battle stance. His left foot forward, with his right foot paralleling it. This stance differs from his initial ones—Spina was ready to go all out.

“Don’t disappoint me, Saiyan!” Spina dashed forward, slamming against Panich with a shoulder tackle—instantly tearing the terrain around them apart. He quickly ran around, increasing his speed for a short burst to appear behind her. “24 Orbs!” Spina shouted as multi-color orbs appeared around the Saiyan, launching 5 of them towards Panich’s direction.

Valley of the Black Crystals

Hart got struck by the rock as Cuki went into her rant against her. However, Hart’s eyes narrowed in anger on that audacity that she compared her to the Breakers. A bruise presenting on her forehead, Hart shouted at the top of her lungs, as the spirits around her join in.

“Fuck you. Don’t act like you have any damn standing. I’ve done more to find ways to deal with this mess than you have ever done. Your preaching means nothing to me. Actions speaks louder than words—and so far, you are all talk.” Hart shouted. “YOU failed. I will succeed, and THEY are necessary sacrifices to achieved not just to help me, BUT ALL ALTERS beings. What. Have. You. Done?! Perhaps you were just pathetically weak to make much of a difference. But NOT I. I CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. By Showing them the brutal reality—you need to do wrong to do right.” Hart smiles with glee, baring her teeth. “Don’t lump me with freaks like them. YOU belong there.”

Lucifer remained silent as the two resulted in a shouting match, covering his ears, carefully examining Cuki’s movements towards the Black Crystals. “May word, this is getting a little bit heated, right?”

Hart’s eyes widened, turning her head to the direction where Bernkastel and Gogeta were located. “I aim for the greater good, and those that fall to my plans, I will make it my ambition to bring them back.” She clenched her hands. “Starting by giving Reality Metropolis a gift you will never provide!”

Reality Metropolis

Ultraman lay there as his eyes slowly lose colors, seeing the burning destruction of the entire city. Rears rolled down his cheeks, seeing the city innocent from the battle—they were attempting to escape, cheer them on, and yet, they were simply used as tools to push the limits. Seconds passed; his eyes became completely dull.


A sudden gripe on tightened on Gogeta’s leg. Without making a sound, the Kryptonian’s body flare into life. His eyes, bursting with energy, stared at the fused warrior with disdain the warrior. 

“You’re right. Had I fought you vigorously, from before and now, none of the city will be in peril. None of them would’ve turned into Coins. And none of them will face ruin. I accept that responsibility.” Ultraman’s body took more apparent approach of his initial change, finally reaching stabilization—the V logo became more apparent on his chest. Energy particles emerge around him—flaring in vivid colors. He slammed the fusion back towards the ground with full intention of his strength. But the damage was present on his back.

“But you. You don’t have any remorse for your action.” The Kryptonian walked towards Gogeta and raise his foot in the air. “You don’t have any empathy of what you done. You got a good fight, right? You don’t care about mercy nor holding back. They’re insignificant as long you get a kick out of it.”

The Kryptonian slammed his foot against Gogeta’s chest, shattering the ground beneath him. “The deaths of these people are not solely on me—it’s your willingness to treat them as pawn just to further your own desires.” Rising his feet again and slammed against the fusion’s chest once more.

“Anyone that gets in the way, they’re just ants to you, right?” Another strike to Gogeta’s chest. The Kryptonian turned his sight towards Bernkastel and raised his hand. A surge of energy engulfed around the Witch, and instantly, causing her to vanish in thin air, leaving an explosion behind. “This is fine, right? This is what happens when I failed to take you on “seriously” from the start, right?”

The repeated stomps against the fusion chest, causing them to sink further down, making a gigantic crater as the Kryptonian's power accelerated.




“Evil begins when you treat people as things.” The Kryptonian uttered, slamming against Gogeta’s chest one last time, his eyes narrowed. The energy overflowing in his body—the incredible strength he displayed was enormous. “You may see them as good intention, but in the name of violence, good is temporary—evil is permanent.”

Seconds later, Bernkastel appeared above Lucifer, Cuki and Hart in the sky, causing her to fall towards the ground.

Hart narrowed her eyes. "And there she is, the Queen Bee of this group."
Cross says "That a given Spina." Cross teleports with Bara and Brachi to Bernkestle's location.
Both Brachi and Bara looked around, with Brachi having the foresight to drop back to base form before the teleportation took place to conserve her energy, lest it would affect the area they would appear in.
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