The Reality Vortex: New Roads

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Gogeta's eyes widened to the brim once Ultraman's fist slammed into his stomach, the fusion instantly collapsing onto his knees and toppling forward. He barely even cringed in pain, his eyes losing focus and laying sprawled out from the intense move that knocked him flat on his stomach.

The fusion laid still on his stomach, the wisps of the fire and crumbling buildings the only sound for a few moments from where he laid. His ears barely picked up on the sound of boots lightly tapping along the cement, his dazed eyes lifting a bit at the sound of someone whistling lightly in front of him. Standing a few feet away, Clark Kent slowly kneeled down on both feet, crouching in front of Gogeta with a small, half smirk.

"That was a good fight."

Gogeta coughed, a bit of a chuckle escaping his mouth.

"Yeah...he really got me good, didn't he?"

Clark Kent kept his smirk, glancing to the side.

"He did. He got much stronger; you and the Witch pushed him to incredible heights. It made me even want to fight him a little bit."

Gogeta peered up at Clark, raising his right eyebrow.

"So, you're a fighter too then?"

Clark nodded, reaching out slowly with his right hand.

"Yes...but there's no time for that. Your friends need you; I can get you up and moving but you won’t be at full strength.”

Gogeta blinked, his dazed stare still turning up.


Clark narrowed his eyes, a small glow beginning to shine around Gogeta’s entire body. Gogeta gasped lightly, glancing around to see what was happening as Clark spoke.

“I’m guiding your energy for you. Using it, I’m simply repairing your broken bones and undoing some of the damage from the fight. It won’t be much...but at least this way, you can help the Breakers take the Coin Hunter down.”

Gogeta frowned a bit, his eyebrow raised in confusion.

“Are you gonna help too?”

Clark lifted his lips back up into a small smile, slowly pulling his hand back. The energy faded away around Gogeta’s body while Clark spoke.

“This isn’t my fight. There’s so much at stake here; as much as I want to, I can’t. Not yet anyway.”

Gogeta grunted, pushing himself slightly off the ground and reaching up, grasping onto Clark’s outstretched hand. The fusion panted, his eyes lifting up and staring Clark down through his lenses.

“Ok then, can you at least take me to them?”

Clark Kent nodded curtly, keeping his smile.

“Of course. But before we go, I have to warn you: stay away from the black crystals. Nothing good will come from them, ok?”

Gogeta paused, his confused stare returning as he warily nodded in reply.

“Ok...I’ll avoid them.”

He then suddenly squinted, leaning a bit closer.

“Hey, you do look really familiar. Have we met before?”
Cuki's Apartment

As the power consumed the Saiyan Princess, she seemed to completely stop blocking his attacks, letting the punches land and be thrown back a bit. As the hammer fist came down on her, she managed to grab hold with her larger arms. The force of the blow forced her down to the ground, creating a large crater under her. Panich chuckled, digging the boney claws into Spina's fist and twirling him around with her body at a rapid speed. A vortex of wind began to form around them before the crazed Saiyan released her grip throwing the older into a few buildings.

As he flew through the concrete she appeared behind Spina, using a double kick to force him into the sky. "What's wrong? Is that really the best you can give me!?" Panich snarled, as she bolted up into the air using a headbutt to force him high above the clouds. "Don't tell me you've always been this pathetic!"
The witch could say nothing in retort as she flinched in pain under Hart's foot. Bernkastel didn't understand fully what the woman meant by her words but if Ultraman was anything to go by, she had a bone to pick with her that was enough to orchestrate everything from the beginning.

Not the first time I heard someone declare their hatred of me... they should be running far away to wherever is safe from you. But they're hot-blooded and stubborn, She thought. They would rather die than back down-- running away isn't an option.

In a way, it was her fault things ended up the way they did. Granting a wish to bring Doom straight to them was only for the sake of seeing what would happen. She thought it would be more entertaining since she couldn't escape the Vortex; the Tools were also something she would have liked to have for herself. Of course, she did not foresee any of what unraveled before it occurred. Maybe it took being beaten within inches of her life to understand it, but she understood that by pulling the strings of fate to fight for those tools, she strung all their lives and futures along with it. Sticking around to watch them struggle under this enemy wasn't taking enough responsibility-- she had to carry that weight to its full extent.

If the others are still alive, then we can put up a fight. Cross mentioned something about her Gauntlet, but I can hardly remember... Bernkastel could not see into the distance, but it seemed herself and Cuki were the only ones able to fight Hart if Lucifer could be knocked aside so easily. As it was now, dividing her artention to catch her off guard was slim. The crystals also seemed like a hazard. Bern slowly rose to a wobbling stance that looked she could fall back down any moment one movement at a time. We have to buy them time to get here and put that intel to good use. I have to have faith in them!

"It's true... apathy is my greatest sin for fueling my complete indifference to life. The past can't be changed but what I choose in the present can change the future." She wiped blood off her face with a sleeve before putting her fists up in a shabby stance. Bern's short rest wasn't enough to manifest her magic, but there was also the sensation that something was interfering with it. "Your will is strong, yet that alone can't stomp out the Breakers' future if we push back with our own. As their lone ally of miracles... I'll be sure to secure that for them!"

With a war cry, she took off running straight at Hart, ducking under Cuki to drive her elbow into the huntress's torso as part of a full-body tackle from the opposite side. "And this is for striking the only elite chef who tolerates my picky eating! Maybe after this, she can slice up those cow tits of yours and make sandwiches with them!"
Valley of the Black Crystals

Putting all her focus on stomping Bernkastel through the dirt, Hart didn’t react to the punch fast enough and took the full force of it. Hart cringed as her head whipped to the opposite side, as her torso got the full tackle from Bernkastel.
Hart gritted her teeth as she counterattack by grabbing their faces. “Don’t twist my motives to justify your shortcomings.” A surge of lightning emitted from her hands, sending high voltage of electricity upon them. She pushed them back, letting out her war cry in return—a cry of thousands of voices can be heard from her. “Come at me and stop if you can Breakers! I won’t stop until Bernkastel is dead under my feet!” She crossed her hands together as rainbow aura flourished around her. “I Hart Kimber, a being where Power Rangers protect the innocence in my world—and in this world, I, no… WE, shall protect the innocence from you!”


Grand Boss Battle: Hart Kimber, The Coin Hunter!
Survival: 75%
Tools: 48 Vortex Coins! Hart has obtained 48 different Vortex Coins! Watch out as she goes through multiple abilities in rapid succession!
Ability: Comes from the Power Rangers Universe!! She is a collection of them and access to all their abilities!!
Weakness: Coin Activation takes time. Using more than one coin will increased the chance of the Gauntlet to fail!
Status: The Black Crystals emits intense pressure on the battlefield! Healing and Teleportation is disabled! Be careful! Destroying the Black Crystals will result an powerful explosion and risk becoming a Vortex Coin!


She raised her arms in the air. “Shoulder Towers!” Two tall towers rose up from the ground underneath them, carefully avoiding the Black Crystals. The towers surging with energy had cannons within them, all locking at Cuki, Bernkastel and Lucifer, firing massive projectiles in their direction.

Lucifer narrowed his eyes and jumped in front of the two. The small angel crossed his arms, uttering a phrase. “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds… Protection!” A giant shield form in front of them to take the incoming projectiles. “This won’t hold for all. Hart is an Alter being, and all the Coin Hunters is a part of her—I assumed she was able to summon clones and have them scout out.” Lucifer explained. “It seems that she has some personal beef with you for using her world as tools of war against Doom.” A cracked appeared on the tip of the shield. “Alter…beings are those when a single person combined with the rest of the inhabitants of their world, resulting in that state.”

“This won’t be enough to take them down, I’ll have to take drastic measures.” Hart thought to herself as a helmet formed around her, twirling her fingers as debris around Cuki, Lucifer and Bernkastel began to levitate from the ground.

Reality Metropolis

“Hmm, I see.” Detective Goku observed the city in its destruction. “Several hundred Vortex Coins, but many people managed to get evacuated through various means.” He wrote down in his notes. “City in complete ruin. The possibility for rebuilding will cost quite a bit. That’s another thing down.” The Detective turned towards Gogeta and another stranger talking among themselves.

“The Captain did finally agree to allow me to enact justice now as he recovers from his injuries.” Detective Goku’s speed was unseen—it made no noise; his presence went unnoticed. One second, he was walking towards the two for a few steps, and the next, the Detective had his hand on Gogeta’s shoulder from behind.

A tremendous amount of power displayed from Goku’s grasp, easily shattering the ground around them. “You don’t mind me stepping in, don’t you? Course you don’t.” The Detective’s tone wasn’t malicious, but rather serious. There no playfulness in his threat—and the firm gripe Goku had on his shoulders force the fusion’s feet to dig within the ground. “I have a warrant for your arrest. You won’t be going anywhere.”

Cuki’s Apartment

Spina gritted as he hurled above the clouds. Recovering after the powerful attacks unleashed on him, the old Saiyan roared. “I’ll show you how dangerous I can be, Panich!” The 19 orbs launched in the sky had greatly expanded due to the duration, and twirl around the crazed Saiyan. It smashed against her from repeated direction in rapid speeds. Wiping the blood from his face, he extended his left arm, pouring energy within in to expand its size dramatically. He pulled his arm back as his left hand balled into a fist. “Rising Protostar.” A venomous tone uttered from Spina as he launched it with all his might.

The fist covered the distance between the two rapidly, slamming against Panich towards the ground. The impact vaporized all the debris around the area, leaving a gigantic imprint of Spina’s fist on the ground. He lifted his fist up, only to immediately start smashing against the ground multiple times—each strike left a violent explosion upon impact. The orbs returned around Spina and gaining more energy by the second, slowly merging together as it orbited around his right hand.

"Come on, Panich! Show me your violence! Show me you have what it takes!!!" Spina roared.
Cross says as dolls start appearing around him "Ok and before you ask about the dolls are because more than one ideation became one with me thanks one the rule changes." Cross moves with the group.

The refuge camp

A woman says "is there any thing we can do to help?" Another woman with Cross Crest says "We are look for help with setting up tents for people to sleep/medical." The woman thanked her and left to help set up tents.
Cuki took the massive electrical attack, holding back her pained scream as much as she could. Cuki fell to her knees, gasping in pain while Hart summoned the towers. She barely had time to react when the cannons fired and braced for whatever was to happen until she noticed Lucifer place a magical shield in front of them to block the attack. As Cuki listened to the Fallen Angel, her mind seemed to race elsewhere. Everything Hart said, albeit true, was twisted. She understood well what Hart was going on about but did not agree that she was dragged into a mess she did not participate in.

She wants to take us down for actions that we weren't even aware of... Cuki thought silently as a white mist began to mysteriously emit from her body as well as a white aura. Her problem is with Bernkastel, so why am I fighting? Why am I caught in this mess? Why should I die..?!

Cuki's small body burst with the familiar power she demonstrated during the Doom fight. Cuki's face showed pure animosity as she continued to think about Hart's difficulties and how she pinned them on the Breakers. She grew angrier, realizing it had little to do with her on a personal scale. All her pain and stress, in a way, was caused by Hart. By this point, Cuki's mind was only fixed on one thing and it was stopping Hart, not out of necessity but out of spite.

"I did nothing to you yet you ignore that and pull me into the pathetic qualm you have with Bernkastel..." Cuki's voice was low as she lowered her head. Her hands balled into fists as her body shook. "I saved your pathetic life but you ignore that in order to get back at Bernkastel, not me..!"

Finally, the surge of energy coming from Cuki sent a shockwave across the Valley. It did not hurt the crystals but shook the area nearby slightly. Cuki turned her head up to face Hart. She had tears rolling down her cheeks despite being so furious. The mental strain was so much for her to bear that Cuki was literally losing her mind. 

"You dragged me into a mess I was never supposed to be in! You lump me with the others as if I'm a plague! You punish me for something I never did!" Cuki let out a loud scream of emotional agony that echoed throughout the Crystals. "If you want Bernkastel so bad, then take her but leave me alone!!!"

Cuki rushed to Hart, shoving Bernkastel out of her way while two metallic spikes came out of her palms. Without a doubt, Cuki had completely lost her mind and was willing to go against her motives and beliefs. Cuki mindlessly rushed into the cannon fire, dodging a few as she got closer to Hart. She finally made it close enough to Hart where she pulled back her arm and aimed her metallic spike towards Hart's chest. It was clear that Cuki was holding nothing back in her fit. Her mind was broken and so were her beliefs. Cuki was not holding back. The young girl was out to kill Hart, even if it turns her to a coin.

As Zenta followed Cross and Brachi, he felt a shiver go down his spine and to his tails. The sensation of the Black Crystals seemed to make him unease as he gracefully avoided touching any as Cross told him to. He wondered what happened over the years but knew this was not the time to ask questions. However, in the middle of his thinking, he felt his ears perk at the sound of someone screaming. He was still unable to sense energy just yet but his hearing was still on point.

"Did you two hear that?" Zenta said as he tilted his head in the direction where it came from. "That scream... It could be the others."
Reality Metropolis

Gogeta blinked only for a moment upon feeling Detective Goku's grip on his shoulder. He cried out in pain suddenly, reaching up and trying to pry off the hand pushing him down a bit into the ground. He grimaced, twitching in the awkward position he was stuck in being unable to kneel down. Clark Kent turned his eyes up to the detective, his smile as warm as before his entrance.

"Ah, detective, I was wondering when you were going to make your move."

Clark crossed his arms slowly behind his back.

"I don't suppose I could talk you into waiting a few more minutes to arrest him? Hart needs to be stopped, and Gogeta could lend valuable support to the ones currently fighting her."
Brachi's eyes narrowed.

"It looks like a fight is going on. We must hurry!" Brachi said, increasing her movement speed.

"Can't we just go there using your teleportation?" Bara asked.

"No, somehow these crystals interfere with my energy sensing abilities... remember that I need to have a stable and strong energy signature to lock onto when preparing Instant Transmission, so whatever is around here is not giving me that specific target signature, thus we have to take the proverbial 'scenic route' to get there." Brachi replied.

Bara nodded, understanding Brachi's point.

"I only hope we can finish this quick enough; this whole time period is a big mess I want to get out of so I can hopefully pay off my debts..." Brachi then muttered.
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